Chapter 43

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(Readers POV)

(Y/N): Alright guys. The train is about to leave.

Everyone didn't look that excited to be on a train.

(Y/N): Come on, the ride won't be that long. It's only to Atlas. Make sure that you have your stuff.

I was making sure that I had my stuff. I felt a tug on my pant leg. I looked down to see a little kid holding an All Might action figure. A woman ran up and picked him up.

Woman: I'm sure for him bothering you.

(Y/N): It's fine.

Kid: All Might.

The kid pointed at me and I smiled.

Kid: You are my favorite hero.

(Y/N): Thank you, little guy.

Woman: You are All Might. I'm so sorry about what happened at Haven.

(Y/N): You don't need to be sorry. I was just doing my job as a huntsman and protecting the world. Remember little buddy, you have to go plus ultra.

The kid gave me a fist bump and he nodded. The woman and her kid left.

(Y/N): It's good to see everyone is still worried about me.

Ruby walked up to me and hugged me.

Ruby: Well of course people are worried for you. You will go down in Remnant history as the best huntsman.

I smiled at Ruby and ruffled her hair.

(Y/N): Thanks for the compliment. We should be going now.

Ruby agreed with me and we all boarded the train.

(Time skip)

I was resting in my room. Some Grimm decided to attack the train. So everyone else went out to deal with them. If I went with them, I would just get in the way.

(Y/N): I'm just an old man now.

Something about that didn't sit right with me. I still want to help people. I don't want to stop helping, but what can I do?

(Y/N): All I can do is hope that everything turns out ok.

I got up and walked out to the main area, where a lot of people can just sit around and talk. I got a bottle of water and sat down at one of the seats. Many of the people were a little worried about the Grimm attack and rightfully so. I looked out the window and saw a Grimm flying into some nearby trees.

(Y/N):"Looks like they are doing just fine."

I took a drink from my bottle and some kids walked up to me.

Kid 1: See? It is All Might!

Kid 2: I thought you were lying.

(Y/N): Hey there. Did you need anything?

Kid 3: We are looking for autographs. If you don't mind?

(Y/N): Of course.

They handed me some All Might merchandise and they handed me a marker. I signed there stuff and handed them back.

Kid 1: Thanks All Might!

(Y/N): You're welcome.

The three kids ran off. They showed there stuff to their parents and were saying stuff like 'Plus Ultra.' I smiled and continued to drink my water. The doors opened and the gang walked in and they looked pretty tired.

(Y/N): Hey guys. How was the hunt?

Summer: Very tiring. But we were able to clear them all.

Ruby: They were weird Grimm though. They looked like lions with wings.

I thought about that. Lions with wings? I don't think I ever fought Grimm like that before.

Yang: One of them got a few scratches on my robot arm, but they were cake walk.

Nora: Oh yeah. I have to test the strength of that new arm of yours.

Yang: You want to go?

Nora: Yeah!

Yang and Nora went to the nearest table and started to arm wrestle.

Nora: It definitely feels like the original.

Yang: Yeah? Well, it does come with a few new features.

Yang suddenly shot her arm out and the sudden force sent Nora into the nearest wall.

Nora: Was that supposed to happen?!

She threw Yang's arm scared and Yang was able to catch it. She was laughing as she putted her arm back on.

Ren: They really shouldn't be so loud. They are going to bother the other passengers.

Jaune: Do you expect anything else from those two?

Weiss: I guess it can't be helped.

We heard a sudden shriek. I looked out the window to see a giant Grimm. It looked like the same Grimm as the ones Ruby described to me. It was shooting fire out its mouth and was aiming at the cart we were on.

(Y/N): Everyone! Evacuate to the next cart!

Everyone got up and started to leave the cart.

Blake: What are we going to do?

I looked out the window again and I saw that the train was about to go into a cave. The Grimm fired at the cart right before it enter the cave and we derailed. The cart fell into the snowy ground below. I got up and made sure that everyone was ok. I got outside and saw that the Grimm that attacked us left. Everyone else got outside and looked around.

Oscar: We did that Grimm attack us just to leave?

Jaune: What are we going to do now?

I saw that someone else stumbled out the cart. It was a short old lady that wore a cloak that was a dark blue color. She also had these Atlas looking tech glasses on her face. I ran up to see if she was ok.

(Y/N): Are you ok?

Maria: Don't worry, symbol of peace. I maybe old but I'm still fine by myself. My name is Maria.

I looked over to see Yang trying to get her bike out of the snow.

(Y/N): You brought your motorbike?!

She started to get more and more anger.

(Y/N): Are you ok?

Yang: No! We get attacked and lost our transportation! The symbol of peace is a skeleton now! And we have to watch some defenseless old lady now!

Maria walked up to Yang and smacked her on the head with the cane she had.

Maria: You really should watch what you say. I'm not defenseless and All Might risked his life back at Haven. You should be more thankful.

Yang rubbed her head and said sorry to Maria and me.

(Y/N): Your fine Yang. Stress can do a lot to people.

I pulled out the Relic of Knowledge.

(Y/N): It feels like ever since we got this. More Grimm have been attacking us.

Summer: Maybe it's just your imagination.

Maybe she's right. I may just be over thinking things.

Ruby: What makes the Relic of Knowledge so special?

(Y/N): Well, you can ask three questions and it will answer the question with nothing but the truth. Ozpin told me that the three questions have already been used. So we have to wait one hundred years for them to recharge.

Ruby: One hundred?! We are all going to be dead by that time!

Blake: Who do you use it?

(Y/N): I don't know. Ozpin never told me that. I wonder why?

I looked over to see Oscar holding his head in pain.

(Y/N): Oscar! Are you ok?

Oscar: It's Ozpin. He's trying to take control.

Why would Ozpin need to control Oscar now.

Oscar: You have to say her name. Jinn.

I looked at Oscar confused. He pointed at the Relic. I looked at it and I said the name.

(Y/N): Jinn.

The snow falling down from the sky started to slow down until they stopped completely. The Relic started to glow blue as blue mist started to come out of the Relic. A figure started to form. It was a female with blue skin. Gold accessories started to form around her. She stretched and looked at all of us.

Jinn: Did someone call me?

(Chapter 43 end)

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