Ch.6 Butler In Secret

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When morning came Sebastian got up and started to make his master breakfast. It was eggs alongside with honey toast, a light breakfast for he had to go to a meeting with the queen who had a feast at her castle.

Sebastain opened the door and smiled for him. "My Lord, I've prepared a light breakfast along with some milk mixed with honey."

Ceil stretched and yawned, rubbing his eye with the mark that Sebastian owned him by. "Very well. I'll eat it before getting dress."

"Yes, but I have some new about (y/n)."

"Well spill it out before my warm milk gets cold."

Sebastian set the tray down on his lap as Ceil dived for the milk and honey, almost gulping it down fast as if he was starving. Sebasitan smiled and got out a note that had the information on what the two said last night.

"It turns out the royal family from Heaven came down to the manor last night, but only to talk with (y/n). It appears she has taken up a deal to hunt down the cups of Heaven, which means the two of them will go along. Knowing how reckless she gets, I wish to go with her on this journey."

Ceil finished his cup and looked up at his butler. "Why are you willing to help her out? I thought you both hated each other."

"Ah, we did a year ago, but we've grown to at least take a conversation. Normally I wouldn't be so worried, but (y/n) hasn't yet learned how to control her demon powers yet. I'm afraid if she went on his journey there would be a massacre of bodies."

"Hmmm..." Ceil let his thumb traces the outline of the art on the cup, deep in thoughts with the situation. "Does she know about you knowing this?"

"No. I eavesdropped on the two while they were talking. It would be dangerous to let her just go alone with that man. I know I haven't see his face fully, but something about him doesn't seem right to me."

"What do you possibly mean?"

"If he wanted (y/n) back so bad why did he wait two years? I could understand if he didn't know if she was live or not, but it doesn't seem right that after having (y/n) locked up in the manor for her safety he suddenly finds her."

"Hmm... now I see what you're getting at. (y/n) is the best maid I've had and I don't want her to leave, but I don't want her also to get killed. Convince the two to let you on their journey and make sure to never lose sight of her. If that royal dares to hurt her you have my permission to kill him. (y/n) is a rare and powerful species, and I don't want her to be killed. Others might be out for her blood whom we don't yet know about."

"Yes, My Lord. Shall I help you get changed?"

Ceil looked down and was surprised, he was lost in the conversation he forgot he already ate his breakfast. He hopped off the bed and started unbuttoning his shirt. "Yes."

While Sebastian picked out an outfit for him, Ceil said something that shocked him. Ceil cleared his throat and threw his shirt on the ground. "Do you trust angels? If you don't, why? Aren't they supposed to be holy and pure from Heaven?"

Sebastian took a second to recover before bending down and helping the new shirt on him. "If I trust angels I would have gotten well with (y/n) a long time ago. But no, just because something is pure doesn't mean it should be trusted."


"Mey-Rin watch out!"

(y/n) caught Mey-Rin just in time before the clumsy girl could walk right into a wall. She gasped and stopped right in her tracks, her glassed hanging off the crook of her nose.

"I'm so sorry (y/n)! I didn't mean to give you a panic!"

(y/n) only simply smiled and helped Mey-Rin adjusted her grip on the plates. "It's no problem at all."

"Pardon me Mey-Rin, may I have (y/n) to speak with?"

It was Sebastian, (y/n) didn't need to turn her back to know who it was. Mey-Rin nodded and slowly, very slowly, went to the kitchen to clean the dirty dishes.

The butler gave (y/n) a smile she began to get annoyed with. It seemed like he never really liked to smile for her only, to maybe annoy her to the point of stabbing in the chest. That didn't sound bad right now.

"Are you free tonight?"

"No. Now excuse me, I must tend to the laundry."

Sebastian moved out her way and let a passage for her. She didn't question him and went down to the laundry, only to have clean clothes already done. But there was some still not done yet.


"If you don't mind I did them." Malach spoke, suddenly coming out from the shadows he hid behind. "I got bored waiting."

(y/n) let her breathing steady before rising her head up to look him in the eyes. "Well thank you. I need your information quickly before anyone else finds you here."

Malach lazily waved his hand. "The three servants are busy in the kitchen and that old man is 'guarding' the front door. A snooze bubble was coming from his nose and it was the weirdest thing I have ever seen in my life. Now for that butler, I haven't seen him anywhere but he is usually tending to the master of this mansions orders."

"His names Sebastian. He's a... demon..."

Malach's emerald eyes flashed bright green, almost like the heart of a forest when it's sleeping. "A... A demon? A human signed a contract with a demon? I've heard of it happening before, but I'd never thought I would in a house of one. They say those demons are the worst and nastiest of them all, only eating souls because they're greedy for anything devious."

"Dare I say I feel a little insulted. I haven't eaten my master's souls yet and I keep the end of my contract, unlike other demons out there."

Both of them turned around and saw Sebastian leaning against the cold wall that would have made a normal man shiver, but nothing would ever make his soul cold.

Malach grabbed (y/n) by the waist and pushed her behind him, he quickly got his sword and glared at Sebastian. "Stay back! You foul monster!"

As much as how funny that was to hear, (y/n) needed to know why Sebastian was hear. She gently pushed Malach away. "Malach he's the butler of the manor, Sebastian Michaelis."

Sebastian bowed as always, the tail of his butler coat flew upward. "A demon butler of precise."

Malach drew in a sickening breath, "I never thought I would see a demon like him in flesh... it's sickening yet somewhat fascinating at the same time. Now, what kind of demon like you are you doing her? You might be rare... but that doesn't mean I won't slice your head off."

A light blush came into Sebastian's cheeks. "Oh we aren't that special! We're always around manors that bid us to do their dirty works."

Malach snarled and jabbed the hilt of his sword at his chest. "Shut it. I just want to know why the bloody Hell are you're doing here!"

"Yeah," (y/n) spoke up, anger glinting in her eyes. "I bet you eavesdrop on us. I knew you weren't near the window before."

"Alright you caught me. I did eavesdrop on you two, only because I was bored and had nothing else to do. In all honesty the mission you two plan is suicidal. Just because he's royalty and you're different, doesn't mean you can win over those cups. You'll need at least another third member who will at least make your chances better, which is where I come in."

The emerald of Malach's eyes almost seemed to become dark as moss before shoving Sebastian back hard. "I won't let a demon be in my party. I hunt them, and kill them. Not only that but demons are known to lie and kill the people they work with."

"Have I killed my master and the other workers? No, so shut that pretty mouths of yours before I slam it into the ground."

Malach blinked in shock. No one had ever said anything so violent and threatening to him before in his life. He was royal so anyone who had said that would have been killed on the spot.

But he simply ignore his comment and look back at (y/n). "It's your choice. Whether we should trust this demon and listen to him or set off tomorrow morning for the first cup which is silver."

She stared off into space. She wasn't ready for anything like this in her life. Heck, she didn't even plan for Malach at all. But still, Sebastian was right. Two against grunts of an army is pretty hard to take down by two, but maybe by three there would be a chance of better results...

With a long sigh she faced Malach with a burning passion inside her (e/c) eyes, "Sebastian shall come with us. It's only for our chances and I trust him to help us."

"Hmp. Then the demon shall live." Malach opened up the window and spread his wings out, arching outwards as the morning sun made the angles and edges of his wings glow with heavenly light.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Malach said before taking off.

(y/n) closed the window before facing Sebastian with a glare and curious frown. "Did the master put you up to the task of making sure to follow us?"

"Yes, it's because he is worries about your safety with this kind of mission. He doesn't mind you are trying to regain the trust of Heaven, but you haven't been out of the manor much and will most likely die easily."

(y/n) growled as her demon tooth poked at her bottom lip, but she ignored it and glared at him. "I wouldn't get myself killed! You know nothing of my skills as a knight! I suggest you shut that mouth of yours before I do!"

Sebastian chuckled with his devilish smile. "It seems the angel is in a bad mood now."

She didn't even talk back to him and grabbed the shirts, washing them in the tub. Sebastian watched before seeing all the clothing, knowing at this rate she would be done by night by herself alone. Sebastian rolled up his sleeves along with taking off his coat before sitting down on the other side, cleaning the pants and the long socks.

(y/n) would look at him from the corner of her eye, grateful and confused at the same time with his generous help.

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