Chapter 15 - Madalyn & Selina & Emanuel vs. Ben & Shannon & Robert

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Madalyn's P.O.V.

Selina: I for one am ready to battle.

Madalyn: So you up for a little combat?

Selina: Yeah! And now its time to get down to some serious business!

Emanuel: I'll start, game card open! Energy merge!

The game card below Predaking and Gnaws feet. The colour dimension was transformed into a tropical swamp. Gnaw cried out in pain as he glowed a bright orange as his energy was being taken away from him and Predaking absorbed it.

Robert: What the?!

Emanuel: Energy merge is a game card that allows a Transformer to steal 1000 attack points from their opponent.

Tablet: Predacon Gnaw at 3800 attack points. Predacon Leader Predaking at 5500.

Predaking: This time, its personal!

Predaking transformed into his dragon mode and fired his flames at Gnaw. It cooked him to a crisp as he was forced to glow into his card form and return to Robert in defeat.

Robert: No that's impossible!

Madalyn: You did it!

Selina: Ok you guys, now its my turn! Autobots! Roll out!

Selina fired in her third Autobot card into the battlefield. The photo on the card was a dark grey and red fighter jet.

Selina: Airraid! Transform!

The card glowed and the aerial bot flew out of his card and transformed into his robot mode.

Tablet: Autobot Airraid attack level 3334.

Shannon: Slipstream awaken! Decepticons rise up!

Shannon fired in her Decepticon partner Slipstream into the battlefield. The card glowed as the slim purple and light aqua blue seeker jet flew out of the card and transformed into her robot mode.

Selina: Lets see which faction is the master of the skies. Game card open! Character card!

The game card activated itself and it transformed the battlefield into a nice sunny sky. Airraid glowed a bright red as she soared into the air, while transforming into his jet mode.

Tablet: Autobot Airraid attack level increased to 5334.

Shannon: Ability card activate! Agressive Rage!

An angry expression was on Slipstreams face as she lit up with purple energy surrounding her body. She soared up into the air and transformed into her jet mode as well. Slipstream and Airraid charged at each other at full speeds.

Tablet: Agressive Rage ability active. Decepticon Slipstream increased to 5500. Autobot Airraid reduced to 5134.

Slipstream: Time to so you who rules the sky!

Slipstream fired a bunch of bullets and lasers at Airraid followed by one big missile. The Autobot was quick enough to dodge the bullets and lasers, but not the missile. The missile struck the aerial bot as he was forced into his robot mode. He fell from the sky and flew right through the doom portal.

Shannon: Wow that was way easy.

Madalyn: Stop it! Autobots! Roll out!

I fired my third Autobot card into the battlefield. The photo on the card was a silver motorcycle with a green holographic rider and blue headlights.

Madalyn: Chromia! Transform!

The card glowed and the motorcycle speeded out of the card, the holographic rider vanishing before she transformed into her robot mode.

Madalyn: Your move Ben!

Ben tossed in his next game card into the battlefield landing next to my game card. He then threw in his next Insecticon into the battlefield. The card glowed and a light brown cockroach crawled out of the card and Ransack transformed into her robot mode.

Ben: This will be easy. Ability card activate! Stealth Mirage!

The floor of the battlefield shook as holes appeared on the ground. Ransack transformed into her insect mode and crawled into one of the holes. One by one she hooped out of one then landed in another. Ransack then reappeared out of the ground and landed on Chromias game card.

Selina: I got a bad feeling about this Maddie.

Ransack took a bite at Chromias leg and started pulling her in to the hole.

Madalyn: Uh oh! Game card open!

Selina: Maddie no!

Madalyn: What's wrong?

Selina: With Bens Stealth Mirage ability in play you can't activate your game card.

At that point Chromia was completely pulled into the hole. She collapsed in the pitch black as she fell through the doom portal.

Madalyn: No Chormia! Don't go!

The game card vanished as Ransack glowed into her card form and returned to Ben.

Madalyn: Aw man this is so unreal. Emanuel, its up to you!

Emanuel: No problem. Game card set!

Emanuel threw down his next game card into the battlefield landing next to Bens. She then threw in Predaking back in the battlefield. Predaking flew out of his card and transformed into his robot mode.

Robert: Its time to take this pet to the kennel. Game card set!

Robert tossed in his next game card followed by his next Predacon. Leobreaker pounced out of the card in his lion form and quickly transformed into his robot mode.

Bumblebee: When's my turn to play?

Selina: How about right now? Autobots! Roll out!

Selina fired Bumblebee into the battlefield landing on Leobreakers game card. The card glowed and the camero drove out into the battlefield and transformed into his robot mode.

Bumblebee: Have no fear, Bumblebee is here!

Tablet: Predacon Leobreaker attack level 3900. Autobot Bumblebee attack level 4500.

Selina: Lets get this party started. Ability card activate! Energon Boost!

Bumblebee: Now you see me--

Bumblebee was covered with a blue energy shield and then he suddenly disappeared.

Bumblebee: Now you don't!

Tablet: Bumblebee increased by 500 attack points. Leobreaker decreases by 500.

Selina: How do you like it so far?

Robert: Ha! That was totally lame. I could stop that with my eyes closed kid. Game card open!

Bumblebee: You can't see me! Na, na, na, na, na, na!

The game card didn't open.

Robert: What?! Why won't it open?!

Selina: I must have forgotten. I hate to break it to you but my ability card renders your game card useless.

Robert: Why you son of a--

Bumblebee: Hey Leobreaker! Peek a boo! I see you!

Bumblebee threw in a couple punches to Leobreaker then finishing him off by kicking him in his special place.

Predaking: Oooooh right in the beast machine!

Leobreaker glowed and returned to Robert in defeat while Bumblebee returned to Selina in victory.

Selina: Yes!

Robert: Why you little!

Shannon: Alright enough games, its my turn. Game card set!

Shannon fired in her next game card into the battlefield followed by her second third Decepticon. The photo on the card was a dark blue, yellow, and purple seeker jet. The card glowed and Thundercracker flew out of the card and transformed into his robot mode. I threw in my next game card into the battlefield when it was my turn, followed by Optimus Prime. His card glowed and he drove out of the card and transformed into his robot mode.

Shannon: Get ready you two, ability card activate! Power boost!

Thundercracker was covered in a purple glowing light as he soared into the air, transforming into his jet mode and plumiting straight for Optimus.

Tablet: Decepticon Thundersracker increased to 5000 attack points. Autobot Leader Optimus Prime remains stable at 4500.

Madalyn: Is that all you got?! Ability card activate! Power of the Primes!

Optimus transformed his hand into his energy axe and swung it at the flying Decepticon, slicing hin in half and exploding once it crashed into the floor. Thundercracker glowed into his card form and returned to Shannon in defeat while Optimus returned to me.

Madalyn: Yes!

Emanuel: Alright! Way to go!

Shannon: How did she, do that?

Optimus Prime suddenly exploded with a bright red gglowing light surrounding his body as he yelled at the top of his lungs.

Optimus: It's happening again! My body is-- wait!

Madalyn: Whats wrong Optimus?

Optimus: That's it! I must be getting ready to evolve!

Ben: Optimus Prime is one powerful Autobot. I think you'll make a perfect addition to my collection.

Optimus glowed into his card form and returned to from the battlefield.

Madalyn: Nobody touches my Prime except me Ben!

Ben: Heh, heh, heh, we'll see. Game card set!

Ben threw down his next game card into the battlefield, next to Predaking's game card. He then brought Chopshop back into play. The card glowed and Chopshop crawled out of his card and transformed into his robot mode.

Emanuel: Come on are you going to battle or what?! I don't have all day!

Robert: Predacons! Terrorize!

Robert threw Blight back into the battlefield, landing on the game card to the left of Predaking. His card glowed as Blight marched out of his card and transformed into his robot mode.

Emanuel: No not again! Ugh, why are those creeps not fighting Predaking?!

Selina: I'm just as confused as you are. Why isn't Chopshop or Blight making a move? Lets see, Predacons, Insecticons, and Decepticons...... That's it!

Bumblebee: Tell us! What's the big revelation chief?

Selina: Don't you see? With a combination of Predacons, Insecticons, and Decepticons, they'll activate the Triple Con Attack!

Madalyn: Are you sure?

Emanuel: Not good!

Bumblebee: Say I got a fabulous idea! I say, we run!

Selina: Triple Con Attack works when the three players throw down a combination of three darkness factions, or three light factions. Since they are using the dark factions, their Transformers, their attack levels will increase by 2000 points.

Bumblebee: Now that's what I call doing some damage!

Selina: Its one of the strongest combination attacks in this game. That means we have to stop them!

Emanuel: But how?

Madalyn: Maybe we could try the Light Faction combination?

Selina: Its worth a try. Since Emanuel has the Predacon faction, I'll need Bumblebee to use his faction change ability to become the Dinobot faction. That way with the combination of Predacons, Autobots, and Dinobots, we can create an alternate version of the Light Faction combo that's just as powerful.

Madalyn: Sounds like a plan to me Selina. Are you in O.P.?

Optimus: Yes. Madalyn, Selina, Bumblebee, Emanuel, Predaking, lets light our darkest hour!

Selina: Autobots! Roll out!

Selina fired Bumblebee into the battlefield, landing on Chopshops card.

Ben: Ha, ha, ha! You fell for it! Game card open!

Ben activated the game card and there was a think fog surrounding the battlefield, followed by a huge explosion.

Madalyn: He used a Mind Ghost card!


Madalyn: That Mind Ghost Ability whipped them both out!

Emanuel: It was a trap card!

Once the smoke from the explosion vanished, the game card, Chopshop, and Bumblebee was nowhere to be seen.

Predaking: No! Not again, Bumblebee!

Madalyn: Why would he send Bumblebee and his own Chopshop to the Cybertronian underworld?

Robert: Don't you get it? The Triple 'Con Attack was just a diversion for Ben to use his Mind Ghost card.

Shannon: And not to brag or anything losers, but it looks like our plan worked to perfection.

Ben: This time Bumblebee is trapped in the Cybertronian Underworld, forever. But I'm sure Chopshop will keep in company.

Bumblebee: Not so fast!

Ben: Huh?!

Bumblebee: This fight ain't over yet.

We all looked at the game card that was placed behind the Mind Ghost to see that it was vibrating. The Autobot scout emerged from the card, no signs of any damage.

Bumblebee: Did ya miss me? Cause I get the feeling you don't like me.

Selina: It worked! My Stasis Mirage ability saved Bumblebee!

Madalyn: What Stasis Mirage?

Selina: Allow me to explain. The Stasis Mirage is similar to Bens Stealth Mirage, except it can only be used when an opponents game card is activated. So when I sensed that Ben would use his Mind Ghost card, I quickly used my Stasis Mirage ability to save Bumblebee.

Madalyn: You little sneak! That was so cool!

Emanuel: Way to go Selina!

Selina: It was nothing. I'm just glad I didn't lose Bumblebee again.

Bumblebee: Thanks for saving my bacon! Now lets get this party started shall we?

Ben: So, you think your pretty smart don't you?

Bumblebee: Smarter than you Ben! And tweetledumb and tweetledee!

Shannon: Your mine Bumblebee! Slipstream Transform!

The card glowed and Slipstream flew out of her card and transformed into her robot mode, landing on the game card with Blight.

Shannon: Game card open!

Tablet: Sensing power change. Deathmatch activate.

Madalyn: Deathmatch? What's going on?

Selina: I know that move! Deathmatch is when all the Transformers have to fight against each other.

Emanuel: And its up to them to choose who they want to battle. Not to mention they can throw in any Transformer we want.

All of a sudden Ben and my tablets glowed and Ransack and Optimus's cards were sent flying into the battlefield.

Madalyn: Optimus!

Optimus and Ransack appeared on the game card with Blight and Slipstream.

Emanuel: Oh no it's three against one! Optimus is in trouble!

Tablet: Autobot Optimus Prime attack level 5000. Slipstream, Ransack, and Blight combined attack level to 10,100.

Madalyn: Holy scrap! What do I do guys?!

Bumblebee: Ugh! Put me in, put me in, put me in!

Predaking: I too feel useless.

Shannon: Now that our battle ability is activated, you can use any of your useless ability cards you like against it.

Ben: I'm really not that much of a team player. But this way, our win is guarunteed. Ability card activate! Forcing Winds!

Ransack began glowing in glow of bright purple light.

Tablet: Attack level increased to 10,200.

Selina: I gotta do something to increase Optimus's attack level and quick! Ability card activate! Autobot, Dinobot, and Predacon Triple Chain!

Bumblebee used his Change Faction ability to change into the Dinobot faction for Selina's ability card to work. Optimus, Bumblebee, and Predaking were covered in a red light and it increased Optimus's power.

Tablet: Optimus Prime increased to 7000 attack points.

Robert: Ha, ha, ha, if you think 7000 attack points will save your butts your dreaming. Ability card activate! Flash Grenade!

Blight chucked a grenade into the air and it exploded into a bright blinding light, shining over the Predacon.

Tablet: Atttack level increased to 10,300.

Madalyn: Impossible!

Optimus: This may be my demise.

Shannon: Well? Are you three little stooges going to battle or not?

Robert: Maybe they're just too yellow.

Ben: Lets give them a miute or two before we destroy their Transformers. After all, its only sporting.

Emanuel: I have an idea guys. It's down to this card. Predaking's Beast Mode ability card. It's a risk but we don't have a choice. If I throw down this card, all of our Transformers attack levels will go way up. Just one catch, if one of our Transformers is defeated, it can't go back into battle. In other words, we're history.

Optimus: If its our only hope, then it is the risk we must take.

Predaking: Please we must.

Bumblebee: I say we light this puppy up and show these yeah-whos what we're made of!

Selina: Are you sure Bumblebee?

Emanuel: Well Maddie?

Madalyn: Lets do it!

Emanuel: Ability card activate! Beast Mode!

Emanuel tossed the ability card into the air at Predaking. The Predacon leader transformed into his cybertronian dragon form and disapeared from his game card, followed by Bumblebee. The two of them appeared at Optimus's side on the last remaining game card where all the Transformers in the field stood ready for battle. Predaking and Bumbleble glowed with a yellow light and all of their power was transferred to Optimus Prime. After that they both glowed into their card forms and returned to their human partners.

Optimus: Predaking, Bumblebee, with you two at my side, we cannot fail!

Optimus let out a loud yella as he glowed brighter and brighter, with huge amounts of energy flowing through his circuits.

Shannon: With that amount of power he could reach 2000 attack points each!

Ben: That also includes Optimus's power!

Tablet: Autobot Leader Optimus Prime attack level increased to 11,100.

The game card began cracking and blue burst of fire sprang out from the cracks, surrounding the Autobot leader.

Tablet: Power surge detected.

Robert: How is he doing that?! His attack level is still going up!

The blue fire spread all over Optimus's body covering him from head to toe/ He floated up into the air and the blue fire formed an energy ball around him.

Madalyn: Man I've never seen aything like this before!

The energy ball cooled down forming a hard cement rock around Optimus.

Madalyn: Optimus? Optimus?!

Ben: Could this be, an evolution?!

Shannon: We gotta put a stop to this! Ability card activate! Triple 'Con Attack!

Tablet: Power increase detected. Increased to 11,900.

Robert: Thats it Shannon we got'em now!

Small cracks started to form around the cement ball as flames of blue fire crawled all over the object. We all watched as the cement ball exploded in a firey blaze and a Cybertronian figure emerged. He had a red and blue paint job, was looking robust, had a silver jetpack on his back, and a long edged silver saber in his hand.

Madalyn: Wow! Optimus evolved! Optimus you look awesome!

Optimus: So this is how it feels to evolve. Interesting.

(Note: Optimus's evolution is his TFP Beast Hunters look)

I held Optimus's Power of The Primes ability card in my hand and it started glowing. The card transformed into a totally new ability card. It had a golden plating with the Autobot insignia in the middle.

Ben: Optimus has evolved!

Tablet: Autobot Leader Optimus Prime attack level 11,800.

Robert: Wow that is totally off the charts!

Shannon: Ok so did we win or not?

Ben: Oh yeah! We're at 11,900. Poor Optimus Prime is just 100 attack points short.

The three of them laughed at us as Ransack, Blight, and Slipstream powered up, charged, and aimed their weapons at Optimus.

Madalyn: Ability card activate!

Ben: What?!

Madalyn: Here it goes, Energon Delta Blast!

I tossed the ability card at Optimus and his whole body glowed with a bright red light. He reached his arm behind his back and pulled out a giant silver saber with one hand, abd s new upgraded battle energy axe in the other and the two weapons lit up on fire.

Tablet: Optimus Prime increased to 12,500.

Robert: Unbelievable!

Ben: We're toast!

Optimus activated his jetpack and soared into the air. He swooped down towards his three opponents and striked them with his weapons. There was a flash of white light and the six of us were transported back to Kenya where David, Najat, and Iestyn were waiting for us. Ben, Shannon, and Robert were either sitting or laying on the ground, suffering from defeat.

Ben: They beat us.

I walked over to Ben and extended my hand towards him. He looked up at me quite confused of my action.

Madalyn: Need help?

He looked away from me, a snobbish look on his face as he got back up to his feet.

Madalyn: I gotta tell ya, you put up one heck of a battle. And I respect that. Maybe one day soon we can play again. What do you say?

Ben: Wait what?

Madalyn: Oh yeah, and next time lets leave Chaos Bringer out of it.

Ben: I must admit you won this fair and square. 

Shannon: And sorry for using these. Our bad.

Shannon, Ben, and Robert took off their T-Launchers, detached their tablets from them and threw them on the ground in a pile. 

Ben: Shannon's right. We were blind sided by Chaos Bringer. And whats worse, is that we almost lost sight of the important thing. Playing fair.

Optimus's hologram of his new evolved form appeared on my shoulder.

Optimus: They are finally free of Megatron's tyranny. 

Madalyn: Yeah O.P. And it was awesome to see your evolution! How does it feel big guy?

Selina: I'm just glad Bumblebee made it. Anyone seen him?

Emanuel walked towards Selina, a sad expression on his face as he placed a hand on her shoulder. 

Emanuel: Selina, I'm sorry but Bumblebee only belonged to you for that one battle. Now I'm afraid you have to give him back to Ben because he's his Transformer now. 

Ben put a smile on his face as he walked towards them, extending his hand to Selina revealing Bumblebee's card. 

Ben: Actually, I think Bumblebee deseves to be with you.

Bumblebee: Say what?!

Selina gasped at the sight and took Bumblebee's card in her hands in a heart beat. 

Selina: Thank you Ben! Bumblebee I'm never letting you out of my sight again! 


Kato got the plane ready for take off as the walking platform was set for us to walk in. Me and my friends stood by the plane as we said goodbye to Ben, Shannon, and Robert.

Selina: I think this is goodbye, but if you guys need a ride home we're more than welcome to drop you guys off anywhere.

Ben: We appriciate the offer, but I own three private jets myself. In fact, one is on its way here as we speak. 

Madalyn: Hey I got an idea you guys! How about a little battle while we wait?

Najat: Yeah! It will be good to practice for when we finally find that creep Chaos Bringer! 

Iestyn: We would really love for you to team up with us.

Robert: Sorry we're not interested. But thanks anyway.

Shannon: You see ever since I started battling with Robert and Ben, we've kind of grown close. Besides it looks like you guys are on a mission. 

Madalyn: Your right. Well we gotta go. Maybe one day we'll meet each other again. See ya!

Me and the others started heading for the plane, but David didn't move. He looked down at the grass, with his eyes closed, and arms crossed, deep in thought.

David: Hang on a second, I have just one question.

Madalyn: Huh?

David: Do you know a girl by the name of Mia? She's our sites webmaster.

Madalyn: What are you doing?! How would they know who she is David?! Just forg--

Shannon: Yeah I know her.

Iestyn: Say what now?

Shannon: Just a kid. She's staying at the hospital. From what I heard she lost the feeling in her legs a couple years ago so every once in awhile she goes back to the doctors for tests to see how she's doing. I'm sure it will surprise you.

Iestyn: That is so freaky.

Madalyn: Totally freaky. How in the world do you know her?

Shannon: She's a distant cousin of mine.

Najat: Aw you guys are family? That's so sweet!

Iestyn leaned in to whisper to Najat.

Iestyn: Yes but that means Mia works for Chaos Bringer!

Najat: Who cares!

Emanuel: Oh great!

Madalyn: So she is a spy! Shannon, does Mia ever talk to Chaos Bringer?

Shannon just smiled at us as she looked up into the bright blue sky.

Shannon: Why don't you ask her yourself.


A few minutes later we were on plane headed for Prince Edward Island where Shannon told was the hospital Mia was staying at. We were all hanging out in the living room, checking out Optimus's new evolution.

Najat: Your evolution looks so cool Prime! Your the first one here to evolve, so cool!

Madalyn: You should have seen it! It was awesome!

Bumblebee: That means Optimus is one step closer to the Infinity Core! Way to go boss bot!

Optimus: Yes that's true Bumblebee. But we still have a long journey ahead. 

Predaking: We still need to find the Infinity Core.

Emanuel: Predaking's right. Even with Optimus's evolution we're nowhere! We just need to find it or else Chaos Bringer wons.

David: And to find Chaos Bringer we first need to find Mia. And she lives in P.E.I.

Madalyn: Hang on, if Mia is partners with Chaos Bringer, then there's a possibility that she could tell us where the Infinity Core is! 

David: Then there's only one thing to do. We need to take a road trip to find Mia. Maddie, are you familiar with Prince Edward Island?

Madalyn: Hey you think Mia might be Chaos Bringer? But dude! C.B. is a boy and Mia is a girl! How is that possible?!

David: All I'm saying, its a possibility.

Madalyn: Hey wait, lets not get too far ahead of ourselves here. Let's get some shut eye. We'll figure it out tomorrow.

Emanuel: Good plan.

Selina: Agreed. I'm beat!

Iestyn: Alright, well goodnight guys.

Everyone: 'Night!

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