Chapter 22 - Getting More Complicated & Then Some

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Emanuel's P.O.V.

I was standing on a cliff, Chaos Bringer was just merly a few feet away from me. I was all alone in the night. The light from the moon flashed down on us. 

Emanuel: I don't want to battle you Chaos Bringer! I don't even play this game anymore!

He justed smiled and started walking towards me.

Emanuel: Just leave me alone will ya?! I mean it!

As he walked closer and closer, I began backing away myself. Finally he stopped, and the doom portal appeared behind him. The rush of wind from the portal tried to suck me in, but I dug my heels into the dirt, trying my best not to give in. Then in a flash before my eyes, I saw Predaking being sucked through the portal. He screamed out as he fell through, calling my name as the portal closed.

Emanuel: PREDAKING!!!


I opened my eyes and sat up in my bed. I heavily breathed in and out, sweat was streaking down the side of my face as my heart rate accelerated. 

Predaking: Are you alright Emanuel?

I looked over to see Predaking's hologram resting on a small blanket I got for him. He transformed into his robot mode and looked up at me. 

Emanuel: I'm fine. I just had this insane nightmare where I was with Chaos Bringer, and I watched you go through the doom portal and I couldn't do anything to save you. 

Predaking: That must have been some nightmare.


Zach's P.O.V.

Three game cards remained. My Rumble and Frenzy were each standing on two of them. Rumble was safe in his Minicon Safe Zone ability. Chaos Bringer fired Soundwave into the battlefield, landing on Frenzys game card. He glowed out of his card form and transformed into his robot mode.

Chaos Bringer: This is the end. 

Tablet: Decepticon Soundwave attack level 4500. Minicon Frenzy attack level 3200.

Rumble: Boss we're in trouble! What do you think we should do now?

Zach: Game card open! Quick Sand!

As I activated the game card. Soundwave punched Frenzy into the air and right through the doom portal. Once the portal closed, Soundwave began sinking into the quick sand. I smirked at Chaos Bringer as I readjusted my baseball cap.

Zach: Ha, ha, ha, ha, you think you got me beat? Think again! Minicons Combine!

I fired in Buzzsaw into the battlefield landing on the Quick Sand game card. His cassette tape glowed out of the card and he transformed into his falcon mode. 

Zach: Ability card activate! Swift Change!

I slammed the ability card into the ground, and a streak of energon rushed through the floor, surrounding the game card with a forcefield and shifting the card to another part of the battlefield. It moved over next to Rumbles game card and the Minicon jumped onto it joining Buzzsaws side. 

Tablet: Decepticon Soundwave decreased to 4000 attack points. Minicons Rumble and Buzzsaw combined attack level 6800.

Zach: Okay go get him boys!

Chaos Bringer: Ability card activate! Energon Revenge!

Chaos Bringer tossed the card into the air, and the two Minicons were locked up ina dark energon spiral, zapping them with the dark matter and infecting their bodies.

Tablet: Decepticon Soundwave increased to 5000 attack points. Minicons Buzzsaw and Rumble decreased to 4800 attack points. 

Soundwave: Your finished!

Soundwave brought out his blaster and fired at the two Minicons striking each of them in the chest. There was a huge explosiona dn the force from it shot be back a few feet, crashing back first to the floor. My body barral rolled a few times, my body steamed from the blast I could barely move from the pain. I helplessly watched as Rumble and Buzzsaw fell through the doom portal as it closed.

Zach: Buzzsaw! Rumble! Nooo!

I tried pushing myself up from the floor but I could barely keep my arms up. I colapsed to the floor and pasted out.


Najat's P.O.V.

I was doing my homework in my room at my computer desk when I heard a crash like noise. I looked over at my bookshelf to see my wooden cownoy toy Zach gave to me laying on the floor. When I saw it, I knwe something didn't feel right. 

Najat: I got a bad feeling about this.


Emanuel's P.O.V.

The next morning I woke up and got dressed for the day, gathered my books and met up with Predaking at my desk to say goodbye before going to school.

Emanuel: Predaking, I was wondering. Do you think everyone is upset? Do you think it was my fault all those Transformers were sent to the Cybertronian Underworld? 

Predaking: I would say that they are more worried about you. 

Emanuel: Huh?

Predaking: Perhaps our friends don't understand why you chose to quit the game. As you know, I will always be there for you whether you decide to battle again or not. I'm your friend and that will never change. ANd I know deep within my sparl that you know what you are doing.

Emanuel: Thank you Predaking.

Predaking: Your welcome, my lord.

As there was silence for a moment, the both of us heard voices coming from outside. Then followed by a loud 'TAP' noise. They sounded so familiar.

Predaking: And it sounds like I'm not the only one.

I walked up towards the window to see Madalyn wearing her everyday clothes and backpack outside my house with Optimus's hologram in the palm of her hand. I opened the window so I could hear what they were saying.

Optimus: I can't believe you just threw me!

Madalyn: Relax Optimus! How else was I suppose to get his attention?!

Optimus: You could have oh I don't know, used the door!?

Finally Madalyn turned her attention away from Prime and looked back up at the window and spotted me.

Madalyn: Emanuel! I brought you something!

I watched as she pulled something out of her backpack and tossed it up to me. I quikcly caught it in my hands and looked at the object. It was a large plastic apple juice bottle.

Madalyn: I got you some jiuce from the store. When you said you were through with battling two days ago, I figured you would have been drained of energy. So I brought you something to keep your energy up. I'll see you after school!

And with that she waved  goodbye and took off down the street. I watched her leave as I looked at the juice bottle. But then I heard footsteps and I spotted Madalyn running back and running on the spot looking up at me.

Madalyn: Oh I almost forgot! It's cool if you don't want to battle anymore. I'll cover you. Later!

After that she officaly took off down the street and turned at the intersection. 

Emanuel: Sure....


Ben's P.O.V.

Chaos Bringer: So you ready to lose Ben? Decepticons! Rise Up!

Chaos Bringer fired his second Decepticon into the battlefield. THe photo on the card was a purple, blue, and yellow boom box.

Chaos Bringer: Soundwave! Transform!

The card glowed and the boom box levitated out of the card and transformed into his robot mode.

Chaos Bringer: Ability activate! Gravity Chamber!

THe ability card activated and a powerful dark energon tornado formed around Soundwave, over powering him with dark energy. The tornado was beginning to gorw bigger and bigger, heading towards the rest of the Transformers both Decepticon and Insecticon on the battlefield.

Ben: Oh no!

I watched as Barrage got sucked into the tornado.

Ben:Ability card activate! Stealth Mirage!

I tossed the ability card into the tornado hooping it struck Barrage in time. Luckily it did, and the Insecticon flew out of the torando in his Insect mode. Once he landed safely on a game card he transformed back into his robot mode. Sadly thought, before I could react, my other Insecticon Chopshop got sucked into the tornado and was shot out at the top of it, getting sucked through the doom portal.

Ben: No!

Chaos Bringer: yes Soundwave. Feel the power! Embrace it!

All of a sudden I watched in horror as Soundwave began to morph. New figures appeared, and the Communications Officer was beginning to take a new form. It was everyones worst fear. Soundwave was evolving. When it was over, the tornado disapeared and revealed Soundwave's new form. 

(Note: Soundwaves new evolved form is his WFC/FOC design)

Ben: Unreal!

Chaos Bringer: Well, well, well, Ben. What do you think of my new evolved Soundwave?

Ben: That's insane!

Ransack: Hurry Ben, use me! Send me in the battle! It's your only chance.

Ben: I can't do that Ransack. I can't risk losing you in battle.

Ransack: You don't have a choice. Once you put me in play, throw down your Mind Ghost ability. Trust me!

Ben: it might work. 

Ransack: It must work. Now play me Ben!

Ben: Alright, but promise me you'll be extremely careful. 

Ransack: I won't let you down. 

I threw in my final game card into the battlefield. Ransacks hologram dissapeared and her photo appeared on the touch screen of my tablet.

Ben: here it goes. Insecticons! Mobilize!

I fired Ransacks card into the battlefield landing on my gamecard. Her card glowed and she flew out of her card and transformed into her robot mode.

Chaos Bringer: Ability card activate! Dark Matter Pulse!

Soundwave brought his energon blaster and fired two shots at Barrage. The beetle was forced up into the air and through the doom portal. 

Ben: You'll pay for that! 

Chaos Bringer: it's your turn to go Ransack.

Ransack: Not today Chaos Bringer. 

Chaos Bringer: We'll see about that.

Chaos Bringer threw Soundwave out on to Ransacks card. 

Ben: Game card open! Faction Saviour!

The game card activated as both Soundwave and Ransack glowed into their card forms and returned to their partners. 

Ransack: What's wrong? Why didn't you listen to me?! I told you to use your Mind Ghost ability! We can't beat evolved Soundwave without it! 

Chaos Bringer: So are you saying you want to surrender? 

Ben: Not a chance. There's no way I'm putting Ransack at risk against you! But watch.

I fired Ransacks card back into the battlefield. Her card glowed and she emerged onto the battlefield, transforming into her robot mode, landing on Demolishers card. 

Chaos Bringer: Game card open!

The game card activated and it transformed the battlefield into a metallic gladiator arena.

Tablet: Decepticon Demolisher attack level increased to 6700.

Ben: Ransack can't even come close to that kind of power. But enough is enough. Ability card activate! Stealth Mirage!

A hole appeared on the game card as Ransack transformed into her insect mode and crawled into the card. I was hoping she would reappear on the card on the left, but instead she appeared on the Mind Ghost card.

Ben: Ransack what are you doing?! That's the Mind Ghost card!  

Ransack: My purpse is to serve you Ben. However your strategy can only lead to failure. I'm sorry but I must defy your orders. 

Ben: Ransack your wrong!

Chaos Bringer: Oh problems in paradise I see? Decepticons! Rise up!

Chaos Bringer fired Soundwaves card into the battlefield, landing on Ranscks game card. 

Ben: I wasn't ready for that!

Ranasck: Everything will be fine.

As she said that, the game card activated and the battleifield transformed into a foggy valley. A daul light saber appeared in Ransacks hand as she sprinted towards Soundwave then jumped into the air.

Ransack: Your mine Soundwave!

Ben: Ransack!

Chaos Bringer: Ha! So your little plan is to sacrifiace yourself? All for that idiot of a master? Not very bright I'm afraid. Ability card activate! Dread Death!

I tossed the ability card down at the game card, removing its ability completely. 

Ben: Ransack no! Turn back!

Chaos Bringer: Too late. Your ability card and game card is completely useless and your Ransack here has just earned a one way trip, to the Cybertronian Underworld. 

Soundwave brought out his blaster again and fired a shot at Rnsack. The Insecticon lit up in a purple firey blaze. As she swooped past me, the force from the wind knocked me back, almost scorching my clothes. 

Ben: Ransack!

Ransack: Goodbye Ben. I will never forget you.

The doom portal opened up as Ransack fell through it. I watched in horror as it closed right in front of me. I punched my fist on the floor in anger. Tears straming down my face as I collasped to the ground. 

Chaos Bringer: Look out Titans. I'm coming for you next. 


Emanuel's P.O.V.

After school I asked everyone to meet me at the resturant. They did as they were told and Madalyn, Selina, Najat, and Iestyn all met up with me in the resturant. 

Everyone: What?!

Madalyn: Are you serious?!

Selina: Is it true?! Could you repeat that?

Emanuel: I said, I'm retiring from retiring Transformers. I'm back in the game. 

Selina: Just a few days ago you said you didn't want to play anymore.

Najat: Is everything alright?

Iestyn: Were you worried about something Emanuel?

Emanuel: I guess, but I also think I was just being silly. And maybe a little selfish. I'm sorry if I caused anyone any trouble. Turns out I was letting down my friends, and I could never let that happen. You guys are like family to me. And that includes our robotic comrades. 

Madalyn: Alright Emanuel! It's nice to have you back! 

Emanuel: Thanks a lot you guys. This really means a lot to me. Now who's hungry? What will you have?

Madalyn: Let me think, hm, everything on the dessert menu!

Emanuel: Hey don't push your luck missy! Here, have some nice apple juice.

I placed the glass on the table and she just looked at in confusion.

Madalyn: Thanks but no thanks! Aw man that stuff smells nasty!

 Emanuel: Ha, ha, ha, it's the same juice you brought me this morning. Why don't you try some?

SHe picked up the glass in her and a took a quick wiff of it and just backed away with a grossed out look on her face while plugging her nose. 

Madalyn: Blah!

Selina: Well I suppose everything is back to normal. 

Najat: Yeah. They do kind of make a cute couple. 

Iestyn: Yes I suppose they do.

Madalyn: Hey knock it off with the couple stuff! 

Emanuel: yeah we're just friends!

The others laugh as I corssed my arms at them, gving them a stricted look.

Emanuel: Hey what's so funny? Seriously?!

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