Ch.5 A Deal Of Heaven

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Dear (y/n)

It is me, Malach, younger brother to Duncan. I know you are banished from the Kingdom of Angels, and it is terrible to see the Kingdoms bravest and strongest knight is gone from her birth place. In terms with what everyone else says, I believe you didn't kill Duncan. My father was just mislead when he saw the blood on you that was Duncan's. If you agree to meet me I can help you find who murdered Duncan, get your revenge, and return to your rightful place as the greatest knight in all of Heaven. You have two weeks and I'll be meeting you on the roof top at midnight, I'll always be there, but I'll only be there for ten minutes. Please, come and meet me to talk.

~ Malach

She just stared at the letter, battling inside her head whether or not to take up the deal. This was a serious and life changing thing. She didn't knew Malach that well but she knew he was well respected in the kingdom for giving love and hope to his citizens. Duncan even loved him a lot as he said when they were younger they would go around the forest and play with each other all day.

(y/n) sighed and went over to her closet were she got out a light outfit. A cotton dress that she first had from the manor. It was the only piece of clothing that she really had at the time along with her maid outfit until Mey-Rin gave her some of her old clothes.

She opened up her door and looked out into the hallway. Empty with no life in sight, just like the darkness had always held in their life. The floor creaked a bit but luckily she didn't make too much noise during the trip. (y/n) was just almost to the door when a hand rested on her shoulder.

"Leaving so soon?"

(y/n) yelped and spun around to see Sebastian, hair parted the same way as it annoying always was. She let her breathing calm down before piercing her eyes into his lifeless soul. "What the Bloody Hell are you doing?! You kept quiet on purpose, didn't you?!"

Sebastian chuckled and released his grip on her shoulder. The air somehow felt cold now that his warmth was gone. "Maybe I did. Also, you want to work on your sneaking skills. I could hear you from my room which you woke me up from."

Looking down at him he was dressed out of his butler clothes. It was odd to see him in a plain white long shirt and brown wool pants. With the moonlight shining from the window she could see the tone of his stomach through his tight shirt. She blushed and looked away, hoping he didn't notice it.

"S-Shut up," (y/n) said, shyness creeping into her voice. "Can you leave now? I was just going to get fresh air."

"May I join you?"

"You can't!" She spoke rather quickly and harsh, not meaning to make the tension in the air. "I mean... I just want to be alone..."

Sebastian rose an eyebrow, but he didn't question her back. "Very well. Once your turn is done I would like outside as well, alone."

(y/n) didn't bother to cover her eye roll as she opened up the window, climbing out onto the roof titles. It was a narrow way as the roof when up and down, along with some parts being steep because of a room under it. Malach didn't say were to meet him, so she climbed to the top of the roof were the spike shined brilliantly in the moonlights light.

The winds picked up as (y/n) shivered, missing the feeling of when her wings would catch the current and split it into two. Suddenly, a cloak of pure white covered her entirely.

"I hope my cloak will keep you warm."

(y/n) gasped and turned around to meet eyes with him, Malach. His hair was the same shade as Duncan's was, honey brown and darkened around the ends. His jawline was more defined as it curved his chin, giving him a nice pearly white smile. His emerald eyes banished the darkness around them, along with his clothing as he was dressed just in royal clothing, white and gold mixed together to give off the effect of the colors of Heaven.

She could hardly believe her eyes. The last time she saw him two years ago he was just a tiny little thing, how he was all muscles with a tone body and shined with Heaven's light. It almost looked like a splitting image of Duncan, only his body language was completely different along with personality.

"Malach... you've grown." (y/n) spoke, almost breathless when the next wind came up.

Malach easily shield it with his body, the outline of it glowing from the moon. "You have yourself. I'm not used to seeing you without armor. It makes me think you're naked."

(y/n) shivered from his comment. Duncan never spoke like that with her, nerveless even speak about her clothing in general. It was peculiar for his younger brother to say anything like that. Other than that, she discard the comment and smiled up at him. "How... thoughtful. Now for the note, you said you could help me gain my title back as a knight and I would join back with my family in Heaven?"

Malach nodded as his face grew serious. "Yes. His name is Ariel. He had the three cups of Heaven from which he stole from the Kingdom a hundred years ago. One is silver, gold, and the most powerful is the one of Heaven's Holy Water. Each cup hold a holy power in them to make them absolute in power over mankind. Now that he has them the kingdom is powerless to get them back. I believe a few years back my father caught one of his minions who ratted out that he hides the cups in his own secret area. The one with Heaven's Holy Water is with him at all times, the other two are unknown, but I caught one of his minions and he told me the area of the silver cup."

All this information was too much for (y/n). Her head was spinning from the cups which she had never heard until now. He did seem to be telling the truth, why wouldn't he be? (y/n) took a deep breath and looked back up at him. "I'll have to think about this."

"Wait!" He grabbed her hands, squeezing them a bit too tightly for her taste. "Please I need your help. If I get the cups back not only will you get you title back, but I can reward you with so much more."

Curiosity wrapped around her head. She always was the one to want to know everything around her. "What's the reward?"

Malach smirked and took it out, holding it out to see as it flashed dimly in the moonlight. "Duncan's ring. I got it as a mourning gift from my father."

Her heart skipped a beat. When Duncan died she had nothing else to remember him by but the memories she held on so dear too. "I-I can have it? But isn't the royal family supposed to keep a hold on royal jewelry and pass it down to their children?"

"Well that's would have happen if Duncan had children, but since he didn't it got passed down onto me. I figured Duncan would have let you have it since he trust you the most, he didn't even trust his own mother to keep a hold on the ring. It's yours to keep, but only if you agree to our deal."

Getting three cups and getting Duncan's ring, not only that, but having her title as knight return to her again. This seemed like a long and dangerous deal, but it was worth it in the end when she would get Duncan's ring.


Malach smiled and shook hands with her. "Heaven has agreed to our deal."


Sebastian's P.O.V

"Hmmm... how wonderful I woke up to hear about this. This would have been a boring night without a juicy piece of news like this."

Sebastian listened to the whole conversation as he sat in the shadows behind the roof top. He wasn't just going to let her outside alone after the two week of silence between them. When they crossed each other's path he would try to spark up a conversation, but she would pass by if he were a ghost.

It was quiet annoying to him as he couldn't figure out the problem, until now. Sebastian began to think about the situation. "If they're only thinking two of them are going to retrieve three cups alone they're stupid. But then again, angels are only known to be beautiful."

When he saw Malach took off into the starry night sky Sebastian quickly hopped his way to the window, leaning against the wall and picking at his nails to show he was bored. When (y/n) came back into the roof he jumped a bit, not expecting her to show up ten seconds later.

Her cheeks were rosy red from the cold as it gave her mopey face some color. She looked quiet lovely with the shade of pink, but he didn't say anything about the matter.

"How was it?" He asked.

(y/n) gave him a quick glance before walking down the hallway. "It was fine. You can go outside now."

"Hmmm..." He shut the windows, the curtains lifting up from the cold wind. "I think I'm good."

She ignored him once again as she turned a corner and went inside her bedroom. Her and Sebastian's room weren't that far apart from each other as his was only thirty feet away from the other side of (y/n)'s.

He sighed and walked down the hallway, making mental notes in his head for breakfast for the young Master.

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