Ch.24 Duncan...

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"Malach, how did Duncan die?"

(y/n) asked out of the blue as Malach slightly jumped. Currently they were waiting for nightfall to confront Ariel out to be by himself. It was evening and the two were napping, until (y/n) asked the dreadful question out of the blue.

Malach shifted uncomfortably on the wooden bench. They were in the park in London and lying low. "I-I... think it was a stab to the chest. The memory burns inside my mind... it haunts me to this day to see my brother's corpse around his own pool of blood."

"Hmp," (y/n) replied  softly.

"Aren't you affected by his death at all?" Malach asked her.

"I still am. I've accepted his death and he's resting comfortably in his own paradise. Duncan comes too me in dreams, being his old self and acting as if he never died."

"He told me he planned to marry you." He said, capturing (y/n)'s attention. "He asked our father for the heirloom ring. I remembered he was so bubbly and bursting with joy when our father gave him the ring."

A ghost of a smile played on his lips, eyes sparkling in memories of old times. "Duncan told me I could be the best man if I wanted too... but now that dream is dead... along with him..."

A hollowness settled inside (y/n)'s chest. Now... she knew the reason why she pushed him away. (y/n) covered her mouth with her hand and chocked back a sob, rendering inside her soul at the agony of what she'd done.

"God... I deserve Hell for what I've done..."

"(y/n), what are you talking about?" Malach asked with concern lacing inside his words.

"Why didn't he tell me? Damn it! Why?!"

"(y/n) calm down!" He grabbed her wrist and tried calming her down.

Malach's touch began to burn her, making her scream and kick. Malach continued to curse as (y/n) felt a memory form in the back of her mind. A sense of Deja vu enveloped her as she was swept up into the memory.


I watched as Duncan played with the lump of sugar in his coffee. He invited me to an afternoon tea before I had travel over to Earth to help with a mission. A secret mission from the royal majesty himself. He wouldn't look me in the eyes as I had to gently touch his knee with my foot.

He jumped, making the cup of coffee jump with him. "W-What was that for?"

His eyes spoke of a nervousness that spoke of truth. He indeed wants to speak with me about something, but I tend to have the urge to have him speak it out of him before he could explain. I tapped my index finger on the table, timing my pulse with the wind around us.

"Duncan, you've been sitting there staring at your tea for ten minutes. You haven't spoken a work... at all."

"O-Oh... I'm just nervous is all."

"I can see that." I stated  in a matter-of-fact tone.

He coughed before adding two more lump into his coffee. "Have you thought of a partner? It's the time of season and year more angels spend looking for one to mate with life."

A huge, enormous, blush appeared in my cheeks as I slammed my hands down on the table, having the coffee spill over on the side. "You brought me here to ask a question like THAT?! Duncan! This is... the most... unbefitting words you have spoken to me! EVER!"

A pink rose blush came into his cheeks, but you could see it radiate off his aura while he stammered. "I'm just asking if you've found a mate yet! I didn't ask if you've slept with a man!"

I pushed the chair back and kicked it away, pacing out of the garden. "I'm going on my mission! See you in a year!"

"Wait! (y/n)!"

I slammed the door behind me, anger fuming from my head as I stomped down the hallway. My thoughts were racing from the question. Who does he think I am? Of course, I hadn't found a man to mate with! I was just the sort of girl who didn't think having a mate was the top priority on her mind! If he wasn't the prince I would have-

A strong chest bumped into me as I stopped and looked up, to see Malach. His forest eyes bore into my own, feeling the concern in waves come off of him. I clicked my tongue in slight annoyance, having to been stopped by Duncan's younger brother.

"I take it my brother's words didn't work?" He asked.

"You know about it?! Oh my... just please step out of the way."

"Wait," He grabbed onto my wrist, making me face him completely face to face. "I know he isn't the best with words, but he is worried you won't be picked in time for the holy celebration."

I glared at him until I sighed. He released his grip and pressed it to the small of my back, leading me back to the garden. He explained how the celebration was important while I thought of ways to ways to escape the conversation, it just wasn't heard of for a man to ask a woman a question such as her love planning's.

Malach opened the door to the garden as I walked over to where Duncan was sitting sit, at the canopy with his spilt coffee still. He looked up, an emotion of happiness washed over his face. I felt slightly guilty for saying I would see him next year. After all, a year was still a long time. Before I could take a step, his face turned to a mask of horror. Before I could speak, I felt a cold, sharp object ejected in my back.

I was stunned, coughing up blood as it dug deeper into me. Duncan roared in anger as he charged at Malach. He shot a blast of light into his chest, throwing Malach into the nearby tree. The battle faded into a blur as my conciseness faded in and out. I black out somewhere in the battle as I awoke up to both Malach and Duncan bloody, scars here and there on their faces.

Duncan scratched at his brother's hand as Malach kneed him in the stomach over and over. I couldn't stand to look as I summoned some of my magic, shooting it into the nick of Malach's neck. It barely made a scratch, but it turned his attention toward me.

He threw Duncan away as if he was a ragdoll. He walked towards me with a limp, but I didn't move, because I couldn't still. He leaned down and grabbed my jaw, crushing it with his strength. I didn't cry out as I let him continue pouring his anger out of on me.

 "Too think stabbing the love of his life wasn't enough to kill you." His words became like a snake, twisting into me as the reality of the situation grew onto me. Duncan loved me... and wanted me to be the mate of his life. 

I spit at his face, adding blood already to his face. "Y-You can't kill me... no one can."

"We'll see about that." He hissed.

He threw me onto the ground, making sure to damage my skull by throwing it first. I almost blacked out before I saw it, the memory I lost and scar me forever. Duncan was flying low to the ground, tackling Malach and him away from me. Duncan was weakened already, trying to pin Malach down. Malach threw him off, sending his knife towards me. It all happened within a second, Duncan diving towards my direction to save me.

He was faster than the knife and covered me, but the knife stabbed him in the back. He coughed blood as his breath staggered, whispering his final words to me. "I... I love you... (y/n)."

The life in his eyes faded away as he fell on me, his blood and lifeless body, all on top of me. He protected me, and he died... because of me. I began to sob as I forced myself up to cradle his body. His body was still warm as I hugged it, rocking back and forth.

"D-Duncan... Duncan...." blood poured out of my mouth and side as I began screaming his name.

Malach watched with a smirk on his face. "With you left, I can blame the death on you."

I saw maids and guard's bodies surrounding the garden. Hey must have heard and gotten killed by Malach. Anger rose inside me as I blasted the last of my magic at him. "YOU BASTARD!"

He knocked it away with a simple touch but backed away in fright. A darkness, crawling from the pit of my soul was slowly releasing inside me. The left side of my vision grew dark as fangs grew from my mouth, my magic morphing into of a demon's energy. My giggled turn into a cackle as I gently put Duncan's body down.

My mind became fuzzy of what was real and wasn't. Malach backed away from me as, with demon speed, grabbed his neck. My hand burned from his holy aura, but I doubled my power as I seared his neck. He screamed in agony as I poured more of his dark power into his soul.

"IF DunCAn DIeD... THEn YOur SouL SHAll BE CONsuMeD By ME."

I felt his soul being consumed by this dark power inside me. The life in his soul was fading away, but, suddenly the darkness vanished. I fell onto the grass with a thud, along with Malach. The life force returned to him as he stared at me, afraid but engaged with curiosity. 

His laugh echoed inside my head as the memory began to fade. "You're one interesting bitch my brother wanted to marry. A demon of an angel indeed."


The memory stopped as (y/n) screamed in horror. Malach jumped back from surprise and released her. She stared at her hands, breathing in short gasp. Malach's words were only echoes as a sharp pain entered her mind.

A voice, thick with the darkness once inside, spoke laughing. "YOu FInAllY REMebER... HOW wONDerFUL. I WAS BEggINginG TO ThInK YOU WerEN'T GOinG TO TAp inTO ThE POwER BOrn INsideE OF yoU..."

"Who the fuck are you?!" She screamed at only but the voice inside.


"(y/n)! Snap out of it!" Malach slapped her across the face, scared at her sanity.

(y/n) stumbled back, taking out her sword and pointing it at Malach. "Stay back! I know what you did to Duncan! You killed him!"

Malach stopped, cursing under his breath. "So, you finally remember. I thought the spell wasn't unbreakable...."

"Damn you... DAMN YOU TO HELL!"

She couldn't strike as her legs shook, shaken from the memory and Duncan's murder. The voice inside laughed as she degraded it. The reality of the situation was too much for her to handled, let alone the voice no helping what so ever.

Suddenly, Sebastian appeared behind Malach, his rube eyes burning a hole into him. "Malach! Step away from (y/n)!"

Her heart flipped at the sight of Sebastian. Relief poured inside her soul, but Malach's laughing didn't do it justice. He summoned his wings, glorious and brilliant as they both spread within the distance between Sebastian and (y/n).  His aura showed the true power with the royal family of Heaven. 

"Come and defeat me, as I played as Ariel all this time!"

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