Chapter 3 - A Spy Is Lurking

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Madalyn's P.O.V.

Kato: I've prepared dinner for all of you. I'm sure your all hungry after exploring all day.

The dinner Kato made for us was prime rib, mash potatoes, Caesar salad, carrots, orange juice, everything! It was awesome! I was chowing down my food like a kid eating a giant bag of candy.

Madalyn: Wow that's really good! Kato, can I have seconds please?

As I took a bite of my dinner I noticed everyone else wasn't eating. David took a sip of his drink but he didn't touch his food either.

Madalyn: Hey guys, uh, your not eating.

Iestyn: We're not hungry.

Emanuel: Someone's missing. Najat.

I rested my utensils on the table and looked down in sadness. I really felt bad for Najat. Her long childhood friend Zach is working for Chaos Bringer. For Deception. For Megatron.

Predaking: Najat must feel terrible.

Optimus: Yes, of course she does.

Madalyn: I can't believe Chaos Bringer! He got one of Najat's childhood friends to be his fighters! He's asking for it!


Najat's P.O.V.

I was in my room crying on my bed. In my hands I was holding the cowboy toy Zach have me when we were little kids.


Najat: Glad your back to being your old self Zach.

I extended my hand forward to shake hands with him, but Zach slapped it out of his way.

Zach: Get off your high horse!


Najat: Why Zach..... Why did you join up with Chaos Bringer?.... Why?!


Madalyn's P.O.V.

The next day, we were back out in Transformers Valley looking for anymore clues that could lead us to the infinity core. There was me, Emanuel, Selina, and Iestyn.

Madalyn: Looks like we ran out of places to search for the infinity core.

Emanuel: I guess we're out of luck.

Selina: The caves we went to yesterday collapsed.

Iestyn: So what should we do now Maddie?

Madalyn: Let me think about this..... Hey I know! Lets check in on Najat.

Emanuel: Are you sure about that?

Iestyn: I don't know Maddie, maybe Najat needs some alone time right now.

Madalyn: Hey what gives? How come last night you were all so worried about her.

Emanuel: Aw man.....

Bumblebee: Its no use Emanuel. You'd think Maddie would understand her own gender.

Madalyn: Hey! I heard that Bumblebee!

All of a sudden my Transformers Tablet went off and David's face appeared.

David: Madalyn we need to talk. Now.

Madalyn: David, did you find something?

David: Yes I did. There's a large canyon about 10 kilometres west from your location. It's very similar to the one in Transformers Valley.

Madalyn: Really? Great! Ok then, lets go check it out! We'll meet you at the plane.


Grimlock's P.O.V.

I watched the computer screen David was using and I noticed there was something off going on. The two pictures of the canyons were nothing alike.

Grimlock: *thinking* Did he say is similar to Transformers Valley? Strange, I don't see anything similar between the two. What is David up to?


Madalyn's P.O.V.

Selina: Wouldn't it be great if we could find the infinity core out in that canyon?

Madalyn: I got a good feeling about this. Maybe this time we'll get lucky and find it!

The four of us walked up the stairs and entered the plane.

Madalyn: Hey David!

All of a sudden there was a high pitched squeal and next thing I knew, I was bear hugged by Najat. She didn't seem upset at all. She looked happy.

Najat: Its so good to see you again Maddie!

Emanuel: What's with her?

Madalyn: Um, what's up Najat? What are you doing here?

Najat: Oh please! I'm part of this gang you of all people should know that by now Madalyn. Could could at least pretend your happy to see your best friend! After all I did come a long way to hang out with you again.

Kato: Ms. Najat arrived here a short moment ago.

Iestyn: But then, your not upset anymore? About Zach I mean.

Najat: Of course not! You didn't think I was going to go all Molly forever did you? I have to get up and go, go, go!

Madalyn: Now that's the Najat I used to know!

Najat: Yep! From now on, I'm looking at the bright side of life! Ok, so now that I'm here which room will I be staying in?

Selina: Uh Najat? I'm sorry to say this but all of the rooms are occupied.

Najat: Oh, well no problem. I guess I'll just have to share a room with Maddie.

David: Sorry but Maddie's room is pretty small so I don't think there's room for you there.

Selina: He's right. He and Maddie had to take one of the smaller rooms. And Iestyn and Emanuel are sharing a room. So this might be a little tricky Najat. Hey! I know! You can bunk with me in my room!


Najat's P.O.V.

Emanuel: Here you are Najat. This is your new room. Selina's bed is the one at the end so you can have this one next to the closet.

Najat: Thanks Emanuel. I'm glad I travelled light this time.

I placed my bag on my bed and started unpacking my things. Pyjamas, tooth brush, extra clothes, the whole deal. After all of that, I pulled out the cowboy toy Zach gave me. I couldn't help bit feel a sadness rush over me. I missed Zach so much. Why did he have to cross over to the dark side? Why did he join Megatron?

Najat: *thinking* Don't worry Zach. I'll get you back on the right path. I promise.


Madalyn's P.O.V.

Bumblebee: Look everybody! Look! Look! Look!

We all came running into the living room to see Bumblebee's hologram jumping up and down on the coffee table.

Bumblebee: We're almost there!

Madalyn: I can't wait! Aw man, this is so exciting!

Iestyn: Whatever we find, I hope we don't run into any trouble.

Emanuel: Yeah me too. We don't want any surprises.

Madalyn: That's right. I don't understand why Chaos Bringer's gang keeps showing up wherever we go. How do they do that?

David: Yes about that, don't you think it's rather strange?

Madalyn: What do you mean?

Najat: Maybe its just a coincidence, that's all.

David: They seem to know our every move. Someone must be spying for them.

Emanuel: Do you mean one of us David?

Iestyn: No way!

Madalyn: I don't believe it! You can't be serious! Are you saying there's a traitor among us?

David: No not here. There is only one other person who knows of our whereabouts.

Everyone: Yeah but who?

David: I'm taking about, Web Master Mia.

Madalyn: Wait! It all makes sense now!

I was shocked at this idea. I sat down on the couch behind me and Optimus's hologram appeared next to me.

Optimus: Madalyn, who is Web Master Mia?

Madalyn: She manages our website. She's the one who keeps track of everything we do.

Emanuel: We only know her by the web name she goes by, everything else about her is a mystery. We've never seen her and we have no idea where she lives. She knows everything about the Transformers Titans.

Bumblebee: Sounds creepy of you ask me.

Selina: Well Mia does do a really good job of managing our website. But you never hear from her online or in that chat rooms.

David: And as a web master she can monitor all online activity anytime she wants.

Madalyn: That would mean its easy for her to know the moves we make.

Grimlock: I see. So that's why you lied about that canyon in the west.

Madalyn: Huh? He lied?!

Selina: Then this was all a set up! Don't you realize what will happen if we show our faces there?!

Emanuel: All of Chaos Bringer's gang will be there waiting for us!

Madalyn: Hold on! So David was lying about finding the infinity core?

Selina nodded in reply with a serious expression on her face.

Madalyn: Man that's low! I can't believe you'd do something like that David! How could you do this to us?!

David: I did the only thing I could think of to find out the truth.

Kato: Our destination is in view. Take your seats, we're going to land.

An live feed of the canyon appeared on the TV screen in the living room.

Selina: Whoa!


By the time we landed the sun was coming down fast, so night time was upon us. We walked out of the plane and started looking around the canyon.

Emanuel: Grimlock was right! This canyon is nothing like Transformers Valley.

???: Ha, ha, ha, ha!

We all heard a maniacal laugh and looked up and one of the ledges of the cliff to see a teenaged girl standing there. She had black hair in a pony tail with a purple band, brown eyes, and she wore a black ninja suit with purple highlights.

???: So you brawlers finally showed up.

David: You see?

Madalyn: You were right David!

???: Do you know me?

She jumped off the cliff and performed a series of flips before landing on her two feet. She stood up and looked at us.

???: My name is Shannon. And I'm the 3rd best Transformers player!

Madalyn: What?!

Selina: That's really close to the top so she must be really good.

Emanuel: Yeah, and Zach was rank 10.

Iestyn: Corbin was 5th.

Madalyn: Yeah but it's still not number 1!

I looked at her ninja suit and found the Decepticon insignia over her heart side.

Madalyn: So, your a Decepticon user.

Shannon: Ha, ha, ha! Yeah that's right. Your not afraid to battle me are you?

Madalyn: No way! Not a chance!

Najat: Hold on a second! Chill out will you Shannon? What do you want from us?

Madalyn: Yeah, what's up? You do like playing Transformers don't you? You must have worked hard to get to the ranking your at now. Why would you side with someone like Chaos Bringer?

She pulled out the doom card from her pocket and showed it to us.

Shannon: Here's why. I have the doom card!

That was it. I had to take her down. I took out my tablet and readied myself for battle.

Najat: Wait Maddie! Not on your own! Don't!

Selina: You'll have a better chance at defeating her with help.

David: Don't be a fool.

At that moment everyone else brought out their Transformers Tablets.

Madalyn: Sorry, I have to do this alone guys.

Emanuel: Madalyn, are you sure?

Madalyn: Thia battle is between me and her. And I accept the challenge. I wanna test my strength right now. Are you with me Optimus?

Optimus: I'm with you Madalyn. Lets get this battle under way!

Madalyn: Alright then. As long as I have you, I can't lose!

Predaking: Optimus, are you sure your ready?

Optimus: Of course I am.

Madalyn: Then lets do this! We'll show Chaos Bringer he can't push us around!

Shannon: Good then lets start the battle!

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