Episode 16.1

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Bambi's PoV-

I woke up with a start, panting heavily. Slowing down my breathing, I groaned lightly, holding my head in my hands. "Did it happen again?" I stilled at Mey-Rin's voice. Looking up, I saw her sitting up from her bed, before she put on her glasses. "Yes..." I replied shakily, standing up from the cot I had been sleeping on. "Thanks for letting me sleep in here." I whispered out, making the cot before heading to the door. My heart was still racing from when I woke up. That's right....my heart.

Admittedly, it was strange to have it back, but at the same time, I felt complete once more. I hadn't heard a single words from the beast after my heart had come back, and I was glad.

I stopped when I felt arms around me. "It's no problem, Bambi." I turned around in her arms, returning her hug. "Oh! I went into your room after you fell asleep in here and grabbed your uniform." The older maid revealed, pulling away from the comforting embrace as she turned to grab the said uniform.

"Thanks." I laughed out, taking the uniform from the maid gratefully. We both turned to face away from each other to get dressed, before heading out the door to start the day.

Walking into the kitchen, I was greeted with a serving cart blocking my way. There was a small note on the cart and I picked it up to read it.


You know what to do.


I scoffed at the demon's antics, before easily getting the tea ready for the young master. Pushing the cart out the door, my eyes glanced up to the calendar. Stopping at the current date, I felt my eyes widen, before shaking my head.

As I near Ciel's room, I open his door. Parking the cart by the end of his bed, I open up the curtains. "Time to wake up, mas-- huh?" As I turned to face the bed, I saw that it was empty, the covers tossed aside. Furrowing my brow, I quickly make the bed before grabbing the cart. Grabbing a set of clothes and putting them on the cart, I make my way to his study, hoping he was there.

Upon seeing his office empty, I frown thoughtfully. I would feel it if he got kidnapped....

Suddenly, an idea popped into my head. Unlikely, but worth a shot.....

I wheeled the cart into the basement, stopping in front of the old oak door that led to my room. Taking in a deep breath, I opened the door and felt my eyes soften at the sight.

Ciel was tangled in the sheets of my bed, one leg was sticking out from under the covers. The top of his body wasn't covered by the sheets, and he was laying on his stomach, his head facing the wall opposite of the door. Crushed in his grasp was my pillow, his face buried in the white fabric. One arm was stretched over the top of the pillow, holding it in place, while the other was curled underneath it.

With a fond smile on my face, I felt myself thankful that I brought down his clothes as I closed the door behind me, parking the cart at the end of my bed. Sitting down on the edge of my bed, I gently brush the bangs from his forehead, revealing the peaceful, sleeping face underneath. He can't be comfortable in this hard bed. I frowned at the thought, before reaching over and softly shaking his shoulder. "Ciel." I whispered. I felt my lips twitch up into a smile when Ciel groaned in protest, snuggling further into my pillow. "Ciel." I said louder, hoping that would wake him up. It didn't.

I rolled my eyes, done with trying to wake him up gently. A mischievous grin stretched across my face as an idea popped into my head. Easily slipping the pillow from his grasp, I laid down beside Ciel, placing my face right next to his, our noses centimeters apart. Taking in a deep breath, I blew out cold air onto his nose, watching as he frowned, his eyes fluttering open.

Ciel's PoV-

I had woken up with a start, my heart racing wildly. I had a nightmare. In it, I was strapped to a chair, forced to watch the same scene over and over again; when I had seen Bambi getting dragged under the waves. But this time, she never came back up.

In a panic, I ran down the young maid's room, my bare feet slapping against the cold tile floor. Shoving the door open, I rush over to her bed. "Bambi..." I called out quietly, my heart still pounding. Pulling back the covers, I let out a horrified gasp.

My little maid wasn't in her bed.

Wh-Where could she be? I thought, my pulse began to quicken as I fell into a panic again. "No....No. No. No. NO!" I whispered aloud, tears brimming my uncovered eyes. With a quiet sob, I fell against her bed, surrounding myself in her blankets and her sweet strawberry scent. Breathing it in deeply, I slowly felt myself drift off.

I woke to the feeling of something cold on my nose. Shivering slightly, I let my eyes flutter open.

I felt my eyes widen when they landed on Bambi. She was centimeters away from me, her beautiful violet eyes gazing into mine, a bright smile on her face showing her adorable little fangs.

I sat up with a start, a gasp escaping my lips. She followed my movements, giggling as she did. My eyes softened, before I felt my bottom lip tremble. I encased her in a tight hug, feeling her stiffen before she hugged me back. "You're ok..." I whispered more to myself than to her. "Ciel?" She mumbled, pulling back slightly and looking into my eyes. "What's the matter?" She wondered, her brow furrowing as she gently pushed my bangs from my eyes. I broke the gaze, looking down and away from her. "I had a nightmare...and when I went to find you, you were gone..." I said, rubbing her arm softly as if to assure myself she is actually there.

Bambi's eyes softened considerably. "I'm sorry Ciel.....I was sleeping in Mey-Rin's room." She sighed, shaking her head. I furrow my brow at her words. "Why were you there?" I asked, watching her as she got up from the bed and walked over to a cart. She began to make me my morning tea, and she handed it to me as she answered. "I had a nightmare and Mey-Rin woke me from it. She offered for me to sleep with her, hoping that her company would keep them away."

"Did it?" I asked, looking at her worriedly. I had no idea she was being plagued by her own mind. She simply sighed dejectedly and grabbed...a towel? "Bambi?" I questioned curiously. Her face grew hot, her cheeks red.

"Sebastian isn't here....and you need a bath, master."


Bambi's PoV-

"Ludlow Castle?" Ciel hummed thoughtfully. "As I recall, we're remodeling it into a hotel."

"This is a petition from the builders." I replied, handing him a note of paper as he sat in the bathtub, his back to me. Both of our cheeks had gone red when we got in here, but after a few minutes, we stopped blushing. "They want to halt construction and dissolve the contract." He turned his head, and his uncovered eye glanced up to me at my words. As I walked around in front of him to grab a towel, I heard the water move. Turning to make sure he was okay, I let out a squeak and whipped back around, my face on fire. "C-Ciel!"

He had stood up form the tub, the water running down his body as he looked down at the paper in his hands.

This boy will be the end of me. I groaned mentally, taking a white undershirt from my left, before closing my eyes and making my way over to him. I dropped the shirt on his shoulders, and made sure I was behind him and facing away before I opened my eyes again.

Before I could take a step away from the young lord, his hand grabbed my wrist, his skin still warm from the water. I could feel his presence standing over me, his hot breath by my ear.

"Would you like to join me, Bambi? The water's warm."

I squeaked.


We were in a carriage heading towards the castle. "What pathetic contractors!" Ciel scoffed as Sebastian helped him out of the carriage. "Canceling construction because they're afraid of ghosts? There's no such thing..." The young earl shook his head. I huffed out a laugh, catching his attention. "What's so funny?" He scowled. "Well, I believe that a month or so ago, you would've said the same thing about vampires." I giggled, covering my mouth with my hand.

I could see Ciel bite back a smile as he shook his head. "Let's get this wrapped up and go home." He sighed as Sebastian opened the door for us. "Certainly." The demon and I chorused, following the young earl inside the structure.

The castle was dark, the only light being the one from the large door. Ciel turned, his attention caught on a painting in the hall. The door behind us slammed shut, and I let out a gasp and I felt my heart begin to race. Candles off to our left lit up on their own, and they caught our attention.

"Who gave you lot permission to enter?" A voice called out from the darkness. Squinting, I was able to see a young boy who looked around Ciel and I's age. He was dressed in old-fashioned fancy clothes. His long blonde hair stopped just after his shoulders, and his blue eyes pierced through the darkness. Come to think of it, he looks a lot like the boy from the painting...

"Sebastian, why is there a traveling minstrel squatting here?" I balked at Ciel's words. "Master....perhaps you shouldn't..." I started to whisper before I was cut off by the blonde. "You dare insult me?!" He growled out, his blue eyes narrowing into a glare. The candles all around us lit up, chasing away the darkness in the room.

"I am Edward V, King of England." His voice boomed throughout the quiet room. I heard Ciel and Sebastian gasp while I tried not to smack them. Giving up on fighting my instincts, I dipped into a bow to the boy, watching as his heated glare disappeared as it landed on me.

"Apologies, Your Majesty. We didn't mean to intrude." I said, keeping my bow as he analyzed me. Ciel and Sebastian were whispering to each other, paying no attention to the king or me. "Rise." He stated. I did as he asked, keeping my eyes downcast. "Come closer, my dear." I hesitated for a moment, casting a glance to the demon and the earl, before ultimately walking over to the boy.

"Look me in the eyes." His voice was gentle, as if he was trying to soothe me. I raise my gaze, making eye contact with him. A small smile crossed his face. "What a beautiful maiden." He whispered, his hand cupping my cheek. I felt my heart flutter and my cheeks redden at his compliment. I whispered out a stuttering thanks, before backing away from his touch. A smirk crossed his face, but before he could speak, he was interrupted by Sebastian.

"Your Majesty, I present the Right Honorable Earl Ciel Phantomhive." The demon spoke, his head tucked in a bow. Ciel walked over, keeping his eye closed and his head down. When he was a few feet away from the king and I, he fell to his knee in a deeper bow, before rising once again. "Please forgive my rudeness, Your Majesty. I was not aware you were here." The young earl stated, opening his eye as he gazed towards us. His lone sapphire eye landed on me, and I could see the question in his gaze.

"Very well, then, I forgive you. After all, I don't get many guests." Edward stated, his glare never wavering from the earl. "I am not a guest, Sire. My company now owns this castle." I sent a warning glance to Ciel, trying to tell him to watch his words. I could feel some sort of power emanating from the king. He wasn't to be trifled with. "You're its new caretaker, then?" Edward asked. "Not quite. Allow me to speak plainly." Ciel started, annoyance filling his gaze. "I'd like you to vacate this castle." I winced at his words.

"You're telling the king and his brother, who have lived here for 400 years, to clear out?" Edward asked, his voice dangerously low. "You will be compensated, naturally." Ciel smirked. "I shall pay every regard to your wishes, Sire. May we discuss how we can come to an agreement?"

I let my gaze wander the room as Ciel spoke, before I caught sight of a younger boy standing in a doorway, staring at us. He was holding a skull in his hands. The young boy's eyes landed on me, and he smiled softly. I hummed out a quiet laugh, letting my eyes soften as I looked at the adorable little boy. Raising my hand, I waved to him, watching as he grinned and waved back.

"Oh, it appears my brother has taken a liking to your fiance." Edward said, looking at the young boy. I felt my cheeks redden at his statement. "She's not my fiance." Ciel ground out, his annoyance spiking through the blood bond. "She's my maid." The earl huffed out, the grip on his hat tightening. "Her name is Bambi Mayweather, and that is Sebastian Michaelis, my butler." I gave another bow to the king, as did Sebastian.

"Our days would be so much fun if we had a big sister to take care of brother and I, wouldn't they?" The young prince giggled. I felt my face heat up at his words. "Yes, she seems to be quite a lovely lady, so I imagine things would be interesting." Edward agreed, his gaze on me. I forced myself to not take a step back at his words.

Moments later, I found myself standing behind Ciel with Sebastian as the earl sat down at a table across from the young king. A chess board was between the two. "If I win, the girl and the butler will be mine. If you win, you may do what you like with the castle." Edward said, his elbows resting on the table. Ciel smirked devilishly. "I do hope you won't regret this." He said confidently.

Ciel cast his gaze to me. "Don't worry. This will be easy." He whispered to me, making me feel slightly better. "Let's have a fair game. Otherwise, it won't be any fun." Edward said, moving one of his pawns. "I agree." Ciel hummed, moving one of his pawns as well.

What felt like hours passed by as I watched the earl and the king play their game. "I'll hold you to your promise." Ciel said menacingly as he moved his night on the board, knocking over Edward's queen. "Of course." Edward's voice was dangerously low, catching my attention as he held up his own white knight. I bit back a gasp when I saw the piece glow blue, before the horse kicked up its front legs and whinied.

The piece shifted into the queen that Edward had just lost, before he knocked over Ciel's king.

I felt my heart stop.

"Here, that's checkmate." Edward grinned.

Ciel gasped, staring down at the chessboard in disbelief. "Your Majesty. Were you lying when you said we'd play fair?" My eyes widened at the gall Ciel had. Even if he did cheat, Ciel should know not to speak to him like-- My thoughts were interrupted when I felt a surge of power come from Edward. "What did you just say?" He growled out, an aura of blue surrounding him. "Your Majesty..." Ciel started. "I never lie. I hate lies!" Edward shouted, his hair blowing with a sudden gust of wind that came from nowhere. The king leaned over and picked up the piece he won with, anger evident in his eyes. "This is my chess piece. I merely used my powers to the utmost. That's not unfair!" He glared, using his powers to shift the piece into a king.

"Pardon me, Your Majesty." I piped up, looking at the king. His powers calmed slightly as he turned to face me. "I give the maid leave to speak." He said, lowering his hand and placing the chess piece back on the board. "I believe my master has forgotten his own creed." I said, watching as Ciel turned to face me. "What?" The earl asked, his eye narrowing.

"My master is of the opinion that those bound by superficial rules who do not use their pawns to the utmost are fools." I revealed, making Ciel wince as he looked down at his lap. "In that case, there's no problem, is there?" Edward raised brow as he looked across to Ciel, who looked away. "Alright, Richard." Edward called, allowing his brother to grab the demon's sleeve. "This is an order. Devote yourself entirely to their satisfaction." Ciel demanded, before casting his gaze to me. "Both of you." As Ciel stared at me, there was an apology in his sweet sapphire gaze. I gave him a small, sad smile.

"Then it's settled. A butler like this won't die so easily. He should serve us for many years to come." Edward said, looking a Sebastian. "And a maiden like you will make a beautiful bride." I felt my cheeks redden at his words. I could feel Ciel's anger spike up through the bond, and I had to stop myself from holding my head in pain from the headache it gave me.

"Phantomhive, I want to continue playing. I'll receive you as a guest." Edward smiled. "I am honored, Sire." I could see Ciel grind his teeth as he spoke.

Edward got up from his seat, and walked with his brother and Sebastian into another room, leaving Ciel and I alone. I felt my shoulders drop as I sighed softly. "Bambi...." Ciel muttered, standing up and wrapping his arms around me. "I'm sorry." He hummed, laying his head on my shoulder. "It is not your fault, Ciel." I whispered, gently cupping his cheek with the palm of my hand.

"Bambi, my dear! Do come along."

I sighed once again at the call. "I suppose my fiance is waiting." I spat out, the word poison on my tongue. "Fare thee well." I smiled sadly, waving to Ciel before following after the king.


"Is this really necessary, demon?" I huffed out, my annoyance at its peak.

Sebastian was trying to get me to change into a different dress. It was extremely poofy, and covered in pink. "Yes, his majesty asks it. He doesn't wish for you to be in that uniform. Not if you're going to be his queen." I let out a noise of offense. "Some queen I would be." I growled, crossing my arms and rolling my eyes.

"You don't think you would be a good queen?" Sebastian smirked, his fine brow raised. "Tch." Was my response. "Please. And who would want a vampire for a bride anyhow?" Sebastian said nothing, only moving forward to attempt to dress me. "I can do it myself." I snarled, my eyes flashing dangerously as I made a grab for the offending article of clothing. "My apologies, but I must now treat you as if you were a princess. So, that means I clothe you."

I said nothing to the demon, but instead allowed him to put the dress on. Upon looking in the mirror, I relaxed. The dress I was wearing looks drastically different, and way more acceptable.

It was a simple, lavender colored dress that extended to the ground, and had a trail leading off the back of it. The top of the dress showed my shoulders, but the sleeves extended down towards my wrists, with a small triangular piece of the cloth covering the back of my hand. There was a gold embroidered design on the chest of the dress, and the hemming was trimmed with gold. The material felt like silk. "I made some alterations to match your eyes and skin tone, I do hope you don't mind, my lady." The demon bowed. "Thank you, Sebastian. But when we're alone, please call me by my name." The butler smirked. "Yes, your highness."

I gasped, holding my head as I felt faint.

"Say it again."

"Yes, your highness."

I felt myself falling backwards. Sebastian caught me before I hit the ground, gently laying me on the bed beside me. "Are you alright, Bambi?" He asked, his brow furrowed. "I-I think so..." I panted. My head was killing me now.

"Perhaps you should lay down for awhile. I'll get you when dinner is ready." I nodded to the demon, laying down on the bed as he left the room.

"Are you ok?"

I gasped, turning my head to face Richard, who was standing in the doorway looking at me worriedly. Sitting up, I wave at him, letting him know that he could enter. "I'm fine, little one. Thank you." I smile down at him as he walks closer to me. He grins back up at me. "You're really pretty!" He cheered, looking down at the skull. "Don't you think so?" He asked it. I giggled playfully. "Well thank you, Richard."

"I heard you and Sebastian talking...." He admitted, looking down guiltily. "You eavesdropped?" I hummed, raising a brow while giving him a look of disappointment. "I'm sorry..." He whimpered, holding the skull closer to himself. "What did you hear?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"You...don't think you're gonna be a good queen?" He pouted up at me. "Well..." I started, kneeling down to his level and resting my hand on his shoulder. "I wasn't trained in the way a princess was. I'm a maid. Hardly suitable material for a queen, don't you think?" I asked, smiling sadly at the boy. "But you seem very nice!" He tried to argue. It was cute. I chuckled softly as I stood up, watching him ran around the room and attempting to cheer me up.

My eyes widened as he tripped over the vanity in the room, and he was sent flying to the floor. In an instinctual move, I let my power take over and I sped over to him, crossing to the other side of the room catching him in an instant. He gasped, his emerald eyes wide as he gazed up at me. "Are you alright?" I asked, looking over him for bruises or scratches. He's a ghost. That hardly matters. A soft voice in the back of my head reminded me. "How did you do that?" Richard asked, amazed. "I'm......well....I'm not exactly....human...per se." I sighed, gently putting him on his feet. "What are you?" He breathed, curiosity shining in his innocent eyes. Come on....where's the harm in telling him? The voice piped up once again. "I'm a vampire." I said, biting my lip gently. I waited for the horrified scream.

It never came.

I looked up to see Richard grinning at me excitedly. "Now you won't leave us either! You and the butler will be with us for a long, long time!" He cheered, hugging his skull. I giggled at him.

"You would make a fine queen, indeed."

I gasped, turning around to face Edward, who was watching Richard and I with an unexplainable look in his eyes. "Y-Your Majesty." I stuttered out, dipping into a bow. He stopped me halfway by putting his hand on my shoulder and forcing me back up. "We are to be wedded; there's no need to talk to me so formally. Call me Edward, my darling." I blushed at the pet name. "My apologies, Edward." The king chuckled softly.

"The butler had said you weren't feeling well?" He asked, placing his hand on my forehead. I gently took it off. "A bit faint. But I suppose it's because I'm not used to..well...this." I laughed sheepishly. Richard and Edward laughed along with me. "Well, rest up, my dear. You'll get used to it in time." Edward said, taking Richard by the hand and leading him out the door.

I groaned aloud, falling on the bed unceremoniously.

A/N: And there it is! The long awaited update for OHM. I do hope it was worth it, and that you all love it. I missed writing so much and lost my inspiration for awhile. Hopefully I got it back though! Until next time, my lovelies! <3

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