Ch.25 Scum of Satan

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The moon outlined the perfect body of God's perfect creation, even humans themselves cannot replicate. Malach's wings spread about the size of the moon, glistening every perfect size of the feathers of his wings. The angles of his face showed that even if this man was evil, his beauty was proof angels were God's most beautiful creation in the root of all evil.

(y/n) winced at the pain in her head, trying to recover from the sudden shock of everything she has witnessed upon this day. Sebastian appeared next to her as he knelt down to her side. "Are you hurt?"

"No... but I'm glad you finally came."

A sly smile appeared upon his lips, "My, this is the first time you're actually happy to see me."

"This isn't the time to be happy!" Ceil yelled from the tree behind them. "We have an angel to take down, and I command you, Sebastian, to kill him!"

Sebastian stood up as his eye started to glow a hollow red, "Yes, my Lord."

(start the music here)

Wing appeared from behind Sebastian's back, a flurry of dark wings spreading across the lawn of the park. (y/n)'s eyes widen at the beautiful sight, his wings curled elegantly as he rose into the air. Sebastian was truly glorious, as he looked like Lucifer, the beautiful fallen angel God banished from Heaven. Just like (y/n), but only in different circumstances.

Malach's laughed echoed across the night sky, his smile twisted yet beautiful at the same time. "You think you can defeat me? ME?! I am a prince from Heaven! Royal family blood isn't something to take so lightly, demon filth!"

In the blink of an eye, Sebastian clashed his claws to his sword, smiling with a deadly look. "I would carefully choose your words since we Demons are powerful in the night rather than in the daylight."

Malach was flung across the sky with immense force, causing Malach to stumble for balance. He smirked as he clashed claws with Sebastian, sparks of iron clashing together with Hell and Heaven battling for dominance. 

The fight raged on as Malach smirked as he cut a line across Sebastian's cheek, smoke rose from the cut as Sebastian hissed in discomfort. 

"Ha! See that?! One cut from me and you're skin is burning from the light of Heaven!" Malach swung again, but Sebastian backflipped, the edge of his coat being cut in the process.

Sebastian growled as they continued to fight, their wings clashing together in front of the light of the moon. It was as if two birds were fighting, the yin and yang of the good and evil, only their roles were reversed. 

Malach snickered as he rose higher and higher into the sky fighting the demon, "Why do you care so much for that filth of a half breed? She's merely the tool to obtaining the Cup of Heaven."

Sebastian danced with his feet as he backflipped over Malach, slashing the right side of his arm. Malach howled in pain as Sebastian licked the blood off his claws. "Your interests do not concern mine. I suggest you shut that pretty mouth of yours before I fill it with blood."

Rage filled Malach as he continued his perry attacks on Sebastian, snarling as the light of his blade grew brighter and brighter. "BE SILENT! I WILL TAKE AWAY THE ONE PRECIOUS PERSON YOU DESIRE IN LIFE AND DEATH!"

Malach threw Sebastian with his blade and charged downward in the sky. (y/n) was in a daze, blinking as she saw a shooting star. She tried to lift her legs, but her body felt lifeless as a puppet. She watched helplessly as Malach came scorching from the sky like Lucifer being cast from Heaven.

She closed her eyes and awaited the pain, but none came. She opened her eyes to see Sebastian's face, his bangs dangling slightly as the tips touched (y/n)'s forehead. The faint smell of blood snapped out of her daze as Malach's blade was stuck inside Sebastian's chest. Rich, dark blood trickled down Sebastian's chin as his body took the blade for her. The tip coated in blood barely kissing her throat.

Ceil's scream faded in the background as (y/n)'s chest rose in fear. Ducan... Sebastian... Ducan... Sebastian.... both their faces were merging together at once. (y/n) screamed in agony, her mind ripping apart from the grief and misery.

Malach was blown away from the enormous energy releasing inside (y/n). Both her wings came out, glowing as she rose up. Malach's eyes widen in shock as (y/n) rose high into the air, her aura coming off holy and unholy within the moon's light. 

Malach snarled in disgust, flying high into the sky. "Great, now I have to deal with-"

He was interrupted as (y/n) cut through the air with razor-sharp speed, grabbing the side of his face and clawed into his right eye. Malach roared in pure pain as (y/n) laughed, hollowed and full of pure joy at the same time. She clawed more and more and more and more and more until the entire right side of his face was raw of blood. 

Malach used his strength to throw her away, slashing with his other sword he kept at his side. (y/n) dodged with ease as she used her wings to deflect the attacks of the blade. Her wings turned into iron while glistening in the moonlight. She managed to reach through and grab the handle of his sword, crushing his entire left hand. 

Malach cursed under his breath as he used holy spells to deflect the dark magic (y/n) used against him. It was working until she switched up tactics. She danced the way Sebastian taught her at Lizzy's birthday party.

Flowing with the wind, her wings spinning and dazzling in the light, the darkness of Hell and purity of Heaven mixing together to create a Heavenly gray. She started dodging Malach's attacks and punching him, kicking, and even clawing him. 

"I... WoN'T... LeT THem diE!" She screamed as her white wing begin to turn gray, her aura turning darker as she grabbed the side of Malach's face. She smiled as she opened her mouth, her razor-sharp teeth digging into Malach's wings.

Malach screamed in agony as she kept devouring his wings, eating every part of the bone and breaking it in half. Malach's attempts at fighting back were becoming useless as his strength began to weaken. Within minutes, both his wings were eaten to the point that the bones of his back were shown.

(y/n) held onto his arm, his eyes pleading with her. "Please..." he cried, "I beg you."

She smiled, her ruby eye glowing along with her (e/c) showing no trace of mercy. Blood was stained on her clothes, even her teeth were stained with the sin of killing. "GoOD... ByE."

Malach dropped from the air as his body became a rag doll. (y/n) followed down as she waited to hear the sicking thud of his body cracking every bone in his body. When Malach reached the ground, the sound was pure pleasure to her. Bones crunching as she didn't wait for another second as she devoured his body. Ripping apart the skin to eat his organs. They tasted like... Heaven. (y/n) moaned in pleasure as she ate until she reached to his soul, devouring it with pleasure.

She howled with laughter as she looked towards the moon, knowing that she was a monster... a demon... and she loved it.  "I aM... A... ScUM OF SatAN!"

"(y/n)..." Sebastian whispered as he crawled towards her. "Please... return to your normal self."

They made eye contact as (y/n) stopped in her tracks. The memory rushed all at once as she screamed in pain. Her wings began to burn back to their original state as she threw up blood, crawling into the fetal position. She panted as the world grew hazy, but before she closed her eyes, Sebastian was the last image she saw, smiling as the darkness grew over her eyes.

Ceil hurried over and bent down. "Sebastian, are you okay?"

Sebastian grabbed (y/n) and held her bridal style. "Slightly... but nothing but a few couples of lovely souls will get me back into shape, my Lord."

"Sebastian," Ceil said, firmly. "Don't ever let this happen again. If it is, (y/n) must be killed on sight. Heaven and Hell cannot have someone like her living in this world. She will devour us and the whole world if she isn't stop in that damnable state."

"Yes, my Lord."

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