Ch.15 Queen's Humming Bird

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Sebastian and with the help of Malach they escaped to the boat in time. Ariel was nowhere to be in sight, but deep down inside Sebastian knew he was still lurking in the shadows, watching with every movement.

They arrived in London the next day later and caught the carriage towards the manor. It seemed as if rain would never leave them, since it was raining upon the ride towards London as well. (y/n) looked outside at the drops running down the window.

It was almost humorous, watching something trying so hard to escape, but it could never escape the wind as the wind took it away. She always hated when it rained since flying was dangerous then, but if it rained, then no angels were on the lookout.

"So," Malach said, giving him everyone's attention. "We got The Silver Cup of Heaven, but what now?"

"First (y/n) and I are returning to the mansion," Sebastian answered for (y/n), "It is a duty of a Phantomhive servant to attended our master first before everything else."

Malach sighed and leaned his head against the window. "Gosh... then where will I stay?"

"In the barn." Sebastian said, hiding a smirk inside.

"You can sleep in Sebastian's room, it has an extra bed just in case another servant needs it."

At that moment, Sebastian lost all the respect he had for her. He watched with bitterness as Malach smirked and cracked his knuckles.

"That sounds wonderful." Malach chuckled.

Sebastian smiled back and straightened himself up. "Indeed."

It was deadly silent as the carriage arrived at the manor. Malach quickly launched himself out of the carriage and into the bushes of the garden.

"What are you doing?!" (y/n) shouted at him.

"Hiding behind this tree!"

(y/n) didn't have time to correct the idiot when the front door opened. Alongside with Sebastian, they bowed at Ciel. He seemed to be in the bitter mood, as if someone spit in his tea.

Ciel step forward and stopped in front of (y/n). "Did you find the cup you were looking for?"

(y/n) nodded. "Yes sir. Though the last cup will take time to track down and hunt to get it from the grasp of the enemy."

"Good, that's what I was going to question about." Ciel turned on his heels and walked back inside. "Come with me into my office. I have some more news for you."

Sebastian shared a secret glance of a look towards (y/n). They both knew something was up and it involved them both, once again. But nothing more, they advanced towards their master's side.

Sebastian opened the doors before Ciel could come in. It smelled of burned Earl Grey... maybe Sebastian should leave him a ready and prepare tea next time.

Ciel sat down onto his chair, swirling around to face them both. "Bloody Hell... give me a bloody good reason why I shouldn't be giving you both half cut of your pay check. It wasn't three days, it was a full week. Sebastian, I thought you were agreeing it would have only taken three days."

Sebastian bowed, his tailcoat flying up behind him as always. "My apologizes, my Lord. Ariel, the holder of The Golden Cup of Heaven, was there and backtracked our plans. I take full responsibility."

Ceil sighed and looked at the letter in front of him. "It doesn't matter now. The queen send me a letter the day before yesterday, saying she acquires to meet (y/n) at the royal castle."

(y/n) jumped in her socks, already wet from the splashing of the rain outside. She bowed down next to Sebastian, hopping her hair wouldn't cover her face. "Did the queen ask why she wanted me, my Lord?"

She watched as Ciel dragged his finger across the edge of the front of the table, collecting dust and shinning it under the light. "She wouldn't say, only to bring you too the castle. I expect to see a good report back from the queen when I sent you off tomorrow. I am her guard dog, and I don't want too looked like a bad dog in front of my master."

(y/n) nodded her head and moved her wet hair from her face. "I understand sir. I will be on my best when presented in front of the queen. The Phantomhive name depend on my shoulders alone."

Ciel wiped the dust off his fingers and motioned her away. "Good, now leave us."

In a quick second, (y/n) left the room and closed the door behind her, leaving the demon and the master alone in the same room. If he wasn't the master Sebastian would have to bow too, he would enjoy devouring his soul. It was broken in places... the edges of when a soul is delicious to every dammed creature.

Sebastian rose and moved towards Ceil, gently touching the eyepatch covering the sin he committed to get revenge for his family. Sebastian always found it was silly how humans sought out revenge. "Please don't punish (y/n). She fell ill during the trip and recovered during the train ride towards France."

"I don't care for that," Ciel shoved Sebastian's finger away, he could feel the all the rage inside the push. "Tell me if the demon inside her released. I received a newspaper saying Germany's military base was under siege and guards were killed."

"My Lord, it was to receive the blue prints the Germans were making under the queen's nose. (y/n)'s demon didn't release, but I could show you-"

"No, all I want right now is a coffee cake with Earl Gray tea. Bladroy will be punished for serving horrible food... I order you to teach him to make tea."

Sebastian, swift and elegant, turned on his heels and walked towards the door. "Yes, my Lord."


It was next morning as (y/n) was running around getting things ready. She would be staying the night at the royal castle since it was expected the rain in the afternoon would drown out the dirt roads.

She was almost finished packing when her door was knocked. She fixed her arm sleeves before opening the door to Sebastian, smiling ear to ear, a butler must always smile.

"What are you doing here?" (y/n) asked.

"I thought you would be hungry during your trip to the royal castle and I made some bread and butter for you. Sourdough and a bottle of wine to finish off the royal taste." He held the bag in front of him.

(y/n) smiled and took the bad filled with goods. "Thank you, Sebastian. That's thoughtful of you this morning."

"It was leftovers from last night's dinner the master didn't eat. I didn't want it too go to waste, so I thought of you."

Malach came into the room and ruined the moment, making Sebastian get an irk mark at the side of his head. "What are you doing here?" Sebastian asked.

"I was wondering what to do around this manor. It's boring being cramped inside your dungeon."

(y/n) blushed lightly and looked away, pushing ahead of the boys. "I must be going."

"(y/n) wait! it's not anything this wonker said!" Sebastian yelled, but she was already running down the hallway.

She didn't want to know anything else from the word dungeon. When she walked outside she could feel the rain drops dripping down onto her head, so she hurried towards the carriage. It was small and cramped, nothing like the masters' carriage.

Two hours later and it was pouring heavily down onto London. She covered her head and let the guards lead her inside, leading her towards the waiting room. It was elegant, filled with ancient paintings from old royals and the history of England right in this room.

"Beautiful, isn't it?"

(y/n) turned towards the source of the voice to find a tall, but long face gentleman. His hair was pure white as snow, shinning in the candle light, casting a dark shade over his face. In The Kingdom of Heaven, he would have angel girls throwing left and right towards him.

He bowed and grabbed her hand, kissing as sweet like a wrapped chocolate waiting to melt inside someone's mouth. "It is an honor to meet you, Lady (y/l). I have heard stories about you from Lord Ciel's mouth and dreamed of meeting a strong, brave and beautiful woman as you are. It is true what they say, you have the face of a weeping angel."

It was the silent inside the room, a battle inside her head if she should take the compliment or run away, but this was the queen's servant "How... why... thank you..."

"The name is Andrew, Andrew Wheeler."

(y/n) smiled. "Nice to meet you. I have a meeting with the queen and I wondering if you could show me the meeting room."

"Oh, you're already in here."

The door to the right opened and came out with the queen herself, Queen Victoria. She smiled, the wrinkles of the ages of ruling showing along with the hard work of ruling a kingdom alone now the king is dead. (y/n) dropped to her feet and panicked, wondering if she should have bowed instead.

The queen chuckled and sat down on the nearest chair. "Rise up, my humming bird. I have given you a title in favor of my grace."

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