Chapter 12 - David vs. Corbin Part 2

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David's P.O.V.

I threw in my second Dinobot card into the battlefield. It was a red, white, and gold Triceratops with glowing red optics.

David: Slug! Transform!

The card glowed and the dinobot charged out of the card and transformed into its robot mode. 

Corbin: A Tricreatops? You gotta be kidding me here! 

Tablet: Dinobot Slug attack level 2672.

David: *Thinking* Ok his moves are limited. Even if he does attack, I could always counter with my triple chain reaction.

Corbin: I say it's about time we show this Mr. Big shot how this game is really played. Dinobots! Roar!

Corbin threw back in his Sludge into the battlefield landing on the game card Slug was on. The card glowed and the Dinobot marched out into the field and transformed into his robot mode. 

Corbin: Game card open! 

The card card activated and it transformed the battlefield into a forest that was in the middle of a hurricane. 

Tablet: Dinobot Sludge attack level increased to 4300. Dinobot Slug attack level increased to 4200. 

Corbin: Now it's your turn to lose. Ability card activate! Solar Eclipse! 

The sun changed to a dark purple colour and purple sparkles trinkled down from ths sky falling all over the game card. 

Tablet: Game card failure. Dinobots attack level reduced to original stats. Dinobot Slug losses an additional 500 points.

Corbin: So him what you got Sludge!

Sludge punched his fists together as he charged at Slug. He jumped into the air and raised his fists to deliver the blow.

Corbin: Destroy him!

David: Ability card activate! Blown away!

I tossed the ability card at Sludge and he was blown away from Slug. He crashed into Corbin's Swoop and the two Dinobots collapsed to the ground. 

Corbin: You gotta be kidding me? Why can't you play the game like it's suppose to be played?!

David: Game card open! Mind ghost!

My game card that Corbin's Swoop and Sludge were on activated and transformed the battlefield into a thick foggy mist. 

David: Which ever Transformer lands on this card regardless of either side, they both lose.

Then there was an explosion and the two Dinobots went up in flames. The two Dinobots glowed into their card forms and returned to Corbin in defeat. 

Corbin: Not again!

Iestyn: That was awesome David! You didn't even give Corbin one opening to attack you. Now I know why you used to be ranked number one in the world! *thinking* But why the sudden obssesion to ubliterate your opponent?

Corbin: Ugh! How could this have happened?! I'm tired of your ambush stradegies David! From now on, no mercy!

I threw in my next game card into the battlefield, landing on the empty slot that was made from my Mind Ghost game card. I brought out my tablet and Grimlock's hologram appeared on top of the screen.

David: I need you Grimlock. Lets end this. Don't hold back, alright?

Grimlock: I will do what must be done David. 

Grimlock's hologram dissapeared as his card appeared on the screen and I took aim at the battlefield.

David: Dinobots Roar! Grimlock Transform! 

I launched Grimlocks card from my tablet and it landed on the battlefield. It glowed and he marched his way into the battlefield in his dinosaur mode. He let out a loud roar as he transformed into his robot mode. 

Corbin: Go a head and activate your stupid Triple Chain. I ready for it. Here it goes, Dinobots Roar!

Corbin fired in his last Dinobot card. It was a gold and white Spinosauros with red optics. 

Corbin: Strika! Transform!

The card glowed and the Dinobot rushed out of the card and transformed into her robot mode, baring out her sharp claws from her fingers.

Strika: Ha, ha, ha ,ha ,ha ,ha ,ha! Looks like it's my turn to play! Hey Grimlock, your looking good grandpa! But not for long!

Corbin: Ability card activate! Striking Rage!

Strika growled as she transformed back into her dinosaur mode and charged at Slug. She jumped in the air and tackled Slug to the ground. She let out a roar as she but into his arm and ripped Slugs arm off. 

Corbin: One more bite like that and Slug is history!

David: Ability card activate! Blown away! 

Just as Strika was about to take one more bite into Slug, I tossed my ability card at the female Dinobot and she was thrusted off Slug. She flew up in the air and crashed into the last un-activated game card. The force of the impact made her transform back into her robot mode. She looked up to see Grimlock giving her a deadly stare. 

Strika: I was blind sided! Not good!

Corbin: Get back in there Strika! And make it quick!

Grimlock: So how've you've been Strika?

Strika: Don't play cute with me grandpa! This is what happened to me last time, and trust me it won't happen again! 

Strika got back up to her feet and lunged forward at Grimlock, tackling him to the ground. Grimlock grabbed her by the stomach and chucked her off him. 

Grimlock: I have had enough of you Strika!

The two Dinobots clashed weapons with each other and they both got into land to hand combat. 

Corbin: Too bad David, it seems to me like you've played all of your ability cards. And without anymore power I guess there is only one thing left to say. I just whooped your butt David! 

David: Think again Corbin. If your wondering why I don't waste time in battle, its because I'm not willing to lose my Dinobots. It's nothing personal. 

Corbin: Man you are one crazy dude.

Iestyn: David still has one more game card left! 

David: Game card open! Reloaded! 

The game card activated as it transformed the battlefield into a desert. The wind picked up and a sand tornado formed all around us, completely surrounding us.

David: All that power is now drawn towards Grimlock.

Swoop and Slug began glowing and red rays of energy shot themselves out of the two Dinobots as they fired themselves at Grimlock. The Dinobot leader quikcly absorbed all of this power, becoming stronger by the second.

David: Reload is an ability where the game card can increase by the number of Dinobots that's on the field when activated. 

Tablet: Attack level increase detected. Dinobot Grimlock increased to 5600 attack points. 

Corbin: Strika do something!

Strika: Are you nuts?! 

Grimlock transformed into his T-Rex mode and roared at Strika, his optics glowing a devilsh bright red. Strika screamed as Grimlock charged at her and let out his firey breathe. There was an explosion sending Corbin flying back and face planting to the ground. Strika glowed into her card form and quickly followed behind, slowly drifting down to the floor infront of Corbins face. 

Strika: Oh great I think I broke a nail! 

Corbin: No! There's no way I could have lost again! Noooooo!

There was a flash of white light, and the three of us were transported back to the park with time resuming. Corbin got down to his knees and punched the floor with his fists.

Corbin: It must be a dream! How could he have possibly beat me again?! I want a rematch David! You hear me?!

Strika's hologram appeared before Corbin and she looked up at the boy.

Strika: Not to be so forward or anything, but how about maybe we sit out the next battle?

Corbin: Are you crazy?!

Strika: What?!

Corbin: This was all your fault! 

Corbin raised his fist in the air and it looked like he was going to try to punch Strika. I quikcly moved in and grabbed his arm.

David: Let me give you some advice. Practice, and maybe perhaps you should stop blabbering your mouth off before you start another battle. 

I let go of his arm and stepped away as Corbin got back up to his feet.

Corbin: I messed up bad. Didn't I?

David: You can always relie on your friends kid. That's real important.

Corbin: Yeah your right.

David: It's something that I forgot myself. 

Corbin: You mean you left your friends?

David: I never realized it before, but there was one friend inperticular. We were both so passinate about the Transformers, I thought I lost her. 

Iestyn: But why is winning such a big deal to you David? 

Grimlock: His passion because a baren when he battles. It makes him feel alive. 

Corbin: Watching you trying to be so tough made me realize something. You can't do it by yourself. You have to relie on your friends to help. 

???: That was awesome!

The three of us heard the sound of a teenaged female voice. I looked up at the entrance of the park to see Madalyn running towards me and the others. 

Madalyn: There you are!

Iestyn: Maddie!

Madalyn: Hey you guys, where in the world have you been? Hiding?

Optimus's hologram then appeared on Madalyn's shoulder. 

Optimus: I believe young Madalyn has something to tell you David. 

Madalyn: Don't spoil it O.P.! He's right David. I'm sorry for saying we didn't need you. In fact, your probably the one we need the most. Anyway, I don't know if I told you this before but just listen to me for one second. Your the best friend I ever had David.

I watched her pull something out of her jean jacket pocket. It was a gold and white T-Launcher. When I saw it, a memory flashed into my mind. I realized, it was mine.

Madalyn: I really mean it buddy.

Iestyn: How touching!

Madalyn: Come back to us David! Please! 

She extended the T-Launcher towards me as Iestyn placed a hand on my shoulder.

Iestyn: So what do you say David?

Corbin: Man this is too much I can't stand the suspence! Come on David! Do the right thing!

I reached over and took the T-Launcher in my hand. As I took it, Madalyn looked up at me in shock as a smile came across her face. I strapped it on my arm and looked up at the brown haired girl.

David: It would be my honour Maddie. 

All of a sudden Corbin started tearing up so much that he ran over and gave me a hug.

David: Hey! What the--? What do you think your doing?

Corbin: Your the man David! I know you think I'm a jerk, and some creepy little kid, but I want to be your student! I want to learn from you David, and I'll never leave your side ever! 

Madalyn: This is kid joking?! He wants to learn from you?! That's completely crazy! Mind explaining what happened here guys? I must have missed something!

Iestyn: Well I suppose it's kind of weird.

Grimlock: Well that's putting it mildly. 

Corbin: I'm dead serious David you gotta teach me man! Please, please, please, please, please, please, please--

Madalyn: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! 

Pretty much everyone started laughing. 

Corbin: Cut it out! This isn't a laughing matter!

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