Chapter 24 - Madalyn vs. Chaos Bringer Round 2

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Madalyn's P.O.V.

We activated our tablets and a flash of white light appeared around me my friends, and Chaos Bringer. The Autobot and Decepticon insignias circled our feet as the light flashed brighter and brighter, transporting all of us to the Colour Dimension. Chaos Bringer brought out the doom card and held it between two of his fngers. He let it slowly drift away from his hand as he loosened his grip on it.

Chaos Bringer: Doom card set.

The card pierced the floor like a knife, sinking down through the floor as a purple shockwave shot itself across the floor of the battlefield. We each tossed in our first game cards in silence, watching them glow and gorw bigger in size. Thus, the battle I've been waiting for had finally arrived, and begun.

Chaos Bringer: Game card set!

Chaos Bringer fired his second game card into the battlefield, landing next to mine. What is he up to?

Chaos Bringer: Decepticons! Rise up!

He fired his first Decepticon into the battlefield. The photo on the card was a green and turquiose tank.

Chaos Bringer: Bombshock! Transform!

The card glowed and the tank rolled out of the card and transformed into his robot mode. His golden optics flashing in rage, looking down at me.

Tablet: Decepticon Bombshock attack level 4482.

Don't be afraid Maddie. You've fought him before. You can do this.

Madalyn: My turn to play. Autobots! Roll out!

I fired my first Autobot into the battlefield. The photo on the card was a red and yellow boom box.

Madalyn: Blaster! Transform!

The card glowed and the boom box levitated out of the card and transformed into his robot mode.

Tablet: Autobot Blaster 100 attack point advantage.

Blaster punched his fits together as he ran full speed towards Bombshock, jumping in the air to perform an attack from above. He landed a punch to the Decepticons face, as Bombshock quickly shook it off and locked fits with the Autobot.

Chaos Bringer: Game card open! Energon Merge!

The game card activated and a purple and black tornado formed around the two Transformers. The dark energy from the tornado was taking Blasters ebergy away from him and giving it to Bombshock. The Autobot began slowly losing his grip on the Decepticon as he got down on one kee, still trying to push his opponent back.

Tablet: Decepticon Bombshock increased to 5482. Autobot Blaster decreased to 3582 attack points.

Madalyn: You think that will stop me?! Ability card activate! Sound Barrier!

A force field made out of complete sound energy completely surrounded Blaster.

Tablet: Autobot Blaster increased back to 4582. Decepticon Bombshock decreased to 3482 attack points.

The soundbarrer then moved over to his servos and Blaster stood back up on his feet pushing Bombshock back with all his might. He then fired a sound blast at the Decepticon, striking him in the chest going straight through him. Bombshock glowed into his card form and returned to Chaos Bringer in defeat. There was no reaction from the Decepticon user. He just stood there. Never even bothered to pick up the card from the floor.

Emanuel: So the first win goes to Maddie.

Blaster glowed into his card forma nd returned to me in victory. One down two more to go.

Madalyn: Looks like I win.

Chaos Bringer: That time. Decepticons! Rise up!

Chaos Bringer fired in his second Decepticon card into the battlefield. The photo on the card was a red, greeb, and yellow asault tank.

Chaos Bringer: Demolisher! Transform!

The card glowed and the tank rolled out of the card and transformed into his robot mode.

Tablet: Decepticon Demolisher attack level 3700.

Madalyn: 3700? I think I'll go with Blaster again. Blaster transform!

I threw Blaster back into the battlefield, his card glowing as his boom box mode quickly emerged from the card as he transformed into his robot mode.

Tablet: Autobot Blaster attack level 4582.

Blaster brought out his laser gun and charged it while running towards Demolisher.

Chaos Bringer: Alright, game card open! 'Con Wall.

A purple force field emerged in front of Demolisher as Blaster fired a shot THe laser deflected the blast as Blaster kept shoting and failing. Finally he tossed the gun aside and moved in to punch his way in through the wall. Only to be blind sided by a dark amount of dark energon shotting itself out from the wall and taking him up into the air. Right through the doom portal.

Madalyn: Blaster no! What was that?! They technically didn't even fight yet! Blaster was the one doing all the work!

Demolisher glowed into the his card form and returned to Chaos Bringer. This time, he actually caught the card in his hand.

Chaos Bringer: The 'Con Wall allows any Decepticon to win unconditionally.

Najat: Oh man I've never heard of that card before!

Selina: Things are getting serious. Both Madalyn and Chaos Bringer only have two Transformers left now.

David: Your right Selina. Things are getting serious. More serious then you could ever imagine.

Chaos Bringer fired his thrid and final game card into the battlefield, replacing the spot his first game card took place. He took Blaster away from me. The very first Transformers card I ever had. He's going to pay big time. He fired Demolisher back into the battlefield, landing on his third game card. The card glowed and Demolisher emerged from the card and transformed into his robot mode.

Madalyn: What? He's using Demolisher again?!

David: Just be careful Madalyn. Chaos Bringer has something up his sleeve.

Madalyn: Ha! WHen I'm done with him, he's going to wish he never got dressed!

I fired my second game card into the battlefield landing next to his thrid game card. I then fired my second Autobot into the battlefield. The photo on the card was a blue and yellow speed boat.

Madalyn: Seaspray! Transform!

The card glowed and the speed boat flew out of the card and transformed into his robot mode, landing on Demolishers game card.

Tablet: Decepticon Demolisher attack level 3700. Autobot Seaspray attack level 3962.

Madalyn: Okay Seaspsray let's so this punk this is our playground!

Seaspsray charged forward at Demolisher, tackling him to the ground and began punching him repeatedly.

Chaos Bringer: Game card open.

Demolisher tossed Seaspray off him but just before he could fire a shot at the Autobot, Seaspray while in the air, brought out his blaster and fired a shot at the Decepticon, striking Demolisher in the back. He glowed into his card form and returned to Chaos Bringer in defeat.

Madalyn: Alright we did it!

But I may have spoke too soon. Suddenly Seasspray began sinking into the card.

Madalyn: What the?!

Selina: Oh no! I've heard of this one! It's Energon Freeze!

Chaos Bringer: Bwha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! And now for the main attraction. It's show time, evolved Soundwave!

A dark energy formed around Chaos Bringers tablet as a giant hologram of evolved Soundwave appeared behind him, glowing with a dark purple light around his body.

Emanuel: So it is true!

Chaos Bringer: Decepticons! Rise up!

Chaos Bringer fired his final Decepticon into the battlefield landing on the game card behind Energon Freeze. The photo on the card was a military assault van with spikes on its from bumpers and it had a dark purple and black paint job.

Chaos Bringer: Soundwave! Transform!

The card glowed and the van drove out of the card and transformed into his new evolved robot mode.

Madalyn: Whoa, Soundwave really did evolve!

Tablet: Decepticon Soundwave attack level 4800.

Chaos Bringer: Come on, Madalyn it's your turn.

Optimus: Madalyn, send me in.

Madalyn: Alright then Optimus. It's your turn to play.

Optimus: Lets light our darkest hour.

Optimus's hologram disappeared and his card appeared on the touch screen of my tablet. I hooked it up with my T-Launcher and armed it with the card.

Madalyn: Here we go. Autobots! Roll out!

I fired the card from my launcher and into the battlefield landing on Soundwaves game card. The photo on the card was a red and blue military experimental assault vehicle.

Madalyn: Optimus Prime transform!

The card glowed and the assault vehicle drove out of the card and transformed into his robust robot mode.

Tablet: Decepticon Soundwave attack level 4800. Autobot Optimus Prime attack level 4500.

Chaos Bringer: Looks like we have a full cast.

Soundwave: Your time has come to an end Optimus Prime.

Optimus: It ends when I say it ends Soundwave.

Madalyn: Game card open!

I activated the game card and it transformed the battlefield into huge rocky valley with a volcano in the background, erupting laval from its top.

Madalyn & Chaos Bringer: Transformers attack!

Optimus and Soundwave each charged forward, locking fists with each other. Soundwave built just enought strengh to push Optimus back and deliver a spin kick to the Primes face. Optimus quikcly moved back, punching Soundwave hard in the face. But not before SOundwave brought out his energon blaster and fired a shot landing on Optimus's left shoulder.


Optimus covered the wound with his hand, stopping the energon from leaking out.

Selina: That has gotta hurt!

But Optimus came back, putting his hands together in one big fist, slapping Soundwave again in the face. He delivered another punch as Soundwave transformed his hand into a spinning blade axe. The spikes from the axe acelerated around the top of the axe as the Decepticon swung it at Optimus, striking him in the chest. The good news it, Optimus only recieved a flesh wound as he quickly jumped back from the axe.

Chaos Bringer: How do you like the show so far? I think it's time for the main event. Ability card activate! Dual Cannon!

Soundwave transformed both of his hands into energon riot cannons, shoring them both at Optimus and Seaspray. Seaspray was struck by one of the blasts and was sent hurtling through the doom portal.

Optimus: Seaspray!

Optimus drifted his attention away from Soundwave and watched the doom portal close, allowing no escape from Seaspray.

Madalyn: Optimus look out!

Soundwave fired a shot but Optimus moved quikcly enough to dodge the attack. However when I checked my tablet Soundwaves attack level increased by 500 points.

Chaos Bringer: Time for the final act.

Bumblebee: Optimus! Hang in there boss bot!

Madalyn: Ability card activate! Energon Burst!

I tossed the ability card at Optimus and a light blue energon shield surrounded him. Soundwaves blasts from his riot cannons were deflected from the shield and sent back to him, striking the Decepticon in the chest. There was a huge puff of smoke surrounding him.

Madalyn: Did it work?

The smoke vanished from the battlefield to reveal a part of Soundwaves chest was wipped clean off! 

Tablet: Decepticon Soundwave decreased by 400 points. Current attack level 4400. Autobot Optimus Prime remains stable at 4500 attack points.

David: Way to go Maddie!

My friends cheered me and Optimus on as Chaos Bringer looked up at his Decepticon partner and, smiled?! What the heck?! He let out a long menacing laugh.

Chaos Bringer: Congradulations, you have succeded in making me very angry! 

Chaos Bringer tossed a card into the air and it exploded into purple sparks. The sparks moved over to Soundwaves wound and healed it completely. 

Najat: Look at that!

Selina: Oh no! 

Emanuel: His chest plate! It grew back!

Madalyn: No way! 

Optimus: Unbelievable! 

Optimus and Soundwave glowed into their card forms and returned to me and Chaos Bringer along with the game card dissapearing. 

Chaos Bringer: Now it's time for the final curtain. And unfortunately for you, there will be no encore. Soundwave transform!

Chaos Bringer fired Soundwave back into the battefield, landing on the final game card that was left on the battlefield.

Chaos Bringer: Playtime's over.

Madalyn: I have to put you back in Optimus. Lets win this once and for all. 

Optimus: I'm ready Madalyn. I will do everything in my power to take down Soundwave. But listen...

Optimus activated his jet pack in his hologram form and soar up into the air, floating in front of me.

Optimus: We can only do this together. 

Madalyn: You got it Prime.

Optimus's hologram dissapeared and his photo appeared on the touch screen of my tablet. I fired Optimus back into the battlefield, landing on the game card Soundwave was on. 

Tablet: Decepticon Soundwave atack level 4800. Autobot Optimus Prime attack level 4500.

Madalyn: This is it Chaos Bringer. Game card open! Character card activate!

The game card activated, transforming the battlefield into a battleground in a metal war zone that looked just like Cybertron. Blue fire bursted out of the cracks in the ground, surrounding the Prime with a ton of energy. 

Tablet: Optimus Prime attack level doubled to 9000.

Chaos Bringer: Ability card activate! Dark Impulse!

Two giant speakers emerged from Soundwaves back as they began to charge. The energy balls were growing bigger and bigger setting off a loud noise.

Tablet: Decepticon Soundwave attack level increased to 5800.

Madalyn: Check this out. Ability card activate! Delta Energon Blast!

Optimus became surrounded with even more energy as he brought out his energon path blaster, fully charging it to its peek. 

Tablet: Optimus Prime attack level increased to 13000.

Madalyn: There is no way you can beat us! 

Chaos Bringer: On the conturary, we can beat you and we most certainly will. Fusion ability activate! Destruction Impact!

Soundwave was covered with even more power as the energy balls from his Dark Impulse ability continued to grow. 

Tablet: Decepticon Soundwave attack level increased to 6800.

Optimus: This ends now!

Optimus fired a shot from his blaster and the shot struck Soundwave in the chest. There was a huge explosion followed by some sparks of fire and a ton of smoke. My friends cheered in the background for me and Optimus as if we won the battle. 

Najat: Wah-hoo!

Selina: Yeah!

Emanuel: Great job you guys!

David: Yes!

Madalyn: It's like I told you, nobody can beat-- What?!

I looked up in shock to see Soundwave emerge from the smoke. He wasn't damaged at all. Not a single scratch or dent to be found. His Dark Impulse ability was still charging. Soundwave was covered with blue flames as he consumed its power.

Soundwave: So tell me human, was that your best shot?

Soundwave stretched his arms out, depleting the fire from his cybertronian body. Me and my friends looked up at him in shock, eyes widen and mouths just hanging open. 

Optimus: But how?!

Madalyn: I don't get it! How did he survive?! There's no way he could!

Tablet: Autobot Optimus Prime attack level 6500. Decepticon Soundwave remains stable at 6800.

Madalyn: But why?! Why did Optimus's attack level go down?!

Chaos Bringer: Destruction Impact not only increases Soundwaves attack level, it also has the effect of nuetralizing your game card completely.

Madalyn: What?.... No!

Chaos Bringer: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!

Madalyn: It-it can't be... he won.... No! That's not possible!

My friends remained frozen in shock at this twisted event. Soundwave and Chaos Bringer had won the battle. Thus, Optimus had to pay a price for losing. I price I wish had never come.

Soundwave: It looks like the show is over. For you it is.

Chaos Bringer: And now Soundwave, time to take a bow.

Chaos Bringer snapped his fingers, giving Soundwave the order to attack. Soundwave fired his energy balls from his speakers and he repeatedly continued to fire at the Prime. Optimus got hit by the blasts left and right. 

Madalyn: Optimus no! Please don't do this to him!

Soundwave: Too late!

Soundwave fired one last blast, striking Optimus in the chest. There was a huge purple explosion as Optimus backed away a few steps then got down on both of his knees and hands.

Najat: Optimus!

Selina: This can't be!

Bumblebee: I can't watch!

Emanuel: Optimus is down! 

As Optimus used all of his remaining strenght to keep his body up from the floor, the doom portal opened up behind me and my friends. The force from the portal lifted Optimus up into the air and quickly but steadily hurtled him towards the portal.

Optimus: Madalyn.... farewell..... my friend......

Chaos Bringer: Away with you!

I couldn't take it. I couldn't lose Optimus and let him get sent into the Cybetronian Underworld. I wouldn't allow that. Tears were streaming down my face as I ran towards the portal after Optimus.

Madalyn: Optimus! I refuse to let you go like this!

By the time I was running towards the portal Optimus's body was already through the portal. 

David: Wait Madalyn! Don't do it!

David ran after me but I already had a head start on him. I completely ignored him as I made it to the portal.

Madalyn: I'm not leaving you Optimus!

I jumped through the portal just as it began to close, leaving David and the others with Chaos Bringer.


David's P.O.V.

David: MADALYN! 

The others looked at me in shock. There eyes so wide they could literally fall right out of their heads. Najat had her hands over her mouth while Emanuel had his hands on his head. 

Emanuel: What.... just happened?!

Chaos Bringer: That was a bad choice.

There was a white flash of light and me and the others were transported back to the dock. The sun was now beginning to set as the sky was a bright shade of orange and yellow. The wind blew through our hair as we all just stared at Chaos Bringer in shock. 

Emaneul: Madalyn? Where is she? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH HER?!

Chaos Bringer: I have done nothing to her. She chose her own fate. The Cybertronian Underworld is the afterlife for the Transformers. There is no return from the Cybertronian Underworld. 

I was shocked at what he said, but most of all I was terrified. Madalyn..... Madalyn was gone. I started tearing up. I tried to stay strong for the others but I couldn't hold back the tears.


David ran towards Chaos Bringer and moved in with his fist, trying to punch him in the face. But before he delivered the blow, Chaos Bringer vanished swiftly then reappeared between me, Selina, Najat and David. After that he finally dissapeared. I-- I couldn't believe it. We couldn't believe it. Madalyn, my best friend, was gone. Selina dropped to knees and everyone just allowed the tears to roam free. 

Najat: Oh Madalyn! Why did you have to go and do that?!

Selina: Noooo! 

Emanuel dropped down to his knees and let his head down. Tears were streaming down his face as Predakings hologram appeared, trying to comfort him. 

Emamuel: MADALYN!!!

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