Chapter 11 - David vs. Corbin Part 1

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Madalyn's P.O.V.

Madalyn: Who cares about him anyway! Let that poser leave, I didn't need him before and I don't need him now!

I stormed into my room, slamming the door behind me. I tossed my tablet and Davids T-launcher towards my desk and I just let myself collapse back first on to my bed. Optimus's hologram appeared on my desk and he looked at Davids launcher, then back at me. I rolled onto my stomach and buried my head in my pillow. My voice was almost blocked off by the pillow but Optimus could still hear me.

Madalyn: Ugh, who am I kidding?!

Optimus: You brought this upon yourself Madalyn. Maybe it's you who isn't a team player.

I sat up from my pillow and faced the Prime. He had his arms crossed like he always does when he's upset with me about something. I could see the disappointment and control in his optics.

Madalyn: Oh great! I guess now your taking his side?

Optimus: I'm not taking anyones side! I'm just concerned about the way you been acting towards your companions. I have seen you lose your cool before but this time it's different. This ain't like you Madalyn.

I looked away from Optimus and glanced at David's T-Launcher. I let out a sigh as I closed my eyes and let my head down.

Optimus: You must admit Madalyn, you haven't been a very good friend lately.

Madalyn: Yeah, I guess your right Optimus.

I thought about this for a moment as the pieces started coming together in my mind.

Madalyn: What was I thinking?! I am such a idiot!

I growled in frustration as I grabbed the bed covers and hoisted them over me.

Optimus: Humans......


Emanuel's P.O.V.

Emanuel: Ugh that Maddie! Who does she think she is anyway?!

I was in my room blowing off some steam by punching my pillow repeatedly. Predaking was in his hologram form on my desk watching me.

(Quick note about Predaking before I continue! In this series, the characters are based off of G1. For now I am using Predaking's G1 design and then later in the series he will receive his Beast Hunters design. How he gets it, is for you to find out for yourselves :3)

Emanuel: She's nothing but a big baby!

Predaking: I feel that your frustrations Emanuel will not further your emotional journey. And as an observer I--

I couldn't stand to hear Predaking talk right now. I picked up my pillow and threw it at his hologram. The pillow landed on the desk with a 'THUD' as Predaking's hologram vanished. He then reappeared on top of the pillow rubbing his back in pain.

Emanuel: Stay out of my business Predaking!


Selina's P.O.V.

I was alone sitting on my bed in my room with the lights turned off. I was under the covers of my bed letting out a few tears. I turned on my Transformers Tablet and brought up a picture of Bumblebee and his stats.

Tablet: Autobot Bumblebee sent to Cybertronian Underworld.

Selina: Bumblebee I miss you so much!

At this point I was just completely crying my eyes off. I face planted on my mattress and let the covers slowly fall on top of me.

Selina: Why did you have to go?!


David's P.O.V.

Grimlock: I'm afraid that David feels the same way that everyone else has been feeling and acting lately. None of you could ever defeat Chaos Bringer. That is why he has left Iestyn. He now feels that its up to him to rescue all the Transformers.

Iestyn: But David!

David: Its the only way to win Iestyn. And if I can't defeat Chaos Bringer, everything is lost. For some reason I feel this is my destiny. From now on, it's my mission to take Chaos Bringer down!

Grimlock: David no!

Iestyn: David, bro just hear me out! You can't do this. You can't beat him all by yourself, you need your friends and they need you. You all need to work together as a team!

David: I work alone.

???: Well, well, if it isn't Mr. Tough guy himself!

Me and Iestyn looked up at one of the statues of the park near the fountain to see Corbin standing on the shoulder of a big statue of a knight.

Corbin: I heard everything! You think you really have a chance at defeating Chaos Bringer? Heh, heh, heh, your a regular comedian David! I love it! Ha, ha, ha, ha! Just one thing though, you gotta beat me first.

He jumped down from the statue and landed a few feet away from me and Iestyn. He let out a smirk on his face as he brought out his tablet.

Corbin: Aw, is the little baby scared to battle? I won't hurt you, I'm just going to eliminate your Dinobots! See? Check out my stats! I'm near your rank David.

Tablet: David ranked in top 10. No other data available.

Corbin: The only reason you won our last battle was because you got lucky that's all. I want revenge for that day. And the only way I can get it is if we battle. So just forget out Chaos Bringer! So what do you say? You ready to rumble in the jungle? Please? Please?!

David: Why don't you go get lost kid.

Corbin: Excuse me?! Are you brushing me off because you think I'm a weak link? Well let me tell you, the only reason I lost to you is because I was teamed up with Zach who was completely useless!

Iestyn: Hey! Leave him alone!

Corbin: That guy couldn't fight his way out of a paper bag!

All of a sudden something snapped in my mind when he started talking trash about his former partner. I couldn't let him get away with that remark.

David: So does Zach talk trash behind your back like you do about him?

Corbin: Stop it! This is totally ridiculous! I don't care what Zach says about me! I just want to battle you! Can't you get it through that thick head of yours?!

David: You don't need friends? You think you can do this all by yourself? Hmm, sounds interesting.

Iestyn looked at me in shock as I brought out my black battle gloves and put them on.

David: Alright kid, I accept your challenge.

Iestyn & Grimlock: No David!

Corbin: Heh, heh, heh, this is going to be fun!

David & Corbin: Ground Bridge! Open!

The both of us activated our tablets and a flash of white light surrounded us. A pair of the Dinobot insignia circled around us at our feet as the light grew brighter and time came to a stand still. Me, Corbin, and Iestyn were then transported to the colour dimension and began the battle.

Corbin: Doom card! Set!

Corbin threw the doom card to the floor of the battlefield and the card sank down though it. Purple shockwaves spread themselves across the floor of the battle, indicating that the doom card was activated.

David & Corbin: Game card! Set!

We each threw in one game card each. The two cards glowed and grew 20 times in size.

Corbin: This time your going down David.

David: I don't think so.

Corbin: Excuse me?

David: I know all of your little tricks, so there's no way you can beat me! Dinobots! Roar!

I threw in my second card into the battlefield, landing right next to my first one. Followed by that, I threw in my first Dinobot card into the battlefield.

David: Swoop! Transform!

The card glowed as the Dinobot flew out of the card and transformed into its robot mode.

Corbin: Ha! If you think that poor excuse for a Dinobot will help you, then you've got another thing coming. Game card set!

Corbin threw in his second game card into the battlefield as well, landing next to his first one. I'm beginning to sense a pattern here.

Corbin: Dinobots! Roar!

Corbin then threw in his first Dinobot card into the battlefield, landing on Swoops gamecard. It was a golden and white long neck Dinosaur.

Corbin: Sludge! Transform!

The card glowed and the Dinobot marched out of the card and transformed into his robot mode.

Corbin: No turning back now chump!

David: Game card open! Additional task!

The game card activated and it transformed the battlefield into a jungle. The ground below Sludge turned yellow and a burst of lava shot out of the ground, striking the opposing Dinobot. Sludge was launched into the air as he glowed back into his card form and returned to Corbin in defeat.

Corbin: What the?!

David: You don't have what it takes to play in the big leagues!

Corbin: This ain't over yet!

Iestyn: Sorry but David is right. His additional task ability forces the defeated Transformer to go directly back to its player when in battle.

Corbin: You just got lucky! Dinobots, roar!

Corbin threw in his second Dinobot card into the battlefield. He had his very own Swoop. The card glowed and the flying Dinobot flew out of his card and transformed into his robot mode.

Corbin: Lets see how you like it when you get a taste of your own medicine. Attack your doppelgänger Swoop!

David: Not quite, ability card activate! Blown away!

I threw the ability card into the air and it formed a protective wind shield in front of my Swoop and the wind pushed back Corbins Swoop. The opposing Swoop was blown away and landed on the game card next to the active game card.

Corbin: Hey! I didn't get a chance to battle! At least let me make a move?

David: I told you before, a game is made, and this one is out of your league!


Madalyn: Come on David! Are you going to battle or not?!


Iestyn: Its your move David.

David: Dinobots! Roar!

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