Chapter 8 - Emanuel & Madalyn vs. Robert

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Emanuel's P.O.V.

Madalyn: Emanuel wait! You can't fight him alone!

Emanuel & Robert: Ground Bridge! Open!

The two of us activated our tablets and a flash of white light appeared. A pair of Predacon insignias circled around us as the light grew brighter and brighter. Half way through the transportation to the battlefield, I caught a sight of something at the corner of my eye. The Autobot signal was flying towards me, Selina, and Robert. Once we entered the battlefield, a new figure was standing beside me.

Emanuel & Selina: Madalyn?!

Madalyn: Hey you didn't expect me to just sit around and watch did you?

Emanuel: Heh, heh, heh, I should have known.

Robert: You hear that Blight? Looks like we can take out two bozos with one Predacon. I'm going to enjoy this. Doom card set!

Robert threw down the doom card and it pierced through the floor, unleashing the purple shockwave across the battlefield. Me, Madalyn, and Robert threw down our first game cards into the battlefield and round 1 began.

Emanuel: Predacons! Terrorize!

I launched my first Predacon into the battlefield. The photo on the card was a dark blue and white mechanical shark with red eyes and a sharp yellow claw for a finn.

Emanuel: Skybite! Transform!

The card glowed and the shark flew out of its card and transformed into his robo mode.

Robert: Predacons! Terrorize!

Robert fired in his first Predacon card into the battlefield. The photo on the card was a wide fat circular fish with huge yellow eyes, sharp teeth, spikes covering almost his whole body, and a spikes mace for a tail.

Robert: Gnaw! Transform!

The card glowed and the giant fish flopped out of the card and transformed into his robot mode.

Madalyn: Autobots! Roll out!

Madalyn threw in her first Autobot card into the battlefield. The photo on the card was a red mustang.

Madalyn: Windcharger! Transform!

The card glowed and the Autobot zoomed out of his card and transformed into his robot mode.

Robert: Well then, looks like everyone is present and accounted for. Lets get this show on the road! Predacons! Terrorize!

Robert threw down his second Predacon card in to the battlefield landing on my gamecard. The photo on the card was a sea monster that had the head of a piraña, lobster claws, stood on two feet, and had a harpoon gun attached to his back.

Robert: Blight! Transform!

The card glowed and the Predacon marched out of the card and transformed into his robot mode.

Robert: Ability card activate! Flash Harpoon!

Blight fired a blast from his harpoon gun and it shot out a flare that set of this huge blinding flash of light.

Madalyn: Snap that's bright!

Optimus: I can't see anything!

Emanuel: My eyes are burning!

Predaking: Raaah!

We all looked away from the light and shielded our eyes. That flash of light had to be at least brighter than the sun itself! Madalyn tried to activate her game card but nothing happened. It would activate or set off.

Robert: Is this cool or what? My little Flash Harpoon move here renders your Transformer useless.

We all couldn't take the brightness of the light. Neither could Windcharger. Blight moved in for the kill delivering a hard punch to the Autobot in the face, and Windcharger was hurdled through the doom portal.

Madalyn: Windcharger come back! I need you here!

Robert: Isn't it great? As long as my Flash Harpoon ability is in play, you can't touch me. Besides, this is a Predacons only battle.

Blight glowed into his card form and returned to Robert causing the blinding light to finally disappear. He then threw Blight back into the battle landing on my Skybite's game card. And if things couldn't get any worse he activated his Flash Harpoon ability again! He he keeps this up I might just go blind! Within a flash, Skybite was eliminated from the battle and went through the doom portal. The blinding light vanished and Blight returned to Robert. We took a look at the battlefield and Robert's Gnaw was the only one left standing.

Selina: Oh no! We lost both of our Transformers!

Robert: I hope they enjoy an eternity in the Cybertronian Underworld! Poor little Transformers, ha, ha, ha, ha!

Emanuel: Madalyn?

Madalyn: Let the big goof gloat, but just wait. He's only got one ability card left, and then he's all mine.

Robert: Lets get this over with.

Robert threw down his second game card into the battlefield landing behind Gnaws game card. The third Predacon he threw in was a red and orange bull.

Robert: Tantrum! Transform!

The card glowed and the bull came charging out of the card and transformed into his robot mode.

Emanuel: If we're going down, then we're going down fighting!

I threw down my second game card followed by my second Predacon card. The photo on the card was a red and yellow rhino.

Emanuel: Headstrong! Transform!

The card glowed and the Rhino charged out of the card and transformed into his robot mode.

Robert: Is that all you've got? Predacons! Terrorize!

Robert threw back Blight in to the battlefield landing on Headstrong's game card. As me and Madalyn looked around the battlefield, we noticed he had all three of his Predacons on the field. And we both immediately knew what was about to come next.

Madalyn: Oh snap this isn't good!

Robert: Ability card activate! Predacon Triple Changer!

Robert threw the ability card up into the air and light flashed from the sky and casted down on Blight.

Tablet: Predacon Blight increased to 5000 attack points.

And that wasn't all. While the light flashed down on Blight, two more ability cards appeared in Roberts hand like magic.

Selina: We're in trouble guys! Now he has two ability cards!

Robert: My Predacons Triple Change ability increases my Predacons attack level by 1000 points. Oh, and did I forget to mention that it revives any ability cards I've already used?

Madalyn: So what do we do?

Emanuel: I say we pretend we know what we're doing.

Robert: Now go do some damage Blight! Game card open!

Roberts game card activated and both Blight and Headstrong began glowing with a orange light surrounding them.

Tablet: Predacon Blight increased to 5200 attack points. Predacon Headatrong increased to 4900 attack points.

Blight charged in on Headstrong and tackled him to the ground, barrel rolled right over him, grabbed his arms and thrusted him over his large form and chucked him off the battlefield. Headstrong proceeded flying through the doom portal.

Predaking: Headstrong!

Blight glowed into his card form and returned to Robert in victory, a big evil grin on his face.

Selina: Unbelievable!

Robert: You should see the looks on your faces right now! What's wrong? Not so tough anymore are you? My poor Transformers! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!

Madalyn: Ugh! That's it, I've had it with you! Autobots! Roll out!

Madalyn threw in her second Autobot card into the battlefield. The photo on the card was a white and red fighter jet.

Madalyn: Slingshot! Transform!

The card glowed and the jet flew out of the card and transformed into his robot mode.

Madalyn: Ability card activate! Shadow Stasis!

I chucked the card at Gnaws shadow and the card pierced through it. When Gnaw tried to move he couldn't budge.

Tablet: Predacon Gnaw decreased to 4100 attack points. Autobot Slingshot remains stable at 4722 attack points.

Madalyn: Not only does your Predacon lose some attack points, it doesn't receive it's game card bonus either!

Robert: I'll admit kid, I wasn't expecting that. But I'll bet your not expecting this! Game card open!

The game card was activated and the battlefield was transformed into the inside of a volcano. The lava shot itself out from the pool and Slingshot was covered in it. He cried out in pain as the lava began spreading through his body.

Madalyn: Oh no! Slingshot!

Optimus: He used a counter attack!

Tablet: Draining all of Slingshots power due to third judgement game card.

Madalyn: What?!

Slingshot was getting weaker and weaker as his attack level was being drained. He fell to his hands and knees as Gnaw made the charge to make his move.

Emanuel: We've got to help Maddie Predaking! Ability card activate! Fury swipe!

Emanuel threw Predaking into the battlefield and the Cybertronian dragon charged into battle, deflecting Gnaws attack. The two Predacons faced each other, but it was already too late. Slingshots attack level was completely gone and the lifeless body of the Autobot was sent hurtling through the doom portal.

Madalyn: Slingshot no!

Predaking: I was too late. You'll pay Gnaw!

Predaking charged at Gnaw and slashed him with his claws with all of his might. Gnaw glowed into his card form and returned to Robert in victory and Predaking returned to me in victory. I looked over at Madalyn who still had a spoked look on her face from what happened to Slingshot.

Robert: Finally some competition.

Robert threw down his last game card on to the battlefield and launched Blight back into the battlefield.

Emanuel: You think you can win with your faction? Think again! Take him down Predaking!

I launched Predaking back into the battlefield, landing on Tantrum's game card. The two Predacons faced each other, each receiving death glares.

Robert: Game card open!

The game card activated and it transformed the battlefield into a cave. All of a sudden both Tantrum and Blight started glowing and a portion of Blights light was transferred to Tantrum.

Tablet: Predacon Tantrum attack level increased to 5000.

Robert: Lets see you try and take down my Tantrum! I don't even know why you bother using Predaking. He doesn't even have a robot mode!

Madalyn: Shut it you block head!

Emanuel: Predaking is just as powerful as your tantrum! Stronger even! And I'll prove it to you right here, right now! Ability card activate! Rapid fire!

Optimus's hologram disappeared and his card was launched into the battlefield and he joined the battle with Predaking. His card glowed and the truck came rolling out into the field and Optimus transformed into his robot mode.

Emanuel: This little card here allows another Transformer to join the battle. Do some damage boys!

Tablet: Predaking and Optimus Prime combined power to 8500 attack points.

Optimus: Ready Predaking?

Predaking: Never more!

Optimus fired a laser from his gun while Predaking breathed out fire from his mouth and both attacks struck Tantrum. The evil Predacon glowed into his card form and returned to Robert in defeat. The two Transformers glowed into their card forms and returned to me and Madalyn in victory.

Emanuel: Alright we did it!

Madalyn: You said it. Now will you learn to shut your mouth Robert? Cause you just got owned!

Robert: Ok now your really starting to bother me!

Emanuel: Now to get rid of his Blight.

Madalyn: Autobots! Roll out!

Madalyn launched Optimus back into the battlefield, landing on Blights game card. The Predacon and the Autobot leader faced each other, each ready for battle.

Optimus: This battle is between you and I Blight. And I will be the victor!

Robert: Cut the chit-chat! Game card open, energy merge!

The game card was activated and Optimus was caught by a rush of orange light, trapping and freezing him in place.

Madalyn: Optimus!


Selina: Guys, Optimus's power is beginning to decrease!

Tablet: Sensing power change. Optimus Prime attack level decreasing.

Emanuel: He threw down a trap card!

Robert: My game card has the ability to drain the power of your Autobot and transfers it to Blight.

Tablet: Predacon Blight now at 4300 attack points. Autobot Optimus Prime 3200 attack points.

Robert: That's it Blight. Get all the power you need.

Madalyn: Optimus!

Optimus: I.... Can't..... Lose!

The four of us watched as Optimus started to resist Robert's game card. He gathered all of his strength and broke free from being frozen. Right at that moment, the decreasing of his attack level stopped at 2800. All of a sudden his blue optics flashed and he started glowing. A red light surrounded his entire body as his attack points started going back up.

Tablet: Sensing power increase.

Robert: Impossible! How is he doing that?!

Optimus: This is strange, I sense a power beginning to rise up in me.

Madalyn: He's regaining his strength!

Selina: Its a miracle!

I checked my Transformers tablet to see the attack levels. Blight was still ahead by 2000 but Optimus was catching up.

Madalyn: You can do it Optimus!

Robert: Blight listen to me! Take down Optimus Prime right now before its too late!

Predaking: Not if we have anything to say about it!

Emanuel: Ability card activate! Fury swipe!

Predaking was sent into the battlefield and he flew down to the game card to assist and protect Optimus.

Robert: I'm tired with this. Mega Flash Harpoon!

Blight fired his harpoon into the air and it exploded into a flash of blinding light.

Emanuel: My eyes!

Predaking: Ugh! Not this again!

While Predaking was distracted by the light, Blight moved in and attacked the Cybertronian dragon. He delivered hard punches, left and right.

Robert: Finish it Blight!

Predaking: I can't lose! I need to win, for the sake of Bumblebee!

Robert: Hurry up!

I quickly up on my sunglasses and watched as Blight got ready to attack Predaking to deliver the final blow.

Emanuel: Predaking! Look out!

I watched as Predaking closed his optics and got into position. He imagined the battlefield in his mind and found where Blight was. With a loud roar, he charged and bit Blight in the chest and threw him across the battlefield. Blight slowly got back up but he was now filled with anger and rage.

Robert: Blight be careful!

The cause of the damage caused his Flash Harpoon ability to be disabled and the blinding light disappeared.

Tablet: Optimus Prime at 3000 attack points.

Robert: But-- That's not possible!

Madalyn: Optimus? How did you--?

Optimus: I can feel it. It is happening. The power is building within me!

Selina: The evolution process has started! Optimus is starting to evolve!

Madalyn: Evolve? Yeah that's it! That's awesome!

Predaking: Now Optimus! Defeat Blight now!

Optimus: Its time Madalyn. We have the power to finish the battle!

Madalyn: Ability card activate!

Optimus & Madalyn: Power of the Primes!

Optimus's strength increased and he brought out his path blaster. He fully charged his weapon and open fired on the opposing Predacon. Blight cried out in pain as his metallic body incinerated. His card form appeared and it returned to Robert in defeat. Predaking and Optimus returned to us in victory as Selina jumped up and down cheering.

Selina: Alright! You guys did it!

Madalyn: We sure did Selina!

Robert: How could this happen?! I never lose! NEVER!

As the white light came back to transport us back into real life, we all felt a pulling sensation. Me and Selina were being pulled away from each other because we arrived in the battle from two different parts of the planet. I grabbed Selina's arm and reached out to Madalyn. She reached, taking my hand and pulling me and Selina through her Autobot portal. Next thing we knew, the three of us face planted back in the castle with David, Najat, and Iestyn back in Germany.

Selina: We're back!

Najat: Selina! Emanuel! It's so good to see you guys again! And here we were worried about you guys.


Madalyn's P.O.V.

When we arrived back at the plane is was already sundown so Selina and Emanuel have been gone for quite some time. We were all chilling in the living room discussing events.

Iestyn: So that means, Chaos Bringer is still on his quest?

David: It seems he's trying to find the ultimate Transformer.

Optimus: If the silent core is fused together with the ultimate Transformer, Megatron, then it wouls be possible to fuse another infinity core with another Transformer.

Najat: And that ultimate Transformer could be Soundwave! And if that happens it could be totally disastrous!

Selina: I agree Najat, but we have to stop Chaos Bringer before he finds the infinity core.

Madalyn: Come on guys, don't sweat it! We just have to get one of our partners to become the ultimate Transformer before Soundwave!

David: She has a point. After every battle, our Transformers evolve a little more. I got the feeling we can do this guys.

Madalyn: Me too.

Emanuel: Then we should vote.

Madalyn: All in favour?

Everyone: Yeah!

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