Ch.18 Unexpected Love

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Malach was forced to stay away from (y/n)- Although he refused but Sebastian wouldn't let him near her- he decided to take a breather and get out of the house. Sebastian on the other hand was tending to (y/n) wounds.

It was quiet embarrassing because the wound was located down her lower spine, meaning Sebastian could see her bare and naked back. If anyone, even the Master, would see this... other thoughts would be going through their minds.

(y/n) gripped the sheets tightly, the bones of her hands showing through. They looked like panted spider webs connecting downwards with the veins as leaves.

"Oh, my Lord... Sebastian..." (y/n) panted as Sebastian applied pressure to her back.

Sebastian was tying the corset around her frame as he was having some trouble. He never bothered with corsets as he only dressed his Master, but dressing a girl who's back was wounded and blister in pain was even harder.

He laced only in the middle section of the corset. "I will stop right here. I wish to not go further and damaged and strain you ever more."

Sweat trickled down her neck, glistening in the dense morning light from the window. "T-Thanks... like there isn't... e-enough damaged... to m-me... already."

He flashed his devious smile. "Glad to see you admitted it yourself."

(y/n) didn't have the strength to even look at him, or glare at him, so she simply curled into an awkward ball. "Be quiet... j-just get me... a-a w-warm bath... r-ready for m-me..."

"As you wish."

To her surprise, Sebastian was doing as she commanded. They would throw random commands to each other just for fun, but never ever doing ones' biding. She heard the soft splash and seeing the steam from the washing room fog up the mirror on her stand.

Her backed ached from just getting the corset on, so this was a rude prank now that she just thought about it. Sebastian came back out with a smile. "Your bath is ready, Lady (y/l)."

(y/n) rolled her eyes, pushing the blankets closer to herself. "My corset is on and now you want to make me take if off? My word, you are stupid for a butler."

Before Sebastian could ask, the door opened. May-Rin entered in without knocking-which is unusual- but she could have at least asked for permission first before entering. "(y/n), I'm sorry to disturb-"

Sebastian stood stone cold along with (y/n), but her face was beat red with fire. May-Rin gasped, her glasses sliding off the bridge of her nose slightly, taking in the scene before her. Too much for a maid like her too see.

May-Rin squeaked and turned around, dropping the blankets and sheets in her arms. "I-I'm sorry! I'll leave!"

She smacked her forehead against the door by accident before running out of the room. (y/n) bit back a laugh from seeing her silly act, but now Sebastian was in grave trouble. Looking at the time, she knew he was supposed to making the Master his lunch.

Sebastian coughed suddenly and picked up his coat, throwing it on with the swiftness and grace of a nobleman. "I must be going. The Master has requested you rest inside your room. I will come down before dinner."

(y/n) nodded and leaned against her pillows, covering the opening of her blouse. "I understand."

She watched as his back exited the room, giving her the space to breathe. It was dim in the afternoon for another rain storm was too hit London. By this point (y/n) was sick of rain storms and wished for something cheerful, but what was ever cheerful in London?


Sebastian poured the honey slick tea of earl gray, the main and favorite tea of the Master. There once wasn't a day Sebastian has never made this tea without the Master demanding it, in a rude but childish way in a sense.


He turned his head to look over at May-Rin, cheeks dusted with a fine shad of rose pink of spring. Her hair stood up in places, behind her ears and even covered some parts of her huge, round glasses.

"Yes, May-Rin?"

She ajar the door and stepped inside, looking flustered and rather uncomfortable. "Are you... happy with Miss (y/n)?"

"Why, what's with this sudden topic of (y/n)?"

"O-Oh... it's just... you two look so wonderful together." May-Rin's cheeks flushed perfect against the window's light. She really was beautiful and cute when she was shy. "For as long I've known (y/n), she ever only opens to you, Sebastian. It's amazing to see how much care and gentleness you've give her in this mansion. I-I envy her... just seeing the bond between you two is enough to swoon me under my feet."

Sebastian was left speechless. He hardly ever spoke to May-Rin, but this was completely and utterly new to his eyes. Inside he felt his heart skip a beat whenever he heard (y/n)'s name from her lips, just thinking about her in the bath-

"Thank you, May-Rin." Sebastian smiled and gently pushed her glasses back up to her nose. "I appreciate how thoughtful you are by looking at us both."

May-Rin's cheeks grew darker, the shade of blood soaked scarlet. "Y-You're very welcomed, Sebastian."

The bell to the office rung as Sebastian sighed and picked up the tray of food. Bread covered in honey along with the famous Earl Gray to touch the lips, stained by the Master for years, to be drank again. "I must go. Don't forget to clean the dished, and do not worry about stacking them, I will take care of the duty."


Off he went as he carried the tray, the familiar clicks of his high heels with the tiny rattle of the dishes. He passed by (y/n)'s room, looking at it with the corner of his eye. He often wondered if this was a normal action to take to a ladies room. Always wondering what she is doing, thinking, or telling others besides yourself.

Nerveless, he walked his way up to the Master's room and opened it by impulse. Ciel was only working on paperwork, but always remained to have a stubborn look when signing deal with other companies.

"My Lord, your lunch is ready."

"Bring it to my desk. I have to discuss a topic with you."

Sebastian nodded and brought the tray of food with him. He set it down in front of him and tied the napkin to his neck, always a needy brat when he could do this himself, but a butler must always do what his master wishes him too do. If you speak out of line, your tongue will be cut off for being unfaithful.

Once Sebastian stood in place, Ciel bit into his bread as he talked, "I've received a letter from the Queen. I told her (y/n) couldn't stay the night at the palace due to the heavy rainstorm. But, I must thank Andrew too, as without him my cover as Guard Dog could have been blown. Make sure (y/n) is well fit to serve in the manor before I send her off with me next week to Elizabeth's manor. Elizabeth requested she come, for what I have not the slightest clue."

"Lady Elizabeth has taken a shine too (y/n)," Sebastian replied, "It's only natural considering when (y/n) first came her Elizabeth thought she was a Lady from a rich manor because of her beauty."

"Hmmm." Ceil hummed and drank from his tea. "I see. Very well, just get to making dinner before my guest from India comes. I rather talked about shipment prices after a wonderful dinner."

"Yes, My Lord." Sebastian bowed and picked up the tray, closing the door behind him.

Looking at his pocket watch (y/n) should be done with her bath. Oh, the thought of helping her out of the bath send mixed signals inside his mind. Just thinking about how the water drips in soft raindrops in the hair, the flush of rosemary in her cheeks, the way her (e/c) eye seem distance and hazy in the steam off it all.

He shook his head once he arrived at her door, knocking on it slightly. "(y/n), are you done?"

No answer.

Sebastian cracked open the door slightly to find (y/n) was asleep on her bed, clutching a pillow close to her blouse and curled in a heap of blankets. Well, the thought of helping her out of the bath was dead, but he smiled at the cute scene before him.

He walked over and pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead. "Sleep well, my angel."

(y/n) stirred slightly and lightly pressed her forehead against Sebastian's. She was warm and dreamy, everything Sebastian could wish for. He smiled and brushed a piece of hair from her forehead, closing the curtains for her too sleep. 

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