Ch.23 Shinigami's Warning

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Sebastian had to take a double take when he saw (y/n) this morning. From head to toe she was dressed in battle gear. The royal guard of Heaven wore light gear as she strapped on a breastplate and tight leggings.

He's never seen a woman show so much leg before... it was naughty of her and brave of her to show even the tights. Before she opened the window door, Sebastian stopped her.

"Where are you going?" He asked, grabbing her shoulder firmly.

(y/n) sighed and looked straight at him, "I'm going to confront Ariel and end this play time of his."

"You're going in alone? Don't you realize that's suicide alone?"

"I'm going with her."

Malach strode in from the hallway. He too, was dressed in armor. Sebastian could only assume this dress up was royal family since he wore a breastplate with a symbol of a feather, and carried a sword larger than his own body.

"Him?" Sebastian protested, "You're going with the prince who barely does any work on our missions?"

Malach snarled and rose his sword, resting it on his throat. "Watch it demon. Besides, I'm the only one who can track down Ariel at this point. I'll carry (y/n) while we fly to our destination. You have your butler duties to protect your master. I'll protect (y/n) while we'll take down Ariel. Do we have a deal?"

Inside Sebastian was trying his best from snapping his neck off. Malach could barely do anything and seeing how posed his ego made him sick. It wasn't until he looked at (y/n) he set his mind straight.

"It is a deal. Have her come back in one piece, because if she doesn't, I'll slice your neck off."

"Deal," Malach smiled and shook hands.

"It's alright, Sebastian," (y/n) reassured him. "We'll be gone for maybe a day or two. Just have faith in me."

"If you wish, then I'll have faith."

He bowed as always, his tailcoat flew behind him. "I hope you have a safe and wonderful journey. Come back in one piece and, when you come back, dinner will be served."

(y/n) smiled and hugged Sebastian. "Thank you. Tell Master Ciel I'm dreadfully sorry for leaving on such short notice."

The demon has rarely hugged before. It was usually for comforting (y/n), but now she was giving him a hug from kindness. Sebastian never knew of the gesture, but a memory from his human life was fuzzy... relating any wonderful memories was rare.

Sebastian smiled and hugged her back. It was a long minute before (y/n) pulled back, teeth shining beautifully. Malach waited outside as (y/n) jumped out of the window. Sebastian almost yelled at her, but Malach caught her in mid-air.

"Bye Sebastian! There better be any dessert at dinner for me when I'm back."

Sebastian chuckled to himself as he waved goodbye. He watched until their figures disappeared in the clouds. Strangely, he felt lonely without her here. The three idiots were here, but (y/n) was the only who genuinely knew him.

She knew he could be nice on a rare occasion and joked around when the mood seemed a need to be lifted. Someone who could see the real him... know when he was sad or angry... someone... like (y/n)...


Sebastian opened the door to the master office with a spot of Earl Gray tea and honey biscuits. Ciel knew it wasn't time for lunch. At this point giving early means meant something was wrong.

"What is this?" Ciel questioned him.

Sebastian set the tea tray down at his table with a warm smile, "I would like to inform you news. (y/n) has taken off with Malach on a final quest for the hunt of Ariel."

"What?" Ciel looked up, annoyance clear across his face. "She left without my permission?"

"My Lord, they said it was urgent. Ariel never stays in one place at a time. If they take off at an unexpected departed, then Ariel will be easily captured."

"Hmp," Ciel grabbed one of the biscuits and bit into its flaky golden yeast. "If she doesn't come back within time or the mission is a failure, she will be punished."

"Yes, My Lord."

After a while of talking and discussion of trade agreements between companies, an unexpected one came to the manor. Sebastian sensed his presence and sighed.

"Lovely. What do those blasted Shinigamis want now?"

"They're here?" Ciel asked.

"Ohhhhh Bassey!"

The door swung open as Grell came in. His scarlet hair flew around the room as he leaped for Sebastian. Luckily Sebastian was quick enough and dodged him. Grell slammed face first into the wall. William came in afterwards, pushing his glasses upwards. Ciel sighed and cursed under his breath.

"What the bloody hell do you Shinigamis want?"

"The Undertaker wants the soul of particular angel," William said.

Sebastian stopped dead in his tracks. Tensed in his muscle and shoulders. Were they talking about (y/n)? What did she do to get the Shinigami to trace them here?

"What angel?" Ciel spoke for Sebastian, ready to not give up his second-best fighter. "Where know here for the supernatural, but I assure you there are no angels here."

"Bassey! Give me a kiss!"

Sebastian sighed and kicked him back into the wall when he became too close. William narrowed his eyes and pulled out his list.

Sebastian's heart stopped at the sight of the picture. It wasn't (y/n), but Malach in the picture. He seemed younger, with a baby face and combed back hair. It was strange to see him like that when he barley wore a smile on his face.

"Royal prince of Heaven, Malach Gabral. Wanted for countless murders and stealing."

"Murder?" Ciel shouted with sight fear shaken inside. "I've only saw him once, but what on blasted earth would a royal murder?!"

"That's what we would like to know as well. He disappeared from the kingdom and has been escaping our grasp time and time again. His soul is to be burned and sent to Hell."

"I thought angels couldn't be sent to Hell,"' Ciel said.

"They can be if their divinity is either stripped away or simply gone. If you're wondering, we haven't gone after (y/n) because from the reports show she is innocent. She never stained her hand from the blood of the royal prince."

"Then who killed him?" Sebastian asked, "Or am I guessing him, right?"

"We still don't know. It should have been Malach, but his papers have been fuzzy. Angels aren't humans who we can simply judge. They're supernatural beings just as we are and can easily dodge the Shinigami world."

"Get to the point of all this!" Ciel slammed his hand down on the desk, deep ocean blue eyes turning into a raging storm. "If you're here to take Malach's soul, then he's gone. He left on a quest with (y/n) to finally take down Ariel."

"Ah, yes. Ariel. He's the criminal who stole for Malach."

The air tensed around Sebastian. Grell was annoying him to the point where he gripped his hair, making Grell cry out and beg him to let go. His heart was beating fast. Puzzles were falling into place... and they were leading to (y/n)'s death.

"My Lord," Sebastian butt in, pushing Grell aside. "If you will allow me I will take hast to chase after (y/n)."

"Go! If what they’re saying is true, then (y/n) is in danger!"

"I'm coming with!" Grell declared, taking his chainsaw out. "If Bassey is coming then I'm going along with him!"

"No, you're not." Sebastian growled and kicked him away. "You'll just slow me down. Besides, (y/n) is far more important than you'll ever be."

William let Sebastian past him and glared at Grell, "Since you're volunteering, you are in charge of reaping Malach's and Ariel's soul."

"You got it!" Grell ran out of the office and joined in along with Sebastian.

He watched as Sebastian ran to his room and opened drawers from his desk. Sliding in knives and daggers into every pocket of his jacket. Grell watched with jealousy. Just who was this (y/n) and why was Sebastian being heavily armed?

"Hmp, is she special too you?" Grell asked when Sebastian was finished.

"Of course she is. She's more than just a comrade too me."

Grell's heart broke in half, floating above him before he grabbed it and quickly tapped it back together. He huffed and kept up with Sebastian’s speed. "So, you love her? What a shame... she'll be dead-"

In an instant Sebastian dug a dagger into Grell's neck, "If you never speak or talk about death around (y/n) I will slice your throat. You understand?"

Grell nodded and breathed once he retreated the blade. "I get it... but how are you going to get there?"

Sebastian took out a cross from around his neck. It blinked dimly in the afternoon light. "(y/n) gave me this too her incase her life was in danger. If you're coming with I suggest you get a move on."

Grell huffed as Sebastian leaped out of the window, speeding at demon speed through the forest. He needed to get too her in time... if not... then all was lost.

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