Episode 16.5 pt 2

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Ciel and I were staring slackjawed at the furious blonde earl. Alois was staring the navyette down with an icy gaze, his fists clenched as he bared his teeth in a snarl.

"She's my fiance. You can't take her!" Alois growled lowly. Ciel was silent for another moment, before he scoffed, rolling his eyes. I glanced to the shorter earl while Alois' furious expression melted into confusion. "And what's so funny?" Alois scowled, crossing his arms.

"You've got the wrong girl. She's my maid, and has been my maid for the last couple years." Ciel sighed, before turning towards the exit, gesturing for me to follow him. I frowned slightly, casting one more glance towards Alois, before heading for the door as well.

"Lady Bambi Mayweather. Daughter of Earl Rodrick Mayweather, only surviving child of the Mayweather estate." Alois' words made us both stop again. Ciel turned to the boy, a dark look in his eyes. I felt worry brewing within me.

"How do you know that?" Ciel growled out lowly, making Alois smirk in victory. "As I said. She and I are betrothed, have been for a couple years now. However, someone stole her away from me." The blonde eyes narrowed into an icy glare as he continued, "And it looks like I just found who did it."

I gulped quietly, heart hammering in my chest. The tension could be cut with a knife. Ciel and Alois merely stared at each other--or I suppose more so glared at each other, but I digress.

"Master, perhaps we should--"

"Be quiet, girl." Ciel snapped.

My mouth dropped and I reeled my head back like he had slapped me. (Which he has, but I digress). My eyes shifted into their icy blue and I snarled at him, watching as he turned to me and winced, realizing his mistake. "Bambi-"

I ignored him, turning on my heel and leaving both boys in the shop as I stepped outside and turned into a nearby alleyway. As easy as blinking an eye, I let my energy flow through me and thought of shifting into an animal.

Having never really done this, I wasn't sure if I was doing this right, however, once I opened my eyes, I noticed the world was smaller. With a wolfish grin, I looked down at my silver paws and back towards my silver tail. Interesting color... I thought to myself, before walking to the entrance of the alley.

I stopped short as Ciel's small frame blocked the entryway, making me gulp. He called out my name a couple times, and with a sigh, I trotted over to him, sitting down in front of him. Man, that didn't last long. I sighed mentally, hoping I would've gotten a bit more time to myself.

I could see the frustration on the small earl's face as he glared around the alley, looking for me. I gave a small woof, wagging my tail as I stared up at him. Ciel looked down at my, disgust filling his vision.

"Mangy mutt. Get away!" He stated, hitting me in the side with his cane. I yelped, backing away, feeling slightly hurt and betrayed. He recognized my vampire form....why wouldn't he recognize my in this form...?

Ciel stomped away from the alley, and I whined softly, laying down.

A purple blur caught my attention and I stood back up, sniffing the air and catching the familiar scent of vanilla. Padding forward softly, I followed Alois' scent through the market for a while, before catching site of him getting into a carriage.

There's only one way of finding out more about my past. And that's to talk with him.

Determination filling me, I ran after the carriage, following it along the dirt path until we finally came to a large mansion.

I quickly hid behind a statue as Alois stepped out of the carriage with help from a familiar tall, brown haired butler with glasses. Claude. The name popped into my head and I caught the scent of sulfur in the air. He's a demon. Of course he is. I sighed, shaking my head.

I must have not been hiding too well, because as Alois' eyes scanned over his entryway, his eyes caught sight of me, making me freeze.


A grin on his face, he happily skipped over to me. "Well, hello there!" He cheered, bending down to look me in the eyes.

He stopped for a second, squinting slightly before his eyes widened and his voice dropped into a whisper.

My heart stopped, fluttering softly before it started up again at a slightly faster pace.

He...he recognized me....

and Ciel didn't...

I nodded my head, watching as he stood up straighter, looking around before he bent down, picking me up swiftly.

I yelped at the sudden movement, and he gently patted my head to soothe me. I flicked my ear in annoyance. I may look like a dog, but I'm not one. I thought, huffing at his actions.

He placed me back down when we got into the manor, before he turned to me. "I didn't know you could change into a wolf! Are you a werewolf?!" He giggled, hugging me. I smiled gently, rolling my eyes. He's....kinda cute.... I shook the thought from my head, before gathering energy once again and shifting back into my normal form.

Alois gasped at the sight, his eyes filled with amazement.

I gave a small grin.

"We have a lot to talk about." I said.
A/N: Sorry this chapter is so short, but I'm trying my best to make the next one longer. We're gonna get some more of Bambi's backstory in here, and also explain how Bambi and Alois met and such. Anyhow, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Have a wonderful day! Until next time! 

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