Ch.2 The Devilish Butler's Plan

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Mysteries surrounding the Phantomhive manor was never anything new. When the burning of the house came about all of London it was a great shock to everyone, but when the child of the Phantomhive manor comes back with a butler, strangely handsome and devilish in the eyes, people began to fear the family...

Not only did the manor hold secrets, but there is only secret that is only a myth, but could be true. On a cold May night a huge crater was found spotted near the Phantomhive manor. The family claims they have nothing to do with the crater, but the myth states that an angel lives inside the house... protecting the manor no matter the cost.

How do I know all this? Why, I am telling the story. The story of how one small angel could change my demon live forever...

~~~~~~~~~2 years later~~~~~~~~~~~

The early morning rise peeked into the window of the young master's room. Ciel slowly opened up his single eye, slowly adjusting to the soft early dawn light. Strangely enough to start out his day his loyal demon butler wasn't found.

"Where on earth is that butler when I need him...?"

Not a moment later the door opened up to the devilish, handsome demon know as Sebastian, only his face was covered in black grease.

"Terribly sorry for being late, My Lord. The kitchen needed some help so I stepped in and helped so your breakfast could be served on time."

"What is it this time?"

"Two poached eggs with a side of ginger bread and cranberry sauce along with some cinnamon toast."

Ciel seemed to fancy this new choice of breakfast and start to dig in when he noticed something was wrong. "Sebastian where is my morning tea."

A long sigh came from Sebastian as he picked up the tray of food. "My Lord, I was simply busy this morning because of the three idiots down in the kitchen who can't do anything without any of my help."

"What about (y/n)? Wasn't she supposed to help out today with the kitchen?"

"She was but wasn't feeling very good today and tended to the gardens this morning."

"Hmmm..." Ciel took a bite out of his cinnamon toast, feeling the spices melt on every taste buds to savor the flavor. "If she isn't feeling well then have her clean dishes with you. I don't trust the three to clean up after their self and will see to it they will be assigned to something different."

Sebastian bowed, feeling the end of his coat fly behind him. "Yes, My Lord. Will there be anything else?"

"That will do. Just see too it (y/n) and you clean most of the manor today."

"Of course."

Sebastian opened up the tiny lock of the door and saw himself out. The manor was always big, but too him it was something always small compared to other masters he has in the past. Noise blared in the kitchen as when he opened the door he was first met with the crashing of plates.

"What on bloody earth are you three all doing?!" (y/n) yelled over the three servants who heads were bowed down low.

"Were sorry Miss (l/n), we honestly didn't mean to break the dishes." Finny spoke up first.

"It was my fault. So sorry for being clumsy!" Mey-Rin blabber fast with tiny tears in her eyes.

"I was just... trying to help these two out before the dishes fell over." Bardroy replied, rubbing the back his neck with his hand.

An irk mark formed over (y/n)'s head as she glared at all three of them. "Just pick up this mess before Sebastian gets in here."

"I'm afraid it's too late for that."

(y/n) jumped slightly at Sebastian voice, but didn't react like the other three by bowing towards Sebastian.

"We're sorry sir!" They all replied.

"No matter. The master want you to be assigned to different tasks around the manor. Mey-Rin has dust clean, Finny will be in charge of the last of garden duty, and Bardroy can clean the fireplaces."

They all bowed and got to work. (y/n) scoffed at Sebastian hard work of making the three servants go away. "It's a surprise you can make all three of them tremble in their boots."

Sebastian simply smiled, a devilish smile while rolling up his sleeves. "It's a talent really. Nothing you angels can handle, I see."

"Tic, are demons always this big-headed? Filled with greed of taking souls and eating them for their own good?"

"Isn't that what humans do when they have money?"

(y/n) tilt her head, swing her hand behind her. "So and so, but not really much by fault."

"I see. Well, I believe we are to clean the dishes... we'll clean the dishes the three idiots didn't seem to destroy."

A small smile lit up her face while she poured in the hot water. "They do try their best at least."

"Yes, and their best turns out to ruin all the stuff they try to touch."

(y/n) gave Sebastian the drying towel while she cleaned the dishes, getting every edge of it as she could around the dish.

"Let's try not to think about this right now."

"Another bad dream, I take it?" A hint of curiosity lingered in his voice.

(y/n) sighed and rubbed with more force. "I'm afraid so. They've become more real than before. Almost life like which should be impossible."

"Humans call demons and angels fairy tales, yet here we are. I believe your dreams are almost something like that, your fear of seeing another angel."

(y/n) suddenly gripped the plate she was washing with a tighten grip. "You don't have to live in fear when you go outside."

"Please." He said in a bored tone. "You're a powerful angel, are you not? Why is it so hard for you to be afraid of your own kind? In Hell we fight off demons almost every other day."

"Shut up!" The plate broke in her hand as her left eye shaped into a cat's pupil, violet and split into one. "You don't have to fear anything that comes your way because you're not targeted by your own kind! If an angel sees me there order to kill me!" (y/n) stopped and took a deep breath. "So, unless you understand me and my position, I would like you too leave this topic alone."

She didn't see it but Sebastian rolled his eyes. "Yes, yes I agree." He set the plate on the drying rake when the idea popped into his head. "That reminds me... have you opened up your wings since then?"

(y/n) tensed, missing the feeling of her wing for two long years. Angel wings took a long time to heal and she didn't know the real age of when they really stopped growing.

"No... Why do you ask?"

"It was just a thought, but if the manor was attacked and we all have no way of battling in the air then you could fly in and kill the intruder."

A brief silence came over her. "I'm scared... what if my wings are different from before?"

"Then you'll just have to get use to them. It like growing from a child to an adult. You don't like it, but soon grow up and realize it is the painful truth."

"What are your wings like?" (y/n) asked from curiosity. She heard from other angels demons having wings but never really have seen one.

A tender and devilish smile came over his face, raising it into a smirk of only the devil would wear. "That is a secret only I know of. I have seen your wings but they were ripped apart and torn, so it isn't the same thing as what I would put it."

He did have a point, but it didn't matter to the burning question inside her. "Can I ever see them?"

"No." The answer was quick and precise from his mouth. "Now let's not get off topic here. If you want to fly again I suggest opening up those wings again and see how they feel. A two years difference will make them more or less agile, but it's still a shot."

"You're right." Inside she hated to agree with Sebastian but there was no other way. "When do we start?"

Just then a smile came over his face. "It doesn't matter anymore, but it has to be the day before or after Lady Elizabeth's birthday part."

Ice coiled inside her. She forgot it was her birthday... damn it all... this butler knew how to play his cards. It wasn't that (y/n) didn't like Lizzy, but Lizzy liked (y/n) so much she offers her to play dress up and have her over for tea parties. (y/n) never really was or has been the type for dresses...

"Why?!" She sobbed into her arm, cleaning the last plate of the morning track. "Why?! Those dresses kill me and my pride!"

"Oh you'll live." Sebastian hinted a bit of sarcasm. "A dress has never really killed a woman, or a man, but Lady Elizabeth will be expecting you at her birthday party in the dress she picks out for you."

(y/n) groaned and pressed her forehead up to the cool stone wall. "Could this week get any worse?"

"Oh it could, but I won't burst your bubble." He dried his hands and grabbed the plate filled with tea with some pastries for Ciel's noon break snack. "I suggest having are lesson before the party. In these days you never know what will happen."

"I guess... thanks Sebastian."

He nodded and closed the door behind him. (y/n) sighed and looked at her reflection in the pan. Maybe having Sebastian's help wouldn't be so bad after all. Because when she first came here their relationship was very rocky. But now, it was a simple and good relationship.

One she would hope never break or change for the better.

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