Ch.3 Fate Has Taken Faith

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In the bright early morning (y/n) woke up to the bright light coming outside her window. She missed the brightest of the sun the heavens use to give. It felt like anyone could reach out and take a piece of the warmth for their selves.

While giving ready (y/n) bathed herself first before dressing up into a simple but plain cotton dress. It was light and free, just like her wings once were.

At times like these she wondered how her family was dealing without her.... they were always proud of (y/n) doing her best as a holy knight, but now she was framed of fake murder. The sight of her best friend bloods a pool around her feet... a horrible and tearful night it was.

She shook her head and put the tiny necklace around her neck. "Just stay calm (y/n)... just think of it all as a dream... a horrible nightmare."

The necklace glinted off in the early morning as it leaked through the curtains. It was a tiny silver sword with a cross on it, indicating she was from the Knights of The Holy Cross.

The Holy Cross were a wonderful group. Always laughed and sang together when they won a battle up in the sky. It was like a huge jolly family as one, and that was the Knights of Heaven.

A soft rapping came at her door. She came over and opened it up to Mey-Rin. "Oh you're up. Sebastian wanted me to give you this note. Don't worry! I didn't look through it!"

(y/n) smiled for her and took the note. "Thank you, Mey-Rin. Do you know when Lady Elizabeth will be here?"

"From what I've heard around high noon or evening."

'Yes! Enough time before that damn dress fitting!' "Excellent! Make sure to trim the gardens for me this morning please."

Mey-Rin bowed and grab the plates of dishes from the ground. "Yes ma'am!"

The sight of those dishes were making (y/n) worried so she helped Mey-Rin to the kitchen. After she did she opened up the note and read it all the way down.

Dear, (y/n)

If you already haven't heard the news Lazy Elizabeth will be coming around high noon. Be here before the strike of twelve at the far ends of the gardens. You have until then for you lesson.

Love~ your favorite demon Sebastian

(y/n) has never rolled her eyes that hard before. Sebastian always though he was the top of everything around us servants. So, looking at the clock, I waited for the time...


The bell struck for eleven o'clock in the morning. The garden was filled with priceless flowers or anything fancy really. The smell of the flower at the back of the room filled her being with a sense of peace and forgiveness, something she could never have.

Finny had done a good job of trimming to the gardens yesterday, she would have to reward him with her famous bread she makes. Once she finally arrived the sight of raven black hair entered her vision, along with the demon blood red eyes she grew to love and hate.

"So nice of you to come on time." Sebastian gave her a small smile, one she knew was to tease her. He never really have her real smiles because it was a game Sebastian loved to play with her.

"Alright I've come. Why in the back of the gardens?"

"So the three idiots don't see you with your wings out. If they don't know I am a demon then they mustn't know you're an angel. It's a secret we must keep to protect ourselves. Also, I know you don't like going outside of the manor so the garden was the next place on my list."

"Huh," (y/n) scoffed. "I didn't think a demon liked keeping secrets. Mostly your kind just lie."

"Right we do, you're so smart for bringing that up." He gave her another small smile.

"Cocky bastard..." (y/n) mumbled under her breath before looking up at him again. "I don't suppose you have any training for me to do?"

"Oh, I do." He pointed up to a single rope line that was tied to the tree behind him and the first tree when entering the gardens. "You must let out your wings and walk across the rope to the other side. It will help with your balance as a trained Phantomhive butler."

"Are you mad?! That's about fifty feet in the air! What if I fall and die?!"

"Then don't slip. Simple as that." Instead of a smile he gave her a smirk, one that every fiber in her being wanted to rip off his face and smash it inside his skull.

But she re-framed herself by taking a long deep breath, then opening up her wings. It felt weird to have them out again after two years, but she missed them so much. They were a bit stiffed up so she gently flapped them, making a nice and soft calming breeze.

Sebastian stared at them with a demon hungry interest. (y/n) was the first breed of her kind to be part demon and angel. In a way of terms, she was incredibly rare and could be sold off to a high price. Who knows what kind of powers she had now.

"Okay..." She spoke, softly as the winds that carried up to the rope. She landed gracefully onto it as it wobbled a tiny bit, but she kept looking forward. This was it, the day she finally could test her wings.

Looking across the rope it was a pretty long distance so she began to walk. The air around her blew softly as she gasped, almost losing her footing. She needed to use her wings, so she spread them out as best as she could.

Sebastian looked at her two different colored wings. He was amazed still to see how perfectly they blended into her back. Her wings dipped and twisted at the end of each one. Wings were like that in case of flying problems they could use that angle and help them twist out of the flying current.

He saw her almost losing her footing and almost didn't want to help, but he needed her alive to see what she's got. Sebastian grabbed a handful of small rocks, and with a flick of his wrist, shot one at her back.

(y/n) yelped in pain as she quickly regained her footing. When she turned Sebastian felt shivers down his spine, which was the first for him. "What the bloody Hell?!" She screamed at him. "That hurt!"

Sebastian simply shrugged. "Helping you regain your footing."

(y/n) snarled under her breath. "Damn demon..."

It was amusing to him see an angel say the word Hell. Mostly Angels can't say Hell because it is an unholy place meant for demons. Now that she was part demon she was able to say the word. Quite unique for an angel like her.

About ten minutes later she finally made it too the other tree, smiling like an idiot and flapping her wings lightly to show her happiness.

"I did it! Maybe now I can fly!"

When she opened up her wings they expanded more than four feet wide, feathers falling off here and there. She flew up into the air, high enough to the rooftop, but her wings wouldn't retract inward.

(y/n) began to fall as Sebastian's heart stopped for a second. With his high heels he races over and caught her in time, the dust blowing high and wide around them.

She began to cry a little as she felt her wings wouldn't move, they were paralyzed from the middle section. From the looks of it they were stiff and hard to the touch.

"No..." A single tear drop slowly rolling down her cheek. "I-I can't fly."

Sebastian felt pity for her. After the two years he known her she wouldn't stop talking or dreaming about able to fly again. Now she couldn't forever...

"(y/n) are you-"

"NO I'M NOT ALRIGHT!" Her left eye began to dilate into a cat's pupil, shining fiercely of the color violet. With a broken heart she pushed Sebastian away from her and walked into the manor, softly crying to herself....


Lizzy noticed something was wrong with (y/n) when she didn't even hug her when she came to the manor. She always did, and now her eyes looked a bit puffy.

Still, she didn't question her as she smiled and had Mey-Rin help with the dress. She wanted her favorite maid at her birthday dance dressed up like her.

(y/n) gasped and held onto a chair while Mey-Rin helped tighten her girdle up around her waist.

"Gah!" (y/n) gasped for air. "This thing is killing me!"

"I'm sorry!" Mey-Rin yelled as she gave another tug.

Lizzy simple giggled and smiled. "Oh you'll be fine. No girdle has killed a woman yet. I want you looking gorgeous at the dance! So stunning even Sebastian will never tear his eyes away from you!"

Through all the panting a tiny blush appeared on her cheeks. "W-what does Sebastian has to do with anything?!"

Lizzy smiled innocently. "Oh, nothing. I just think Sebastian and you look absolutely adorable together! That handsome butler of Ciel's will be a wonderful husband for you!"

"HUSBAND?!" (y/n) cried out and glared daggers at her. "I WILL NEVER MARRY A MAN LIKE HIM! ABSOLUTELY NOT!"

Lizzy not only took a step back from surprise, but from confusion as well. "What? I thought Sebastian and you were friends."

"Well... we are... it's just complicated."

Deep down inside Lizzy knew there was more to the story but didn't want to question her friend. From this afternoon she seemed sad about something enough already. "I understand. Mey-Rin, would you please take out the dress?"

"Yes, Lady Elizabeth!"

Mey-Rin opened up Lizzy's clothes case and took out a rather elegant, but simple dress. The top had laces of black that ended with a bow at the front. Even the dress at the mid-tights had laces with bows, but the end ended with white.

"I know you wear the color white a lot so I thought a mixture of white and black would look rather lovely on you! The dress is in style and simply comfortable to wear."

(y/n) eyed the dress. It didn't look to bad at all. "Thanks Lizzy... I like it."

Lizzy smiled in glee and clapped her hands together. "Wonderful!" She looked at the clock and gasped. "I must be at Ciel's afternoon lunch, but please try on the dress to see if you like it."

(y/n) nodded and started putting on the dress. "I understand. Enjoy your afternoon!"

Lizzy shut the door as Mey-Rin helped tie up the back. "If you don't mind me asking, why are your eye a bit puffy?"

"... Old memories came back to me."

This is what the dress looks like.

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