Chapter 4 - Madalyn vs. Shannon

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Madalyn & Shannon: Ground Bridge! Open!

We activated our tablets and a flash of white light surrounded us. Followed by the Autobot and Decepticon insignia's circling around our feet. The light glowed brighter and brighter as time kept getting slower and slower, until it came to a stand still. Shannon and I found ourselves in the colour dimension, ready for battle.

Madalyn & Shannon: Game card! Set!

We launched our first cards from our tablets and on to the battlefield. They glowed and grew bigger in size.

Madalyn: You ready Shannon? Autobots! Roll out!

I fired in my first Autobot card into the battlefield. The photo on the card was a emergency racing car.

Madalyn: Red Alert! Transform!

The card glowed and the car raced out, blaring its sirens as he transformed into his robot mode.

Shannon: Oh please! Don't tell me all of your moves are going to be that predictable? Decepticons! Rise up!

Shannon launched in her first Decepticon card. The photo on the card was a green seeker jet with golden and brown camouflage highlights.

Shannon: Acidstorm! Transform!

The card glowed and the seeker flew out if the card and transformed into its robot mode.

Madalyn: Holy smoke! He looks exactly like Starscream!

Optimus: Before the war, Starscream was the captain of a seeker armada. I have a feeling we will be seeing more of them in the future. Acidstorm being one of them.

Madalyn: Game card open! Triple battle!

The colour dimension transformed into a metal arena and metallic bars shot out of the middle of the card, separating Redalert and Acidstorm from each other.

Shannon: You set a trap. So it's a triple battle then? You better choose your next Autobot carefully pal.

Optimus: OK Madalyn I'm ready! Send me in!

Madalyn: No, not yet Optimus. I wanna try something first. Game card set!

I threw down my second game card into the battlefield.

Madalyn: Autobots! Roll out!

I threw in my second Autobot card into the battlefield. The photo on the card was a blue and white RC race car.

Madalyn: Mirage! Transform!

The card glowed and Mirage raced out in his vehicle mode and transformed into his robot mode, carrying a crossbow gun in his hand.

Shannon: What?! Why did you throw down a new Autobot on a different card? No matter, that leaves your Red Alert out in the open and that will cost him a trip to the under world! Ok, if that's what you want. Decepticons! Rise up!

Shannon threw down her second Decepticon card into the battlefield. The photo on the card was a dark blue seeker jet with red and white highlights.

Shannon: Thundercracker! Transform!

The card glowed and the seeker flew out of his card and transformed into his robot mode.

Madalyn: Another seeker?!

Now that Thundercracker join Redalert and Acidstorm on the triple battle game card, the metal bars sank back into the ground.

Shannon: I've got you!

Madalyn: Not for long! Ability card activate!

Shannon: Huh?!

Madalyn: Photon laser!

Redalert fired a laser at Acidstorm and it levitated the seeker into the air.

Shannon: I don't believe it!

Madalyn: Photon laser is an ability only Redalert can use!

Redalert released Acidstorm from the laser shield, and the Decepticon crashed into Mirage's game card. An explosion occurred and Acidstorm and Thundercracker glowed into their card forms and returned to Shannon in defeat.

Shannon: She beat them both?!

The two Autobots glowed into their card forms and returned to me in victory.

Madalyn: Now that's what I call an attack strategy, my style! Come on! Lets keep going!

I threw Redalert back into the battlefield for battle number 2.

Shannon: Not this again! Your lucks run out! Decepticons! Rise up!

Shannon threw in her last Decepticon card into the battlefield. It was a aqua blue and purple seeker jet. But this one was different than the other two. This one was more slimmer and looked for feminine.

Shannon: Slipstream! Transform!

The card glowed and the female seeker flew out in her jet mode and transformed into her robot mode.

Tablet: Decepticon Slipstream attack level 5619. Autobot Redalert attack level 1808.

Optimus: We're in trouble Madalyn! Slipstream is considered one of the toughest of all the seekers in the Decepticon Ranks. Be careful.

Madalyn: I won't lose if I can match its attack points somehow. I'll toast her with this ability card!

Shannon: Not quite. Ability card activate! Fierce Rage!

Slipstream started glowing dark purple and her fingers grew longer and sharper.

Slipstream: I'll take away all of your chances of winning this battle! There is no hope for you!

Shannon: This ability card makes all other opponents ability cards useless!

Madalyn: Hey no fair! You can't do that!

Slipstream: She can, and she did! Sorry, but there's only one place you can go!

Slipstream slashed Redalert in the chest and the Autobot flew right through the doom portal. Slipstreams laugh was menacing and dark.

Madalyn: No! Redalert!

Optimus: Slipstream is menacing and she's powerful. She has three strengths. Fierce, Aggressive, and Lust.

Madalyn: Lust?

Optimus: She manipulates other Transformers with her charm. It's the strongest of her abilities. You must be careful Madalyn.

Madalyn: Talk about split personalities!

Shannon: You haven't seen anything yet! Come on back Slipstream your still in the battle!

Slipstream glowed into her card form and returned to Shannon in victory.

Shannon: Oh, there's one little thing I forgot to mention.

Shannon's game card opened and images to Thundercracker and Acidstorm appeared above us. They glowed into their card forms and returned to Shannon.

Optimus: What?! We defeated them already!

Madalyn: Yeah what gives?!

Shannon: That's because the first game card I threw in was the revive card. It comes in handy because it can restore any defeated Transformers in battle!

Madalyn: So that means we're back to square 1? Though not for long, this battle has gone on long enough! Game card set!

I threw in my last game card into the battlefield.

Madalyn: Help me out here Optimus! Autobots! Roll out!

I launched Optimus into the battlefield landing on my last game card I had left in this battle.

Madalyn: Optimus Prime! Transform!

The card glowed and the semi truck came rolling out in his vehicle mode and the Prime quickly transformed into his robot mode.

Shannon: So you decided to bring out your pride and joy Optimus Prime huh? Good!

She threw in her second game card followed by Slipstream landing on her game card.

Shannon: I'll show you why I'm ranked 3rd in the world! It's your strongest Transformer against mine! Lets see if you have the courage to put it all on the line!

Madalyn: Bring it! Autobots, Roll Out!

I threw down Mirage back into the battlefield landing on Slipstream's card.

Tablet: Decepticon Slipstream attack level 5619. Autobot Mirage attack level 5026.

Shannon: Game card open!

The game card activated and it transformed the battlefield into a golden tomb. Slipstream and Mirage fought each using close combat with powerful kicks and punches. Until Slipstream's claws grew and sharpened, and she slashed Mirage right in the chest, sending the Autobot flying off the battlefield and through the portal.

Madalyn: Mirage! Nooooo!

Slipstream glowed into her card form and she returned to Shannon in victory.

All of a sudden, two of our used game cards where sent back into the battlefield, already activated.

Madalyn: This time the game cards are restored?!

Shannon: Now everything is in its right place. You should thank me Madalyn. I set this up just for you. It's where Optimus Prime will have his last battle! Ha, ha, ha!

Optimus: Well, she's smart I'll give her that.

Shannon: Alright! Time for the big finish! Decepticons! Rise up! Thundercracker transform!

Shannon threw Thundercracker back into the battlefield, and faced him up against Optimus.

Thundercracker: I hope your ready for the doom dimension Optimus Prime! Your time has come!

Madalyn: Optimus! There's no way I'm going to lose you this way! She may be a top ranked player but that doesn't mean she's better than us! If we're going to win this O.P., we're going to have to give it our best shot! Game card open!

The game card activated and it turned the battlefield into an ancient counsel room. Optimus lit up with a red light surrounding his body.

Madalyn: Character card!

Optimus let out a battle cry as he could feel his body becoming stronger and stronger.

Madalyn: Go Optimus! Ability card activate!

Optimus: Power of The Primes!

Optimus jumped up into the air stil glowing a firey red, and brought out his energy axe. He swung it at Thundercracker and sliced the seeker in half. The Decepticon glowed into his card form and returned to Shannon in defeat.

Optimus: I'm not going to the Underworld Thundercracker! Not now, not ever!

The Prime glowed into his card form and returned to me with the battle won.

Madalyn: Nice one Optimus! That's the way to do it! Just keep on doing what you do and this battle is ours, got it?

Optimus: You can count on me Madalyn!

Madalyn: Its time to turn up the heat! Autobots! Roll out!

I launched Optimus back into the battlefield once again. With his character card power boost still in play, he became stronger than before! I have to make this round count. I'm down to my last ability card.

Shannon: Decepticons! Rise up!

Shannon threw back in Acidstorm to go up against Optimus. One down, two to go.

Acidstorm: Thundercracker may haven't been so lucky, but I won't let you get past me Prime!

Optimus: We'll see about that Acidstorm.

Shannon: Wait, watch this! Ability card activate! Acid rain!

Acidstorm fired his arm mounted lasers into the air and the shots exploded like fire works, causing drops of acid to come down like rain. They landed on Acidstorm and he started glowing dark green.

Tablet: Decepticon Acidstorm attack level raised to 5043.

Madalyn: How did that happen?!

Acidstorm transformed into his jet mode and soared up into the sky and swooped down towards Optimus.

Madalyn: Optimus is in trouble!

All of a sudden Optimus's strength went up and he punched Acidstorm.

Madalyn: Optimus?!

Shannon: I don't believe it!

Tablet: Autobot Optimus Prime attack level raised to 5100.

Acidstorm started spinning out of control and glowed into his card form and returned to Shannon in defeat.

Shannon: Its not possible! Acidstorm was defeated?! How did he do that? His attack level raised and you didn't throw down an ability card!

Optimus glowed into his card form and returned to me in defeat. Although, he was still glowing.

Madalyn: Optimus are you ok? I thought you were a goner for a second there! What happened?

Optimus: I don't know Madalyn! But my body is burning up! It's really hot!

Madalyn: Burning up?! Do you think you'll make it?

Optimus: I'll be fine Madalyn. In fact, I'm starting to cool down now.

Madalyn: Alright, atta boy! I guess you were just firing up from the victory. Alright Optimus lets end this!

I fired Optimus back into the battlefield while Shannon fired back in Slipstream. Now it's all or nothing.

Shannon: I'm going to make things very hard for you. Ability card activate! Aggressive Rage!

Slipstream's purple optics glowed darker in colour as her entire body was covered by a purple light and her finger nails grew 7x in size.

Slipstream: I am Slipstream! And I slaughter all Autobots who get in my way!

Tablet: Attack power change detected. Optimus has decreased while Slipstream has increased.

Shannon: You'll need a miracle to beat me this time!

Slipstream: Let's see if you can handle my rage Prime!

She sliced her nails at Optimus who tried his best to dodge her strikes. But one of them got the Autobot Leader in the arm and he cried out in pain as he stepped back and tried to stop the bleeding energon with his other hand.

Madalyn: Optimus!

Slipstream: Now to finish you once and for all!

Slipstream began fully charging her null ray and aimed the weapon at Optimus. The female Decepticon seeker fired her weapon and there was an explosion followed by fire surrounding the area where the blast struck. I screamed out Optimus's name as I ran into the flames. I know what your thinking, why would I go in there and risk getting killed? I had to know if Optimus had survived. He was my greatest friend and partner, and I didn't want to lose him. As the flames started getting bigger and hotter, I felt a metallic hand pick me up. It placed me on something metal and when I looked up, I saw Optimus's face. I was filled with relief as he stood back up on his two feet.

Madalyn: Optimus! Your OK!

Optimus: Of course I am Madalyn. Your not getting rid of me that easily are you?

Madalyn: Heck no! Come on, let's win this thing!

Optimus nodded in reply as he jumped up into the air and emerged from the flames. I saw the look on Shannon's face, and I have never seen anyone more shocked in my entire life!

Madalyn: We're not done yet Shannon!

Shannon: What?! Slipstream hit him with all of her rage, how did he survive?! Is this some kind of trick?!

Madalyn: No trick, we're still in this game! Optimus is hot, pumped up, and ready to roll!

Optimus: Madalyn, say the word and I'll light our darkest hour!

Shannon: No! Stay back! You can't beat me!

Madalyn: I can and I will! It's our turn to play now. I'll combine your character card power boost with the Power of The Primes ability card!

Optimus: Interesting strategy Madalyn. That will boost my power twice as much.

Madalyn: Correction, three times more! Why should we hold back when we can so her an attack level like no ones ever see before!

Optimus: Ok, let's do it Madalyn!

Optimus brought out his path blaster and aimed it at Slipstream. He fully charged his weapon and opened fired at the Decepticon seeker. I threw in the Power of The Primes ability card at Optimus's laser, and it grew twice as big! Slipstream fired her weapon at the blast and the two lasers collided with each other. Each kept going a few inches back and fourth. I kept an eye on Optimus's attack level on my tablet and it was going up like crazy!

Tablet: Autobot Optimus Prime attack level 5300.

Madalyn: Its time to end this!

Optimus & Madalyn: Power of The Primes!

Optimus laser blast started glowing brighter and brighter and suddenly, it evaporated Slipstreams blast and struck the Decepticon. It destroyed her completely, burning her Cybertronian body to ashes. The entire battlefield glowed a bright light, and suddenly everything disappeared. Optimus's form vanished and I found myself falling, and landing on cold, hard, ground. I looked around to see that I was back in the canyon with the others.

Madalyn: What the?

My friends looked behind them to see me face first on the ground. They were completely shocked to see me again. I felt something land on my head, so I took it in my hand and looked at it to see it was Optimus's card.

Emanuel: Maddie! Your back!

He helped me up, and I brushed the dust and dirt off of me. I looked up to see Iestyn looking around the area in confusion.

Iestyn: Hey, where did Shannon go?

I looked at him with a happy grin on my face and the others immediately knew the answer.

Selina: Your kidding?! You beat her?! You beat the third ranked Transformers player in the world?!

Madalyn: No sweat! No one can beat us! Right Optimus?

I watched as Optimus's hologram appeared standing on my shoulder, with his hands on his hips and he gave me a thumbs up.

Optimus: You said it Madalyn.

Then all of a sudden I was bear hugged by Najat and I fell to the ground again, forcing Optimus's hologram to disappear. She repeatedly told me how proud she was about me winning and that fact she was so glad to have me as her best friend. Emanuel, and Selina joined in on the dog pile and everyone laughed as we celebrated the victory.

Emanuel: I can't believe you actually won!

Najat: I never doupted you at all Maddie!

David: So that's it. I guess we now know who's responsible.

Madalyn: So its Web Master Mia.

Selina: It has to be her! She's the only with access to our website, and all of our communications.

Iestyn: I wonder where she is right now.


Mia's P.O.V.

I woke up the next morning in my hospital room. The sunlight shining down on me through the blinded window. A nurse walked in and turned on the light. She had a warm smile on her face and gave me my breakfast before helping me into my wheelchair. I wheeled up towards the window and checked out the view.

Mia: I wonder what the Titans are up to today.

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