Chapter 5 - The Search Continues

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Madalyn's P.O.V.

We all arrived back at the plane and let me tell ya, I was beat! I eamn, what can you expect from falling at least 25 feet and landing face first on to the ground? I slouched on the couch as everyone else followed behind, taking their seats after walking around for most of the day.

Emanuel: Man am I ever beat!

Madalyn: You said it. We looked everywhere and came up empty handed!

Iestyn: I'm beginning to wonder if there are any clues to the Infinity Core here at all!

Madalyn: We'll never find it at this rate!

Najat: Aw calm down Maddie, we'll find it eventually.

Ravage: Najat, we are all upset.

Emanuel: Yeah but we're not as immature as Madalyn. Everytime something goes wrong, she freaks out!

Madalyn: What do you mean? We have to hurry up and find this thing before it's too late!

Optimus: Calm yourself Madalyn.

Emanuel: Optimus is right. We just have to look harder. Right Predaking?

Predaking: Indeed I do.

I let out a deep sigh and leaned into my seat on the couch while slamming my hands on my head and pulled on my hair in frustration.

Madalyn: But it's making me go crazy!

Grimlock: Oh your far too impatient.

Bumblebee: Like you can talk Dinoboy! You use your rage against everyone!

Grimlock: Shut it Bumblebee or I'll shut it for you!

Bumblebee: My bad.....


Selina's P.O.V.

I stepped out of the room so everyone could have some time to themselves and blow off a little steam. We've been continuing the search for the Infinity Core ever since Maddie beat Shannon and so far we've got nothing! I let out a sigh as Bumblebee's hologram appeared on my shoulder.

Selina: Man, everyone really seems down in the dump. Don't you think?

Bumblebee: When your right, your right.

Selina: Hey wait!--

All of a sudden Bumblebee jumped with a shocked look on his face and he almost fell off my shoulder because of my sudden outburst.

Bumblebee: What?! Did you leave the stove on?

Selina: No but a delious meal just might be the thing that everyone needs to make them feel better!

Bumblebee straighned himself and gave me a salute.

Bumblebee: Those who are about to cook we salute you! I don't mean to brag but I do have a bit of culinary expertise. My humble skills are at your disposal!

Selina: I knew I could count on you Bumblebee! Come on, let's get started!

I took off down the hall and that really made Bumblebee fall off me and he crashed to the ground. He back rolled a couple times before landing on his butt and he looked straight at me from across the hall.

Bumblebee: Hey! What am I chopped liver?! Wait for me!

I watched his hologram transform into his vehicle mode and he speeded after me.


We got our ingrediants ready and all the cooking tools we need to make our meal. I put on an apron and a little chef hat and I walked over to the counter.

Selina: Alright, looks like we have every-- Bumblebee?

I looked over at Bumblebee's hologram and he was wearing a little apron and chef hat of his own. It was kind of funny actually.

Bumblebee: What? Too much?

Selina: No Bumblebee it's perfect! Alright, lets get cooking! You tell me the steps alright?

Bumblebee: Got it! First we dice up some lovely green onions, then we beat two eggs, organic is the best, and no dish is complete without a little octopus!

Selina: Octopus?

Bumblebee: Selina I know what I'm doing! Who's the master chef here?!

Selina: Alright if you say so.


I brought out two plates of snacks out to the living where everyone else was sitting.

Selina: Don't be shy you guys! They're best when they're hot!

I set both plates down on the table and everyone looked at the meal in shock.

Madalyn: Whoa! That looks great!

Najat: Oh I love Takoyaki!

Ravage's hologram appeared on Najat's shoulder again and he jumped up on to the table and looked at the food with curiousity.

Ravage: Takoyaki?

Najat: They're kind of like Japanesse hamburgers. They're very, very, good! Trust me.

Emanuel: I don't mean to sound rude but I like my hamburgers with a little less octopus thank you very much. Call me crazy!

Iestyn: Where did you guys learn to cook like this?

Selina: Well, me and Bumblebee watch a lot of cooking shows on TV. It's very inspiring.

Iestyn: Do you think I could get the recipe?

Bumblebee: Sorry! That's our little secret! Well, us and about 30,000 other viewers.

Madalyn: Well, down the hatch! I'm starving!

I watched Madalyn take a bite of one of the Takoyaki's and there was a very happy look on her face. Next thing I knew, she practically devowered 5 more of them. The others started joining in on the feast and they were all very impressed.

Emanuel: You know these are good!

Iestyn: No kidding!

David: Its the soft texture of the outer coating! And the octapus is to die for!

Selina: I think we suceeded Bumblebee! Everyone looks a lot more happier now.

Bumblebee: The credits all yours Selina. If it wasn't for your inspiration, none of this would have worked!

Madalyn: Well that hit the spot! Thanks for the food Selina!

Najat: Yeah, thanks a lot!

Iestyn: That was very nice of you.

Emanuel: I feel a whole lot better now!

David: Me too.

Bumblebee: You rock Selina!

Selina: Aw stop it!

I started blushing at that point. I was happy but also a bit embarrassed at the same time.


A few minutes later everyone was getting ready for bed. Iestyn, Najat, and Emanuel helped me clean up the dishes in the kitchen. I walked in with the final pile of dishes.

Selina: These are the last ones!

I placed them on the counter and Bumblebee's hologram appeared on my shoulder.

Selina: Thanks Bumblebee. You were a really big help!

Bumblebee: Don't mention it! You know I'd do anything for you and your friends.

Selina: I'm glad that your my partner. I just wanted you to know how I feel.

Bumblebee: And thank you for taking in a drifter like me!

Selina: You think we could make those Takoyaki's of yours again sometime? I kinda dossed off for a second there.

Bumblebee: No problem! I recorded it on TV.

Selina: Perfect! We can watch it now. Wanna watch NCIS after?

Bumblebee: Oh! Oh! Oh! I call the episode with Tom Hanks son!


Emanuel's P.O.V.

As Selina and Bumblebee left, we continued cleaning the dishes and I couldn't help but form a smile on my face.

Emanuel: Those two are a great match don't you think?

Iestyn: So true!

Najat: They're are perfect team!


Madalyn's P.O.V.

Madalyn: Hey everyone! You got a second?

Before I went to bed I've been doing a lot of thinking about how we could improve our search for the Infinity Core. So far we've found no sign if it. Not even a single clue to where it could be!

Emanuel: Sure what is it?

Madalyn: I've been thinking about it a lot, and I think we should ask for any information about the Infinity Core on our website.

Everyone: What?!

Selina: I thought we talked about this already! If we do that, then there's a real chance of the enemy finding out what we're up to!

Emanuel: Its sounds kind of risky.

Iestyn: I agree with Emanuel.

At that point, all of our Transformers partners holograms appeared on the coffee table next to me. They didn't quite seem too happy about the idea either.

David: I'm all up for the idea.

Everyone: Your what?!

David: As we're all well aware, even if we attempt to keep our activities under wraps information can still be leaked. So I agree that we should go on the offensive.

Optimus: I agree with both Madalyn and David.

David: We've tried everything else haven't we? So lets stick our necks out and see what happens.

Madalyn: So who's with us?

The others were reluctant at first, but they all agreed with the plan in the end. Selina pressed a button on the table and a wireless computer keyboard and mouse appeared. She logged on to the website and got everything set up. A webcam appeared at the top of the TV and the screen showed my face.

Selina: Its all set. Any second thoughts before be begin?

Madalyn: No way!

Iestyn: Even if we do get a response, it could be a trap of some kind, couldn't it?

Madalyn: Hey danger is my middle name!

David: Right, nothing ventured nothing gained I always say.

Selina: Alright then, recording message now!

Madalyn: I'm looking for information about the Infinity Core. If you know anything at all, please contact me. See ya later!

The recording was completed and it transformed over to the website on the Transformers homepage.

Selina: Its been uploaded. All we can do now is wait.


Selina's P.O.V.

I woke up the next morning and got changed into my everyday clothes. Pink tank top, long black biker like gloves, black skirt, leggings, and pink high top converse. I walked into the living room and logged on to the website to see a red icon at the top of the screen. I clicked on it to find a video response.

Selina: Hey everyone! Come here! We got a reply to Madalyn's message!

At that point everyone came running into the room crowding around the couch as they anxiously stared at the TV screen.

Madalyn: Where is it from?

A globe appeared from the screen and a certain country kept lighting up.

Emanuel: Germany?

Selina: It says if you want information regrading the Infinity Core then come to Germany. It's best if we meet face to face.

Emanuel: I'm starting to agree with Iestyn that this all could be a trap.

Madalyn: We can't ignore a lead like this! So don't sweat it, we'll just watch each others backs.

David: Defiantly.

Selina: Absolutely!

Bumblebee: I laugh in the face of danger! Let me at 'em!

Madalyn: So lets get going then!

Emanuel: One quick question, what's the weather like this time of year?

Madalyn: Just dress in layers! Now lets get this show on the road!

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