Chapter 6 - Selina vs. Ben

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Selina's P.O.V.

Madalyn: That's where we're going?!

Just after we entered German airspace, we all looked out the window to see a huge castle. The built was white concrete stones and the roof on all the towers was dark blue. There was a lake that surrounded the castle in the back followed by a thick forest.

Madalyn: Somebody pinch me!

Emanuel: Unbelivable! It's a real castle!

Iestyn: And I thought Selina's was pretty impressive, but this place takes the cake!

Bumblebee: Ha! I bet this place is pretty drafty in the winter! It must cost a fortune to heat!

Selina: Its ok Bumblebee. Besides, we've got a swimming pool.

The plane landed in the front yard of the castle and we all walked down the platform towards the front doors. The design looked like maple wood, with some insane water colour glass paintings at the top.

Madalyn: Check out this door way! So has anybody found the door bell yet?

Najat: I think maybe we're supposed to knock.

Out of nowhere the two doors opened and inside was a long hallway with a red carpet and marble flooring, pillars and knight sets that guarded each one. The ceiling had a dark red and golden stripe like design.

Madalyn: They open automatically?

David: Oh yeah, just like the mall.

David stepped forward and walked into the hall first and led the way while we followed him.

Najat: Man, I've never seen a real suite of armour before! Why are there so many?

Selina: Probably because the owner of this castle must be a pretty serious collector.

Bumblebee: Your stamp collection is WAY cooler than is scrap!

???: Welcome Titans.

We all heard a voice and looked forward down the hall to see a teenaged boy walking towards us. He had blonde hair with blue eyes, he wore a dark turquoise suit with purple laces and highlights around his shoulders and down alongside the middle of his suit. Over his heart he had the Insecticon insignia in-betted on his suit. He also wore dark turquoise pants and black boots just over his leg muscles. He had a slightly low and mature voice.

???: I've been expecting all of you. Thank you for coming, please make yourself at home.

Madalyn: Are you the one who contacted us?

???: That is correct. Please forgive the mysterious nature of my message. My name is Benjamen Vandemark, but you can call me Ben for short if you like. It's a pleasure to meet all of you.

I recognized his name! I've seen him in the rankings on the Transformers websites. I had to know his rank. This guy could be trouble.

Selina: Ben?! As in Ben the number 2 world ranked Transformers player?!

Ben: I'm flattered you know me. And I know you're Selina Cameron. Your partner is Bumblebee of the Autobot faction.

Selina: What the? How on earth do you know all that?!

David: Interesting. You've done your research but it makes me wonder why.

Ben: Uh, to me honest with you I've wanted to go up against the Titans for quite some time now.

Madalyn: You mean you dragged us almost half way around the world just so we could battle?! So you were lying when you said you had information about the Infinity Core?

Iestyn: Not cool bro! Your not a pretty good gentlemen.

Ben: Oh really? In fact I think I am, and I will indeed fulfill your wish. Provided that you win against me.

Madalyn: Don't worry, I'll win against you alright!--

Selina: Hang on Maddie! Today's my turn!

Emanuel & Najat: What?!

Madalyn: But Selina!--

Selina: I've known about this guy. His partner is Ransack who possess the Insecticon faction. I'm curious to see how Bumblebee and I take them on.

Madalyn: Are you sure about this?

Selina: Completely sure! We're gonna eat these two for breakfast!

Bumblebee: That's right Selina! With maple syrup and everything!

Ben gave the both of us a small grin, looking like he was happy that I chose to battle him.

Ben: Check this out.

I completely didn't notice that he was hiding his right arm behind his back. When he revealed it to us he had a T-Launcher attached to it as well holding the doom card in his hand.

Emanuel: Th-that, that shooter!

Najat: Oh no he didn't! He's working for that no good creep Chaos Bringer!

Selina: That means the losers Transformers are sent to the Cybertronian Underworld!

Ben: I assume you still accept the challenge to battle me?

Selina: I wouldn't miss it for the world!

Selina & Ben: Ground Bridge! Open!

We both activated our tablets and there was a flash of white light. At our feet the Autobot and Insecticon insignias circled around our feet as the white light grew brighter and brighter as time slowed down. Finally me and Ben were transported to the colour dimension to begin the battle. We each threw down our first game cards into the battlefield and round 1 began.

Selina: Autobots! Roll out!

I threw in my first Autobot card out into the battlefield. The photo on the card was a red, blue, and white race car with double 38's on the doors.

Selina: Smokescreen! Transform!

The card glowed and the race car voomed out of his card and transformed into his robot mode.

Ben: Heh, heh, heh, a cautious start. Testing the factions are we? I guess that means its my turn! Insecticons! Mobilize!

Ben threw in his first Insecticon card into the battlefield. The photo on the card was what appeared to be a green and orange firefly.

Ben: Venom! Transform!

The card transformed and the Insecticon flew out of his card, while transforming into his robot mode. He held a blaster in one hand while the other transformed into a machete blade.

Bumblebee: Oh please, please, please put me out there! I want to show this arrogant snob who's boss! Please, please, please!

Selina: Alright Bumblebee! Go do some damage!

Bumblebee's hologram disappeared and I placed his card appeared on the screen of my Tablet, which was attached to my T-Launcher on my arm.

Selina: Autobots! Roll out!

Bumblebee: Ye-ha!

I fired Bumblebee into the battlefield and he landed on Ben's game card. The card glowed and Bumblebee speeded out of his vehicle mode while doing a 360 spin and transformed into his robot mode.

Bumblebee: So I hear you wanted to meet me. We'll get a load of this!

Bumblebee jumped into the air and started glowing and some of his body parts were changing.

Bumblebee: Change of Faction!

Bumblebee began shrinking as his vehicle mode parts changed from a camero to a buggie. Once he was back on the ground, he was a bit smaller than Venom that's for sure.

Bumblebee: Minicon Bumblebee is in the building cause somebody ordered a butt kicking!

Ben: So this is the faction change I've been hearing about. Interesting.

Selina: Don't flatter yourself. Ability card activate! Combination between Minicons and Insecticons!

All of a sudden Bumblebee started glowing a very dark blue. It was causing his strength inside of him to increase.

Bumblebee: Now that's what I'm talking about! I got energy to burn!

Tablet: Autobot Bumblebee increased attack level to 5446.

Bumblebee: I'm taking you down!

Ben: Ha, ha, ha! That wouldn't do now would it? Then I would have to tell you about the Infinity Core. Game card open! Hive Hide!

The game card activated and the battlefield was transformed into the inside of a hive. There was honey combs everywhere.

Bumblebee: Uh Selina?

Selina: What's Hive Hide?!

Ben: Simple really. When this card is activated the battler who brought there first Transformer into the fight can decide if the battle continues or not.

Bumblebee: Oh for crying out loud!

Selina: So which is it? Keep going or stop?

Ben: Well to be honest, this battle has been a trifle tedious so I think I choose to stop it. Now then, time to come back Venom.

Our two Transformers glowed into their card forms and returned to us while Bens game card disappeared from the battlefield, transforming the hive back into the colour dimension.

Bumblebee: Look at him run! This guy has a whole lot of feathers and not a lot of chicken! No wait, I mean he is chicken! I just a--

Ben: What was that? Ha, ha, you think I'm running away from you?! I just can't be bothered to battle with some preteen and her too big of a comedian sidekick!

Bumblebee: Too big of a comedian?!

Ben: I trust you can see yourselves out.

Selina: We're not going anywhere until this battle is done!

Ben: Very well then, prepare to lose. Game card set!

Ben threw down his second game card into the battlefield right next to his first one. Next he threw in his second Insecticon into the battlefield. The photo on the card was a light brown cockroach.

Ben: Ransack! Transform!

The card glowed and Ransack flew out in her Insecticon mode and transformed in to her robot mode.

Selina: That's your Insecticon partner?!

Ransack: Pleasure to meet you child.

Bumblebee: Whoa! For an Insecticon she's kinda hot.

Ben: I'm so glad you approve of her. But she's more than a pretty face you know. Ability card activate! Stealth Mirage!

The ground of the battlefield started shaking and small holes were forming all over the battlefield. Ransack transformed into her Insecticon mode and crawled into one of the holes. She began popping out and flying right into another one, and then another.

Selina & Bumblebee: What the heck is that?!

I watched Ransack dive into a hole and spotted it's shadow moving right under Smokescreen's feet. She shot out of the ground making the Autobot jump and the two of them faced each other with death glares.

Selina: This isn't good! Game card open!

I signalled for the gamecard to open but nothing happened.

Selina: Uh oh!

Bumblebee: What is it?

Selina: Something's not right my game card won't open!

Ben: Of course it won't my poor, confused, Selina. Ransack can appear anywhere in the battlefield. On top of that, she can change the card to the Insecticon faction and render it useless.

Selina: What?!

Bumblebee: Oh no! Smokescreen!

All of a sudden a sink hole appeared in the middle of the game card.

Ransack: Come to me my little friend.

Ransack crawled into the sink hole and the sand and dirt began dragging Smokescreen inside. He crawled at the ground to try to escape but no cigar. Once at the bottom he fell through the doom portal and was transported to the Cybertronian underworld.

Selina: Smokescreen no!

Bumblebee: She's beautiful but deadly.

Ransacked glowed into her card form and returned to Ben in victory.

Ben: I believe the saying goes, every rose has its thorns.

Selina: Ugh, I won't let you get away with that!

I threw in my second game card into the battlefield followed by my second Autobot card. The photo on the card was a red 1990's Lamborghini.

Selina: Sideswipe! Transform!

The card glowed and Sideswipe zoomed out in his robot mode and transformed into his robot mode.

Ben: Insecticons! Mobilize!

Ben threw in his last Insecticon card into the battlefield. The photo on the card was a black, purple, and yellow grasshopper.

Ben: Kickback! Transform!

The card glowed and Kickback hooped out out of the card and transformed into his robot mode.

Bumblebee: Leave it to me, I'll get revenge. This is for Smokescreen!

I threw Bumblebee into the battlefield he landed on Ben's game card. As he transformed into his robot mode, he activated his change of faction ability. His paint job changed to purple and black and his Autobot insignia turned into a Decepticon insignia.

Ben: So its the Decepticon faction this time? You never seise to amaze me.

Selina: Oh I'm not done yet! Ability card activate! Combination between Decepticons and Insecticons!

Bumblebee started glowing purple and his strength was increasing again.

Bumblebee: I'm so hungry I could eat a horse! But I think I'll have the grasshopper special instead!

Ben: Game card open! Biohazard!

The game card activated and it transformed the battlefield into a chemical waste land. The acid began drawing Bumblebee's energy. Not to mention that his Decepticon colours were fading and he change back into his Autobot faction.

Bumblebee: I think I'm losing my mojo here!

Ben: Actually your transformation has been reversed.

Tablet: Autobot Bumblebee's faction change is evaded. Both Bumblebee and Kickback remain stable.

All of a sudden Bumblebee and Kickback began fighting each other. Bumblebee landed a couple punches here and there, but Kickback kicked him in the chest sending the Autobot back a few steps.

Bumblebee: I hate a fair fight!

Bumblebee brought out his pistol and fired at Kickback. The Insecticon was the first to transform into his card while Bumblebee followed and the two Transformers returned to their partners.

Selina: *thinking* He knows all of our moves and uses them against us! Ben is pretty strong.

Ben: Insecticons! Mobilize!

Ben threw back Venom into the battlefield this time, landing on my game card with Sideswipe. The game card was activated and the battlefield transformed into a gorge.

Selina: Ability card activate! Slice and Dice!

I threw the ability card at Sideswipe and two large swords emerged from his wrists. He flung them into the air and caught one in each hand and glared at Venom.

Tablet: Autobot Sideswipe increased to 3268 attack points.

Ben: Ability card activate! Ruler of The Sword!

Venom put away his blaster and a Saber appeared in his hand.

Tablet: Insecticon Venom increased to 3300 attack points.

The two transformers charged at each other and slashed their swords at each other. When both of their backs were turned from them, Sideswipe collapsed to the ground. A giant slash could be seen on his side revealing a small piece of his spark. The doom portal opened below him and the Autobots lifeless body fell through the portal.

Selina: Sideswipe!

Bumblebee: Put me in! Quick!

I threw down my final game followed by Bumblebee into the battlefield.

Bumblebee: Alright! It's time to kick some--

Selina: Bumblebee?

Bumblebee turned around and faced me and saw the sad look on my face. We were losing 2-0.

Selina: If we lose, there's a good chance that you could.... You know....

Bumblebee: Please don't think about that.

Selina: But--

Bumblebee walked over and knelt down in front of me, carefully placing a hand on my shoulder.

Bumblebee: Listen to me Selina. I admire you because your such a strong Titan. But I also admire you because your caring.

Selina: I'm strong and caring?

Bumblebee: You bet. To be caring you have to be strong. So promise me that no matter the outcome of the battle, you'll stay strong for me. Promise?

Selina: I promise Bumblebee. I don't know what I'd do without you. So lets do this thing!

Bumblebee stood up and gave a thumbs up with a big smile on his face.

Bumblebee: That's what I wanted to hear!

He took a deep breath then turned around and faced Ben with a focused and serious expression on his face.

Bumblebee: Now to get down to business!

Ben: While your touching display has warned my heart, your defeat is approaching. It's time to end this Ransack.

Ransack: I'm ready.

Ben threw in Ransack back into battlefield, landing on his gamecard behind Bumblebee.

Ben: How about a song shall we?

Ben activated his ability card and the ground below Ransack vibrating. A sink hole appeared in the middle of the card and the sound kept playing and playing. I looked up at Bumblebee's face and it looked like he was in a trance.

Ben: This is the End The Music ability card. Once your Autobot hears her beautiful but deadly song, its over. Bumblebee will be sent to the Cybertronian Underworld. 

Selina: The underworld?!

I watched as Bumblebee tried to control himself, to stay away from Ransack but he couldn't control himself. The song was literally pulling him in. 

Bumblebee: I can't control myself!

Ben: That's because your a prisoner to Ransacks song.

Selina: Bumblebee! Don't give in! If you do your finished!

Ben: Your friend here is toast. 

Ransack extended her hand towards Bumblebee who stood at the other side of the sink hole in the middle of the game card.

Ransack: Come Bumblebee. Come closer, your not afraid of a little sand are you?

I helplessly watched as Bumblebee took one step into the sink hole as he got closer to Ransack.

Ben: Once your Transformer sets one foot into the sink hole, there is no turning back. His fate is now sealed.

Bumblebee walked closer and closer as his Cybertronian body sank deeper and deeper into the sand. I ran to the edge of the game card shouting out Bumblebee's name.

Selina: Wait! Don't do it Bumblebee! 

Bumblebee: I-- I can't stop m-- myself! 

Ransack transformed into her bug mode and splashed into the hole. Once the song ended, Bumblebee was sinking into the hole.

Selina: You gotta fight it! 

Bumblebee: I can't!

I literally wanted to jump in there. I really did. Even if it mean't going to the Cybertronian Underworld myself, I would do anything to save Bumblebee. 


I watched as his arm was the last thing above the ground but it slowly sank into the sand. The sand pushed him down and down deeper into the ground before he was completely out of sight. 

Selina: No!

Ben: Ah, ha, ha, ha! Well that's that then. 

There was a flash of white light and the two of us were transported back into Ben's castle. I fell to my knees and bang my fist on the floor while tears escaped my eyes.

Ben: Apparently, I am the victor. 

Emanuel: Selina! 

The boy ran over and knelt down next to me placing his hands on both of my shoudlers, watching me as i cried my eyes out. I could barely talk I was so upset.

Selina: Oh Bumblebee..... How could this have happened!....


Bumblebee: Now listen to me Selina. I admire you because your such a strong Titan, but I also admire you because you are caring. To be caring, you have to be strong. Promise that you'll be strong for me and for those who have fallen.


I wipped away some of my tears and I started shaking.

Selina: Bumblebee... is gone.... he's really gone!

The others looked at me and Ben in shock at the result of the battle.

Selina: Bumblebee......

Ben: Unfortunatly, I don't the two of you will ever see each other again.

I looked up right at him, tears still trailing down my checks and my eyes were practically bright red. I slowly got up to my feet with some assistance from Emanuel and I stepped forward.

Selina: Give him back to me. Please I beg of you! I'll do anything but you have to give Bumblebee back to me! There's no one in the entire universe that could replace him! We understand each other, we care about each other! So please!

Ben: I'm sorry but I cannot do what you've asked. Your Autobot has been sent to the Cybertron Underworld. 

I looked at him with shock. Bumblebee really did go to the Cybertronian Underworld!

Ben: If you need a blame, blame your own weakness. Good day to you.

At that point, a strange green and blue portal opened up behind him and Ben proceeded through it. I was so filled with anger that I bolted after him towards the portal.


Emanuel: Selina!

Emanuel ran after me as the both of us made it to the portal and ran through it after Ben. The portal closed just as we made it through and everything went black.

Madalyn's P.O.V.

Madalyn: Stop!

I ran towards the portal but before I could catch it, it closed and Ben, Selina, and Emanuel were gone.

Iestyn: The portals gone!

Najat: And so are the others!

Madalyn: Yeah, but where to?

Bumblebee's P.O.V.

I was floating through a strange dark sky. It was filled with strange purple streaks that flew around the skys and their were strange white stars everywhere.

Bumblebee: Where am I?

I tried to move my body and mouth but I couldnt move! I couldnt even lift a finger!

Bumblebee: I can't move!

All of a sudden there was a huge rush of wind and it pulled me down a strange purple worm hole. I hit something hard and everything turned black.  

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