Ch.16 Spread Your Wings

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"Excuse me?" (y/n) asked once again, not believing her ears.

The queen smiled and told her again. "My Humming Bird. You'll track down criminals and hum the information in my ear. I'm giving you the chance and honor of receiving this title because Ceil has told wonderful stories about you. It's so sad too hear you were kicked out of your house because you were different."

"Y-Yes! I'm... special in the head... and I need to know where my parents are to track them down and receive my revenge."

The smell of rose wafted into her nose as the Queen rose up her tea cup and drank from it. A look of pity casted over her face, alongside the wrinkles in her face showing the ages of deaths seen in England. "I am never the one for revenge. It is the mind trick of the Devil, deceiving those who are weak minded or fragile and steal the holiness inside because of what's become of them. It is a sad and terrible sight to see, even I watch helplessly as my people are drawn to the circles of Hell."

Thunder boomed outside, the glass-stained windows shaking the picture of a weeping angel, sobbing over a body of a demon. The demon's stomach was slashed opened as black blood poured from the wound, but the angle cried golden tears over his body. The Queen noticed her looking and smiled at the picture.

"My Lady," (y/n) spoke, "what is that picture telling?"

"It was a gift from my late husband. Right when we were wed he knew of my love for paintings, but saw himself as a demon to the citizens of England. He couldn't save all of England and knew when he would parish his soul would be send down to Hell, but he told me I was the angel who would save him from wickedness." She sighed and tracked the tip of her finger around the brim of the tea cup. "I miss him to this day. When my times comes may I rest my soul alongside my dearly beloved husband."

"I am sorry, My Lady."

"Nonsense dear, you did nothing."

The door across the table opened to two butlers dressed in white, even their hair was white, but Andrews looked to be silver in her memory, but her memories always could be wrong. The slimier one bend down on one knee and spoke clear with pride. "My Lady, you have a meeting with the Duke of Hungary. He has arrived and awaits your words of kind wisdom."

"Thank you very much. I enjoyed our talk together, Miss (y/n)."

(y/n) curtsied with a gentle and quiet smile. "It was wonderful meeting with you."

The Queen gave her a wrinkled old smile before leaving out of the room. (y/n) took the chance to look around the room herself to see its vast rows of paintings. Much of them were pictures of angels and demons, sending a shiver down her spine. It seemed everywhere she went there was always a reminder of good and evil.

"Ah, you seem hungry." Andrew's voice filled the silence of the room. "Shall I lead you to your room?"

(y/n) secretly rolled her eyes before curtsied to him. "I would be delight."

Andrew grinned and took her hand. It was soft and curved perfectly into his hand, only hers was just a tad bit smaller. He stared at the corner of his eye as he leads her down the hall towards the guest bedrooms. It felt like magic inside his head, feeling if this was love was really like, he would marry her in a heartbeat.

But alas, butlers serving the Queen of England had no time to be marrying off faithful maidens. That could be but a hopeless dream, floating among the tortured souls of men.

The rest of the way was silence as Andrew bowed. "Please, if you need anything call us with the service bell inside the room. We are at your beck and call, Queen's Humming Bird."

Deep down inside (y/n) was enjoying this sense of dominance. Woman were just for babies and being good wives to husbands, but here in the castle, she was treated with more respect than any other woman, next to the queen herself.

(y/n) smiled and opened the door. "Thank you very much, Andrew."

Andrew winked at her, giving a light blush inside her cheeks. No man had ever winked at her, but she did remember a vague memory of Sebastian changing the wound bandage around her stomach. A man this day and age were embarrassed to see the bare nakedness of woman's legs.

She closed the door and went straight for the paper and pen. "I must write back to Sebastian. I was told to keep information of being here."

Her writing was quick and simple, telling him about the information the Queen and herself spoke about. She was just about finished when a rapping sound came at her window. (y/n) turned to shouted who it was, blood stopping cold in the thick sheet of spring air. Ariel was staring right at her.

The rain drizzled some of his hair as it softly fell like a dew drops on a lovely flower, only it was brighter than flames. His eyes paced back and forth between her and the painting behind her, but she wouldn't let her guard down. He was dressed in a plain wool shirt, making the perfect disguise to act as a poor man.

"Ariel," (y/n) hissed. "What are you doing here?"

"I thought me coming here already answered the question." He entered through the open window and sat down on the edge, watching the fire place at the opposite side of the room. Flames danced inside his eyes, hungry and needy for power and thirst of dominance. "But I need your powers. Both, demon and angel powers."

She felt her wings twitch inside her soul, only making her more vulnerable to his eyes. "I refuse to give up my powers to you, Ariel. You shame the name of the Heaven, stealing a cup from whom God made himself. You're an angel, you must have pride in who you are and what you do surely."

Ariel was silent, but chuckled at her bravery. "I've lost the light of Heaven inside me. For years, I've always been praised for my words and deeds of being Heaven's most talented hero."

"What...? But... wouldn't your name be inside the codex?"

"That's the dark side of us. No matter how loyal we are, we can still kill those of our same people. You, being banned from Heaven, you are to be killed on sight if an angel spots you. But is that all to the punishment?"

Ariel's smile twisted eagerly, even darkening at the edges of his eyes. "Think about it, (y/n). If you committed a crime so horrible they don't just punish you as well. They punish your family."

The air felt knocked outside of her. Her family meant everything to her, even if they did fight occasionally. But that was family... nothing could have happened to them. "N-No... they would never do... that..."

Ariel sighed and walked over to her, but she didn't move, because he could end her life right there and now. He grabbed her chin and cup in into his hand, gently twisting her face, the fire casting a darker shade of her skin. It was the same skin as a demon, only hidden under the face of an angel. "They killed your family. I'm so sorry for your losses, (y/n)."

Her whole world crashed down onto her. Her heart felt like breaking into two and crumbling into pieces, even sobbing alongside her. But, she didn't show any emotion to him. "I... I knew that..."

"(y/n)," Ariel whispered, his husky voice nearing closer to her face. "let me take care of you... I'll take away the sorrows of your soul..."

If she was drunk enough she would have kissed him, but she head-butted him and pushed him into the fireplace. He cursed loudly as his clothes were burning up, but his skin was normal, not a single burn mark could be seen. There was no other way out as (y/n) dashed towards the window, spreading open her wings.

Ariel saw and shouted, "Stop! You'll kill yourself if you do!"

(y/n) couldn't hear him as the wind roared inside her ears, teasing her to ride them to her death. The bitterness of the fire smoke cleared her mind, body, and sou. She spread her wings opened wide, not bothering to look back at Ariel, only listening to the winds around her. She thought of Sebastian.

"Thank you, Sebastian. I need to fight my own battles now."

She took a step and exited out of the window.

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