Ch.4 Dance Of The Damned And Blessed

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Today was the night (y/n) dreaded the most. It wasn't the dresses, being proper, or fancy, it was dancing she hated the most. She was never really good at it, only sword fighting and a little bit of archery she managed to sneak in.

Mey-Rin helped with her girdle while (y/n) got dressed on her own. She was independent most of the time because of being a great figure too people- well use to be. At this point history books in Knights of The Holy Cross were making her a monster.

After she got dressed she decided to sneak in a look in the mirror. She didn't look bad at all. Her (h/c) hair twisted up into a high bun to let the angles of her face be seen.

Usually she hated buns, but this time it felt different. Lizzy wanted her to wear it this way and she could see why. I gave most of the sides of her side a glow to be seen in the light.

(y/n) took a deep breath, smoothing down her dress a bit while looking into the iris of her (e/c). "Stay calm. Just try to avoid dancing at all cost so Lizzy... or Sebastian... doesn't have to see you."

That sound simple enough. At the time. Mey-Rin came from the corner and smiled when she saw her, luckily she didn't have anything with her because she tripped on the way to greet her.

(y/n) laughed quietly and helped her up. "Are you alright?"

"Y-Yes I'm alright! You're so gorgeous in it! Lady Elizabeth was right!"

To add the effect (y/n) lift up her middle section of her dress while she turned around in a full circle for her. Mey-Rin smiled in awe. "So pretty... just like an angel."

(y/n) stopped for a moment but quickly regained her footing, giving Mey-Rin a light warm smile. "Oh I wouldn't say that. But the thought is still thoughtful."

Mey-Rin sighed and adjusted her glasses. "Why do you wipe away ever nice compliment everyone gives you? It's not very lady like."

"Well maybe I don't want to be lady like." (y/n) suddenly snapped at her.

When she was angry her demon side would release a little, showing the true colors of what she was under the beautiful face she re-framed she didn't have. Sebastian saw right through it but didn't say anything. Why would he? It was none of his business to question why (y/n) never liked herself in the first place.

She took a deep breath and rested a hand on Mey-Rin's shoulder. "Sorry about that, Mey-Rin. I didn't mean to snap at you."

The good quality of Mey-Rin was she was the type to forget and forgive when she knew you. "It's quiet alright."

"Oh my!" Finny said from out of nowhere. He was dressed up a bit for the dance as he wore a plain white dress shirt along with black pants. "If angels could be jealous it was you who made them!"

'Ugh,' (y/n) thought, 'I wish people would stop comparing me to an angle. I was once one, now I'm this disgusted hybrid of a demon and angel.' "Thank you, Finney." She bowed either way despite her bitterness towards him.

"You're welcome. I was about to go to the ball, would you like to join me?"

"I would be delighted."


The music was grand and lively around the ball. In the corner Lizzy could be seen as she wore a puffy white dress with some pink satin along her waist. Ceil himself had a small smile on his face as the two of them danced with each other.

"Don't stare too long or people will start to notice, like me."

(y/n) whipped around to see the Devil himself. He was dressed in all black clothing, but had a masquerade mask on him. He did look mysterious as the manors butler who was already rumored to be different. Sebastian always discarded the thoughts and rumors easily as flies.

"Geez." (y/n) held a hand over her heart. "Don't scare me like that."

Sebastian smirked a little and leaned against the wall near them. "I didn't mean too." Strangely enough for her, Sebastian was eyeing the dress with a hunger. So much that (y/n) had to flick her fingers in front of him.

Sebastian came back and shook his head. "Terribly sorry, I don't know what came over me."

"It's alright. What's with the mask? Everyone knows you're the butler around the place."

"Ah," He let the mask down on his face, showing it was similar to a crows face along with the nose. "Why, Lady Elizabeth gave it to me. She said it would help with my mysterious nature I already have around me, so I wear this mask for the Lord's soon-to-be wife."

"How thoughtful of you. Surprisingly to see you cover up your face once it a while."

His smile held anger, but it showed of happiness. "I wonder if this is how you angel's complement each other. No wonder people wonder where you really come from, a family of unclean sins for your lack of insults."

"Haha butler. Just leave me alone and let me enjoy my time alone."

"Alright, if that is what you wish."

He set his mask on his face and strode through the crowds of people. (y/n) sighed in relief and looked around the party. People were drunk and danced together with a joyful smile on their face.

"(y/n)," A chill ran down her spine. That voice.... "Would you like to dance?"

She turned around to find to one was there. She blinked in confusion. It sounded like... Gabe... he would say that type of thing... was it only a figure of her imagination?

"(y/n)!" Lizzy called out as (y/n) snapped her head towards her direction. "Come over here"

(y/n) weaved herself through the crowd and bowed slightly to Lizzy. "Yes? What is it, My Lady?"

Lizzy smiled and pulled her aside from the crowd. "I forgot to tell you during the dressing you'll be dancing with a suitor. I thought it would be a fun thing for you to do!"

'That doesn't seem that bad' "Who did you have in mind?"

"Umm... hehe..." Lizzy played with her fingers in a nervous matter. "Would you be mad if it was... Sebastian?"

"WHAT?!" (y/n) accidentally blurted out but quietly died down her voice. "Are you crazy?! Didn't I tell you I'm not going to marry him?!"

"I already had it set into plan! I-I didn't know you weren't fond of him, please forgive me!"

(y/n) sighed and rubbed her temple with the index of her finger. "It's alright, Lizzy. Do I still have to dance with him?"

"Well, you haven't danced with anyone and people are starting to notice. It's a rule at my parties to at least dance with someone."

"Fine, I'll dance with the Devil."

Lizzy giggled slightly. "Do you think he is that bad?"

"Well... not really-"

"Lady Elizabeth," Sebastian suddenly popped out of nowhere, stilling wearing that mask on his face. "I heard from my Lord I have to dance with someone?"

"Yes!" She pushed (y/n) forward, making her bump into Sebastian. "Here you are! One pretty lady!"

Sebastian smiled and pulled away from her to bow, like a gentleman as the tail of his coat whipped up in the air. "My Lady, shall we have this dance?"

He was acting so nice and gentleman like for once in (y/n)'s eyes, she could hardly believe this act was going to last long. But when she grabbed his hand he gave her an almost real smile to her when he stood up. "Thank you." He said.

Light as a feather, Sebastian wrapped one arm around her waist and headed out towards the dance floor. A fear rose inside (y/n), she didn't know how to dance. She never really bothered to learn how to since she was never invited to parties, but now that nightmare was coming true.

Just when he stop at their spot she pulled on his sleeve. "I don't know how to dance."

Sebastian lean down close to her height. "Just follow my league."

The violins began to play while Sebastian pulled (y/n) out of her range and spun her around. She gasped in surprise and barley landed back on her feet in time when he dipped her down, the light casting a glow around his face before he lifted her back up. Time seem to stop, only the music and them going, while Sebastian twirled her around.

Everything at the moment felt light as air, even having the air barley lift her into the air when he stopped her, lifting her slightly into the air, catching everyone's attention. In the heat of the moment it was black and white mixing together, heaven and hell dancing as one.

People mumbled to one another as the two dancers both have a smile on their faces, looking like a lovely couple that could never separate their loves for each other. Jealousy grew inside the crowd but the dancers could and never would noticed the stares.

The music sped up as the two dancers did, having both their feet's ache in the end when Sebastian dipped her down once again, only making (y/n) seem like a weeping angel and him resurrecting her with his lips, only a few inches apart from each other.

The crowd clapped for them while (y/n) blushed, pushing Sebastian away from her. "I think that was too close."

She didn't see it but he pouted for only a second. "I just wanted a closer look."

Before she could say anything Lizzy came over and grabbed her hands, her face absolutely beaming with joy. "That was amazing! Simply wonderful! Best dance I've ever seen!"

"Yes, yes it was wonderful." Ciel came from behind Lizzy. "Sebastian, clean up the mess. (y/n), I want you to tend to the gardens before you go to bed."

Sebastian bowed. "Yes, My Lord."

He paced himself out of the room as (y/n) did the same. After she finished tending to the garden, a note was on her bed. She tensed up greatly, because the symbol on the letter was of the Knight of The Holy Cross.

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