Episode 5.2

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Bambi's PoV-

"You're a WHAT?!"

I flinched back at the earl's response, his shout ringing in my ears. When I looked up into his face, I gulped. He was scowling, baring his teeth ever so slightly. His eyes, both of them showing this time, had a small fire in them. He was definitely angry, but at what? I couldn't tell.

"D-Do you hate them so much?" I whispered, my voice shaking. I knew I was scared. It wasn't from Ciel's anger, not at all. I was terrified at the prospect of him throwing me away because of what I was.

Ciel's eyes widened, his mark glowing slightly in the dim light, his anger dissipated. He reached out towards me, but I flinched away, still worried he was going to hit me. The earl stopped for a moment. But just for a moment.

Suddenly, his arms wrapped around me, pulling me into his chest. I felt tears of relief build up within my eyes and I snuggled into his chest, my hands grabbing a hold of his thin shirt. His arms tightened around me and I felt his head rest atop mine, his warm breath ghosting over the back of my head. He pulled away slightly, looking me in the eyes. "Tell me." He muttered out. He wanted to know everything. I took a deep breath, and prepared to tell him what I knew.

"I wasn't always like this, I know that for a fact. But after an incident, I turned into this monster. Most vampires were born in Hell. Usually they're stuck there until they become powerful enough to break through the gates of Hell, or they hitch a ride through a demon's portal. That's what The Creator did." Ciel interrupted me before I could continue on. "The Creator?" He repeated, confusion swirling in his eyes. "That's what I call the creature that attacked you. 'The Creator'. He never told me his name, only to call him that, so I have." Ciel nodded at my explanation.

"The Creator snuck through a portal made by a demon, and along the way, he found me. He was enamored by me, in a sickening way, and decided to turn me. While it is possible to turn a human, vampires usually don't do it, because their venom is too strong for a human to handle. But, The Creator found a way to remedy that. Never before has a human survived a transformation into vampirism. Not until me.

"If a vampire were to bite their prey, then slit their own wrists, pouring their tainted blood into their prey's mouth after their venom had taken effect, the human would live through the transformation because of the blood. The stronger the vampire, the stronger the blood. The stronger the blood, the more powerful the whelp will be.

"I am a whelp. Or was at least, I was. A vampire is considered a whelp before they fully turn. When a vampire fully turns, they change form, as you saw when The Creator and I battled. I had never done that before. However, when he killed me, the vampire half of me took over my body and fought back against him. I regained control shortly after tackling him off you.

"I lost my humanity after turning, something I have feared for the longest time. I didn't want to lose it because I thought I would turn into a raging beast, but, thankfully, it seems that is not the case.

"After he killed me, I lost my heart. It no longer beats inside my chest, and it never will. The Creator's venom has blacked out the last bit of humanity I have left. But, I still have my soul. According to Sebastian, it's still pure, even from being tainted by the blood of a beast. I suppose that doesn't matter much now, seeing as I probably lost that as well.

"Vampires are powerful, yes, but they still have their weaknesses. Funnily enough, the myths humans have come up with regarding vampires are mostly false. Silver weakens us, but doesn't kill us. There is only two ways to actually kill a vampire; The bite of a werewolf, or the blood of the dead. Seeing as werewolves are long since extinct, the blood of the dead is what all vampires fear.

"Because I was originally human, I have found that most things that affect other vampires, do nothing to me. And on top of that, some things that do nothing to vampires, will harm me. For example; A vampire will burst into flames under the Sun's light because the light is too pure for their evil. However, I can be under the light of the Sun with no consequence. Vampires can eat human food, but it does nothing to satiate their appetite. But, if I eat human food, it could kill me. I haven't a clue as to why, but somehow, anything other than blood is like poison to my body. If ingested, I will die. Crosses do nothing to harm us, and neither does holy water. Holy water may sting us a bit, but it doesn't scald us. Vampires can't drink blood from anything dead, if we do, then we die. Corpses, demons, and other otherworldly creatures that have no heartbeat are considered dead, so we cannot drink their blood.

"Many myths peak of the different powers that we have, and some of them are right, if a bit outlandish. Whenever we use our powers, our eyes flash a different color. The color they flash depends on a variant of things. I, myself, haven't been able to figure out just what color indicates what. Like a demon, we have supernatural speed and senses. We can also see in the dark. Another thing we can do, is hypnotize humans of the other sex with our gaze. You saw that when I tried to seduce Viscount Druitt. For some reason it didn't work on him, but I suspect that he's an entirely different species. We get our powers from the blood we drink. It gives us energy that we are able to use and manipulate to do our bidding. The faster we use up the limited energy form the blood we drink, the more often we have to drink. An entire adult could last a vampire half a year, that is, if they rarely use the energy gathered from the human. The more energy we use into a certain action, the more powerful that action will be. We can heal any wounds with the energy we get from blood, even wounds on others. With our sense of smell, we can track down anything from miles away. Our eyes can see in the dark, and we can see up to two miles from our position. We can hear a bird chirp from up to five miles away. The speed of a whelp is close to that of a demon's. However, if a demon is going up against a full vampire in a match of speed, the vampire will win, for they are just a hair faster than a demon. Changing forms takes up a bunch of energy, which is why vampires won't do it too often, because if they are fatally injured in that form, it will take months, even years, to recuperate.

"Being turned is a painful process, it's not something I would wish on another. I have sworn to never turn a human into a vampire because of the pain it brings. Feeding off the blood of another is what made me feel like a monster. When I first turned, I needed sustenance. I killed so many innocent children before I regained my senses. When I did, I swore to never drink from another human again. However, a vampire van only last up to two months without drinking any blood before they begin to turn into a wild, uncontrollable beast with a taste for human blood. I found a loophole however. Because I was still human, every three weeks, I would drink what I needed to survive for the next few weeks from my own body. I would slice a small cut into my wrist using my fangs and drink my blood for a minute or so, only taking what I absolutely needed.

"After the incident with Madam Red, my body couldn't handle it anymore. If I kept drinking from myself, I would die. Finny saw me as I collapsed while you were at the funeral. I ended up swearing him to secrecy and telling him what I was. I explained everything to him, just as I am to you, and he demanded that I drink from him. I was adamant against it at first, but he wouldn't take 'no' for an answer. As I fell unconscious, he slit his wrist and pressed it against my mouth, forcing me to drink from him. He thought I would die if I didn't drink at that moment. Needless to say, when I awoke, I was angry at Finny for what he had done. But I was also grateful to him. Ever since then, anytime I began to feel faint, I would drink from Finny. Only what I needed to survive. There are a few more powers that come into play when drinking from a human.

"When a vampire feeds on a human, their fangs elongate from their gums and they pierce the prey's skin. As a vampire is drinking, the human feels an erotic rush, a pleasurable high that apparently feels so good, it's almost sinable. The venom of a vampire is pushed into a human while they feed, but a vampire can control just how much of the venom goes into their prey. The venom is used to distract humans from the pain of having their blood drained. Usually vampires kill off their prey by draining them dry, but I never realized why they did that, until I drank from Finny.

"When a vampire drinks from their prey, a bond between them is formed. That bond is cut when a vampire kills off their prey. But, if the human doesn't die, then the bond remains until the vampire feeds on a different human. When the vampire feeds on another, the bond from the last human disappears, and a bond between the vampire and the new human is formed. This bond does a myriad of things. It allows the vampire the to sense where the human they're bonded with is, and sense if the human is in danger or not. It also allows the vampire to feel the emotions that the human feels as if it were their own, and vice versa. The human can feel what the vampire is feeling as well."

As I finished my explanation, I looked up into Ciel's eyes, watching as he soaked in all the information. I hadn't told him exactly how I became a vampire, but I hope that what I did tell him was enough for now. The earl sighed, his eyes softening as he looked into my own.

"I'm glad you're back, Bambi." He whispered. I felt my lips twitch up into a smile as his words hit my ears. "I'm glad to be back. I'm so sorry I--" He stopped my words with a shake of his head. He doesn't want to think back on that.

As he kept looking into my eyes, I became slightly nervous and licked my dried lips, wetting them. I sucked in air sharply when his gaze dipped down to look at my mouth before they shot back up to my eyes. His hand pressed against my chin, his fingers curling around it as he slowly leaned in closer to me, his eyes drifting closed. I gulped slightly and began to lean in as well, my eyes closing as we got closer. I felt his nose brush up against mine. I could feel his hot breath on my face. I held my breath as he closed the gap, and just as our lips were about to connect.

"Oi! Who are you?"

We jolted apart.

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