Chapter 14 - Madalyn & Emanuel & Selina vs. Ben & Shannon & Robert Part 1

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Madalyn's P.O.V.

The six of us were transported to the Colour Dimension and got ready for the battle.

Ben & Shannon & Robert: Doom card set!

The three of them each threw down their own doom card. The three cards pierced through the floor as a purple shockwave soared across the floor of the battlefield. We each threw down one of our game cards, landing on opposite sides of each other. The cards glowed and grew 30 times bigger in size. Everyone was giving each other dirty looks as the game cards were set.

Madalyn: Is this a battle or a staring contest?!

Ben: Very well, allow me to go first. Insecticons! Mobilize!

Ben launched in his first Insecticon card in to the battlefield, landing on his game card. The photo on the card was a red scorpion.

Ben: Chopshop! Transform!

The card glowed and Chopshop crawled out of the card and transformed into his robot mode.

Selina: I'm going in!--

Madalyn: Hey! Are you ready for me?

Selina: What?! Let me take him on!

Madalyn: Are you sure Selina?

Selina: I know I can beat him!

Emanuel: Predacons! Terrorize!

Madalyn & Selina: What?!

Emanuel launched in his first Predacon into the battlefield, landing on Bens game card. The photo on the card was a dark magenta lion with red and gold highlights.

Emanuel: Razorclaw! Transform!

The card glowed and the lion leapt out of the card. It let out a loud roar as it transformed into its robot mode, carrying a golden sword in his hand.

Optimus: The three of you must work together or you'll never win this!

Madalyn: Not now Optimus!

Predaking: Emanuel wait!

Ben: Game card open!

The game card was activated and it transformed the battlefield into a arena.

Ben: Cheering battle activate!

All of a sudden, Bens T-Launcher started glowing.

Madalyn: A cheering battle?

Ben: That's right. It allows me to add another Transformer to the battle. And I assure you, it will be a big surprise for all of you. Now who was it that wanted to battle me? Oh yes I remember now. It was Selina.

Selina: What?

Ben: Lucky you, you get to see my very new and special Insecticon. Insecticons! Mobilize!

Ben fired in his second Insecticon card into the battlefield, landing on the cheering battle game card. The photo on the card was a yellow and black bumblebee.

Ben: The photo is true to its name, Bumblebee! Transform!

Selina: Bumblebee?!

The card glowed and Bumblebee flew out of his card and transformed into his robot mode. Instead of his car features, they were replaced with actual Bumblebee wings, antennas, and yellow and black stripped paint job. Me and the others looked up at him in shock, mouths dropped to the floor and eyes widened.

Optimus: I don't believe it!

Emanuel: Huh?!

Madalyn: No way!

Selina: It can't be! Bumblebee, is it really you?...... Your alive! I--I--it's so good to see you.

Optimus: He's come back from the Cybertronian Underworld!

Predaking: But he's, different.

Right at that moment, Bumblebee stuck out his tongue and danced around all crazy. Selina backed away in fear of her old partner.

Selina: What the? Bumblebee what's wrong with you?!

Ben: Heh, heh, heh, sorry to let you down but this won't be much of a reunion for you too. You see things have changed. Bumblebee is no longer with the Transformers Titans, he belongs to me.

Bumblebee and Chopshop charged at Razorclaw and both punched the Predacon hard in the face. Razorclaw was sent flying through the doom portal never to be seen again.

Emanuel: Oh no!

Selina: Razorclaw!

Chopshop and Bumblebee laughed menacingly at the site as they glowed into their card forms and returned to Ben in victory. An evil smirk formed on his face as the game card flashed and vanished from the battlefield.

Madalyn: Hey you! What did you do to Bumblebee?!

Ben: Heh, heh, heh, I simply gave him an upgrade. One to my liking of course.

I wasn't liking this situation one bit.

Optimus: Bumblebee has been exposed to a massive amount of minus power, dark energon, and Ben has molded and changed him into a mindless Insecticon. That is what's making Bumblebee acted so savagedly.


Optimus: You can't win Starscream! Snap out of it!


Optimus: He's acting just like Starscream!

Robert: It's my turn now. Predacons! Terrorize!

Robert launched in his first Predacon card into the battlefield. The photo on the card was a green, silver, and brown lion with a golden mane.

Robert: Leobreaker! Transform!

The card glowed and the lion leapt out of the card, It hissed at us as he transformed into his robot mode. His bloody red optics flashed in our direction letting out a growl.

Tablet: Predacon Leobreaker reconized. Attack level 4000.

Selina: I'm in! Autobots! Roll out!

Selina launched in her first Autobot card into the battlefield. The photo on the card was a light blue BMW.

Selina: Blurr! Transform!

The card glowed and the car zoomed out of the card at lighning speeds as Blurr transformed into his robot mode, carrying a sniper rifle in his hand.

Tablet: Autobot Blurr attack level 4356.

Robert: Game card open! Double Battle!

The game card was activated and it transformed the colour dimension into a metal wrestling arena. As well Selina and Robert's T-Launchers started glowing.

Robert: My double battle game card forces the two players to send in another Transformer to join the battle. Gnaw! Transform!

Selia: Gears! Transform!

The two new Transformers appeared on the battlefield, quickly joining their partners into the battle.

Tablet: Predacons combined attack level to 7000. Autobots combined attack level to 6900.

Emanuel: This isn't good, Selina needs more power to beat Robert.

Predaking: Don't give up on her.

Madalyn: This would have never happened if you'd let me go first!

Optimus: Madalyn, this is not the time to be complaining!

Robert: Ha, ha, ha, it's no fun if I win this easily. Ability card activate! Faction Reinforcement!

Once the ability card was activated, Robert, Ben, and Shannons T-Launchers lit up and each of them were rapidly flashing on and off, one by one.

Robert: Faction Reinforcment is an ability card that allows another team mate to join a battle already in play. Now, who wants to be next?

Shannon: Oh make your choice already!

Robert: Ben, your up.

Ben: Why thank you Robert.

Shannon: I knew he'd pick you.

Robert: Bring out Bumblebee!

Ben launched Bumblebee back into the battlefield and he joined Roberts two Predacons and Selinas Autobots.

Selina: Not Bumblebee again!

Tablet: Insecticon Bumblebee has joined the battle. Attack level now 8400.

Emanuel: They're so powerful!

Selina: Bumblebee it's me! You know, your old friend Selina!

Bumblebee sadly didn't pay any attention to her. Instead he, Gnaw, and Leobreaker jumped into the air. Bumblebee and Gnaw kicked Blurr while Leobreaker slashed Gears in the chest. The impact of the Autobots crashing to the floor caused the floor to shake and Selina backed away and fell. I called out to her as I quickly came to her side just as Gears and Blurr hurtled through the Doom Portal.

Madalyn: Are you ok?

She had her eyes closed shut with small tears trying to escape. She quickly shook her head as she got back up to her feet and stepped forward, looking up at her Autobot turned Insecticon friend.  

Selina: Please Bumblebee, you don't have to be this way! Your not a monster, go back to the way you were!

Bumblebee let out a laugh as he, Gnaw, and Leobreaker glowed into their card forms and returned to their partners in victory.

Selina: No! Come back Bumblebee!

Emanuel: Robert would have won the round anyway. But he still insisted on Ben to bring Bumblebee into the battle just to mess with Selinas emotions!

Shannon: I'm in! Decepticons Rise up!

Shannon launched in her first Decepticon card into the battlefield. The photo on the card was a green, yellow, and brown camouflage seeker.

Shannon: Acidstorm! Transform!

The card glowed and the seeker jet flew out of the card and transformed into his robot mode in mid-air, landing on Shannons game card feet first.

Madalyn: Great! Finally I get my turn. Autobots! Roll out!

I launched in my first Autobot card on to Shannons game card with Acidstorm. The photo on the card was a green and yellow off roading van.

Madalyn: Brawn! Transform!

The card glowed and the van accelerated out of the card and transformed into its robot mode, punching his fists together and glaring at the Decepticon seeker.

Tablet: Transformers recognized. Decepticon Acidstorm attack level 3343. Autobot Brawn attack level 3432.

Madalyn: Get him Brawn!

As Brawn was charging at Acidstorm to deliver the blow, the game card flashed open, transforming the battlefield into a land covered in ice.

Shannon: Game card open! Intercept!

The ice from the floor became alive and spread itself all over Brawns body, freezing him on contact. He just stood there, trapped in an icey prison.

Madalyn: What?! What do you mean Intercept?!

Shannon: Sorry, but once this game card is activated the battle doesn't count. And the next player who throws in the next Transformer on the neighbouring card will be the winner!

Madalyn: No way!

Shannon: Ha, I'll leave this one up to you Ben.

Ben: Shannon, I'm hounered. And here I always thought you were jealous of me. Lets finish this. Insecticons! Mobilize!

Ben sent Bumblebee back into the battlefield, landing on Shannons game card with Acidstorm and Brawn.

Selina: No!

Madalyn: Move Brawn! Come on do something!

Ben: Your Autobot is out of luck. While the intercept card is activated he can't even lift a finger! Alright Bumblebee, its time for you to send Brawn to the Cybertronian Underworld.

Bumblebee let out a high pitched buzz like giggle as he jumped up into the air, preformed a front flip and knee kicked Brawn in the face. Selina looked away from the sight with her eyes shut as Brawn lifeless floated through the doom portal. She couldn't stand to see Bumblebee do this.

Madalyn: You scammer!

Optimus: Don't let him get to you Madalyn. Don't give in to your anger. He knows we will get upset if he keeps using Bumblebee to attack.

Emanuel: You gotta do something Maddie!

Madalyn: What should I do?!

Emanuel: You can get the old Bumblebee back, that's a start!

Madalyn: That's easy for you to say! Can't you think of something better than that?!

Emanuel: Oh sure, maybe if we ask real nice they'll just hand him over and let us win!

Optimus: What are you two doing?! We're in the middle of a battle!

Madalyn: You expect me to come up with all of the answers?!

Emanuel: Yeah right! Sorry about that, I though you wanted to win?

Madalyn: Well of course!

Emanuel: I'm starting to wonder!

Madalyn: Yeah, you would!

Predaking's hologram appeared next to Optimus as he let out a very loud roar. His golden optics flashing with rage.

Predaking: SILENCE! My apologies, but if there was ever a time to work together it would be now! We can't afford to fight one another anymore!

Me and Emanuel looked at each other in shock realizing how stupid we were acting. Lets also no forget embarrassing too.

Madalyn: I'm sorry Emanuel.

Emanuel: No Maddie, I'm sorry. It was my fault.

Shannon: Uh are you two done yet? Can you continue this romantic fest later?

Emanuel: Huh? It's nothing like that! Predacons Terrorize!

Emanuel threw in his second Predacon card into the battlefield. The photo on the card was a red, purple, and yellow falcon.

Emanuel: Divebomb! Transform!

The card glowed and Divebomb flew out in his falcon mode and quickly transformed mid air into his robot mode, carrying a sword in his hand.

Selina: Bumblebee has to be stopped. He's tearing our team apart. This has gone on long enough! We can't allow anymore of our Transformers to be sent to the Cybertronian Underworld!

Robert: Predacons! Terrorize!

Finally Robert sent out his Predacon partner Blight into the battlefield landing on Divebombs game card. Blight stormed out of the card and transformed into his robot mode, carrying a harpoon in his hand.

Robert: Time for a little light show! Ability card active, Flash Harpoon!

Blight fired a harpoon into the air and it exploded into a flash of white blinding light.

Madalyn: Aw man I think my retinas detached!

Emanuel: I can't see anything!

Blight charged and punched Divebomb in the stomach, then finished him off with an upper cut, and sent the Predacon flying through the doom portal.

Emanuel: Divebombs gone! It's too bright to see anything!

Selina: If we wait around to see Bumblebee will defeat our other Transformers!

Madalyn: We won't! I know we can get him back if we win this battle!

Emanuel: Go on, we got no choice. Even Selina said we have to take him out. Predaking once told me that when a Transformer loses a battle, it loses a huge impact on its body. It also causes a huge change. Right Predaking?

Predaking: That's right. My lord are you thinking--?

Emanuel: Yep. If Bumblebee loses this battle, he'll lose a huge amount of dark energon and that should knock him back to his senses again and change him back.

Optimus: Bumblebee once battled so hard that he was not who he was. But if we hit him hard enough that should bring him back.

Madalyn: Ok, but two things. First he's Bens Transformer now, and he's now an Insecticon! If we do figure out a way to beat him, wont he just to right back to Ben?

Emanuel: I already planed something for that. Just leave it to me.

Madalyn: If you say so Emanuel. Ben wants to mess with us so I know he'll bring Bumblebee out. When he does, that's when I'll make my move.

Finally the blinding light from Blights ability faded and the brightness was set to normal. Shannon launched in her next game card into the battlefield, landing next to mine.

Shannon: Decepticons! Rise up!

Shannon fired in Acidstorm back into the battlefield landing on her second game card. The card glowed and the seeker flew out of the card and transformed into his robot mode, hovering mid air with jetboosters on his feet keeping him in the air.

Madalyn: Let's do this Optimus.

Optimus: Okay!

Madalyn: Autobots Roll Out! Optimus Prime Transform!

I fired Optimus into the battlefield. His card glowed and his truck mode drove out of the card as he transformed into his robot mode.

Tablet: Decepticon Acidstorm attack level 3870. Autobot Optimus Prime attack level 3961.

Shannon: Wanna play? Game card open! Triple battle!

The game card was activated and it transformed the battlefield into a giant metal arena. Metal bars shot out in the middle of the card, seperating Optimus and Acidstorm.

Shannon: Triple battle is when a third Transformers has to join the battle. And the third one is right here. 

Shannon pointed at Ben as he let out a laugh, aiming his T-Launcher at the game card. 

Ben: Once again you've set me up perfectly Shannon. Insecticons Mobilize!

Ben fired Bumblebee into the battlefield, landing on the game card with Acidstorm and Optimus. Bumblebees card glowed as he speeded out of the card in vehilce mode and quickly transformed into his robot mode, standing by Acidstorms side. The metal bars sank back into the ground as the battle resumed.

Ben: This will be the end of Optimus Prime. Chaos Bringer will be pleased to hear that.

Madalyn: I got news for you pal, guess what? You walked right into our trap!

Ben: Ben?! What are you talking about?

Madalyn: Ability card activate! Rapid Energy!

I threw the ability card into the air and blue fire surrounded the three Transformers. 

Madalyn: This allows one of my team mates to join in on the battle. 

My T-launcher began glowing and so did Selina and Emanuels. They each rapidly flashed on and off until Emanuels was the only one glowing.

Emanuel: Go get'em Predaking!

Emanuel fired Predaking into the battlefield landing on Shannons Triple Battle game card. The card glowed as Predaking flew out in his dragon form and transformed into his robot mode landing right next to Optimus.

Ben: What? Oh great, our combined power isn't strong enough!

Tablet: Combined power of Acidstorm and Bumblebee 7000 attack points. Combined power of Optimus Prime and Predaking 8000 attack points.

Ben: No! They tricked me!

Optimus: It's been awhile Bumblebee. 

Predaking: You'll remember us soon enough. 

Predaking and Optimus both charged as Bumblebe and Acidstorm. Optimus firing a shot at Acidstorm and Predaking punching Bumblebee hard in the face. Acidstorm and Bumblebee glowed into their card forms and returned to Shannon and Ben in defeat. Me and the others watched as Bumblebees card began going all static and his photo kept flashing.

Selina: We got him!

Emanuel: Good, I'll take it from here. Sit tight Selina. Game card set!

Emanuel fired his game card into the battlefield, landing just behind his first one. He then threw in Predaking back into the battlefield landing on the game card. Predakings card glowed as he flew out in his dragon form and quikcly transformed into his robot mode. 

Robert: Oh big deal! Go Gnaw!

Robert threw in Gnaw on Emanuels game card, joining Predaking on the battlefield. 

Tablet: Predacon Gnaw attack level 4500. Predacon Predaking attack level 4400.

Emanuel: Ability card activate! Pure Spark!

Emanuel threw the ability card into the air and it struck Bumblebees card. It hovered in the air and soared back to Emanuel.

Robert: What's Pure Spark? 

Shannon: He can use that ability to restore any Transformer thats been lost, no matter who side its on. 

Ben: I see their plan!

Bumblebees card soard through the air and it landed in Emanuels hand. He ran over to Selina and revealed Bumblebees card to her.

Emanuel: Selina, I believe this belongs to you.

He handed her Bumblebees card. It kept flashing and flashing, as she watched the photo change. It morphed from the Bumblebee bug to a yellow and black camero. Not to mention the Insecticon insignia changed to the Autobot one. Then Bumblebee's hologram appeared on top of the card and he was back to normal. He shook his head and looked up at Selina with a smile on his faceplate.

Selina: Bumblebee!

Bumblebee: I remember now! I lost and I was held captive. Now I know who I can take my anger on.

He turned and faced Ben with an angry expression on his face. Tears were straming down Selina's cheeks.

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