BoC Episode 5.1

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Ciel's PoV-

I stared down at her corpse, my breath coming faster and faster as I began to hyperventilate. I couldn't believe. She can't be.... She just can't....

I felt tears build up in the corners of my eyes. I was angry. No, I was pissed. I ground my teeth together as I clenched my fists. Who killed her?! Who killed Bambi?! I stood up from my kneel and looked at the monster who killed my maid.

He had long, oily, black hair that stuck to his face as he gazed down at me, his burnt orange eyes looking down at me with a malicious glint to them. A nasty sneer was set on his face, showing his rotting teeth. He stood to be as tall as Sebastian as he towered over me. Blood covered one of his arms, the dark droplets dripping onto the grass below. Bambi's blood. The thought made my own blood boil. He smirked at me and lifted his blood-drenched arm to to his face. He noisily sniffed the sanguine fluid and a look of pure ecstasy crossed his face before he turned back to me.

"YOU KILLED HER! YOU BASTARD!" I bellowed, the dam finally breaking as tears rolled down my cheeks, the crystalline droplets whetting my eye patch and soaking it through. The man clicked his tongue rhythmically against the roof of his mouth in disappointment as he wagged his finger at me. "Such nasty words. Someone as young as you shouldn't be saying them." His voice was like oil, his tone deep. I reeled my fist back and threw a punch at the man. He was gone in the blink of an eye. The force of my punch made me stumble as I hit nothing but air. "I really wouldn't try to anger me. You've already annoyed me, so that's not good for you." I whipped around as his voice came from behind me. He was leaning against the tree I had been previously punching. His gaze was examining the chipped bark with little interest.

"Who are you?" I growled out, wiping the tears from my cheeks. "Me?" He asked innocently, looking up at me with a hidden emotion in his eyes. "Why, I have told you, haven't I? I mean, at least I've spoken to you... Although... Perhaps not face to face." His tone became darker and full of ill intent towards the end of his sentence as he spoke. I gasped as it hit me. "You were the voice in my head those months ago?!" I shouted, unbelieving. I was answered with a dark chuckle. "I must say; It's a pleasure to finally meet you. Bambi certainly did a number on me the last time I tried to get near you. It took me awhile to recuperate, but... Here I am." He laughed, the sound was sickening, grating to my ears.

"What do you want?" I ground out, my nails digging into my fists from how hard I was clenching them into fists. "What I want? Well, that was simple." He started, pushing up from the tree and walking towards Bambi's corpse. He bent down when he got to her, placed the back of his hand against her cold cheek, and caressed her, smiling down at her eerily. "I wanted what belonged to me. I wanted Bambi." He said, almost fondly. His disturbingly soft gaze turned hard as he glared up at me, his orange eyes rippling into a crimson leer. "But you had to go and ruin her!" He was gone in an instant and suddenly I was pinned up against a tree, being held against the biting bark by a harsh grip around my neck.

I coughed out choking breaths, trying to inhale air into my lungs as my nails clawed the hands that held me. I managed to open my eye, black dots were already spotting my vision. I gasped at the monster that held me captive.

The beast stood to be at least nine feet tall, his monstrous figure dwarfing me as he snarled down at me. His skin was a light grey, pulled taut against his almost bulging muscles. His face was demonic; His ears had turned into large, elf-like pointed appendages, his nose had flattened against his face, his nostrils becoming snake-like. His eyes were small and round, their color was a complete burning crimson that took over the whites of his eyes and a skinny black slitted pupil stared me down. His arms and legs were thick. Large veins pulsed beneath the grey skin with every breath he took. His large, gaping mouth was extended, hanging down like that of a snake when it opens its mouth to swallow its food whole. He had razor-sharp teeth, almost like that of a Tyrannosaurus Rex that I had seen a fossil of once. Ten of these deadly teeth were spread out across the top of his jaw, and four were evenly spaced on the bottom. The moonlight made the saliva that dripped from those dagger-like teeth shine. A pair red leathery chiropteran wings spread out to their full glory from his shoulder blades. His wingspan had to have been at least fifteen feet long.

"YOU DESTROYED HER! AND I SHALL TAKE MY REVENGE BY RIPPING YOU TO SHREDS!" He roared, his thunderous voice echoing through the trees. "W-What are y-you?" I struggled to say as his grip tightened around my neck. I was beginning to black out. "I am your worst nightmare, boy. I am a--"

Suddenly, the pressure around my neck was gone and I felt my tailbone slam into the ground below me. I let out hacking coughs as my lungs immediately drew air into them. I gingerly held my neck, grimacing as I felt bruises beginning to form. As I panted from lack of air, I glanced up to see what had just happened. Another, almost similar looking, creature was pinning the beast that had just previously attacked me down to the ground.

This new creature was significantly smaller than the brute it was holding down. It had white skin with a blue tint to it. It had a more human form than the monster below it; With a more female body type. The creature had a clear feminine outline to her body and her wings seemed to morph out of her body, connecting with her arms almost, unlike how the brute beneath her had a pair of red wings that erupted from his shoulder blades. She had skinnier, human-like arms, but her feet seemed to be unusually long, ending in four toes with talons. Her feet seemed to have evolved to be able to carry things as she flew, seeing as her toes looked to be expandable. Her brown hair reached down to her mid-back, ending in soft chocolate curls that fell over her shoulders and blocking her face from view.

"You will not touch him!" She growled out, wrapping her hands around the other beast's thick neck. With an easy slap, the male beast knocked the smaller female off of him and spread his wings, letting out a threatening roar, sending saliva flying. The female dodged another swing, jumping onto a thick branch of the dead tree behind her as she let out her own screech, her wings flapping slightly. The male shot up, taking flight high in the sky as the female followed after, her wings beating against the cold wind.

The two beasts flew at each other, each one dealing and taking hits as they collided before separating, flying away, and then colliding once more. This continued for some time before the female flew higher up, before folding her wings and speeding down towards the male. Her smaller body slammed into him with a force that sent him crashing into the ground. She landed by his downed figured and screeched at him. The male shakily stood up, turned to the female and let out a weaker roar before taking flight and soaring away, his large figure disappearing into the night sky.

I struggled to stand, but failed, falling back down to the ground. I grunted in pain and annoyance as I hit the ground, but my head snapped up when I heard soft footsteps coming closer to me.

The female creature was nearing me, her white arm outstretched towards me. Black blood covered her body, some came from cuts along her body, but the rest seemed to be from the other beast that she had chased away. I backed away from her, scooting until my back hit a tree behind me. I closed my eye helplessly as I felt her hand touch me, wishing for this monster to leave me alone.

Her touch was gentle, familiar. He soft finger brushed away the forgotten tears that still ran down my cheeks. I opened my eyes in confusion, only to be met with a pair of hauntingly familiar, icy blue eyes. "B-Bambi....?' I whispered out, hope filling my chest. The soft smile that graced her cherry red lips gave me all the information I needed.

"B-But how? I thought he had--" She cut me off by holding up a hand to silence me. "He did. I can't explain it to you right now, but..." She trailed off, her voice weak. Her eyes were unfocused as she began to sway before she collapsed to the ground, unconscious. I gasped as I witnessed her change back to normal; Her body shrank back to its normal size, her skin gained its color back, and her wings folded around her body, morphing back into her maid's uniform.

She's hurt. She's bleeding. Those were the only thoughts running through my head as I picked her up, one hand supporting her shoulders, the other supporting her legs, and walked as fast as I could to the recovery tent.

I bursts through the tent's flap, shocking the doctor in the wheelchair. "Help her." I pleaded, holding Bambi's unconscious form out towards the man. He gasped and wheeled over to me, looking her over for a quick second before looking up to me. "Leave her on the bed, she's seriously hurt. I can tend to her wounds though. She will make it." He said, wheeling away to grab some bandages before coming back after I had done as he asked.

"What happened?" He questioned, glancing up at me as he tended to her wounds. "I was attacked by a creature on the edge of the tentline. She came out of nowhere and saved me. But, she got hurt in doing so, and collapsed after she helped me." I explained softly, gazing down at the sleeping maid. Her face looks so peaceful....

"Do you know her?" He asked, giving me a knowing look. I furrowed my brows at the look, confused by what he meant. "She worked in the same place as I. She was a maid for our master. And my....friend." I felt my eyes soften as I looked down at her.

The doctor pulled away after he had finished. "Well, I patched her up, but I'm afraid her wounds won't heal all too well if she stays in this bed. Nevermind the fact that one of Snake's snakes got out and bit a bunch of newbies, so this place is pretty crowded at the moment. Take her to your tent, when she wakes up in the morning, speak with Joker in regards to her, and take her along with you. I'm sure he wouldn't mind if she joined up with you, as long as she passes an entry exam." I nodded at his words and gently picked Bambi up again, making my way out of the medical tent and towards the one I shared with Freckles. When I stepped into the tent, my roommate wasn't there. Something I was grateful for.

I gently laid Bambi down on my bunk and slipped under the covers with her. I watched her, still finding it hard to believe that she was back, after she had told me she had to go. I bet it was that beast she ran off. He must have gotten to her and she thought she had to leave to protect me. If that's true, then Sebastian was right in his guess of why she left. Or did he actually know why she left? I frowned and shook my head, giving one last glance at Bambi before I smiled softly and closed my eyes, taking a small sniff of her strawberry scent before beginning to fade away into sleep. I suppose it doesn't matter any more.


Bambi's PoV-

I groaned lightly as I opened my eyes, only to come face to face with a sleeping Ciel. Although, in reality, I hadn't been away from his for that long, it still felt like I had been gone for months. I missed the young earl.

"Bambi?" I snapped out of my thoughts and locked gazes with, a now awake, Ciel. A small smile lit up his face for a moment, before it was replaced with a confused frown. The boy earl sat up, the thin covers falling into a pile on our laps as I followed in his actions.

"Bambi, what are you? And what happened last night?" Ciel asked, his voice deadly serious. I suppose there's no use in hiding it anymore. Now that he knows. I gulped as I began playing with my hair; a nervous habit I developed. Taking in a deep breath, I let it out slowly and locked gazes with Ciel.

I opened my mouth to tell him the truth about the monster I am;

"I'm a vampire." 

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