Episode 9.5

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Bambi's PoV-

I held back a sigh as I stepped out of my room only to see a certain demon standing before me, his hand raised to knock on my door. "Yes, Sebastian?" I questioned, my voice dull. The demon blinked at my bland tone and I could've sworn I saw concern flicker over his features, but I shook it off, blaming my drowsiness.

"Please take the young master's breakfast up to his room and wake him. I must deal with a mess left behind by the others." Sebastian sighed heavily. I bit my lip, almost offering to clean up if he would take the food to Ciel, seeing how I was still upset at the earl for what he had done the other day. It has been two days since I've spoken to the earl. Thinking better of it, I nod my head and move aside to head into the kitchen where I presumed the earl's breakfast was sitting.

The manor was eerily silent as I padded down the hall and stepped into the kitchen, easily gathering the food and tea onto a silver serving tray and wheeling down the halls. The sound of the one squeaky wheel on the cart made me relax slightly, grateful that there was some sound breaking the silence.

It didn't take long to get to Ciel's room and I stopped before his door, keeping my arm raised in the air in front of his dark oak door. I took several large breaths and tried to calm myself down before I let my knuckles fall onto the door. I released a breath I didn't realize I was holding when no answer came. Gulping silently, I rest my palm on the door and gently push it open, cringing at the soft creaking that came from the old wood.

Ciel was sleeping in his bed. I could see the tufts of his navy locks sticking out from under the covers, Déjà vu hit me as I softly stepped up to his bed, resisting the urge to run my hand through his soft hair. Taking one more breath for courage, I rest my hand on Ciel's shoulder and gently shake. "Master? Master, you must wake up." My voice was quiet and almost inaudible as I heard Ciel's light groans of protest. When he flipped away from me and curled into a ball under the blankets, something caught my eye. He was clutching a small toy rabbit to his chest. The scene made me smile and I carefully sat down on the edge of his bed, reaching over to shake him awake once again.

Suddenly, he rolled over again, this time he was facing me. His sapphire orbs snapped open and locked onto my frozen form, my hand still hovering over his shoulder. Ciel's unique eyes widened considerably before he shot up, getting into a sitting position like myself. I went to back off, to get up from his bed, but a tight hold on my arm prevented me from doing so.

"Bambi, wait." In any other situation I would have ignored him and emotionlessly done my job, trying to hide my anger from the boy. However, the pleading tone that dripped off his tongue held me in place. His pale hand cupped my cheek and I clenched my jaw to ignore the feeling that erupted in my stomach. "Bambi I'm... I'm..." Ciel seemed to be choking over his words, but one look into his eyes made my anger and frustration dissolve. He was trying to apologize. His eyes told the story his mouth couldn't. He was sorry for the trick he pulled. He was sorry for making me upset. He hated that we haven't spoken in days and he wanted that to change. His sapphire orb was so vulnerable and full of unbridled emotions that it physically hurt me to look into it. I felt my entire body sag as I relaxed and looked into Ciel's eyes, my own unguarded. Gathering the little courage I had, I lifted my hand up and rested it against Ciel's porcelain cheek gently, afraid it would break under my touch.

I blushed when he leaned into my touched and began to move my hand away, but his iron clad grip stopped me from doing so. His pink lips were pulled down into a pout, his glittering orbs looking at me. He reminded me of a puppy, begging for forgiveness. I let the corners of my lips twitch up and observed in amusement when Ciel's eyes lit up at the slight movement. "I forgive you, Master. I can't be angry at you." I whispered, watching his reaction. His eyes softened and they twinkled in delight before they darkened, shocking me. "I thought I told you to call me Ciel." The boy pouted, making a soft peal of laughter escape me. I missed the way Ciel's mouth curled up as I laughed.

Shaking my head, I stand up, pulling my hand from Ciel's grip as I walked to the serving tray a few feet away. "Well, Ciel, what would you like for breakfast? Muffin or scone?" I asked, playfully putting emphasis on his name. A smirk lit up his face as he answered. "Scone." I grin and grab a chocolate stuffed scone that was laying on the silver platter. I handed the pastry to him as I set down the tea tray and and began making his tea.

Turning to hand the boy his drink, I held back a grin as I saw the scone had been completely devoured. When Ciel took the offered beverage, I stepped around him, placing the tea on the serving cart and reaching around the distracted earl. I grinned when I felt the velvety fur of the stuffed bunny he held and pulled the toy closer to me to get a good look at it.

The bunny was small, no bigger than my head. It's light brown fur was matted with age and tufts of the velvety fur stuck up in places. Beady black eyes reflected the sun's rays, giving it an innocent appearance. Large floppy ears that were half the size of the entire toy hung down by it's head, making it look sad. A small triangular stitched nose pointed downwards to the little mouth. An adorable bump of a tail was attached to the toy's rump. All in all, the toy was so adorable I wanted to hug it to me, but I refrained from doing so, and instead turn to Ciel, whose eyes were closed in peace from the calming tea.

"Oh, Ciel~" I sang playfully, my voice set in a teasing tone. The boy set his tea down on the nights stand nearby and opened his eyes to face me, freezing once he saw what I was holding. "I-I don't know where--" "Yea, yea, sure." I grin, looking down towards the stuffed bunny as I cut off his lame excuse. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him make a snatch at it, but I pulled back easily, laughing at the aggravated expression on his face. "Give it back." He demanded, although I sensed no anger in his tone only... playfulness?

"What's his name?" I asked, dancing away from his advances as I kept the toy away from him. The boy, still in his nightgown, stood up on the floor, letting his barefeet touch the carpeted ground and dove at me. I let out a giggle as I dodged and he went flying by me, catching himself before he slammed into the wall behind us. "Give. It. Back." Each word was accented by a lunge he made at me, trying to get his little toy back. "What's his name?" I repeated, feeling my legs hit the edge of his bed. I looked down, distracted, and didn't see Ciel leap at me.

His body hit me hard and we both went flying onto his soft bed. He was straddling me as he pinned down my arms above my head, his eye only on the bunny in my grasp. He was panting from the exertion as he grabbed the bunny back from me before sitting back on his haunches, hugging the toy to his chest. I blush at the fact that he was still straddling my waist and opened my mouth to ask if he would get off when the earl looked down at our predicament and flushed bright red.

He tried to quickly get up and off of me, but his foot got tangled in his blanket and he flopped back down onto my chest, making me grunt in slight pain. I blinked open my eyes, not realizing I had closed them, and looked up to see Ciel's shocked face hovering directly above mine. His cerulean gaze locked onto my violet one. I could only hear our breathing as we stared at each other, entranced. "C-Ciel?" I questioned, my voice barely audible. His eyes flicker down to my lips and I inhaled sharply when I figured out where he was looking. "S-Snugglesworth." Ciel whispered, confusing me. I look into his eyes, dumbfounded. He cleared his throat and sat up, letting my lay against my bent elbows. "His name is Snugglesworth." He repeated, his voice soft, almost hesitant.

I smiled at his bashfulness and patted the bunny between the ears softly. "Hello Snugglesworth." I greeted, a soft smile on my face. I look up to Ciel and see something unfamiliar in his intense gaze. I couldn't define what it was, for it went away as quickly as it had come. Ciel cleared his throat once again and lifted one leg over my body, letting me up.

I sat up fully, and gently hopped off his bed, trying to shake off what had just happened. Fighting against my flushing cheeks, I turned towards the young master's dresser and quickly got out his outfit. His outfit was the same basic structure like it always is; an undershirt with a jacket overtop and long shorts with over-the-knee socks and high heeled shoes. Even without these shoes he's taller than me... I pouted at that thought and swiftly walked towards Ciel with his navy blue outfit. As I went to put it on, his hands stopped me, making me look up into his eyes.

When my gaze met his, he blinked before looking away, a faint blush covering his cheeks. "I don't plan on going out today, something simpler should suffice." I nodded at his words and gathered up his outfit before heading back to his dresser. I shuffled through the different fancy outfits before coming to one that made me smile.

It was a long sleeved white shirt, with ruffled ends to the sleeves. Seeing a navy blue neck tie, I snatched it, thinking it would go well with the shirt. Taking a pair of long black shorts, I went back to where his socks and shoes were, which happened to be by him.

I bit the inside of my cheek to stop myself from blushing as I dressed him once again. I backed away once I was finished and turned to grab his eyepatch before easily tying it on him. When I stepped back, Ciel got up and moved to a nearby mirror, looking at his outfit. I saw a flicker of satisfaction cross his eye before he turned to me. Knowing what he meant, I opened the door and let him go out, trailing behind him with the serving tray in front of me.

"Where's Sebastian?" Ciel asked, making me frown. "I'm not sure, my lord. I haven't seen the others all day." I furrowed my brows in thought. I turned down a hallway so I could clean up after Ciel's breakfast and didn't notice him stop and look down the hall after me. Only when I heard the tapping of his wooden heels behind me did I stop to turn around. He was following after me. He seems almost...lost without Sebastian here to give him lessons. The thought made me smile softly as he padded after me like a lost puppy.

We both walked into the kitchen and he moved aside as I turned on the water and waited for it to get warm before plugging it up and letting the basin fill with hot water. "What are you doing?" Ciel's confusion made me giggle and I glanced at him. "Chores, Maste--" "I told you to call me Ciel." He glared. I sighed. "Chores, Ciel."

Once the basin was filled with water, I turned the faucet off and put the dishes in the sink, letting them soak before I cleaned them later on. I stowed the service cart away in the other room before walking passed the table to the door. Something on the table caught my eye and I looked down to see an envelope with my name on it in fancy cursive writing. I picked it up, recognizing Sebastian's handwriting immediately and opened it, feeling Ciel's gaze on my back.


The servants and I will all be out for the evening. Something has come up and we need you to stay and protect the young master should anyone try to harm him. I figure you should be able to do that easily enough, seeing what you are...


I gaped at his written words and turned when I heard Ciel's footsteps come closer. As I turned, I crushed the note in my fist and gave an awkward smile to the young lord. "Looks like it's just us today." I said, watching as his eye trailed down to the ground, looking at something behind me. Before I could move, he bent down and picked it up off the ground. His eye widened and he looked up to me with a glare. Shocked at his actions, I look at the paper he was holding.

It was a picture. Ciel was sleeping in his chair and I was beside him, wearing a long black lace dress. I was smiling as I looked into the camera, my amethyst eyes glistening.

There was only one camera in the manor. And I had an inkling as to who had taken this picture. It seemed Ciel knew that was well, as his sapphire orb was cold as he glared at me. "You said you were human." He snarled. I flinched back at his tone, my jaw dropping. "That's right. I was human. I'm not anymore." I growled, internally cursing myself for fighting with him again. "What are you!?" He yelled his sapphire eye glinting dangerously, challenging me. "Do you really want to know?!" I matched his volume easily.

Ciel's PoV-

I scowled as she shouted right back at me. I pushed her against the wall behind her and pinned her arms above her head. "Why would I ask if I didn't want to know?! Unlike you, I don't lie!" I sneered. Her violet eyes snapped harshly into the icy blue that lay hidden beneath and an animalistic growl erupted from her throat. "I'M A MONSTER! THAT'S WHAT I AM!" Her voice cracked at the end of her declaration making me look into her eyes. I felt my heart twist painfully when I saw the tears building up in her electric blue eyes. I back away and watch helplessly as she collapsed into a ball on the tile, sobs wracking her small frame. "I've k-killed so m-many innocent kids. I didn't mean to, I just c-couldn't h-help myself." She hiccuped over her words as she tried to speak over her tears. Guilt swelled within me as I watched her crumble before me. Before I could stop myself, I was on the ground beside her and pulling her into my chest, letting her cry into my shoulder. I rubbed her back awkwardly, not exactly sure how to comfort her. It was different from when Elizabeth cried. It physically hurt to see Bambi cry and I had the feeling of needing to do something to stop those tears. I felt immensely more terrible at the fact that I had caused them.

"What happened, Bambi?" I asked, keeping my voice low so as not to scare her. "I can't tell you." She whispered, pulling away from my embrace with her crystal eyes gazing at me, sadness welling within them. I had to bite back a smirk when I heard her adorable sniffles. Wait...adorable? What has gotten into me?

I sighed and shook my head before getting up and holding out a hand to Bambi. She glanced at it and took it, putting her soft hand in mine. She stood and I looked into her eyes, watching how her icy gaze shifted into the warm violet I've grown accustomed to.

Bambi's PoV-

I stepped away from Ciel and pulled my hand from his grasp. I had calmed down from my episode, and for that, I'm grateful. "Why can't you tell me?" Ciel whispered, catching my attention. I bit my lip and look at him. "You'll get hurt if I do." My voice was quiet in the empty kitchen. I shook my head, hoping to get out of the sad moments that were bearing down on us and look back up to Ciel, a bright smile on my face. "Now what, young master?" He frowned at me, his eye narrowing before he sighed, letting my slip up go. "You said it was just us, right?" I nodded, answering his question. "Yes. Sebastian said they won't be back for awhile. It will probably be just us for most of the day." Ciel nodded, staying silent.

I shifted under his gaze as he stared down at me. "What do you usually do, Ciel?" I ask, pressing my index fingers together. "Sebastian usually tutors me, or we have meetings. But seeing as he presumably told you nothing, I have no schedule for today." Ciel hesitated on the last few words of his sentence and when I looked up to face him, he seemed...lost. Like he didn't know what to do with himself if he had no classes or any meetings. The sound of a stomach growling brought me out of my thoughts and I looked at a now blushing Ciel. I let out a soft peal of laughter and smiled amusedly at the young earl. "Would you like something sweet, Ciel?" I didn't miss the way his eyes lit up when I said the word, 'sweet' and the childish look in his eyes made me smile. "Come on, I'll make something."


I felt Ciel's gaze burning holes in the back of my head as I continued to mix the cake batter in the large bowl I held in my arms. It was obvious he was curious about what I was doing, but I felt annoyance prickle my senses when he remained silent. With a heavy sigh, I set the bowl and wooden spoon down on the counter beside me, keeping one hand on the bowl.

"Yes, Ciel?" I tap my foot, waiting for his question. "What are you doing?" He asked, taking his eye off the bowl to look at me. "Baking a cake. Anything else?" I ask nicely, picking up the bowl once more and digging the spoon into the chunky chocolate batter before mixing it up. Ciel was silent as I worked through the thick batter, making it thinner with each twist of my hand.

After a few minutes, I finally made the chocolate batter smooth. I smiled into the bowl and set the object on the counter before bending down to get two cake pans. Grabbing the medium and small sized pans, I straighten myself up and turn to face the bowl.

I narrowed my eyes into a glare as I spotted Ciel's hand in the bowl, his index finger coated in chocolate cake batter. In a reflex, I slapped the offending appendage and he pulled it back. He took the coated finger and stuck it in his mouth, licking the batter off while giving me an innocent look.

I rolled my eyes at the childish lord and began pouring the violated batter into the two pans, before swiftly sticking them into the heated oven, away from a certain earl.

I pulled out two chilled bowls of frosting that had been in the fridge and set one on the counter while I grabbed some blue food dye for the second one. Dripping some into the bowl I held, I stirred, watching as the dark blue dots melded with the snowy white icing, creating a familiar cerulean color.

My eye caught movement and I looked up to see Ciel's hand in the icing bowl. With a frown, I whipped the spoon in my hand, pointing towards him accusingly. A large dollop of icing flew off my spoon and hit him squarely in his face, sticking onto his cheek.

I gasped and set the spoon in the bowl, placing both on the counter. I backpedaled slightly as I watched his reaction. His eye widened and his pale hand reached up to touch the sweet substance before his cerulean gaze locked onto me. His sapphire orb hardened into a glare and his mouth pulled into a frown.

I continued backing away, closing my eyes fearfully as my back hit solid wall. I heard his footsteps stop as he halted right in front of me. I felt cold on the very tip of my nose and opened my eyes in confusion. Ciel was smirking at me, his eyes full of playful mischief. I crossed my eyes to find dark blue icing coating the tip of my nose. I narrowed my eyes at Ciel, a smirk crossing my own face. "It's on." I grin, grabbing the spoon from the bowl nearby and swinging at the earl. He jumped back, but navy blue icing still splattered across his white shirt. With a grin that froze my heart, Ciel dug his hand into the bowl of white icing next to him and chucked it at me. I yelped out as the cold icing hit my neck, making a shiver run down my spine. Throwing the spoon down onto the counter, I laughed as I grabbed a handful of navy icing and smeared it across his face, covering his one visible eye in the sweet substance. Before I could blink, Ciel dumped the entire bowl of icing over my head, soaking my hair in the white icing. I let out a breath of disbelief and stared up at Ciel, my jaw hanging open. Ciel blinked owlishly at me before his lips pulled up into a toothy smile and he let out a laugh. Ciel held his sides as he dissolved into giggles, his beautiful cerulean orb closed as he did so. His laugh proved contagious as I joined him, the two of us falling down to the ground, giggles overcoming us. I laughed so hard my sides began to hurt before my laughter finally died down. Ciel's did soon after and I looked at the icing covered boy before me, watching as he wiped joyful tears from his eyes. I noticed his eye was unguarded and glowing with mirth. The sight was breathtaking to me, as I had never seen him happy before.

"It's been too long since I laughed like that." Ciel's grin softened into a smile, which I returned. "I'm glad I was able to make you laugh then, Ciel." I was grateful that the the icing hid my blush.


I was coming out of the bath, after attempting to get the icing out of my hair, when my ears picked up the sound of gunshots outside. My senses went on high alert and I swiftly got dressed into a fresh maid's uniform and dashed out of my room, heading to where the shots sounded from.

Ciel was by my side in seconds, hearing the sounds himself. Sebastian and the others still weren't back yet, and Pluto was apparently taken with them. I looked out the window of the entry way and saw several men holding guns stalking towards the manor. I gasped and grabbed Ciel's hand, turning and running further into the manor. "Aren't you going to fight?" Ciel asked, following behind me. "I'm outnumbered and I can't fight as well as Sebastian." I scoffed.

I stopped in front of a door and opened it, fear making my heart slam against my chest. It was the library. I pulled Ciel inside as I heard the front door open and the men called out for 'The Guard Dog.' Darkness surrounded us as I closed the door behind us quietly. I felt Ciel stiffen beside me and I looked at him. Ciel was looking around blindly, his eye darting from side to side. I bit my lip, mentally hitting myself for forgetting that he can't see in the dark like I can.

"This way Ciel." I whisper, guiding him towards a nearby table. I knelt him down and helped him under it, making sure he was covered by the small tablecloth that hung over only the middle of the coffee table. Footsteps right outside the door made me panic and I ran to the nearest hiding spot; under a table that had a vase atop it.

The door opened up and a man stepped in, turning on the light. "Where are you?" His raspy voice called out. I watched from the corner as he stepped past me and walked further into the room, gun in hand. Ciel looked at the man's boots before meeting my gaze and I put my finger to my lips. He nodded.

"Did ya find the kid?" Another voice called, bringing our attention to the doorway. Another man was there. "No. But he's somewhere in this place." The second man grunted in agreement. "I found a note downstairs. Apparently all but one of the servants are gone. Get this; the only one here is a little girl!" The two men began guffawing and I scowled from my hiding spot.

I froze as the two men stopped in front of Ciel's spot. One gestured to the table while the other grinned. Ideas swirled in my head before one stuck with me, and I knew what I had to do to keep Ciel safe. I could see Ciel glaring at me and shaking his head wildly. He knew what I was going to do.

With a deep breath, I stepped out from my hiding spot and grabbed a nearby book, chucking it at one of the men. It smacked loudly over the head of a brunette. "What the--"

The two guys turned to face me and froze before laughing. I scowled at them and charged, but someone grabbed the collar of my dress and lifted me off the ground before I could reach the idiots in front of me.

"Woah there girlie! Calm down. We just wanna ask you a couple questions." The man holding me said. I turned my head and spit in his face. He flinched back, eyes closed, and wiped the saliva off his face before opening his brown eyes in a hateful glare.

He pulled me against his chest and whipped out a knife, pressing it against my neck. I halted my breath. "You're gonna tell us where your master is, or we're gonna cut you up. Got it?" I growled at the man. "Never." He merely chuckled and brought the knife down to my arm.

I let out a sharp cry and he sliced across my forearm. His rough hand grabbed my arm and squeezed out the red droplets of blood. I watched as the sanguine diamonds crept down my arm. "Where is he?" I remained silent. "I wish it didn't have to be this way." He sighed. The blood covered knife moved down to my stomach and he drew the blade sharply across it, making me bite back a scream of pain. I saw Ciel's angry gaze look my attackers up and down before his gaze turned fearful as he looked at me. I let out a scream of agony as my captor dug his fingers into the deep wound on my stomach, the tips of his fingers entering the open wound. "Alright! Alright. I'll... I'll tell you where I hid him..." I hung my head in shame as my body convulsed in pain. "Good girl." The man praised, pulling his hand from my stomach and patting my head with his blood covered appendage.

"I hid him in the barn. With the horses." I whispered, lying expertly. The man grinned, believing my farce and picked me up. "You're gonna come with us. And if I find out you lied... You'll be dead." He threatened. I nodded, bringing up crocodile tears as I led them to the barn where we kept our horses. I gave a sneaky glance back to see Ciel looking after me helplessly. Stay here until I come and get you. I plead with my eyes, hoping he'll get the message. I relaxed when I saw him nod and back further into the shadows.

Ciel's PoV-

I waited for Bambi to get back. I was afraid. Afraid of what they would do to her when they realized that she lied to them. That stupid girl is going to get herself killed by protecting me! I scowled at the thought when the door to the library opened, making me freeze. "Ciel?" Bambi's voice made my entire body sag with relief as I shimmied out of my hiding spot to see her standing in the doorway. She walked over to me as I stood up and once I did, I grabbed her, embracing her in my arms. I felt her stiffen in my hold before relaxing and hugging me back.

Realizing what I was doing, I blushed and let go, backing away from her warm embrace. I gave her a onceover and balk at the fact she was covered in blood. She caught my stare and her eyes widened. "I-It's not mine. Trust me." She quickly stated. My hands immediately grabbed the arm that had been cut and turned it over to see...unmarked skin? Blinking dumbfoundedly, I look at the wound on her stomach only to find it was nonexistent.

"How.." She cuts me off. "You don't wanna know." She said, biting her lip and looking down at the ground.

"Ah. My lord, there you are. Goodness, Bambi! What happened to your dress." Sebastian's voice made us turn to see him staring at the maid beside me, his crimson eyes wide and befuddled. "Now you show up!" Bambi shouts, exasperated. Sebastian smirked, crimson eyes glinting. "Of course. I'm merely one hell of a butler." He stated proudly, making Bambi groan in annoyance.

A/N: I hoped you enjoyed this week's chapter! I wanted to try something a bit different rather than spouting out another episode. Plus, who doesn't want a bit of fluff between Ciel and Bambi? So, after a couple hours of work, you guys get this! Once again, I hope you enjoyed it and you guys aren't upset that this isn't episode 10. When the time comes for it, I may post some more chapters like this; Ones where relationships between characters build up and some stuff goes down. I can't wait to read everyone's comments!! Stay lovely!! <3 

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