Ch.22 Drops Of Sorrow

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Rain is a blessing in a way. It cries along the woes and pain inside you can't seem to express outside, so it cries for you. Sebastian has been keeping his distances away ever since and inside... (y/n) felt unwanted.

Mey-rin was passing by when she saw (y/n) down on her luck. Thankfully she put the dishes down before walking towards her, "What's the matter? Rain got you in a miserable mood?"

"It's Sebastian. He's... avoiding me."

"What?!" Mey-rin sounded generally surprised. "Why would he be ignoring a pretty girl like you?!"

(y/n) hid her face away by turning around. "Is there something wrong with me?"

"Never! I could never see anything wrong with you!"

A loud thapping sound cracked the window. It's spidery web of cracks lead up to reflect on her face, showing the broken soul inside.

"What in blazes was that?!" Mey-rin cried out.

"I'll check it out."

Though it was raining, (y/n) climbed through the broken shards to find Malach bent down, motioning her to be quiet.

"Did you find anything?" Mey-rin asked, trying to look past (y/n) body to see outside.

"Yes! It was a rock!"

Malach handed her a rock as she grasped it between her hands. Their eyes contact. This was no joking matter. They would have to discuss the situation alone.


High-noon settle down on the manor as (y/n) went on her ten-minute break. She usually spent her time eating her lunch consisting of bread and honey.

Malach was leaned against the wall with a sour expression. "I didn't expect right now meant three hours of waiting."

(y/n) chewed on her bottom lip from hollering at him, "I'm terribly sorry, but my break times are only in the afternoon. But never mind my position. What are you doing here during the middle of the day were the other servants can see you?"

This face glistened with nervous sweat at the top of his head, "Ariel hasn't been found yet."

"What? Shouldn't you be able to track him?"

"Only when an angel releases magic energy," He popped out a watch clock, but it was pointing with four different arrows in each direction. "The top arrow is fixed on Ariel' s magical powers. Lately it hasn't been going off and I'm wondering if someone has happened to him."

(y/n) took a moment to grasp the ideas situation. "What about if... The Golden Cup of Heaven at his side he can easily heal himself. If anything, dread befell upon him and I'm sure the arrow wouldn't be pointing directly towards one fixed area."

"Well, at some point it moves, but it always point at-"

"Pardon me," the demon butler's voice unexpected rang into rang. "Am I being left out of the picture of information?"

(y/n) didn't dare to look at his face. If he didn't want to be around her, then it goes the same for her as well. Sebastian's heels clicked some dirt before coming to a stop.

"Sebastian," Malach faked his enthusiasm painfully easily. "What are you doing here? I thought you were giving the Head Master some lessons."

Malach inched away, just slightly, to look towards Sebastian. His jacket was off and tucked away somewhere in his room. Quite unusual for Sebastian to have his jacket stored away. But still, even without a jacket a butler was a butler.

"The Lord is busy with an interview right about now." Sebastian commented. "But, (y/n), may I have a word with you? Alone?"

(y/n) felt shocked to the core when her name was spoken. Sebastian has hardly ever spoken to her since he requested her to leave him alone. Maybe he'll finally speak as to why he requested such a thing...

"O-Of course."

(y/n) moved ahead, but Malach squeezed her arm before Sebastian could see. His eyes were pleading her to be careful. Secretly she regarded his warning and went forward.


It was those rare moments in her life that (y/n) was grateful for rain. If weren't here, then her emotions would ravage inside her. Sebastian lead her towards the west wing of the mansion, where the dorms and outside garden are located.

"Sebastian," (y/n) said. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm quite sure."

The answer hung in the air questioningly. 'I'm quite sure' what does that mean? Especially with him leading her towards a quieter part of the mansion.

Quickly she stopped in front of him. Sebastian stopped in his steps and stared down at her, coldly with piercing ruby eyes. "What are you doing?"

"First, tell me why you've been ignoring me and now, bloody hell, even talking to me and taking me all the way to this darker place of the mansion. I demand answer, Michaelis."

In all her years of fighting demons and slicing off their throats, Sebastian managed to pin her body against the wall in less than a second. Her cheeks burned hellish red as Sebastian's raven hair tickled her bare cheek.

His finger grazed her jawline, gently as if she was china pieces. "I'm afraid if you come closer to me, I'll destroy you and kill you."

(y/n) was absolutely speechless. His other hand gripped her side roughly, but not hard enough to hurt her. His sinful body pressed against her fit perfectly, even hugging her hips and curves. She's never been this close to a male before... let alone kiss one...

"S-Sebastian..." (y/n) whispered, the air leaving her lungs suddenly. "I-Is that true...?"

Sebastian smiled and grabbed her chin. "Yes. Every single word. I apologize to you, my lady. I was afraid of my feelings... knowing they not pure enough for an angel such as yourself."

(y/n) giggled, leaning her face closer to his face. "Nonsense. You're the only man I could ever love, and not destroy."

"Then please, let me enter into your soul."

Everything about this felt as if it was a dream. (y/n) closed her eyes as she felt Sebastian lean forwad. His raven hair covering her whole face and enveloping her whole. She waited, but didn't feel the kiss of her dreams. Instead, an object, feeling like a snake, struck down her throat.

(y/n) opened her eyes as she wanted to wail in distress. It was Ariel, bright ivory eyes full of lust for her power. He shoved the coil down her throat more, chocking her until it ate her soul.

At this point she could only hope for some miracle. Then it came, a knife shining from darkness lodged inside his neck. Ariel wailed in pain and retracted the snake from her throat.

(y/n) gulped a breath of air and fell to the ground, pale and sweating from confusion. From the corner of her eye was the real Sebastian, along with his black coat.

Airel grabbed the knife from his throat, taking it out, and throwing it aside. "I must say, you're becoming a bigger pain in the neck than I thought, butler."

"I am one hell of a butler, angel."

Ariel rolled his eyes at the comment, but disappeared in mid-air before a sword be thrusted into his head. Malach stepped out from the opposite shadows and cursed under his breath.

"Damn. He was too quick for me to even land a blow onto him."

Sebastian walked towards (y/n), leaving Malach to talk to himself. "Are you hurt? What was Ariel doing to you to make you so weak in the knees?"

(y/n) couldn't feel or find the right words in this time. His question was left hanging in the air, but that still didn't stop him. Malach left soon after.

"Let me ask you again. What was so entreating about Ariel that you would be such a fool to let him take your soul?"

"I don't know!" She cried out, wrapping her arms around herself. Her nose scrunched up and wrinkled, just like a little girl when scared. "I'm so lonely without you Sebastian.... when he came to me, as a fraud... and he... gods... I just want to feel needed, cared for. Everyone I knew in the past is either dead or betrayed me. I'm alone.... alone in this world of endless sorrow of rain."

Tears dripped down to the floor, forming rain drops. Sebastian stood there and stared at her, wondering what ever to do. It wasn't until she broke out sobbing. He shrugged off his jacket and wrapped it around her.

"W-What are you doing?" She asked. A bit of snot ran down her face.

Sebastian held in a smile and hugged her close to his chest. "(y/n), you are not alone. No one can feel how you feel about being cast aside by your kingdom, but you're not alone. I felt terribly alone for years in this manor simply because my secret was kept to myself and that brat. But, when you came along, it felt as everything had lifted off my chest."

"Y-You really mean that?"

He nodded, slowly, and whipped the snot away from her nose. "Of course. But, you will tell me the full story of what really happened. Do I make myself clear?"

(y/n) nodded with a smiled and rested her head against his shoulder. "May I sleep here tonight?"

"You may."

As so, she closed her eyes and let her mind wonder. Often thinking about how the real Sebastian felt in her arms. Perfectly the same, but only with an actual beating heart.

After she was asleep Sebastian picked her up and took her to her room, heart hopeful but filled with dread at the same time. He saw how Ariel, the imposter, hold (y/n) back there around the corner. He only wondered... if what (y/n) said back there was true. She loved him and only him. 

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