Episode 5

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Bambi's PoV-

I sighed softly into the musty air of the old dumbwaiter. Ciel and the others were gone, have been for quite awhile. My body begged for more rest, if only to heal the various injuries I have. Abiding by my body's wishes, I closed my eyes and drifted off once again.


I haven't a clue of what time it was when I finally awoke, but judging by my body's inner clock, it was nighttime. My stomach rumbled loudly, reminding me that I hadn't eaten in several days. I bit my lip, frightened to come out of hiding for fear of being caught by Sebastian, or worse, the young master. I could tell that I had been in here for at least one day. I guess I really needed that rest. Perhaps it didn't help that I haven't eaten in awhile...

I let out a harsh breath before an idea popped into my head. This dumbwaiter leads to the master's chambers. He should be asleep by now, and if he isn't, I'll wait until he is. Then, I leave my hiding place and place a note that gives my thanks of giving me a home and explaining that I will be leaving. A tear escaped my eye as I made my plan. Biting my lip, I grab the rope and haul myself up towards Ciel's room.

It took a few minutes, but I managed to get there, knowing the layout of the house was quite helpful. I heard a door close and froze in my tracks, stopping to listen in to what was going on. "Well?" It was Ciel, presumably speaking to Sebastian. "No matter how many times I examine it, the result is the same." Yup, definitely Sebastian. "The viscount had nothing to do with yesterday's murder." I frowned at Ciel's words. I had forgotten the killer was still at large.

"Indeed. None of the humans inside his mansion could have done it." At Sebastian's words, I frowned. No humans...? But what about those that weren't human? "Quite... None of the humans there..." Ciel muttered. "Anyway, tomorrow we'll..." Ciel trailed off before gasping in horror and realization. "Sebastian! Don't tell me you-?"

"I've told you over and over: I do not lie. Involved in medicine, ties to secret societies or black magic, and no alibi for the nights before the bodies were found: The only human that fits those criteria is the Viscount Druitt." Sebastian spoke confidently, hinting something at Ciel. "Was your investigation just a farce then?!" Ciel snarled. "You see, I am merely one hell of a butler. I simply faithfully carry out my master's orders and instructions." Ciel growled at his butler's words.

I heard papers being thrown and fluttering to the ground. "With one order from you, I can become your pawn or your sword. Now, put the villain in check, Master." I heard Sebastian's footsteps retreat towards what I assumed to be where the door was, but Ciel's voice stopped him. "Do you think-" Sebastian cut him off. "Bambi does not have the required knowledge of medicines. Se could not have killed any of those victims." My heart stuttered in my chest and cracked even more when I heard Ciel suspect me of doing something so heinous. Ciel sighed in relief. "Where... Where do you think she is, Sebastian?" Ciel's soft and vulnerable tone made my heart ache and I wanted to come out of hiding just to hug him, but I didn't, still afraid of what might happen. "I'm not sure, my lord. Shall we mount a search after we catch the killer?" At Sebastian's suggestion, I heard a soft and sad hum of agreement.

I bit my lip and begged my brain to stop the pain in my heart. Forgetting about my earlier plan, I let the dumbwaiter take me back down to the kitchen. I knew what was going to happen, and I had to be there to protect my master, even if he is frightened of me.


I followed Ciel and Sebastian through the streets by staying on the rooftops. They stopped in a back alley and I observed what they were doing. "He'll show up if we stake out this place, right?" Ciel's voice drifted up towards me on the stormy air. He was in his undercover outfit; a white shirt with a brown vest. He wore a dark green messenger hat and a medical eyepatch over his marked eye. A form of confirmation came from the butler.

"It's true that the murdered prostitutes had other things in common besides having their organs removed." I listened in, hoping to get a clue about who they're looking out for. "Beautiful, glossy black hair." I blink, confused at the butler's words. "But why should he have to kill them?" I was even more confused at this point. Looking down, I hold back a laugh as I realized what was going on. "Sinfully lovable." Sebastian's antics had me biting my lip harshly to keep in my giggles. "And I--" Ciel was now talking to himself. "So soft... Yes, so soft..."

"Listen to me when I'm talking to you!" Ciel shouted at the butler. Sebastian was crouched on the ground, holding a black cat and petting her. The stray obviously did not want to be held and was meowing in protest. "I apologize. She's a rare beauty. So soft..."

A scream penetrated the air, making my heart stop. Ciel's gasp made my gaze flicker from where the scream had come from back to him. "No one could have gotten past us!"

Sebastian and Ciel both ran to the home of the woman they were trying to protect. I followed them, staying on the roof until I believed I needed to help. Ciel threw open the door and the metallic scent of blood hit me harshly, almost throwing me off balance. My stomach gurgled in response and I felt as though I was going to be sick from the sickeningly sweet scent wafting from the house. Ciel froze, staring at what I assumed to be the victim. My heart went out to the boy, as he shouldn't have to witness this massacre. Sebastian was hot on his heels and pulled him back, covering his eyes. He pulled the shocked boy away from the door, jumping backwards to put a distance between the scene and the earl. I looked away when Ciel bent over and wretched, only looking back when I heard the noise cease.

"That's quite a mess you made, Jack the Ripper...or should I say Grell Sutcliff." I held back a gasp of horror as the reaper masquerading as a butler emerged from the house, covered in blood. I heard him trying to play innocent, but I knew Sebastian wasn't going to take the bait. "This is the first time I've met someone like you in the human world." At Sebastian's words, I had to hold back an ironic chuckle. Actually, it isn't...

"You performed the role of 'harmless incompetent butler' quite adeptly." Grell grinned at Sebastian's praise and I held back a gasp at his teeth. They were like that of a shark's, pointed and dangerous. He got a crazed look in his eyes as he grinned maniacally. "Do you think so? That's right. I'm an actress, honey. And I'm absolutely first-rate." The reaper began to take off his disguise, brushing out his brown hair into glowing red locks. "But you're not 'Sebastian' either, are you?"

"That's the name I received from my young master, so yes, I am...at the moment." Sebastian smiled thinly. "My, so you're a 'faithful dog' character. Though for a fine-looking man like you, that's fabulous too. Well then, Sebastian... No, Bassy...let me reintroduce myself. I am Grell Sutcliff, butler to the Burnetts. I'm sure we two butlers can get along marvelously." Grell struck a pose before blowing a kiss towards the demon, making him visibly cringe. "Ah, I finally get to meet you in my true form! I've never seen a demon play butler before, so I was surprised when I first saw you!" The redhead grinned. "That's my line. I never imagined someone like you would play a butler." I rolled my eyes as Sebastian explained what he was for Ciel's benefit.

"Why would a divine being such as yourself bother to play a butler?" Sebastian questioned. "Good question. Perhaps I should say I fell in love with a certain woman." My heart froze as I watched Madam Red step out from the shadows of the house. Ciel pulled down Sebastian's hand in order to his his aunt standing before him. "I didn't calculate on anyone being able to see Grell for what he is." Madam tsked.

"Naturally you were on the initial suspect list. But your alibi was perfect." Ciel scowled, rubbing his chin as he back away from Sebastian's grasp. "You suspected even your own aunt?" Madam pouted. "If you had the potential to be Jack, any blood relation would be irrelevant. None of the humans on the suspect list could have committed all those murders. But if one had an inhuman accomplice, that would change everything. If he could enter the room in an instant without our noticing, he could also instantaneously get from the viscount's to the East End. You two are the only ones who could be Jack the Ripper. Jack's victims had other things in common. They all underwent a certain surgery at London Central Hospital, where you work. The only patient on the list who hadn't yet been killed was Mary Kelly, who lived in that flat. I thought you'd show up here if I kept an eye on the place." Ciel finished, a scowl on his face.

"Where's your little maid? I would've thought you would bring her along." I flinch back into the shadows of the chimney beside me as Ciel's shoulders drop and he looks towards the ground. "That is unfortunate, my beloved nephew Ciel. If you hadn't figured it out, we could have played chess together again."

"But... I WON'T GIVE ANYTHING UP THIS TIME!" Madam's sudden screech sent chill down my spine and I had to force myself to not let out a scream of fear in response. The sound of an unknown object made my focus turn to Grell, and my heart lept to my throat as the reaper dashed at Ciel. Sebastian caught the strange blade in time, and I let out a breath of relief. The demon pushed the blade back, forcing the reaper to backflip away from him.

"Wh-What is that thing?!" Ciel asked, face full of shock. "Grim reapers possess tools for harvesting souls. That is a reaper's sickle." Sebastian explained. "'Sickle' is such a dull name; don't call it that! Not after I customized it to my personal specifications!" Grell snarled. "This is a 'death scythe' only I can wield, and it can hack any being to pieces! I've behaved myself so well lately, I'm out of shape now! I want to get some real exercise for a change...with you." Grell flirted at the demon once again, making me hold back laughter once more.

"Could I ask you not to say such repugnant things? I am on duty." Sebastian demanded, annoyed. "How stoic you are! Yet another thing that makes you irresistible!" Grell fawned, waving his weapon in the air. "You see, I love the color red. Red is my favorite color for hair, and clothes, and lipstick. So I paint those ugly women with pretty, pretty red blood. I wonder what your little maid would look like all painted in red..." Grell chuckled lowly, making me gulp at his suggestion.

"Bassy, I'll make you even finer-looking than you already are. I'm really going to tear you up inside. And make you red like beautifully-scattered rose petals." Grell winked. "A grim reaper quietly harvests the souls of the dying. A butler subserviently follows his master like a shadow. Your vulgarity violates the aesthetics of both, and quite frankly, I find it sickening." Sebastian turned on a pouting Grell and pulled his overcoat off, tossing it to the side of the alley. "Oh, Bassy, you wound me. I'm a more deadly efficient butler than I look!" Grell struck a pose, sticking his pink tongue out at Sebastian and Ciel.

Ciel raised his hand to his eyepatch, pulling it down. "In my own black name and that of the Queen, I order you: put an end to them!" He shouted, the contract in his eye glowing upon giving the demon an order. Sebastian's own crimson orbs glowed a demonic pink, his pupils turning to slits. "Yes, my lord." With a fanged grin, the demon began to bite off his black glove. However, Grell was fast. With supernatural speed, the reaper charged at Sebastian, his weapon roaring.

"Ah, yes! Run more! We'll play tag, Bassy!" Grell taunted, swiping at Sebastian with his weapon as the demon dodged each hit. In a flash, after a wrong move, Grell had Sebastian pinned to a wall, holding the blade in his hands. "Now, now, if you don't escape fast, you'll get cut. It's so much more stimulating when it hurts a little, isn't?" Grell giggled as his spinning blade tore into Sebastian's uniform.

I glanced back at Ciel, knowing that my master was my number one priority and that Sebastian could handle himself. "We've now become a guard dog and his prey. If it's hunt or be hunted..." My eyes narrowed as she reached into her sleeve and I felt a burst of energy spike through me as I saw the glint of silver in it. "There's only one choice!" Madam Red shouted, rushing to Ciel, a dagger in hand. In a split second, I had gone from the rooftop across the alleyway to right in front of Ciel, my face set in a vicious snarl. Madam Red's charge did not stop and her dagger went straight into my shoulder. I heard Ciel gasp as I let out a yelp of pain before I opened my eyes to face an astonished Madam Red. With a feral snarl, I ripped the dagger out of my shoulder and tossed it to the ground, locking eyes with my attacker. You're a doctor! Why do this?!" Ciel screamed as I put a hand to my wound, hoping to stop the bleeding. I held my place in front of Ciel as Madam Red looked at the boy over my shoulder. "A kid like you would never understand even if I told him!" Madam Red's arm reached out before I could react and she pinned me to the wall by my neck, choking me. I let out strangled noises as the woman squeezed my throat harder. "You... You... You should have never been born!" She screamed. I could see her raising her free hand through my blackening vision and she plunged the knife down towards my heart. By sheer luck, she missed, going too far to the right and the dagger dug into my lung instead. I let out another cry of pain and Madam Red released her hold on me, letting me crumple to the ground, shivering. I heard her hesitant steps going backwards, away from Ciel and I.

"Stop, Sebastian!" Ciel's order made me open my eyes to see the form of the demon towering over Madam Red, his hand mere inches away from her head. The woman continued backing away and she let the blood covered dagger fall to the ground. Sebastian was panting behind her, most likely from the effort of escaping his predicament from earlier and the wound on his shoulder. He took the outstretched arm and rested his hand atop his bleeding wound. Biting my lip to stop my screams, I struggle to stand back up, pushing myself on shaky arms to a sitting position before I stood up, swaying slightly. I clench my teeth as I stood in front of Ciel, trying to protect him from any harm.

"Bambi..." Ciel's soft tone of relief and horror rang in my ears as I kept my focus on the woman in front of us. "Oh, Bassy, you've got a backbone. To think you'd sacrifice an arm to go save that kid..." Grell sounded in awe of Sebastian. "But how poorly you compare, Madam! Hurry up and kill the brats!" The reaper frowned, walking this way, his weapon dragging on the ground behind him.

"I can't do it after all. I can't kill him. I can't even kill Bambi." Madam Red whimpered, hugging herself. "You're saying that now? You've sliced up so many women to bits! If you don't erase him, he'll erase you!" Grell tried to sway Madam Red in her decision. "Madam..." Ciel whispered from behind me. "But... But... This boy is my--" I saw the blade a second before it hit home. Wishing to shield Ciel from anymore horror, I swiftly turn and pull his head into my neck, blocking his view of Madam Red being cut down by Grell. I wrapped my arms around his body and we both fell to our knees, landing on the rough and soaked ground. I felt Ciel's arms shakily slide around my waist, gripping me tightly. I let out a silent hiss at the spark of pain when he squeezed my wound, but held him tighter.

"I'm disappointed in you, Madam Red! I have no interest in you if you're just another woman!" Grell shouted. The sound of Madam Red's body hitting the ground made Ciel flinch in my hold, I felt him nuzzle his head into my shoulder with a whimper and my heart ached for the boy once again. "I loved you when you were dyed crimson with your victim's blood, Madam Red." I watched as Grell tossed off his butler's jacket and stalked towards Madam's corpse. "I'm disappointed you turned out to be such a trite woman! You don't have what it takes to wear red. Your cheap melodrama ends now. Farewell, Madam." Grell took off Madam Red's red coat and pulled it on, letting it hang off his elbows instead of fully wearing it.

The reaper began to walk away from all of us and I felt Ciel shift in my hold. Looking down at the boy, I noticed that he was pulling away, and I allowed my hands to fall, letting him out of my grasp. With slow movements, Ciel moved his hand towards his aunt's corpse and lightly ran his hand down her face closing her eyes. "What are you doing, Sebastian?" Ciel's voice was low as he spoke to the demon. I looked at the boy earl who was kneeling on the ground by Madam Red's unmoving figure. His head was down, his navy blue hair that was soaked from the pouring rain was covering his eyes. "I told you to put an end to Jack the Ripper. It's not over yet. Don't dawdle. Hurry up and kill the other one!" Ciel ordered, looking up towards Sebastian.

As I stared at the drenched boy concern filled me. I lightly tugged at my overcoat and pulled it off with ease, sucking in a breath when I moved my injured shoulder. "Very good, my lord." Sebastian grinned. Grell's footsteps stopped and he laughed. "I was going to be nice and let you go, but if you insist, I'll send you both to heaven!" Grell turned, slicing at Sebastian as the butler made his way towards him. The butler ducked the oncoming attack. "Heaven?" The demon chortled. Sebastian jumped above Grell, surprising the reaper. "Heaven and I are strangers." Sebastian aimed a kick towards Grell's head and the man dodged, backing away in fear. "You just went after a lady's face! You're a fiend!" Grell shouted, waving his weapon in the air. Sebastian merely turned with a smile on his face. "Of course. You see, I am merely one hell of a butler."

"Do you think a demon can beat a divine being?" Grell growled. "An interesting question. However, if my young master tells me to win, I shall win." As Sebastian turned to face Ciel, I followed his gaze, only to see Ciel looking at me. "You're quite keen on that puny little brat, I'm jealous. Even demons cease to exist if I reap them with my death scythe. Aren't you afraid?" Grell pouted, drawing my eyes back to the two supernatural beings.

"Not in the least. I belong to my master, body and soul, even down to the last hair on my head. As long as the contract is in effect, I follow his orders. That's the butler aesthetic, you see." Sebastian smirked at the reaper.

Fully pulling my large overcoat off, I let it fall atop Ciel's head, stopping the rain from pouring down on him. Ciel blinked at my actions and latched his hands onto the edges of my jacket, pulling it closer to him for warmth. I felt the rain beating down on me and I gasped in pain as it hit harshly against my open wounds. Ciel's eyes snapped towards me and I saw worry dancing within those sapphire orbs. I ignored it and turned my head to the two butlers in front of us.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this episode, I will be posting the rest that I finished within the span of a few minutes, so have fun with that! I also want to give a shout out to my friend here on Wattpad. Her username is miss_mandychu and she has two stories up currently. She's amazing at writing, has funny fics, and she's new to Wattpad. Her fics consist of a Finny x Snake called Sealed With a Hiss and an Adult!Ciel x Sebastian called His Butler, Forking. Each fic is funny in my opinion, and I want to give her credit for helping me out of slumps that I had while writing this fic. Have a great day, and stay lovely! <3

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