Episode 16.2

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I shifted uncomfortably in my seat.

We were all at the dining room table, waiting for the food to be served. I plastered a fake smile on my face as Edward droned on and on about his plans and Richard was chatting with his skull. I felt a real smile grace my face as Ciel walked into the room, before standing by his chair at the opposite end of the table.

“Please sit, you don’t have to stand on ceremony.” Edward sat as Sebastian pushed in Richard’s chair. Another spike of annoyance came from Ciel, and he thanked the spirit before pulling out his chair and sitting in it. 

Sebastian walked around the table, before placing down plates of food in front of everyone. I winced at the food in front of me. Sure, it may have looked tantalizing to everyone else, but I could feel my stomach swirl with nausea at the smell of cooked meat. “This is roast hare with red jelly and local leeks.” The demon explained, and Richard brought the skull up to his face. “We’re eating a bunny!” He giggled. I sweatdropped at his cheerful exclamation.

As Sebastian poured claret into everyone’s glass, I could feel my stomach rumbling for what it truly desires. “Aren’t you going to eat, Bambi?” Edward hummed through his glass as he took a sip. “Well ...you see….” I stuttered, trying to come up with an excuse as to why I couldn’t eat. “If I may, my lord?” Sebastian piped up, pouring me a glass of dark red wine. My nose twitched as I caught a familiar metallic scent from the glass. “Lady Bambi is partial to blood red wines.” The demon smirked, sneaking me a wink. I felt relief flow through me as I picked up my glass.

“Now then, I propose a toast to our new friends, and new butler.” Edward smiled, lifting his glass up as he spoke. Richard chimed in happily, and I too, lifted my glass into the air, before taking a sip of the liquid inside. I felt my stomach quell its cries as the thick, sanguine fluid coated my throat.


I groaned softly, opening my eyes to see the night sky looking back at me through the window. I scowled as I felt an arm across my stomach. It’s too stuffy in here. I need some fresh air. I thought to myself, before slipping out from under the covers with the king and leaving the room. 

I walked through the halls for a moment, before finding a small balcony. Smiling softly, I stepped outside, inhaling the crisp, refreshing air as it blew my hair back. I crossed my arms over the railing and looked up to the moon. “It must be nearing 10 o’ clock.” I whispered aloud, before thinking back on what happened throughout the day. I groaned, placing my head on my overlapped arms. “Some birthday this has turned out to be.” I huffed, glaring out across the horizon.

“It’s your birthday?”

I gasped at the voice, before whipping around to see Ciel standing there, a sad look in his eyes. “Why didn’t you say anything?” He asked, coming closer until he was right beside me. “I didn’t think it was important…. Then everything with the king occurred….  Well, I just figured you had enough to think about, I suppose.” I sighed, looking him in the eye. “Besides, I’m going to be spending the rest of my life with Edward…. So I tried not to dwell on the fact that this may be the last time I see you.” I felt tears rise to my eyes as my heart wrenched in two. Anger, sadness and regret all pushed through the bond at once, and I gasped at the intense feelings from the young earl. 

Suddenly, I felt Ciel’s arm wrap around my waist, and gasped as he pulled me against his chest. “You’re mine, Bambi.” His dark tone made my eyes widen in shock. He’s never spoken like that before. “I won’t let some prissy, spoilt, spirit steal you away from me.”

I felt the heat rise to my cheeks when he said that. What has gotten into him? He never talks like that. “C-Ciel..?” I stuttered out, my eyes wide as I stared at the determined look in his eye, the way it shined with adoration and how his pink lips were just faintly forming a teasing smirk. 

A small chuckle escaped his lips, and I barely noticed as he began leaning closer towards my own lips. 

But, a sudden sound caught my ears, and I gently pushed the earl away from me, resulting in a disappointed sigh from him. “Hush, Master.” I whispered, pulling him down low to the ground and behind a nearby potted plant on the balcony. Ciel didn’t say a word, but I did feel his confusion flow through me. 

We watched in silence as the ghost king passed us by, heading into the dark halls of the dilapidated castle. With a shared glance, Ciel and I quietly tiptoed behind the spirit, following him through the winding hallways, until we came into what seemed to be a library.

I watched him phase through one of the walls, and frowned as I walked up to it, Ciel trailing along beside me. I gently laid my hands across the spines of the books, only to deepen my frown. Instead of the expected leathery feel of the book, it seemed hard, almost as though they weren’t made of wood. “Fake books..?” I hummed to myself in thought. I felt Ciel’s confused gaze on me, but before either one of us could speak up, someone behind us cleared their throat. I scowled at the all-too-familiar voice.

“Pardon me.”

We both turned to see Sebastian standing behind us. I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at the demon. “What do you want?” I huffed out. The demon didn’t answer as he walked past us and pulled out a set of silver keys on a ring, before gently tapping one of the books, to reveal a hidden keyhole behind the spine of one of the fake books. “Hey, Sebastian.” I hissed out quietly. “Yes, your highness?” He asked, turning to me. I felt a slight, unexplainable pang in my heart when he said that. “You wish to go inside, correct?” He asked, a teasing smile on his sly face. “I haven’t given you an order. Why are you acting on your own? I’ve told you over and over, I’m the one who chooses--” Before Ciel could finish his rant, the demon cut him off. “It’s good service.” 

“What?” Ciel deadpanned.

“The trick to satisfying a guest is to always think ahead. A royal butler who can’t do this much isn’t--” I scoffed at Sebastian, effectively cutting him off. “‘Isn’t worth his salt’. Yes, we get it. Can we please move along now?” I asked, exasperated. Concern flowed off Ciel in waves as he glanced at me. 

I was starting to get a strange feeling in my gut. Like something awful is coming soon.

Sebastian inserted the key into the lock and twisted it, causing the bookshelf next to us to pull backwards before sliding behind the bookshelf that held the keyhole. In the space the bookshelf previously occupied, there was now a dark staircase that led to somewhere deep below the castle. A hidden dungeon perhaps? I shook the thought away, and started down the stairs, with Ciel and Sebastian in tow. 

“What is this?” Ciel whispered out. My eyes were wide as I stared down the long, thin hallway. Skeletons lined the floor, it seemed like they had been here for possibly centuries. “A crypt, it would seem.” Sebastian pointed out as the three of us walked down the hall. I heard a snap behind me, and I whipped around to see that Ciel had stepped on one of the many bones on the ground, breaking it easily under his nightshoe. “Ciel!” I hissed out, glaring at him lightly. He looked up at me innocently.

“Please be careful.”

I turned around to see Edward standing behind us. “No human has set foot in here in a long time.” He sighed out sadly. “Edward, what is this place?” I frowned, taking a step towards the spirit. “It was originally a dungeon. Criminals the Church refused to burt were thrown in here and eventually forgotten. Their souls have been forgotten even by the grim reapers.” Edwards revealed, bending down to pick up a nearby skull. As he did so, I heard a scream of agony, and watched as a small black flurry came from the skull and floated around it. The others didn’t seem to hear or see what I just had. “The path of heaven is closed to them.” I murmured out sadly.

“Once on the spur of the moment, I made something to remember them by.” Edward stated, turning to face a large checkered table with 15 skulls lined up, each placed perfectly on one of the large squares provided. One row of 8, and one of 7. There was a white spot without a skull on the first row. “I’ll introduce you. This, is my father.” He said, gesturing towards the skull sitting where the king would on a chess board. 

“The king is my father, and my mother is the queen. Perhaps my choices were conventional and boring?” He hummed, glancing back towards us. “That rook is Earl Rivers, and my uncle is a bishop. It’s a reunion of my family’s bones.” Edward revealed, a sad tone in his voice. 

“Your Highness, is that…” I didn’t want to finish my sentence as I gestured to the empty spot on the table. “Yes… That spot is for Richard.” He sighed out. “Can’t you find him?” Ciel asked, raising an eyebrow elegantly as he looked up to the taller male. “That’s not it. His bones are here.” Richard revealed, making us look at him in question.

“I got the bones that came from the Tower 200 years ago. But Richard took hold of the skull and won’t let go.” I pictured the skull the boy was always seen holding and frowned in thought. “You see, Phantomhive, all I want is to send my brother on. To be with God where there is no pain or suffering.” 

Ciel’s eye widened for a moment, before he closed it, letting his bangs shadow his face as he gazed down. “To Heaven?” There was something in his tone I couldn’t describe. An emotion flowing through him I couldn’t place. 

“Yes. That wish will come true if I complete this set.” Edward confirmed. “In other words, if you get that skull, you’ll be satisfied?” A feeling of unease shot through me as a malicious smile crossed the earl’s face for a moment, before it was gone just as fast as it had appeared. “You wish to have it, correct? No matter what you have to sacrifice?” 

Oh no…. 

“That’s right. If I do that, I know…” Edward didn’t finish his sentence, but Ciel paid him no mind as he turned to the butler and called out his name. “This is an order. Go get that skull.” Ciel spoke, glaring at the demon. Sebastian bowed to one knee with his usual “Yes, my lord” before standing back up and walking off. “And take the chessboard to the hall!”

This will not end well.


“Stop it! Put me down! Sebastian!” 

I bit my lip as I helplessly watched Richard cry out, struggling in the demon’s grasp. “Please excuse me, Prince Richard.” Sebastian said, a fake smile spreading across his face. 

I felt a pang in my heart as I looked at the struggling boy. Then, I suddenly felt a bit faint once more, before a scene suddenly flashed into my head. 

I glared up at the old man who held the young boy in his arms tightly. The boy was crying, his dark grey eyes were open wide with fear and his face was covered in dirt and bruises. His messy rusty red hair flopped around as he struggled almost uselessly in the man’s strong grasp. “Let him go!” I yelled at the man, my throat was sore, my voice hoarse. I knew I was sick, but I wasn’t about to let ___ or ___ know that. I would never hear the end of it.   

This is wrong, and you know it.

I was brought back to the present by the voice that spoke in my head. 

Well, what am I supposed to do? There’s not really much I can do against a demon, is there?

You’re smarter.

Hah! Funny joke. Plan B?

Come on, just try it. Use that brain of yours.

I looked at the boy struggling again, before setting my eyes on the skull that Sebastian was currently trying to pry out of the boy’s hands. I ignored Edward’s upset yelling and the crying of Richard as I stepped closer to the duo. I felt questioning gazes on the back of my head, before I gently laid my hand on Richard’s cheek. The boy silenced and looked up at me, confused. 

“That’s not your skull, is it?” I said softly, watching as Richard’s gaze lowered to the object in question. “You didn’t want to tell His Majesty about this, did you, Prince Richard?” I asked, gently pulling the boy from Sebastian’s grasp and setting him on the ground, holding my hand out for the skull which he hesitantly gave to me. “No. I knew he would be sad…”

“What? What are you talking about?!” Edward demanded, walking up to us and taking the skull from my hands. “Brother, I’m sorry for lying to you.” Richard whimpered, hugging his older sibling who was now hunched over at the chessboard from the dungeon that the demon had brought into the entry hall. “Lying? You lied to me, Richard?” Edward gasped, looking down at the boy. “Brother, that skull… It’s not yours or mine. It belonged to some other poor soul.” Richard sniffled, tears still pouring down his pale cheeks. 

“But… That can’t be…” Edward whispered out, bewildered. “You’ve forgotten...that our bones don’t exist anymore. They haven’t since that day.”

I took a few steps back, letting the two spirits have their moment. As the two spirits spoke with Ciel, I wandered away from the conversation and off to the nearby balcony. I sat there thinking, letting the earl deal with the situation with the ghosts. 

Why am I hearing a strange voice in my head? It’s sweeter, and more calm, unlike the growling and relentlessness of the beast that was in my head a while back. I haven’t even heard that voice since that ship, and this voice started to appear not so long after.

“I feel like I’m going insane.” I sighed to myself, letting my head rest on my crossed hands. Soon enough, I felt myself dozing off, and closed my eyes just for a moment.


I woke up with a start, only to find myself in my bed back at the manor. Looking around, I saw my uniform was freshly cleaned and pressed, and that I was in night clothes. Shaking my head to keep myself from thinking about who changed me, I hopped out of bed and got dressed. Glancing at the time as I stepped out of my room, I was shocked that Sebastian hadn’t woken me sooner, it was already noon! 

Gulping slightly, I rushed to the garden to get started on my chores for the day.

Upon going outside, I took in a deep breath of fresh air, before heading towards the multitude of roses growing in the garden. I sniffed the beautiful red petals gently, smiling at the soothing scent, before grabbing the pair of scissors from my apron and cutting a dozen roses from the thorny bush they reside in. Taking 11 red roses and 1 white rose, I walked back into the kitchen to dethorn them. 

As I laid them down on the cutting board, I stripped them of their thorns, before grabbing the simple, yet elegant glass vase beside me, and placed them inside. Taking the vase after filling it halfway up with water, I headed towards Ciel’s room with it, planning to place it on his bedside table. He seemed to like it when I first started doing it, so I added it to my list of chores. 

I gently knocked on the door, and upon hearing no answer, I smiled to myself. Good, he must be in his office. I thought to myself, before opening the door and making my way over to his nightstand. I took the vase of wilting flowers, and replaced them with the new roses. 

“I thought it was you who does that.”

I gasped, whipping around to see Ciel standing in the doorway, his arms behind his back. “S-Sorry, Master. I thought you were in your office.” I stuttered out, feeling slight annoyance spike through the bond. “And I thought you were in bed.” He shot back, walking up beside me. I felt my cheeks burn in embarrassment at his words. 

“My apologies, I didn’t realize how tired I was--”

“I believe this particular rose would look better somewhere else.” He interrupted me. I gazed at him in confusion, watching the way he bit back a teasing smile, how his eye lit up with hidden glee. “Where would that be?” I hummed, watching as his hand gently took out the white rose from the vase, before sliding it into my hair and letting his hand gently caress my cheek. “There… Perfect.” He whispered aloud, his cerulean eye soft as he gazed at me. My cheeks flushed heavily as I looked away from his gaze.

“Close your eyes, Bambi.” Ciel ‘ordered’. Furrowing my brow, I do as he asked, my heart racing as I heard his light footfalls move behind me, before hearing the shuffling of fabric and felt cold metal press against my collarbone.

I opened my eyes instinctively, and gently took ahold of the object now hanging from a metal chain around my neck. 

A small, silver chain was pressed against my skin, and hanging from it was a silver heart shaped base. A sapphire and amethyst were conjoined into the shape of the heart, merging together like a yin and yang symbol. “Ciel….” I gasped out, turning to face him. “Do you like it?” He asked, seemingly scared of my answer as his shoulders were tight and he was standing up too tall. “It’s beautiful.” I breathed, looking down at the necklace once again.

“Happy Birthday, Bambi.” Ciel smiled, taking ahold of my hand. “Thank you, Ciel.” I grinned, leaning up to press a kiss to his cheek. As I pulled away, his face lit up bright red, making me laugh heartily at him.

A/N: I'm such a bad person! I'm sorry it took so long for this chapter to come out! I have an idea for the next chapter, it'll be more like a filler before the next chapter, but it's also a setup for later on ;)

Thank you for being so patient with me and this book. I will finish this book eventually, I promise you all this. 👋

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