Ch.17 Ariel's Wrath

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She fell from the window, her wings never opening as she dragged her hands against the tile of the castle. Her hands bled with each tile, but pain was the least thing she had on her mind. Ariel was will cursing her name and opened his own wings. He dashed downwards towards her, but luckily a high wind came upward as Ariel was throw aside.

(y/n) panted heavily between breaths. She didn't know what to do, much less how to get out of here. Getting out the castle was easy, but now Ariel was hot on her tracks.

Before her foot slipped off the edge she pushed herself and jumped to the other roof, the wind and rain roaring and biting against her skin. It was terrible weather as no soul in sight was in this weather. The rain pricked her skin like tiny, thousands of needles along with the dirt slammed against her face. Nerveless, she charged forward and ran against the winds.

"Stop!" Ariel roared against the winds. "I SAID STOP!!!"

He blasted a wave of energy as it knocked (y/n) down, but it was too weak to ever knock her off the roof. She dashed forward until she spotted the light dim light in the distance.

In the pouring and windy rain, it was hard to tell, but with the looks of it, it was a small stable. If she could get onto a horse she could outrun Ariel in this weather.

Unfortunately, the high winds died down as Ariel charged towards her. She kicked into high gear, lifting the hems of her skirt, and jumped off the roof. Ariel barley was able to grab onto the collar of her jacket, but the slick rain loosen his grip, but it messed up (y/n)'s angle of landing. She tumbled forward and plopped onto the stables roof.

Her ribs seared with pain, spreading down to her stomach, but she kept going to get to safety. Ariel snarled and roared in the wind as she could sense him getting closer and closer to her. "Please..." She pleaded to herself. "Let me escape this place."

The stable doors were ajar as she slammed her shoulder into the door. It caved away and startled a few horses. She panted and started looking through them, when there was one who caught her eye. This one was pure white, clean as snow, but had blue eyes.

Little did mortals or demons knew, this was a royal horse. She limped her way towards it as the horse wasn't startled like the others were. It could sense (y/n) was an angel, but only half. "Are you... truly one of them?"

The horse huffed and kicked its hooves at its gated door. She smiled and unlocked the door, rushing as Ariel's laugh was coming closer towards her. She gathered up all her dress and painfully swung herself onto the horse.

She grabbed the reins and flicked it, the horse crying out and bursting through the stable wall. That couldn't hurt a simple horse of Heaven. She looked back just in time to see Ariel's face, a look of disbelief on his face.

"See ya!"

The horse started to gather speed, the raindrops pouring down harder on them, but it ended once it unraveled its wings. They were bigger than a normal angel's wing, but they were sharp at the edges for cutting across high winds for speed.

"I'll KILL YOU!!!" Ariel roared through the rain, furry crisp and clear on his face.

He was just faster than the horse, to the greatest fear of what (y/n) really needed at this moment. His flaming red hair was soaked and clung to his throat, spiraling downwards at the base of his Adam's apple.

She begged her God until a figure from the darkness tackled Ariel from midair. They were thrown across the field as the hood of the figure gave away to a fair hair of silver, Andrew. Fury was clear across his face as he held a silver dagger to Ariel's neck.

"Go!" He shouted from the fields, she could scarcely hear his voice. "Get away from here!"

(y/n) didn't question him and let the horse fly into the sky. She squeaked and almost fell over as it's been year since she last been on a flying horse of Heaven. Just as it was named, it glided peacefully and strongly through the craving wind.

It wasn't long until her peace of mind was broken down when two figures of wings were at the corner of her vision. Ariel was picking up the pace, but Andrew was behind him as he had a pair of wings.

(y/n) gasped as she began to recognize him, but now she needed to get out of here. The horse flew with all his strength, even trying to dive down and up to make Ariel lose sight, but to no avail.

(y/n) panted with fear as his hand was stretched out, coming closer and closer each second. She had no plan, and didn't know what else to do but jump, but that would lead to falling to her death.

From the peak of the clouds, a dagger came soaring from nowhere. Ariel roared and quickly stopped, slamming into Andrew as he collided behind him. (y/n) looked down to see the familiar outlining and light of the house below. The Phantomhive Mansion.

Of course, how could she have not notice how fast they were going. Horses of Heaven were faster and could easily pass over five miles in ten minutes. She squinted her eyes to cry out of relief, it was Sebastian on the roof.

He had dagger, along with knives, in his hands as he flung them at Ariel. Ariel was dodging them, but he couldn't keep up for long. (y/n) road down to the roof and jumped off the horse, coming to Sebastian's side.

Before she could speak, Sebastian grabbed her by the waist and kept flinging more weapons at him. She couldn't breath as he crushed her in his chest, feeling the swift movement inside him.

(y/n) looked up in time to see Andrew stabbed Ariel in the back, the blade poking through his stomach. Ariel coughed up blood and held out The Golden Cup of Heaven, it glowed softly in the distance as its warmth felt soft from where she stood.

Ariel quickly drank from its water as he disappeared in the air, like a wind that wasn't ever there. (y/n) gasped and tried to go after him, but Sebastian held her back.

"You are not going anywhere." He stated firmly. "You're bruised and hurt. Don't try to deny it or I'll give you a beating on the head for lying to me, (y/l)."

(y/n) started at Sebastian in disbelief, seeing to wonder where this new-found protectiveness came from. Andrew was soaking wet like (y/n), but had cut mark on his face and arms.

"Forgive me, Sebastian. I wasn't able to chase Ariel off in time."

Sebastian sighed. "It's quite alright. You came to the manor in time and saved (y/n) from being kidnapped."

Andrew nodded. He turned to (y/n) with a smile and bowed. "It is an honor to sever and protect you, Lady (y/n). I apologies if you don't recognize me, but I was Prince Duncan's butler."

"Yes... Yes, I remember you." (y/n) spoke with a wide grin. "I don't remember talking to you at all, but I remember seeing Duncan and you talk so much I begun to think you weren't his butler at all."

Andrew smiled with a sorrowful look. "He told me I could become a prince like him because I was well known to his family, but I just wanted to be a butler, carry on the line of my family for generation of serving the royal family."

(y/n) gave him a calm smile. "That's quite alright. I'm just glad you came to my aid in time, Andrew."

Sebastian coughed and pushed (y/n) beside him. "No matter how warm and heartfelt this conversation is, you must be going back the castle, am I right?"

Andrew nodded and turned around to face the wind, the breeze lifting his silver faded hair. "Yes, you are right. I shall go. It was nice meeting you once again, Lady (y/n)."

He took off into the night as (y/n) waved him goodbye. Sebastian sighed and took out a napkin, wiping off the dirt and grim from (y/n)'s face. "You can't once look good when you're in danger, can you?"

(y/n) just simple giggled at Sebastian ticked off attitude. "I'm sorry! I'm not a proper lady when I can be!"

Her laughter filled his ears as Sebastian slowly smiled, feeling blessed to hear the sweet music that comes off her voice. When he didn't respond back (y/n) looked over and stared into his eyes, gazing into the depths of his sins.

Sebastian bent his head slightly, but shook his head and looked away. "Andrew send me a note of who he was and why I was ready when Ariel was here. Go clean yourself up before the Master screams his head off."

(y/n) was taken back by the moment that just happened between them. Despite the feelings inside, she lodged them down and looked away. "You're right. I'll... see you in the morning."

From the corner of his eye Sebastian watched as she entered through the windows he came from. His heart pained him greatly, the onetime his heart pains him after all the years they've shared together.

He looked towards the stars and smiled. "Guess Germany changed something inside me."

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