Ch.8 Cats Vs. Dogs

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England had a morning that would make anyone feel welcome and at home with anyone, but that changed when you worked as a maid. (y/n) was grateful when she was able to sleep in pass the morning bird, but it soon ended when Sebastian barged into her room.

"Wake up! This isn't the time to be lying about!"

(y/n) screamed and fell off her bed. "W-what the Bloody Hell are you doing in my room?! GET OUT!"

She threw random things like clothes or items, but Sebastian was skilled in dodging as he easily and gracefully didn't get hit by a single one.

"My, my, with this kind of attitude things will never go my way."

He quickly grabbed her wrist as she suddenly stopped, staring at his hand around her wrist. "I suggest you get dress before the sun rises any higher in the sky."

With a grumble she managed to push Sebastian out of her room so she could change. The dress itself was meant for spring as it was laced with green at the sides as the dress itself was pure white. Something about the color white wasn't just suiting anymore, so maybe with her money she could go buy some new dresses.

Sebastian was in a plain white dress shirt along with the black pants he always wore. Even if he wasn't on the job he would always dress up like the butler he was. A smile danced over his lips when he saw (y/n) exit out of her room.

"I see you dresses up nicely. The others will stay behind and help make dinner while we're gone. Let's just hope they don't mess it up."

"Yes, most certainly."

The carriage ride was silence for most of the way because of what happened last night at the break in. Malach seemed so happy when he got the silver cup... but why did it twist her heart in fear? Was there something inside his heart (y/n) didn't know?

A bump in the road make her lurch forward, making her yelp and land on Sebastian. He chuckled and gently helped her up. "Lost in thoughts, I'm guessing?"

She sighed and looked out the window where the clouds began to turn a stormy gray. At that sight she wished she brought a coat to cover her head with. "Yes... it's just the break in last night. I'm wondering if they'll all be easy like that."

"Malach did say Ariel has the Cup of Heaven in his grasp, so I'm guessing the gold and the cup he has won't be so easy to take. The silver cup wasn't so powerful as the other two, so it would be wise to not put so much security over it."

"Makes sense."

Rain began to pour down outside as it make tiny tap on the roof of the carriage. (y/n) and looked at the rain drops as they slid down the window, crying like they had lost their lives to nature. "I wish I brought a coat with me."

"Would you like mine?"

(y/n) blinked at him, wondering if what he said was right. "Take your... coat?"

Sebastian smiled and shrugged it off, the black coat the butler wore was still warm in the inside. "Yes. I wouldn't be a butler if I didn't make sure the safety of the angel was in danger. The master didn't say to protect you in just a battle, but be around you at all times."

"If you don't mind me wondering, how come?" She said, putting on the coat as its warmth brought color into her cheeks.

"Because you're a rare soul in this harsh world. If you were to be caught and sold for you soul, a war would break out. A demon and an angel as one being has never been heard of or even brought into this world, so consider making the right people as friends. Under the Lord's words, I am to keep watch over you and make sure no harm comes before you."

(y/n) smiled, a smile masked by an anger deep inside. "How lovely. I'm sure this will be fun."


Thunder was booming in the distance as rain began to come down harder, making it slightly annoying for Sebastian. If the air was this dense along with the moistures then the food would have to cook longer. He leaned against the window of the clothing shop where (y/n) was trying on new dresses.

Once in a while he would sneak a peek and see the dresses, eyeing her as she twirled around in a lovely circle. Right now she was wearing a dress clearly made for spring as the whole dress itself was a forest green, but the bottom was sewed together with flowers of every color of the rainbow. It made him smile to see she was having a good time, but it was hurting to see she wouldn't ever have a good time around him.

That was when his heart jumped in joy. He heard a distinct meow as to the left of him was a cat with pure black fur, shining on its own by no light. His heart thumped loudly as he gently picked up the cat.

"Oh my, what lovely fur you have." He stroked the cat's fur as it purred, clearly loving the attention. "That lovely pink paws you have, oh, and your claws are so perfect and lovely, just like you are~"

(y/n) came out with two new dresses and sweat dropped when she saw Sebastian holding the cat. Of course it would be a cat. She sighed and ran a hand down her face. "Not only is the master allergic to cats, but Sebastian would never get his work done if a cat was around."

A bark came from nowhere as (y/n) turned her head to see a puppy, maybe almost a year old, with golden fur and beautiful lovely shade of hazel eyes. She squealed in joy and picked him up, hugging him close to her chest. "You are just the cutest! I wonder if you're taken by a master... if you aren't, then I'll gladly take you in!"

Sebastian looked over and narrowed his cat slit eyes at the dog. Ugh, the thought of one of those were just horrible. They barked, needed to be played with all the time, and smelled when they went out into the rain. Cats were lovely from the head to the paw down.

"Hmp," Sebastian pouted, "why would you want a dog? They're loud and too dirty too keep."

Her eyes snapped open and glared at him. "Well cats like to scratch on anything they get their paws on. You're telling me that's not dangerous? You even have to clean up after their own box, it's like they own you."

The two glared at each other as people passing by stop to stare at the strange tension between man and woman. Soon a crowd formed as the two began to rage towards the crowd with their answers.

"Great people of London!" (y/n) shouted, raising the puppy high for everyone to see. "Would you say dogs are better than cats?!"

"No!" Sebastian raised the cat into the air as it scratched at his wrist. "Cats are better than those mutts!"

Nobody in the crowd spoke until the voice of an old man spoke for them. "You're both wonkers!"

The crowd agreed as they began to leave out of the two crazy people's argument. Both (y/n) and Sebastian sighed and put down the cat and dog, sighing while the rain poured out their voices of disappointment. It was Sebastian who bowed first.

"I am sorry for making the ruckus. We must head back before the master notices his dinner is without his favorite tea."

(y/n) nodded and pulled the coat closer to her heart, smiling while the dog and cat played with each other. "Let's go then."


"Sebastian," Ceil begin, catching his butlers attention while he poured his tea. "When I left the meeting the streets were filled with people talking about wonkers shouting if cats or dogs were better. I know you were in town while I was at the meeting, so I hope it wasn't you two."

Sebastian quickly flashed him a smile as he retracted his arm back from pouring the tea. "Why of course not, young master. It wouldn't be wise to do something like that in public to ruin the Phantomhive name."

Ceil eyed him before taking a drink of his tea, letting him leave to clean the dishes. When he came to the kitchen (y/n) was back in her maid outfit, holding out his coat for him. He smiled and took it into his hands. "Thank you."

She nodded and giggled lightly. "So you lied to the young master? I didn't think you could do that."

"I can when he doesn't think I'm too odd. Why are you still here? Isn't your job of dusting done?"

"Yes," She hopped off the counter and came to his other side. "I want to help you clean. You helped me with the laundry, so I want to help you in return."

His heart warmed at the sight of her smile, but he still gave her a dish to wash. "Very well. Just don't drop them."

"Yes sir."

It was silence between them, but it was a good kind of silence that grew over the time these two talked, worked, and even helped each other out. After they were done Sebastian left to his room and put his coat on the rack, only to see a single strand of (h/c) hair.

A smile twisted up into his face as he gently grabbed the strand and set it down on his table, resting it next to the old piece of paper (y/n) gave him when they first began as mutual friends...

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