Episode 16.5

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Ciel, Sebastian, and I were walking through town. We were here to pick something specific up, but I was honestly bored out of my mind. The necklace the young earl had given to me felt cool against my neck in the warm springtime air, the crowds of people making it hotter.

Every once in awhile, Ciel would glance behind him to make sure I was still there. I would give him a gentle smile and hold back laughs as his cheeks flushed pink and his head whipped around to face the front. Sebastian would shoot us both a look, making me smirk and shrug, which the demon would in turn sigh with a faint smile on his face.

As we passed by a small shop, something in the window caught my eye. I stopped in my tracks, glancing at Ciel and biting my lip.

I'll only be a minute...

Glancing to the shop, then back at the young earl, who was slowly getting lost in the crowd with the demon (thank goodness Sebastian was so tall), I nodded to myself, before stepping into the shop.

The air was much cooler inside, making my body relax as I breathed out a small sigh in relief. There didn't seem to be anyone else in the shop, other than an older woman behind the counter who gave me a kind smile as I glanced at her. I gave her a grin and a wave, making her blue eyes shimmer as her smile got larger. Her gray hair was wrapped up in a tight bun, and she wore a simple, yet pretty blue dress.

"Hello, dearie. How can I help you?" She asked, her voice soft as she spoke. My eyes scanned over the shelves. Hats, dresses, bows, pins, purses, and scarves. "S-Sorry, there was just something that caught my eye...." I chuckled nervously, walking over to the display case that I could see from the window.

In the case was a small, black, silk bow. The light seemed to make it shimmer, making my breath catch in my throat. There was a slight pain in the back of my head, making an image pop into my head of a similar bow but bigger. I shook my head of the image, my eyes glancing to the price tag before wincing.

The small bell above the door rang, catching my attention for a moment. A boy about my age walked in, he was dressed as a noble was, a long purple coat, green vest, white undershirt, really short black shorts, long black stockings and knee high brown boots. His blonde hair was shaggy, and his icy blue eyes darted around the store briefly. He had the same black bow I had just pictured tied around his neck. I shook my head at the thought. "What, can I see the future now?" I murmured to myself, rolling my eyes.

I turned away, looking back at the small bow before gently pulling out my coin purse and looking at the money inside. With a small slightly dejected sigh, I moved to leave, turning around only to nearly bump into the boy who just walked in. "Oh!" I gasped, my heart jumping into my throat. "My apologies, my lord." I quickly curtsied, immediately catching onto his noble status. His icy eyes softened, his scowl lifting into a smile. "No worries, my lady." He started, taking a step closer to me, making me take a step back, my back hitting the wall. "I wouldn't mind bumping into you." He purred, his voice dropping lower. My cheeks flushed red, a strand of hair falling into my face. He eyed the brown hair, and I gently pushed it back with my left hand.

Suddenly, the boy before me gasped, his eyes widening. In a flash, he grabbed my hand, ignoring my squeak, and examined the ring on my finger. The golden band glinting under the soft light as the ruby gem reflected the light easily. The boy's hands were shaking and it was several long moments of silence before he looked up at me with hope in his eyes.

"Are...you alright...?" I asked, gently pulling my hand out of his grip. A flash of despair sparked his eyes and he grabbed my wrists, pulling me to his chest in a bear hug. I froze in his arms, my eyes wide. I felt my heart ache and warm at his touch, and before I knew it, I was returning his hug. His body shook, trembling in my arms, then I heard his sniffling. I looked up, seeing his eyes closed, but large crystalline tears were pouring down his cheeks. My heart nearly broke at the sight.

"S-Sir...?" I whispered out, gently wiping away the tears from his cheeks. His eyes snapped open, confusion settling in them. "Bambi...?" He whispered out, his brows furrowing. I frowned gently, clenching my teeth. "H-How do you know my name...?" I gulped, wanting to pull away from his embrace, but I couldn't find it in me to try.

"You don't remember me?" His voice broke as he spoke, making me wince. "I-I'm sorry. I don't remember my past." I sighed, stepping away from him. He tightened his grip, the fear in his eyes making me still. I could smell it emanating from him. He was afraid--terrified to lose me. I tilted my head. "Please...don't go..." His broken voice nearly killed me, my heart breaking at the sound of it. "I can't lose you again...you're all I have left." He sniffled pulling me tighter against him. My heart flip flopped.

I stayed in his grasp for a bit longer, not quite sure what to do. Just as I was about to speak up, his trembling voice cut through the silence.

"I missed you so much, my little butterfly."

A sharp pain in my head, and I crumpled to the ground with a shout, holding my head as memories flashed through my mind like a bullet. Pain like lightning shot throughout my body, and I trembled, the faint voice of the boy becoming more and more distant as I lost myself in the memories.

The images flashed through nearly faster than I could comprehend them.

A blonde boy dragging me through a manor. A tall brown haired butler. A lavender haired maid. A young boy with red hair covered in grime, yet smiling. The blonde boy pulling me through a garden. Him running towards me as I stepped out of my carriage. Him tackling me into a hug as he cheered my name. Him busting into my room at night, crying into my shoulder as the storm outside scared him.

Then, the scenes seemed to slow. The flashes of memories pieced together.

And for once in my life....I wasn't confused.

The pain dulled, and I looked up into the worried teary eyes of the blonde earl.

"We went on a trip....on a boat...." I started slowly. He stiffened, his eyes widening. "But...someone came after me...and they took me away from you....they told me they killed you...that they sunk the boat and there were no survivors..." I gasped out, tears breaking the dam and crawling down my cheeks.

"Claude wouldn't let me die..." He sniffled, laughing slightly as he brushed away my tears. We both let out watery laughs, hugging each other. "I guess I shouldn't be surprised to find you here." He stated, his tears slowing. I gave him a questioning look, before he clarified. "You loved coming in here. It was your favourite shop to peruse...and where you bought me this..." He stated, gently pulling on the bow around his neck. A sense of familiarity came over me, and I nodded slowly, the memory gently fading in. "Makes semse you were drawn to something similar to what I wear." He smirked, winking at me. I snorted at him, rolling my eyes. "Were you....gonna buy it?" His voice sounded slightly unsure. "I was, but don't have to money for it. I can get it another time." I stated, waving it off.

Determination sparked in his blue eyes, and he pulled me up with surprising strength, before whiping out his own coin purse and placing the money down on the table. "I'll take that one!" He grinned, making my jaw drop. "W-Wait, you don't have to--"

The lady took the money and grabbed the bow from the case, gently handing it to him.

In a flash, he was in front of me, and I barely had time to gasp before he was putting the bow into my hair, tying it around the braid that Mey-Rin had styled half of my hair into, leaving the other half to cascade over my shoulders.

He took a step back, analyzing me, before he suddenly clapped his hands with a large grin. "Wonderful!" He cheered, gently grabbing my hands as he giggled and pulled me around the shop in a dance. "Olé!" He cried out, a blinding grin on his face. I laughed at his attitude, enjoying his high level of energy. It's a bit more relaxing to be with him. Usually I feel like I have to watch what I say around Ciel--

I froze mid-step.

Oh no....Ciel!!

The ecstatic earl came to a stop as well, looking down at me in confusion. "Is there something wrong, Butterfly?" I stepped away from him. "I-I need to go." I stuttered, pulling my self from his grasp, his vanilla scent was getting a bit intoxicating.

His face dropped, a frown marring it. "What do you mean?" He asked, taking a step closer as I moved towards the door. "I need to go before--"


I stiffened, flinching at the shout of my name. The young blonde stepped in front of me defensively as Ciel busted through the door, the latter panting slightly. The navyette stood up straighter, coming to be a head shorter than the blonde. "Who are you?" Ciel growled out, making me gulp.

"I should be asking you that, peasant." I winced at the tone the blonde earl used. "Peasant?!" Ciel ground out, clenched.

I stepped between them, walking over to Ciel. "I'm sorry, Master....I got distracted and--" He cut me off with a glare. "We'll deal with that later. Come on. Now." He snarled, making me flinch. I hesitated for a moment, casting a glance to the flabbergasted blonde.

"'M-Master'?!" He whispered. His brows furrowed in confusion. I sighed, turning towards him. "I'm sorry--" I started, before Ciel cut me off. I could feel his anger through the blood bond.

"I said now!" Ciel shouted, grabbing hold of my arm and yanking me towards him. I yelped in pain as I stumbled from the harsh tug.

Baby blue eyes froze over in a cold rage, and he stomped towards us, shoving the shorter earl away from me before gently pulling me behind him.

"Just who do you think you are, you bastard!" I held back a gasp at the cuss coming from the taller earl. Ciel stood back up, having fallen on his backside from the push. "I'm her master, she's my maid. Now get out of my way, you uncultured swine!" Ciel snarled, shoving him aside with his shoulder and grabbing hold of my arm again.

Ciel's uncovered eye landed on the new bow in my hair, and the sapphire gem narrowed in distaste. "Where did you get that?" He growled out. "H-He bought it for me..." I gulped out, his rage suffocating.

In a flash, Ciel's hand ripped the bow out of my hair and threw it om the ground. I shrieked in pain, holding the back of my head which was now burning from the young earl's actions.

"We're leaving. Now!"

His tone left no room for arguments, and I felt tears rise to my eyes. I bent down and picked up the bow, handing it back to the blonde earl, who was seemingly having a hard time keeping his anger at bay.

"I'm sorry, Alois." I sighed out, my tongue nearly tripping over his name. My heart ached softly at the look of despair that filled his eyes.

I turned to face Ciel, my eyes narrowed in an icy blue glare, before storming past him, hearing the clicking of his heels as he followed me towards the door.


Alois' voice made me halt, and I let out a sigh for seemingly the umpteenth time today. We both turned to face the blonde earl, whose eyes were alight with fury.

"You will not lay another finger on my fiance!"

Alois' words made Ciel and I freeze.

"Your what?!?"

A/N: It's been awhile since I've posted for this story, and I'm really sorry. I kept coming back to it and attempting to write, but would get around 2-3 paragraphs in before I completely erased and rewrote the whole chapter. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and hopefully my life will calm down enough for me to finally finish this story, and all the others I need to complete as well. I hope you've all been doing well, and keeping safe out there. Thank you all so much for your continued support and patience. I truly don't deserve this. Have a wonderful day, and I'll see you all again next time.

With love 💛

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