Episode 9

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Bambi's PoV-

I was dusting the bookshelves in the young master's study when he walked in holding a large camera in hand. "What is that, Master?" I raised my eyebrow at the boy from where I stood on the ladder, right by the top shelf. Ciel looked around before looking up to see me. "It's a camera." He stated blandly. I giggled at his tone. "I meant, what's so special about it?"

"What makes you think it's special?" He challenged. "Because you wouldn't have gotten it if it weren't." I simpered, knowing I was right. He scoffed at me and reached out an arm as I was stepping down the ladder. Taking his offered appendage, I felt his soft hand in mine and let go swiftly, fearing that I would blush if I held on any longer.

"This is a camera said to have been in the famous Talbot's collection." He said, pushing the camera towards me. "Talbot? Sounds familiar." I murmured, taking in the accordion-like appearance of the camera. "It's got a story to it." I looked up into Ciel's uncovered eye, curious. "It was missing for some time, but I heard it was coming up at auction and went to great pains to get it." I snapped my fingers as I remembered the name. "William Henry Fox Talbot. He was an English scientist and one of the inventors of photographic technology." I thought I saw a glimmer of pride flicker across Ciel's cerulean orb, but it was gone in seconds.

"There were queer rumors about the last camera he used. Legend has it that when you photograph someone with this camera, whomever he thinks of most fondly will appear in the picture... perhaps." I frowned at the last word Ciel used. "What do you mean, 'perhaps'?"

"The only loved ones that the camera will show are otherworldly beings. In other words, the dead." I gasped at his words. The dead?!

Shaking my head in amusement, I headed out the door with a wave to the earl who watched me leave. As I closed the door, I didn't notice a conniving smirk grow on his face as he hatched a plan to take a picture of a certain somebody.


I was in the library organizing the books that had been lying about on the ground when I felt as though I was being watched. Shaking off the feeling, I began dusting the shelves and sweeping the floors.

As I was fixing a vase of flowers, I could've sworn I heard muttering from inside a bookcase. I look around quickly, and upon spotting no one in the room, I took my leave, smiling at the spotless and sparkling room before I closed the door behind me.

I felt like I was being followed as I went around, cleaning each room like I was ordered to do earlier that morning. As I was placing a red tablecloth down, the door to the room I was in slammed open, revealing Finny pushing a billiards table towards me. I gasped and backed away, nearly getting caught by the edge of the wooden table.

As Finny crashed through the wall, destroying it and flying outside, I run over to the downed gardener, worried. "Finny!" I called, rushing out to him. I shook his unconscious form and giggled when I saw him sleeping.

As I was reorganizing the pantry, I heard the bell for the young master's study go off. I quickly made my way up there to see what he needed. Upon knocking on the door, I waited until I heard his okay before going in.

I step into the room and see a large dollhouse sitting on his desk. I bit back a smile and turned to the earl, who was sitting in his chair. "Did you need something, Master?" I asked, my hands clasped as I walked up to his desk. "It came undone." Was all he said. "P-Pardon?" I asked, dumbfounded by his words. He raised his head and I saw his navy blue neck tie was untied and hanging around his pale throat.

I stopped myself from rolling my eyes as I knelt down and swiftly tied it into a neat knot. I saw magenta hair from the corner of my eye and turned to face the closed window, seeing nothing. Looking back at the young boy before me, I blushed at the proximity between us, before moving over to the window and opening it. I gave a small smile back towards the young earl. "Let's let the room air out a bit." I suggest.

I sighed as I began taking care of the garden, seeing as Finny was nowhere to be found. A flash of white blocked my vision and I saw Pluto in his hound form sitting in the bed of flowers I had just planted, his wagging tail ripping up the poor plants. Smiling fondly and shaking my head, I give Pluto a pat on the snout and walked into the manor, a mission in mind.

It took awhile, but I finally found Finny. He was sitting with Mey-Rin and Bard on the floor in one of the halls for some reason. "Could you guys help me with something?" I ask, wiping a sheen of sweat from my brow due to the blazing sun outside. "Whaddya need help with Bambi?" Bard asked, his accent as thick as ever. "Him." I said, gesturing towards Pluto's doggy face that took up the entire window behind them. "Sebastian said that we have a guest coming and he wants me to fix up the garden. But every time I get close to finishing a bed of flowers, Pluto sees me and accidentally destroys it. Sebastian also wants him somewhere where the guest won't be able to see him too, so I figured, kill two birds with one stone, right?" I explain, watching as Finny ran over to the window and began cooing at the demon hound, hearts in his eyes.

As the others agreed, I sighed in relief and we all went outside. Finny, Mey-Rin, and Bard all herded Pluto away from the garden and I got to work, finally able to fix up the garden to Sebastian's specifications.

I walked into the kitchen to see a small cake with a note on it. Blinking, I pick up the note and read it.


This cake is for the young master's snack. Please take it up to him.


With an annoyed sigh, I rolled my eyes and grabbed the cake, setting it on the service cart and proceeded to make tea that would compliment the snack cake. I wheeled the cart to Ciel's study and knocked, entering upon his okay. He stared at his desk, seemingly lost in thought, as I served him.

"Master, is there something wrong?" I ask him when he turns to look away from me. "No, nothing. I'll take my supper in here today." I nod, a tad worried about but, I take my leave anyway.

I walked into the garden and see Pluto in his hound form sleeping at the foot of the steps. I sigh at the shoddy work that Finny and the others did of getting him out of the main part of the estate. A soft mew reached my ears and I looked down to see a slender black cat with emerald eyes staring up at me. I smiled when a ladybug flew onto it's nose and the cat looked as though it was enamoured by the bug.

I knelt down and held my hand out to the animal, my smile growing into a grin as it stalked closer to me. When the cat rubbed it's head on my hand I giggled and began to pet it, letting the curious creature crawl into my lap as it wished to.

Suddenly the cat was ripped from my grasp and I was tackled into a hug by an upset Pluto in his human form. It took me a moment to realize what was wrong but, when I did, I began to pet him, apologizing for seeming as though I favoured the cat over him. Pluto nuzzled me, tears running down his face. I sweatdropped at the demon hound's actions.

Ciel's PoV-

I was in my office alone, not wanting any of the bumbling fools to distract me. "To get her still for ten seconds..." I mumble, clasping my hands together and closing my uncovered eye. I pictured her cheerfully smiling face in my mind, her amethyst eyes glittering. "I wish I didn't have to use this tactic." I sighed, opening my eyes.

Bambi's PoV-

It was nighttime and I was finishing up cleaning the dishes from Ciel's supper. I thought about how strange he had been acting today and frowned. Shaking my head, I dry off my hands and head out into the hall, only to bump into a hard chest.

Stumbling back slightly, I apologize to whoever I had hit and look up to see Ciel standing before me. I was surprised he wasn't in bed yet. He had a coy smirk on his face and I immediately became suspicious of the earl's actions. "M-Master? What is it?" My voice was a whisper in the hall as I tried to back away from him.

Suddenly, I was pushed against the wall, and I closed my eyes, grunting as I hit the hardwood wall. I opened my eyes to see Ciel pinning me to the wall, his tall form towering over me. My face flamed red and my violet orbs widened. His face came closer until his pale nose brushed up against my own cherry red one. It became hard to breath and I felt my breaths become more and more rapid as the seconds ticked by. Ciel's deep chuckle reached my ears, shaking me to my very core. It sounded like silk. His hot breath fanned my neck, making my knees weak. His scent invaded my nose, muddling my mind. My vision became blurry as I tried to focus on something other than his burning hot body against me. I could feel my heart hammering against my chest, the blood rushing through my body. Every breath I took made me take in more of his enticing musk. I could feel my knees begin to wobble, and I was glad I was leaning up against the wall. Why does he affect me so much? The thought grazed the back of my mind until I felt Ciel's soft hand caress the back of my neck, sending chills up and down my spine. I felt as though I was being tortured by this boy when he slowly moved his lip towards mine. As his lips barely brushed against mine, I heard a cheer sound off from the side of us.

Ciel backed away, the smirk still on his face, but what seemed to be regret swirled within his eyes. I snapped out of the sinful high and look over to the side to see Finny running away, a familiar camera in hand. Putting two and two together, I gritted my teeth, glaring dangerously at Ciel. The smirk fell off his face and he reached out towards me, but I slapped his hand away, eliciting a soft gasp from the boy. Angry and upset, I started to walked away, however his faint call of my name stopped me before I could get too far. My back still to the boy, I turned my head ever so slightly to face him. "You could have just asked me to pose for a picture." I whispered, my voice cracking, before I continued to storm off, not noticing his broken gaze follow me.


I walked out into the garden, frustrated tears cascading down my face. As I looked out at the fireflies that danced in the moonlight, I felt hot breath hit the back of my head. I turn around and smile at Pluto, but the cheerful dog quickly became upset upon smelling my tears. The white hound sat patiently and listened as I explained to him what had happened throughout the day. His eyes narrowed and glowed red as he growled and stood up on all fours before shifting into his human form and running into the manor. I blinked at the space he occupied before standing up quickly and giving chase.

When I caught up with him, he was in a dark room and was standing in front of Finny, Mey-Rin, and Bard, growling at them. With no words, as the dog-man can't seem to speak, he opened his mouth and let a torrent of flames upon the servants, burning up all the photographs they had taken of me. After the servants all ran out, burnt, I turned to Pluto, smiling. I laughed and gave him a hug, scratching behind one of his ears for good measure. "Good boy, Pluto. Good boy." I praised, making him bark happily.

"Come one, you can sleep in my room. Just don't tell Sebastian." I wink, making a grin spread onto the man's face. I giggled as he ran ahead of me, prompting me to chase him into my room.


No One's PoV-

Sebastian walked into Ciel's study, smiling as he saw the boy sleeping "How untidy of you, falling asleep in a place like this." He whispered, walking closer to the sleeping boy. Sebastian spotted the camera Ciel had been using all day and a devilish smirk spreads across the demon's face.

Easily getting the picture he wanted, Sebastian left to boy to sleep in his chair, just for awhile longer. The demon swiftly made his way into the dark room and began to develop the picture with the foreign feeling of eagerness creeping up on him. When the photo was finally done, he picked it up, his crimson eyes widening in shock at the picture before he smirked at it.

The picture depicted Ciel sleeping peacefully in his chair, like how he was when the demon had taken the photo. However, beside him was a figure covered in shadow. It was nearly impossible to tell who the shadowed out figure was, that is, until you look at where it's face was. Unmistakable amethyst eyes looked into the camera, seemingly smiling into the lens.

A/N: I can't wait for your reactions! Please, share them with me!! I hope you enjoyed this week's chapter, and stay tuned for next week! Oh! I also wanted to say, thank you all for your support for this story, when I originally posted the first chapter, I didn't think this would do as well as it is! I love you all sooooo much for loving this story!!! <3 <3 Have some hugs and kisses XOXOXOXO

Stay lovely! <3

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