Chapter 23 - It's Personal

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Selina's P.O.V.

Me and Najat were at the mall doing a little shopping. It's been a few days now since Emanuel decided to come back and play Transformers. Which is good cause we need the guy! It was a saturday morning and we and Najat were looking around in the "Ardenes" store. 

Najat: So what do you think Selina? This one or the necklace with the star on it?

Selina: I think that one looks great on you. Can we please hurry this up? I'm not even in to jewerly that much! This is the place where my dad co-workers daughters shop at, and if they see me here I'm dead! They already think I'm a boy since I play Transformers and have Bumblebee as my partner.

Najat: What's so bad about that? 

Selina: It's just that they think a girl who plays Transformers shouldn't play it so often as I do. And they think a girl should only have a girl Transformer as their partner. Well screw them because I got Bumblebee and I don't care what they say!

Bumblebee: Atta girl! They're just a bunch of snobs, nothing more.

I looked around the store and I spotted two very familiar figures checking out the key chains at the other side of the store. One was a girl with brown hair, borwn eyes, a white jean jacket, blue jeans, and dark blue converse sneakers. The other had short black hair with green sunglasses, brown eyes, a green short sleeve jacket with a black t-shirt underneath, dark green cargo pants and black sneakers.

Najat: What is it Selina? You see something you like?

Selina: What's Madalyn and Emanuel doing here?!

I nearly yelled that out loud but Najat covered my mouth with her hand and we both took over behind one of the metal cases. I peekd over the case to see Emanuel pick up a key chain with a cute little frog on it with a shooting star above it. He showed it to Madalyn and a smile came up on her face as she nodded in delight.

Madalyn: It's perfect!

Emanuel: I had a feeling it would do the trick.

Selina: Whoa, I didn't realize Madalyn and Emanuel was into all this bling-bling stuff.

Najat: No silly! Don't you see? Emanuel came here to buy a special gift for Madalyn!

We looked back to see the two of them paying for the key chain. The lady at the desk put it in a special box and stored it in a bag.

Store worker: Here you are. Have a nice day.

Madalyn & Emanuel: Thanks!

Emanuel handed Madalyn the bag and the two of them proceeded out of the store. We followed them to the cash register and came out of hiding, almost scaring the cash register lady.

Store worker: Uh can I help you?

Najat: No thanks, we're with them.

Me and Najat both ran for the doors of the store to try and catch up with Madalyn and Emanuel. We did a pretty good job because once the auto-matic doors opened, Madalyn and Emanuel were standing right there in front of us! We bumped into them and took a glance over them to see why they stopped. In front of them we saw a teenaged girl with long black hair and blue eyes. She wore a white tank top, unbuttoned gingham blouse overtop, mini skirt, pink leggings and light blue flats.

Madalyn & Emanuel & Selina & Najat: It's Mia!

Mia: Hey guys! 


Madalyn's P.O.V.

Me, Emanuel, Selina, Najat, and Mia walked over to the family resturant to meet up with Iestyn who was working there. 

Emanuel: Wow what a surprise. 

Iestyn: Yeah I didn't expect you guys to walk in here with Mia.

Madalyn: Yeah we were pretty surprised to see him too. Weren't we?

Najat: Heck ya! 

Selina: I thought I suffered a minor concussion at first.

Iestyn: We're really glad to see you Mia. You look so much better too.

Mia: Thanks! I feel much better too. Elita-1 kind of filled me in on a lot of things lately. 

Optimus: For instance, how she was able to hide the Infinity Core within her. 

Mia: That's right! You know, I really wanted to come and hang out with you guys as soon as I was able to. And here I am! I missed you guys.

Emanuel: We missed you too Mia. 

Madalyn: Okay, I'd say it's time to celebrate! Yo garcon! Another round over here! .... put it on Emanuels tab.

Emanuel: Easy uou big spender!

Emanuel punched me in the arm as the others laughed at the sitcom. But then, Mia coughed and corrected herself, putting on a tough and serious look on her face.

Mia: Unfortunatly, I've got some bad news to tell you guys. 

Everyone: Huh?

Mia: It's Chaos Bringer, he took down Shannon in New York City in China Town.

Everyone: What?! 

Madalyn: Your kidding!

Mia: And it's not only Shannon. I got some serious information that Robert was hit in Rome as well.

Emanuel: Robert too?!

Najat: I guess that means.... he got to Zach.

Mia: I'm sad to say but yes, it's most likely. And probably all his other ex-sidekicks too. 

I formed my hands into fists and slammed them on the table, almost spilling my drink.

Madalyn: Darn it! It's gotta be revenge! He's getting revenge on all of them!

Mia: No Maddie, I think there is more to all of this then simple revenge. 

Optimus: He is probably trying to increase Soundwaves attack level in order to make him evolve. 

Predaking: It makes sense. Slipstream and Ransack were both very powerful Transformers. 

Selina: But then that could mean....

Najat: That could mean that Soundwave has already evolved! 

I pushed myself up from my seat at the table and looked up at everyone.

Madalyn: Then I say bring it on! Cause Optimus is already evolved, he could take down Soundwave easy! So he'd better quit hiding in the shadows like the chicken he is!

Mia: Well then, I guess I'll be going. Thanks for the drink.

Mia got up from her seat at the table with a smile on her face as she placed some money down to pay for her drink and began heading for the door.

Madalyn: Huh? You gotta leave already?

Mia: Yeah, sorry about that. I'm kind of in the middle of a trip with my mom. She said she wanted to take me and see all kinds of cool new places because I was cooped up in that hospital for so long. I gotta say, it's been a blast so far! 

Selina: I sure wish I could go with you.

Mia: Thanks again you guys. See you later.

Madalyn: Hey bud!

Mia: Yeah?

Madalyn: Stop by the chat room every now and then. You know? To keep in touch. 

Mia: Will do.

She smiled happily at us as she took her leave from the resturant. 


David's P.O.V.

I was in my room looking over some things on the Transformers website on my computer. All of a sudden my indicator went off and a video message appeared on my computer screen. I clicked on it, and Corbins face appeared on the screen. He had bandages all over his body and he had a small scorch mark on his cheek. I hit the play button nervously and listened to what he had to say.

Corbin: He got me Master David! I beg you, get revenge for Strika! 

I looked at the computer screen in shock. My eyes stone cold staring at Corbins terrified face as I let the message play over and over again. 

Grimlock: Strika.... Poor thing.

David: You'll pay Chaos Bringer. 


Iestyn's P.O.V.

I was in the kitchen washing the dishes when Emanuel walked in.

Emanuel: Don't worry, I'll finish those. Why don't you go a head and get ready for bed. It's late and my mom wants us up early tomorrow.

Iestyn: Sounds good, thanks man.

I turned off the sink and as I was taking off my apron, I felt insanely dizzy all of a sudden. I fell foward but I caught myself by slamming my hands on to the counter to keep me up.

Emanuel: Iestyn! Bro, are you ok? 

Iestyn: I-- I don't know. I think I'm ok now. I just had a little dizzy spill that's all.

Emanuel: You look tired. Maybe you should just head off to bed now. 

Iestyn: Your right. I think I'll do that.


Najat's P.O.V.

Me and Selina were walking down the halls of her house figuring out all the events that happened today. Esspecially the one this morning.

Selina: I wonder who Emanuel bought that little key chain for? It's been bugging me.

Najat: The more I think about it, the more I think it's probably not for Maddie. Oh well, let's sleep on it.

We said good night to each other and went our seperate ways at the intersection. 


Madalyn's P.O.V.

I was sound asleep in my bed. I wore a red and white tank top with red shorts as pyjamas. All of a sudden I sensed something looking down on me. Like I was being watched or something. I swear if it was the neighbors dog sneaking into our house again, I'd wouldn't be happy. I slowly opened my eyes to see not a dog watching me sleep, but a human being. A teenaged boy. He had long spiky purple hair, a red visor covering his face except his mouth, a black trench coat, purple leather pants, black boots, and black biker gloves. 

Madalyn: Chaos Bringer?!

I sprang out of bed and got into a defensive stance. 

Madalyn: The the heck are you doing here?! In my house?! In my room?!

He just smiled at me, visor just cold blown staring at me as it flashed from the light of the moon shining down on my window. He let out a small laugh as he suddenly vanished into thin air. I looked around all confused until I felt a rush of wind behind me. 

Chaos Bringer: You were the one who asked me to come out of the shadows. 

I imedialty turned around and faced him angerly, pointing a finger at him.

Madalyn: Oh yeah, and I called you a chicken too! I want a battle right here and now! 

Then he disapeared again! I growled as I desperatly searched the room for him.

Madalyn: Where did he go?! 

A laughed echoed across the room and I looked up to see that Chaos Bringer was staring at me. He stood on the ceiling with his arms crossed. 

Chaos Bringer: Easy tough girl. I've already decided the time and place. And then we'll see who's chicken.

he brought out an invitation card from his jacket and flicked it at me. It was going so fast I thought it was going to cut me in half! 


Madalyn: I'm no chicken!

I screamed and woke up, quikcly sitting up in my bed. The room was almost pitched black. I looked around the room and didn't see anything, or anyone.

Madalyn: I guess it was just a dream. 

As I leaned back down into my bed and just before I was about to fall back asleep, I spotted something on the floor next to my bed. It picked up the object to see it was the card. The same one from that dream. 

Madalyn: It was real?! Chaos Bringer, I've had enough. I'm going to take you down for everything you've done! 


I woke up the next morning and got dressed into my clothes. I hooked up my tablet to my belt and walked down stairs.

Madalyn: See ya mom!

Mom: Be home for dinner, I'm making something special ok?

I peeked into the room and waved at her. She looked at me with a confused look on her face.

Mom: Your back already?

Madalyn: I didn't leave yet. I wanted to give you this.

I handed her the "Ardenes" bag and she took out the small box and opened it to reveal the frog key chain. 

Madalyn: Today was your birthday so I thought I'd--

Mom: Oh my gosh, Madalyn! I almost forgot.

Madalyn: I'll see you later mom!

I kissed her on the cheek then took off out of the house and hooped on my bike and pedalled down the street. After riding my bike for a few minutes I pulled up to an old cargo bay. I left my bike at the entrance as I walked inside and walked down the cooridor. This was where me and Chaos Bringer were suppose to meet. To battle it out. At that moment, a part of my life flashed before my eyes. The day I first met Optimus, to searching for him in the river, us being reunited, and Optimus's evolution. 

As I walked I heard footsteps behind me, I looked over to see Emanuel walking beside me. Then Selina and Najat joined us, followed by David who jumped down from the top of a crane. Such a ninaj that guy. Apparently Iestyn couldn't make it because Emanuel said he felt sick. Once we reached the end of the bay to one of the docks, there he was. The Decepticon user himself. 

Madalyn: Ok, let's do this now!

Chaos Bringer: Go ahead and draw. 

Everyone: Ground Bridge! Open!

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