Ch.13 Demon and Angel

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Ariel. The angel for the cause of this whole situation and the lead for the main cup of Heaven. It happened in all a split second. Before Ariel could stabbed her in the chest a knife flew and struck him.

He cried out and dropped the dagger, giving (y/n) room to move, kicking him off the bed with the strength she had.

From the window a furious Sebastian stood there, holding four more knives in his hand. "What makes you think you can simply kill a Phantomhive butler?"

Ariel laughed and pulled out another dagger from his coat pocket. "Sweet, I was planning to take one, but I'll take two demons souls." He lashed out and clashed knife with dagger. "I'll take what the cup gave me!"

She watched with wide eyes, amazed before her. Sebastian was protecting her. Was it for the contract, or protecting her? Ariel snarled at Sebastian, it was a clash on clash of demon verus angel.

A legend like this was heard of back in her training days. None of different sides could win, because both were equal in power, and in soul. Both of them fighting would just be an even duel, or would it?

Malach burst through the window, breaking the pieces left dangling, and rushed over to her. His face was on high alert. "Are you alright? He didn't cut you?"

(y/n) shook her head. "No, thank God for that. Sebastian came in time to stop him."

Malach chuckled under his breath, picking her up. "Heh, so he did come in time. I got to hand it too him, I forgive him for saving you."

(y/n) rolled her eyes before shaking at the misty air. "Where were you two?  I woke up looking the face of a devil."

"We didn't want to leave you, but Sebastian needed the plans from the Germany military base. You wouldn't believe what they have... a hunk of metal, bigger than a simple house, and it moves on wheels."

A shiver crawled down her spine. Germany was planning to build something like that. For what purpose? There was no war, even the Germans would have to explain why they were building a death machine that moves on its own.

"I can't believe someone managed to build something like that..." (y/n) whispered quietly.

Malach nodded and hid behind some trees, trying to drown out the heavy downpour, along with the clash of Sebastian and Ariel in front of them. "It was amazing, but the scent of death was everywhere inside that room. Guns with seemingly unlimited ammo, plans of roads made of hard rock."

A huge clash stopped him as Malach covered the high winds. (y/n) couldn't peel her eyes away, the way Sebastian fought. The rain didn't ever make him less handsome, it only enhanced. Slick gloss black hair, stuck to his face, even to his clothes which he always kept clean.

His split demon eyes were bright with rage, never blinking as the sparks danced inside his eyes. It was just beautiful, glorious in a world of own. The rain was drowned out when they caught each other's eye, time seemed to stop but not for them.

Sebastian's eyes dimed down the rage inside them, just with the simple connection they shared together. Through all the wind and howling of battle, (y/n) smiled just for Sebastian, the man Duncan accepted to be her soul mate.

With all her strength, she yelled with her heart. "BEAT HIM UP SEBASTIAN!"



Her words rang softly inside his ears, giving him energy he never knew he had. It was warming, even embracing his soul. Sebastian took the energy and used it to fight, knowing it would still be an even battle.

Knives would have lost to swords already, but Sebastian was stronger and skilled in battling with knives. Ariel in a way was at a disadvantaged, only using a sword to battle, lashing it out like a madman wasn't the best way to fight.

Sebastian dodged before his neck could be slice cleanly off, taking the chance to stabbed his knee. Ariel hissed in pain and clashed another sword and knife, only Sebastian had to use both hands.

Ariel laughed and used more brute strength. "Give up! It's stated none shall win! We'll be both fighting, forever and ever with anguish, but never tired out!"

The gears were turning inside Sebastian's head. It was true, they both couldn't win this fight, but they could escape. He saw the opening, lodging his knife inside Ariel's ribcage. Ariel coughed out blood and glared daggers at Sebastian.

"Sorry," Sebastian said, smiling at him, "I must get back to my master, I mustn't be late."

For measures, Sebastian slashed off his right arm, hearing the howling of pain before speeding towards Malach and (y/n). He panted and grabbed onto Malach's shirt. "Hurry, a train is coming and it's our last ride to London before another comes next week!"

Malach nodded and wrapped (y/n) inside his coat, took keep her dry from the rain. He felt a pang of jealously, but this wasn't the time to be envious. He watched as Ariel screamed in pain, holding his right arm as blood dripped down onto the wet grass.

Sebastian ran along with Malach and checked his pocket watch. Only five minutes before the train departs. He was blessed to have remembered the train coming around this day and time. Shock ran inside him as he sensed Ariel trailing behind them, at full speed.

The train was in sight as Sebastian jumped towards it, slamming opened the door. "Get in!"

Ariel was right behind Malach, just an inch behind him. Sebastian threw his last knife as it aimed straight into Ariel's eye. He cursed and fell to the ground, just letting Malach enter the train in time.

Sebastian came in and closed the train door behind them, locking it for safety. He looked outside the window and jumped in shock, Ariel was gone.

Malach looked out with him and sighed. "He has the Golden Cup of Heaven, he can repair himself. He's probably doing that right now, somewhere on this train."

The train lurched ahead, slightly making Sebastian move to steady himself. He darted his eyes everywhere inside the cabin, looking at the window to be sure. The only things he saw was rain dripping down the window and coal smoke.

A cough came from Malach's coat as he opened it up to (y/n). Sebastian chuckled inside his mind at her look. Messy greasy hair from the weather, a dirty face from the wind, and tangled hair. He didn't even notice the smile on his face.

(y/n) rose an eyebrow. "Why are you smiling?"

Even Malach was trying not to laugh as Sebastian tugged at her hair. "Go and wash up in the bathing cabin. This is a high-class train, no need to worry about having to share a wash room with anyone."

(y/n) felt her hair and gasped, feeling the grease and oil inside. It was... disgusting, even making her face turn green a little. "Y-Yes... I'll go freshen myself up."

Sebastian made sure (y/n) got the washing room safety before showing the guards their tickets, well, mostly 'tickets' from an illusion. Malach crashed on the bed on top of Sebastian's bed. He stretched out his legs.

"Today was crazy... I'm just glad we managed to escape Ariel."

"Yes, but I must ask you something. Won't he kill everyone on this train? The man is crazy enough from just his battle style."

"No, because of the Golden Cup of Heaven in his hands. Once you have it, you can't kill anyone. The cup is still holy, regardless of the heart of the owner. Ariel can only simply blend in with people on the train, but he can't kill the passengers here."

Sebastian sighed in relief. "That takes a load off."

A knock came at the door as Sebastian opened it up. It was (y/n), dressed in the train's nightgowns. It passed her knees and ended at her feet, obviously too big for her, but she still managed to look cute in it.

(y/n) rubbed her eyes and sat on the other bed across from the boys. "Ariel poured something weird down my throat... it woke me up and now... I'm super tired..."

"Ariel used the cup's holy water to awaken you." Malach muffled his words, closing his eyes to sleep. "It forced you too wake up... at the wrong time."

Sebastian sighed as Malach passed out by simply talking. He gave him his blanket and draped it over her. "Get some rest. I'm going to be on watch, it's for both of our safety."

(y/n) took the blanket and smile under her breath. "Thank you."

She turned around and closed her eyes, gripping the blanket close to her heart, telling her mind to never let it go while she sleeps.

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