Chapter 9 - Missed Sparks

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Selina's P.O.V.

I opened my eyes and I found myself holding my breath under water. I quickly swam up and popped my head up into the surface, exhaling heavily. I was wearing a light red one piece swim suit with white highlights.

Selina: Hey Bumblebee! I can barely touch the bottom over here! Come on! The water's great!

Bumblebee: Coming Selina! Cannonball!

Bumblebee ran to the shore line of the the beach and jumped into the water. There was a big splash as I was pushed by a wave and I crashed into the sand.

Selina: Ha, ha, ha! Nice one Bee!

We had such a good time together. Everything from swimming, making a giant sand castle, even getting a tan! Now I was sitting on the beach watching Bumblebee surf.

Bumblebee: Hey look at me! I'm king surfer!

As Bumblebee surfed the wave, he suddenly lost his balance and fell backwards into the water. I fell back and laughed my head off at the sight. Bumblebee was always such a comedian. I got back up, and waited for Bumblebee to reemerge from the water but he wouldn't show up. I got up to my feet and ran to the shoreline and looked the ocean for him.

Selina: Bumblebee? Bumblebee?!

All of a sudden the clouds turned black and there was a clap of thunder. It slowly began to rain as the tide got higher and more aggressive.

Selina: Bumblebee where are you?!

All of a sudden a huge tidal wave emerged from the water. I bolted down the sandy beach to get away but I was swallowed up by the wave. I screamed and I opened my eyes to find myself in my room. Safe and sound, but Bumblebee wasn't. A few tears escaped my eyes as they ran down my checks and plummeted to the bed covers.

Selina: It was just a dream......


Madalyn's P.O.V.

Najat: Breakfest is ready!

The next morning we were all eating Breakfest outside today. Kato and Iestyn were setting up the table while Najat brought down the food.

Iestyn: Come on David!

I spotted David sitting in the shade under a tree mediating. He got up from his spot and walked towards the table join me and the others. I spotted some of the food and I swear I was about to drool a puddle from where I was.

Madalyn: Whoa! We're having bacon today? Sweet!

I reach down to get a bacon strip but Emanuel slapped my hand away from the table.

Emanuel: Yes it's real, so pretend to have real manners!

Everyone heard footsteps walking on something metal and we all turned around to see Selina slowly walking down the platform . She had a sad look on her face but kept her head down.

Emanuel: Uh, morning Selina!

Selina: Oh, good morning Emanuel.

We all took our seats at the table and began eating. David, Selina, and Emanuel sat on the left side, while Iestyn, Najat, and me sat on the right side of the table. As we ate, Emanuel brought up something.

Emanuel: You know, I've been thinking. Remember that world wide data we saw? It showed that Soundwave was close to becoming the Ultimate Transformer.

Iestyn: But that's Chaos Bringers partner.

David: The Infinity core needs to fuse with an Ultimate Transformer. So we need to up our game and build one fast so we can so we can beat him to it.

Grimlock, Predaking, and Optimus's holograms appeared in the middle of the table.

Grimlock: We need to stop Chaos Bringer from getting the Infinity core.

Predaking: Or else Megatron will get his servos on both the Infinity and Silent cores.

Optimus: Putting Cybertron and Earth into jeopardy. We must act swiftly!

Madalyn: Optimus is right! All we've been doing is spreading tred! We need action, and I say we make Optimus our Ultimate Transformer.

Optimus: Well, unless we all agree then.

Madalyn: Agreed. Lets ditch this tea party and get some real action!

The others seemed to look at me in shock. Mouths open, forks with food in them, not even going Into their mouths.

Madalyn: And I know just the place to get the Titans rolling. Chaos Bringers European lair! We'll take it by storm, if that's Selina can pin point a location.

I got up from my seat and walked around to the other side of the table towards Selina's spot.

Emanuel: Madalyn!

Selina: Uh, no.

Madalyn: If Chaos Bringer doesn't get taken out soon, it could be the end for all of us!

Selina: I..... I can't remember!

Madalyn: Selina you have to remember! Come on, snap out of it!

Emanuel: Maddie!

Selina: I, I'm sorry. But I can't deal with this right now.

She tossed her utensils onto her plate and moved out of her seat and walked away up the platform.

Madalyn: Selina wait!

Emanuel: Leave him alone! I think she's gone through enough with you harassing her like a criminal. She just lost her best friend Bumblebee! What did you expect?

Madalyn: Oh come on! She's got to grow up and move on! Chaos Bringer is on a rampage destroying Transformers as we speak! It's a tough break but we're on a mission, so she'll just have to get over it.

Emanuel: Nice attitude, geez why don't you get over her and cut her some slack?!

Madalyn: Because we're not running a day care! So maybe we should just roll without her.

Emanuel: How can you even say that?! Why would you even think of blowing her off at a time like this?!

Najat: Maybe Selina should stay behind.

Iestyn: Huh?

Madalyn & Emanuel: What?!

Najat: I know she'll pull through, she always does! But right now isn't the time to wait for her to come around. We have to move on.

Emanuel: Najat!

Najat: You don't understand! Zach was my best friend forever! Growing up he was always there for me! So I gotta be there for him now that he's under Chaos Bringers control.

She got up from her seat and slammed her hands on the table.

Najat: I can't just sit around and do nothing while I wait for things to happen, because I know there's something that I can do about it. Selina's friend may be lost, but there's still a chance we can save Zach! So I say we leave without her!

Emanuel: You? You there for your friend?! What about Selina?!

Najat: Emanuel!

Emanuel: Spare me your lame excuses! You made your choice, now go!

Madalyn: Fine then! I've had enough of all your drama! Come on, lets to Najat.

Najat was quite for a moment but got out of her seat and walked with me out into a trial in the forest.

Iestyn: Wait come back here you guys!


David's P.O.V.

Iestyn: Maddie! Najat!

Grimlock: Ugh, David! Go and get her. It's your responsibility as a Titan.


Madalyn's P.O.V.

Me and Najat were walking through the forest trail to blow off some steam.

Madalyn: Ugh! He's so annoying! It makes me so mad I could just yell!

I heard crying coming from behind me and I spotted Najat with a few tears running down her face.

Madalyn: Aw not you too. Um, here use a tissue. You got some mascara on your face.

I handed her the tissue and she took it from my hand and wipped her eyes. Now that this was over I could go back to ranting.

Madalyn: Ugh! I'm so mad! It's so frustrating! I don't even know where we're going or where we are!

I heard a rustling noise coming from a bush and a baby deer popped out. Don't get me wrong it was cute and all, but it scared the living day lights out of me because I was so distracted about that argument with Emanuel.

Madalyn: Geez what is this? When Petting Zoo's attack?

Then I heard Najat laugh behind me and she just let it all.

Madalyn: Well, well, what do we have here? Your sense of humour.

Najat: I know! And your silly reaction gave me an idea! I think I know where we can look for Zach!

Madalyn: Ah, exactly how?

Najat: You'll see.


Emanuel's P.O.V.

Emanuel: Maddie gets me so frustrated sometimes when she goes all alpha dog on us. Ugh! Why do I even care?! And Julie trying to warm up to her like 'Oh hey BFF!'.

Iestyn: Look I know your upset, but don't you think your being a little hard on them? I know that really all what Najat wants is to get her friend Zach back from Chaos Bringer. I know that because I felt the same way when it happened with my grandfather. So I understand what Najat is going through. Trust me, it's hard.


Iestyn: Emanuel, dude I'm sorry! I think I'll go check on Selina.

Iestyn got up from his seat and walked back to the plane. I slouched back in my chair and looked around. Me and David were the only humans left at the table.

Emanuel: I can't believe this. We-- we should be coming together to help Selina. Not be fighting over it. I mean-- if I lost Predaking-- I don't know what I'd do!

Predaking: Calm down Emanuel.

David: So tell me something, didn't Maddie once lose her temper and ended up throwing Optimus into the river? I'm just saying that Madalyn already knows what it's like to lose their personal Transformer.

Emanuel: Wha?

David: Perhaps I have her too much credit because losing it temporarily and forever are too completely different things.

A grin came upon David's face as he set down his glass, got up from his seat and walked away from the table.


Madalyn's P.O.V.

Me and Najat were roaming the busy down town streets of Berlin, Germany. Yeah that's right we're in Germany! Who'd of thought!

Madalyn: So let me get this straight, Zach choose to go to Germany instead of Australia?

Najat: A Huh. And your shocked reminded me a lot of his. That's also when he mentioned the soccer field where you could catch a cool game. He's always wanted to come here.

Me and Najat stood outside the Berlin soccer field. The entrance was incredible! There were pillars with statues and two big iron gates.

Najat: I'm surprised I could even remember this place.

???: I'm surprised you remembered this place too.

The both of us looked a head to see Zach leaning against one of the pillars. He wore a dark blue and black baseball jacket, jeans, black sneakers, and a dark blue and white baseball cap.

Najat: Well look what the cat dragged in.

Zach: Always on top of your game are you?

Najat: Oh you've asked for it!

Madalyn: Wait! Look you may have been best buds one time, but this ain't one of those times. And being ranked at number 10 he's out of your league.

At that point the two challengers brought out both their Transformers Tablets. I brought out mine as well.

Najat: Sorry Madalyn, but I'm taking him down solo.

Madalyn: Are you whacked?!

Najat: Oh please, you think you know everything but you don't when it comes to winning people over! This requires a slightly different tactic. Chaos Bringer may have a grip on Zach but I'm gonna loosen it up one thumb at a time.

Madalyn: A huh.

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