Episode 8

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We all stared, slack jawed at the mess in front of us. "H-Hey he's..." Bard's cigarette dropped from his mouth as he stuttered in horror. The familiar clicking of heels announced the young master's presence. I turned and saw Angela following right behind Ciel and Sebastian. "Lord Barrymore!" She gasped.

Knocking on the door made us all turn to face the direction of the door. We all ran to the door, and as we approached it, it burst open to reveal a panting villager. "Th-The great demon hound!" The rain soaked man whimpered into the dimly lit hall. Everyone gasped as he said this. When the man got up from his knees, he pulled on my sleeve, dragging me out the door to someplace unknown. Luckily, the others followed behind me.

We came to the wall where the dog-baiting occurred earlier that day, only to find a crowd encircling something. They were chanting the same creepy song they seemed to all love while kneeling and praying to someone. "What happened?" Sebastian asked.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Bard asked a nearby kneeling woman. Lightning struck, illuminating the torn up corpse of Lord Barrymore. I gasped, my hand covering my mouth, and stepped backwards, right into someone's chest. I felt a familiar hand rest on my shoulder as I stared into the empty white eyes of the man resting against the wall. I heard Finny and Mey-Rin scream, and saw Sebastian walked up from behind me.

He made his way through the crowd and knelt by the body of the former Lord Barrymore, picking up his arm to reveal that whatever had attacked him had ripped his hand. "Great demon hound! Forgive us!" A cry from the crowd sounded from somewhere.

I heard Angela gasp and when I looked at her, she fell to the ground. I frowned slightly and watched as Finny called her name and ran to her side, easily picking up her unconscious form.


We were back in the manor, the servants were taking turns watching over Angela to make sure she was alright, but I was headed over to where Ciel and Sebastian were waiting, as he needed to go over the case once more, seeing if he missed anything.

As I was walking the halls, I heard a familiar scuttle and turn to see the same man from the night before. Once again, he had no clothes, but he was soaking wet. I gasped, and knelt on the ground, pulling my jacket off.

He smiled at me and came closer, sitting down like a dog right by my side. I rest the coat over his shoulders and pull a small towel from a pocket in my uniform. As he panted next to me, I run the towel through his hair, drying his soft white locks. When I looked into his crimson eyes, I noticed he was staring at me, as if begging me for something. I laughed lightly and scratched behind his ear as I pulled out another piece of bread, handing it to him. He ate it happily and licked my cheek, letting me continue on my merry way.


"It's a shame, young master after you'd already declared the case was closed." Sebastian was smirking as I walked into the room. "Shut up." Ciel glared. "Where's Angela?" the young earl asked as the other servants piled into the room, distraught looks set on their faces. "I put her to bed for now, but she seems very tired, yes." Mey-Rin's hands were clasped together on her chest as she said this, worry clear in her voice.

"This village was completely isolated from the rest of society out of fear of the demon hound's curse. I thought we had established that the hound was faked by Lord Henry so that he could rule here. But now Lord Henry has..." Ciel trailed off at the end, letting us finish his thought in our own heads.

"Do you think those bite marks really weren't from the demon hound, like the villagers say?" Bard asked his hands forming fists. "Maybe he's mad at being blamed for Lord Henry's bad deeds." I pondered, tapping my chin with my right index finger. "Well, I think we can say for sure that no human did this, at least." Sebastian smiled down at Ciel, who was looking down at the desk in front of him. "What's that supposed to mean?" Bard asked, completely dumbfounded.


Sebastian was busy doing something else so he left me to dress the young master for bed. As I was buttoning his nightshirt up when I noticed that he seemed to be out of it. "What's wrong, Master?" I hummed, looking into his uncovered eyes. He blinked and made eye contact with me, a soft frown on his porcelain face. "They way Sebastian phrased it earlier: 'no human did this.' That redheaded reaper better not come back." I let out a velvety smooth laugh at his words, missing the way the corners of his lips jumped up.

"I don't think the hound will be after anyone anymore." I mutter, standing up from my kneeling position and moving to put away Ciel's outfit that he wore that day. "Why do you say that?" He asked, his voice coming from right behind me. I gasp at the closeness of his voice and turn around to find myself face to face with Ciel. I had to tilt my head back to look into Ciel's eyes as he was half a head taller than me. "J-Just a feeling I have is all." I shrugged, feeling my face burn as I blushed heavily at the closeness of the young lord. "That doesn't mean I can just leave it alone." I sighed at the boy's words.

"Bambi... What are you?" At Ciel's question, I frowned, looking up at him. "What do you mean, Master. I'm as human as you are." "Humans don't have eyes that flash a different color when provoked." Ciel scowled. My eyes widened at his words, before I narrowed them. "So what, do you think me a demon like Sebastian?" I challenged, watching his reaction.

The boy's jaw dropped slightly and he stepped back, astonished. "H-How--" "I've known ever since I met him, Master." I cut him off. "Are you one then? A demon?" He asked, serious. "I'm human. I swear. Sebastian has no heartbeat, neither do any other otherworldly creatures. I, however, do." I pout, reaching for his hand. He stood stalk still as I pressed him hand atop my chest, letting him feel my heart as it beat speedily. With red faces, we parted, and Ciel cleared his throat, hoping that it would help his embarrassment.


I was sitting in the kitchen area and looked up upon hearing the servants walk into the room. "Mornin' Bambi." Bard greeted, a smile on his face. I greeted the group with a smile, but that smile soon turned into a frown upon seeing the exhausted face of Finny. Bags were under his eyes and it looked like he had been crying.

Standing up, I quickly pull the gardener to the side and force him to sit down next to me, making him look me in the eyes. "Finny, what happened?" I whispered, hoping to get an explanation out of him. Tears filled his eyes again and I allowed him to cry into my shoulder, patting his back as he did so. "Oh Finny..." I mumbled.

"Good morning." Angela's voice seemed to snap Finny out of his tears as he froze and looked up, his tears gone. "Are you sure you should be out of bed?" Bard asked her, a smile on his face as he held a cigarette between his lips like always. "Yes. I apologize for causing trouble. And when my master always told me not to break courtesy in front of guests..." Angela frowned, pouting slightly as she placed the tea tray down on the table.

Her violet gaze landed on Finny and he turned away, tightening his hold on my arm. "Oh, Finny, you look pale..." She said, walking closer to the two of us. Finny froze and grabbed a hold of my arms and hid behind me, his nose buried in my brown locks. "Um, I'm, uh, I'm sick!" I stopped myself from rolling my eyes at his awful excuse. "If you touch me, you'll catch my... germs! Right, germs! I'm sorry!" He cried out, dashing out from behind me and rushing outside. "Finny!" I screamed, following after him.

I hopped over fallen logs and broken trees. He's definitely been through here... I thought as I looked at the damage the upset teen had done to the surrounding forest. Soon enough, I found a familiar blonde haired figure sitting atop one of the uprooted trees. I made my steps as quiet as possible as I walked up to my best friend. "Angela..." I heard him whisper. "Doesn't deserve you." I spoke up, startling the boy, making him almost fall off the log.

He spun around to face me, shock written all over his innocent face. "B-Bambi!" I smiled sadly at him and took my place beside the boy. With tears pricking his eyes, he pulled his knees to his chest, wrapping his arms around his legs. I let out a soft sigh and encase him in my own arms, letting him bawl into my dress.

"Finny, she doesn't deserve you." I repeat, lifting his chin so he would look me in the eye. "Why do you say that?" He sniffled, making my heart break at the tears that came from his turquoise orbs. "You're sweet, funny, silly, adorable, strong, a gentleman--" He cut me off, a frown marring his face. "I'm too strong. I hurt people!" I merely smile and shake my head. "I didn't mean strength-wise." He looked confused at my words. "I meant you have a strong heart." I whisper, pressing my hand over where said organ was. Finally, a watery smile spread across his face and he hugged me tightly. "Thank you, Mimi." He mumbled. "Anytime, Fin Fin." I say, holding him tightly.

"Finny! Bambi!" Mey-Rin's faraway call made us look up to see her running figure several yards away.


"Sebastian!" Mey-Rin shouted, bursting through the doors and into the dining room where Sebastian was serving the young master, Finny and I in tow. "What is it? You're making a fuss." The demon frowned, a silver platter under his arm. "We can't find Angela anywhere!" Finny bit his lip, worried.

"Oh, she said there were some medicinal herbs growing by the fen, so she was going to pick them." Bard revealed. "She went to the fen by herself?" Finny frowned. "When there might really be a demon hound lurking about?" Mey-Rin asked, unbelieving. "Bard, you idiot!" I snarled, making the chef flinch back. I may not trust the maid, but I do know that I have to do something.

"Why would she be picking herbs at a time like this?" Finny wondered. "If they're for medicinal purposes, she probably did it for you, Finny." I explained, turning on my heel and rushing out the door, ignoring the calls of my name.


The servants and I were all calling out Angela's name as we walked through the foggy plain. At Mey-Rin's scream, we all rushed over to her, only to find several decomposing hands and feet sticking up from the ground. The smell of the rancid flesh made my stomach gurgle and I held my hand over my nose, sick to my stomach. As the servants spoke to one another, I noticed a fairly fresh hand closer to us, a silver ring gleamed in the sun as the fog cleared.

"Say, isn't that ring..." I trailed off, not wanting to finish that sentence. "Lord Henry's?" Finny, Mey-Rin, and Bard chorused, completing my thought. We all exchanged looks before a familiar haunting howl made me snap my head to where it came from. We all ran behind a large boulder and carefully peeked out from the sides of it.

My jaw dropped as I looked upon a familiar figure. It was the man I've been seeing in the manor at night! He stalked closer to Lord Barrymore's hand and sniffed the air before grabbing it and placing it in a different part of the pile of dirt, sniffing at it again.

"That are... It wasn't the demon hound who killed Lord Henry after all. So it was a human?" I heard Bard's pondering over Mey-Rin's muttering. I frown at the chef's words. I didn't think that man would harm anyone, he seemed so nice.

I was lost in my own thoughts that I hadn't noticed Finny start shouting at Bard until it was too late. We all shushed him, and he slapped his hands over his mouth. As the man turned, Finny pushed me behind him, obviously wishing to protect me. I rolled my eyes at his actions. "I can take care of myself." I pouted, but no one pay me any attention.

The rumbling of the ground made us all turn to see the villagers all dressed in swimwear. "Where are you guy goin' dressed like that?" Bard asked, flabbergasted. "We're all going to stand under the waterfall to ease the demon hound's wrath." A man carrying an old, frail woman spoke up. "The great demon hound's voice echoed in the air last night! He howled all night long!" I tilted my head, confused at their words.

I heard footsteps running away from us and turn to see Finny leaving. With another thought, I follow after him, hearing the servants follow behind me.

After chasing Finny for several minutes, we came to a stop in some old, decrepit ruins. The fog was thick as we all tried to find our way through the destroyed structure. Another howl filled the air, and I looked around to see where it was coming from. I squinted my eyes into the thicker part of the fog and gasp as it cleared to reveal an enormous white wolf with glowing red eyes. "Guys..." I mumbled, catching their attention. They all turned the way I was facing and their jaws dropped.

The wolf's massive maw opened to reveal a set of dagger-like fangs, and a fire started within it's mouth. "It's the demon hound!" The servants all screamed, while I just frowned, narrowing my eyes at the creature. The hound roared and charged at us, crimson eyes wide as they watched their prey.

I watched as Finny ran forward towards the charging beast. "F-Finny!" I yell, chasing after him. The hound's eyes lifted from Finny's running figure and landed on me, halting my progress as my heart slammed against my chest in fear. As Finny closed on the creature, it jumped, sailing over Finny's head and landing right in front of my shivering form. "Bambi!" I heard a cry of my name before I felt the sharp teeth of the hound bite into my dress. With a flick of its large, furry head, it launched me into the air as I screamed.

I kept my eyes closed, fearing the worst, but when I felt a familiar pair of arms wrap around me, I opened them. Sebastian was holding me in his arms, a devilish smirk on his face. We landed on the ground easily, but before the demon could set me down, the hound swiped it's large paw towards us, catching Sebastian off-guard.

The two of us tumbled across the stony ground and I could feel scrapes opening on my skin, ripping my dress apart. Sebastian had let go of me and stopped himself before he went too far during the tumble, whereas I bounced along the ground for a few yards. Groaning, I sit up, only to face a large white muzzle. "Bambi! Sebastian, now!" Ciel's shout echoed across the ruins and I watched as the demon charged the hound, only to be stopped by a torrent of flames that came from the beast's maw.

I gulped, as the flames burned on the ground brightly, enclosing me and the hellhound from the others. The hound turned it's head back towards me, glowing crimson eyes staring at me.

Ciel's PoV-

I hated that I felt this way. I felt afraid. I watched as Sebastian was unable to get to Bambi due to the wall of fire that separated us from her. I heard her scream and my heart stopped, that is, until her scream turned into laughter. I frowned, confused.

The fire quickly died out and we were able to see what was going on. Bambi was pinned to the ground underneath the large hound, but instead of trying to hurt her, the dog was licking her, it's long tail wagging. Her laughter filled the air as the beast romped around her, jumping up and down happily.

The beast picked her up by the collar of her dress with it's teeth and jumped high into the air, becoming a black dot in the sky. As the hound fell down, I spotted Bambi on it's back, before they disappeared into the ground, forming a very deep hole in the dirt. "Bambi!" I called down into the hole, managing to keep the worry from my voice.

"I'm alright, master!" Came her faint voice. I stepped back as a geyser of water shot up from the ground, showering all of us with the hot liquid. "Where's Bambi?" Finny asked, looking around. "I'm over here!" Was her call. As we turned, I saw her clutching the branch of a tall tree as a naked man seemed to be pawing at the trunk while looking up at her.

The branch snapped, sending Bambi plummeting to the ground, but the man beneath her caught her easily, laying her down on the ground and licking her cheek. I felt anger bubbling within me when she began to blush and I wanted nothing more than to tear the two apart.

"Pluto!" Angela's voice called out, catching our attention. The man looked up and ran, on all fours, into her opened arms.


Bambi's Pov-

"I found him last month." Angela explained as the sun began to set on this exhausting day. I love dogs, and he was just so adorable I just had to feed him." She explained, petting the sleeping form of the man-hound-thing now known as 'Pluto'. "He has a bad habit of turning human when he gets too excited, but..."

"Don't just brush it off as a 'habit'!" I giggled at Bard's astonishment. "And so you kept him without telling anyone?" I asked, quelling my laughter. "Yes. Lord Barrymore was using the legend of the demon hound, but in truth he feared the hound more than anyone. When I thought of what might happen to him if my lord found him... I see I was too indulgent. I never thought the little fellow would hurt Lord Barrymore..." Pluto snuggled into Angela as she spoke.

"Please! Would you be kind enough to keep him at your estate, my lord?" She begged, making Sebastian gasp. "K-Keep him at the estate?!" Bard balked. "At Bambi's side, perhaps even Pluto could become a good, faithful dog!" I blushed at her words. "I-I'm no trainer! I couldn't--" I was cut off before I could finish my sentence. "Why not?" Ciel asked. When I turned to face the earl, he had a smirk on his face and was pointedly looking at Sebastian. "Do you mean that, young master?" The demon glared, his eyes flashing dangerously.

"Yes. It sounds amusing... in several ways." Ciel's sapphire orb landed on me at the end of his sentence, making me flush with embarrassment and anger. The rumbling of the ground made us all turn to see the villagers, still in their suits, running towards us. They stopped short of us and landed on their knees, crying in happiness and praying.

"What's this about?" Ciel's befuddled tone made me bite back a laugh. "My lord, there's a legend in this village that when the sins of our ancestors against dogs are finally atoned for, the land will weep tears of forgiveness." Angela explained. "This village had this hot spring all along, though." I blinked, confused.

"Well, no matter. We've accomplished our goal." Ciel sighed in relief. "Shouldn't you declare that line you so clumsily let slip earlier." I kicked Sebastian's shin when he said this, eliciting a satisfying grunt of pain from him. Ciel's visible eye twitched in annoyance as he muttered, "You do it."

"Case closed!" Sebastian cheered, striking a ridiculous pose that made me roll my eyes at the demon's antics.


We were all packed and ready to head home. We were just waiting on Angela to finish saying her good-byes to Pluto, who was still naked. I sat in the front seat of Ciel's carriage like I had on the ride to Houndsworth. "Pluto! If you're going into town, put some clothes on! Don't just swing in the breeze!" I blush at the chef's implications and look ahead to face the horses. I chortled when Angela kissed Finny's cheek, making him go cherry red. "Let's go, Sebastian." Ciel ordered.

I rested my elbow on the side of the carriage, letting my hand hold my head. Blinking tiredly, I drift off to sleep.

A/N: I hope you all enjoyed this week's episode.

Alright, real time, who else is low key starting to ship Bambi and Finny? No one else? I'm on my own? Alrighty then....

ANYway, have a wonderful week, and stay lovely! <3

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