Episode 10

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Bambi's PoV-

"Ladies and gents, this hasn't happened in eighty years! You can't pass up this chance! Come on by!" A vendor nearby shouted out from one of the various white tents all pushed close together. Admittedly, the fair on ice was amazing, but I'd rather be back at the mansion. I hate the cold.

My eyes flickered from shop to shop and the sound of a wooden ball hitting wooden pins caught my attention as we walked passed it. I heard fire crackling and the smell of roasted pig filled my nose. The urge to roast marshmallows made my hands twitch. The fair was crowded with men and women looking at each shop, while children ran between the crowd. I shivered, freezing. My thin jacket did very little to keep the cold out.

"I see. 'Frost fair' is an appropriate name." Sebastian began to speak, breaking the silence between the three of us. I watched on in longing as I saw some kids skating along the ice, the blades scratching the thick surface sending particles of snow flying around. One of the kids noticed my stare and smiled at me, waving. I send a smile back and give him a little wave as well. I didn't expect him to gracefully skate over to where I was standing.

I stepped back as the boy, who seemed to be around my age now that I had a better look at him, stopped right in front of me, sending snowflakes onto my young master. I had to bite back a laugh at the look of annoyance on his face. I turned to face the newcomer, a silent question in my eyes.

"I thought you could have a little fun, you don't look too happy. My little sister brought an extra pair of skates, she says you can use them." He said, holding his hand out. I look the boy up and down, analyzing him.

His brown hair was styled the same way as Ciel's, the bangs slightly blocking his emerald eyes. He wore a thick light brown jacket to keep himself warm, a lavender scarf was wrapped around his neck. He stood a few inches taller than me, mainly because of the extra height from his ice skates. I could feel Ciel's glare burning into the back of my head.

"Bambi! Let's go. We haven't got all day!" He called, making me sigh. I look up to the boy, a sad smile on my face. "My apologies..." I started, realizing I didn't know his name. "Ryan." He provided. I smiled at his name. "My apologies, Ryan. But my master is calling." His eyes widened. "M-Master?!" I blinked at his tone, tilting my head. He shook his head, smiling sheepishly while rubbing the back of his neck. "Sorry, you just don't seem like a maid to me." I let out an airy laugh, letting a toothy grin grow on my face. "You have a beautiful smile." Ryan complemented, making me blush a cherry red and look at the skate trails on the icy ground below us. A cold wind blew, making me shiver and cross my arms, hoping to keep what small amount of warmth I had left in my body.

I felt something rest on my shoulders and wrap around my neck. Upon looking at what it was, I noticed it was the lavender scarf that Ryan was wearing. My eyes snap to his grinning figure. "You looked like you needed it more. Plus, it matches your lovely lilac eyes." I felt my face heat up even more at his words. I smiled softly, holding the ends of the scarf in my gloved hands gently. "Thank you." I whispered, looking into his glimmering emerald orbs. "Besides, what kind of master let's his servant catch her death of cold?" Ryan frowned, his voice low. I opened my mouth to respond, but I heard Ciel clearing his throat impatiently.

Holding back another sigh, I wave farewell to Ryan and rush to catch up to Ciel and Sebastian. When I do, I notice Ciel glaring at me. I ignore it, choosing instead to fiddle with the scarf around my neck.

We walk for a tad bit longer before I walk past a crack in between two tents. Suddenly, I felt a pair of feminine hands cover my mouth and pull me back. I struggle against the strong grip and look back to my attacker in fear, only to find confusion filling my body. I pull the hands off of my mouth and stare at her incredulously.

"L-Lady Elizabeth?!" I yell, catching the attention of surrounding people. Lizzie yelps and covers my mouth again, pulling me away from their gazes and shushing me. After I nod, she lets me go, breathing out a sigh of relief. "What is it, Lady Elizabeth?" I ask, keeping my voice low. "You're around Ciel a lot. Well, his birthday is coming up, and I wanted to get him something. But I haven't a clue of what he like!" Lizzie exclaims, panting slightly out of frustration. I purse my lips and look into her gleaming eyes. "I'll try my best to help you, Lady--" "Call me Lizzie!"

I bite back a smile. "I'll try my best to help you, Lizzie." I finish, putting emphasis on her name. The young girl cheers and hugs me tightly, and I could swear I heard my ribs break.


We were walking by shop after shop. Keeping an eye out for anything that Ciel might have an interest in when I heard Lizzie squeal. I turn to see that she was staring at a small boat figurine. Before I could comment on it, however, my attention was caught by a peculiar man turning a crank on a box that was playing a familiar tune. He was staring straight ahead as he walked, but when he passed me, his head twisted completely backwards to face me, his violet eyes staring me down, a maniacal smile on his face.

I gasp at this and his smile grew into a cheshire grin, making me stumble back before turning and fleeing back to Lizzie.

When I get to the young girl, she was holding the boat in her arms, having just payed for it. "Did you find something for the young lord?" I ask, slightly out of breath. The blonde turns to me, an ecstatic smile gracing her face. "Yes! This boat is just like the one Ciel and I would play with when we were younger! I hope it will bring back really good memories for him!" Lizzie grinned, bouncing in place. I chuckle at her joy, happy that she's happy. I let my hands fall to the side and brush against a pocket in my coat. When I heard coins jingle, I remembered I had brought some of my earnings with me, if only to buy myself something.

"Lizzie, do you mind if I try to find something for the young master as well? I'd like to thank him for giving me a job." I smile sheepishly. He's been attempting to avoid me for the past few weeks ever since Sebastian and the others had all left for that day, leaving him and I alone. Perhaps he didn't want me to see the softer side of him. I frowned at the thought.

I was brought out of my thoughts when Lizzie hugged me. "You're so sweet! I'll help you look, just like you helped me!" She cheered, making me smile.

Lizzie was dashing from shop to shop, looking for something cute, while I wandered into a knick knack shop. Smiling at the perfect present, I pay for it. I froze when I felt a tingle of terror run up my spine. Ciel's in danger. "May I pick this up later?" I ask, and smile at the man's nod.

Gritting my teeth, I run out of the tent, shouting an apology to Lizzie before hitting high speed to get to the troublesome boy. I stop at the edge of the tent line and look at the scene before me. A man strapped in dynamite was holding a lighter and pointing a gun towards Ciel. I felt energy build up within me and let it snap, flowing into the rest of my veins as I sped towards Ciel when the man pulled the trigger.

I appeared in front of Ciel just in time to have the bullet graze my arm as I lifted up my arms to block my face. I bit my lip harshly, drawing blood as pain burned my arm. With a growl, I charged the man, and before he could blink, I ripped the gun from his grasp as Sebastian sped by on ice skates, kicking the gun from the hands of his accomplices.

Sebastian's arms wrapped around me and he placed me on his head as he started towards Ciel. I saw the stick of dynamite flying through the air, right towards the young master. Sebastian got there just in time to pick up Ciel, holding him like a baby. I giggled at the thought.

I had to hold onto Sebastian tightly when he began to spin around in a circle, throwing Ciel somewhere. I gasped and went to scold the demon, but he began to spin me around too. I looked into his crimson eyes and begged him with my gaze, but he merely smirked devilishly and let me go. I let out a scream as I flew through the air, only to be caught by someone once again.

I look up to see myself in an astounded Ciel's arms, Sebastian standing proudly behind him. I begin to struggle out of the earl's grip, but he only held me tighter, not letting me down. I huff out a breath and turn my head away, watching as the dust of the explosions cleared away to reveal an astonished and crying crowd.

"Your methods were very violent." Ciel muttered. "I apologize, my lord. When baggage drags one down, it's best to toss it." Sebastian replied. "The Hope piece will sleep at the bottom of the Thames... I suppose that end has its own charm" I blink at the earl's words. "What are you two talking about?" I cross my arms as I looked up at the two.

"I should be asking about where you've been all this time." Ciel scowled, finally letting me down. "I was... er..." Ciel's glare hardened at me. I gulped at his harsh sapphire gaze. "I was kidnapped." I say, looking down at the ground. I missed the way Ciel's eye widened in concern as I spotted Lizzie from the corner of my eyes.

Remembering that she had wanted to see my gift, I jump over the side of the ship, granting a call of my name from my master as I landed on a sheet of detached ice and hopped along the remains of the frozen laketop to get to the young lady.

She gasped as I landed in front of her, smiling. "Shall we, milady?" I ask, holding my arm out to her. She giggled and grabbed it, dragging me along beside her.


I gasped as she threw down the boat upon coming into the room I was waiting in. "L-Lizzie?! What's wrong?" I ask, getting up from my place on the ground. She turned to face me with tears brimming her emerald eyes. "Father aid this was a fake. I thought... I thought I would be able to please Ciel!" She cried, holding onto me. We fell to the floor as she cried into my shoulder.

"W-What's your present?" Lizzie asked, calming down a bit after awhile. I pulled the glass box out from the bag the man had placed it in. Lizzie gasped at it.

A thick square piece of glass made up the base of the present. A checkerboard pattern covered the top of it. I opened a small drawer on the side of the chessboard and it opened up to reveal black and white transparent glass chess pieces. I blinked as I spotted something familiar among the pieces. A gold band with a gleaming blue diamond set in it was staring up at me, glittering malevolently.

I picked it up to get a better look at it when I noticed Lizzie staring at it. A thought occurred to me and I hand it out to her. "Here, give this to the young master." Her jaw dropped as she looked at me, hope in her eyes. At my smile and insistence, she takes it from my hand with a giggle, a bright grin on her face.

A/N: Hiya everyone! I hope you enjoyed this week's chapter! I didn't know a creative gift for Ciel, so I figured a glass chess set would be okay? What did you guys think of Ryan? Should I bring him back? Anyway, have a great day! Stay lovely! <3

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