Ch.12 Ariel

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Malach smirked with a humorless laugh. "I could say the same for you. How about this? I put up a protection barrier over the room while we both infiltrate the Military Base. I can show you I'm trusted and can fight for my cause as well."

"As long as I know you're not around (y/n), then I will accept you around me. Remember this, angel, I am allowed to cut your throat where you stand if you harm a hair on (y/n). It is now in my contract-"

"Your contract again huh? Seems like you should marry it since you're always taking about it."

Sebastian shut his mouth. The past two days he was in war with himself, was he in love with (y/n) because he loved her, or only protected her because it was in his contract? He tries to convince himself it was because of the contract, but his heart tells him differently.

He turned around and shrugged on his long black coat. "I am not going to marry my contract, but if you want that tongue still moving you better stay quiet while killing other minions."

Malach sighed, but grabbed his sword and slung it over his shoulder. "You're a pain for a demon."

Sebastian smirked under his breath. "That is because I am simply one hell of a butler." He opened up the window and motioned him, where the rain howled in the wind. "Shall we?"


How easy were humans too trick? Compare a demon to a mortal, you'll be getting a blood bath worth of covering a manor. Humans never checkup in the sky, but mostly on ground, so Sebastian strike from the shadows.

Malach watched with a heavy heart, but killed other just like Sebastian did with the guards. Some tried killing them with guns, but that didn't work out so well when they were aiming at Sebastian...

They were close to the meeting hall was Malach froze in his tracks. "My god... what is this...?"

On the front of the meeting door was a flag, but the cross of the Holy Knights of Heaven was crossed out, replaced with a huge and fancy A. The sight made Malach pale in the face, but the anger in his voice was clear as water.

"Who in their right mind would insult my kingdom...? Their blood will be so soaked on my blade... this will not go well with the royal family."

"I see the royal family of Heaven are lovey too meet."

Malach glared at him before ripping down the flag to reveal the door. He forced it open as the only person inside was a small Germany man, holding a gun at aim point. The man fired, but Malach easily caught it in his hand.

"Hmp, if you were an angel you would have been banished to Hell for trying to kill me."

"Leave him alive." Sebastian urged, "We need information about the German Military base in case."

Malach nodded and punched the man in the face. He fell over and was knocked out for good. Sebastian stepped over him and entered into the room. Inside were blueprints of weapons, most of them too highly advanced for German or British technology.

One caught his eye was a large armored hunk of steel that was squared shape, under it was its name, a tank. He ripped the blueprints from the walls, making such to take even the notes down along with them.

Malach helped along until he gasped in shock. "No... This is Ariel's base..."

"What?" Sebastian scoffed at him, rolling up the blue prints. "How does an angel take over an army base without having to kill mortals? It's impossible and-"

"Not without the Gold Cup of Heaven. It does more than make monsters... it has the ability to make whatever the holder wishes come true, but it cannot kill since it a holy object. It's useless in a way if you're only in for violence."

"So then... Ariel used the cup to brainwash these guards into thinking they were his master..." the gears were clicking inside Sebastian's head. "It's a brilliant way to keep low and not cause attention to yourself if you're a criminal."

"Then where would he be? Shouldn't he be protecting his main base?"

"No... This isn't his main base... it's a safe house for his blue prints..."

A shock coursed through Sebastian. He jumped up from the sudden shocked and cursed to himself, dragging Malach along. "Ariel's with (y/n)!"

"What?!" Malach screamed through the high winds of Sebastian's speed. "How?! I put a barrier on the room to protect her!"

"That's not enough! He's more powerful than we thought!"


It was like afternoon tea with honey going down her throat, soft and sweet at the same time. It lured her from her slumber and awoke to... Sebastian. They were back in the manor, in her small room. Sebastian was seated next to her bedside, only he was dressed in a plain white shirt.

"Are you well? I was so worried about you." He spoke with hope inside his words.

(y/n) blinked at Sebastian, he never seemed to worry about her. "What...? Did you nurse me back to health...?"

He nodded and gave her a tray of light food. "Of course. The Lord let me take the two days off to take care of you. You're back in health now and I couldn't be more than happier."

The words seemed strange to her, almost magical. Ciel was a fair lord, but he would still but Sebastian to work, even if she was injured. She went too stood up, but Sebastian hastily pushed her back down, their noses touching together.

"I forgot to say you'll be staying in bed still. Just relax," his voice smoothed her like a song, "and let me kiss you."

(y/n)'s heart sped up, feeling like it would burst inside her. She was speechless as Sebastian slowly came closer and closer to her lips, but the illusion only lasted for a second. She mustered up all her strength and smacked her forehead against his.

Sebastian cursed and pulled back- only it was wasn't Sebastian. The illusion died away with a man with short red hair, curled at the edges as he glared down at her. (y/n) didn't need to know who he was, it was Ariel. She was in a small inn room she didn't recognize, but now wasn't the time to get distracted.

"Stay away!" She began but Ariel cut her short.

He clamped his hand over her mouth and rest a blade against her skin, the cold bleeding into her soul and making her shiver to her core. Ariel laughed as the blood dripped down from his forehead, slowly making its way down to his mouth.

"I didn't want to do this, but if it's getting your demon soul, then I must kill you."

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