Ch.9 Angel In Healing

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Biscuits with a tiny bit of tea was severed as (y/n) sneezed before Sebastian gave her tray of food. It turned out she has gotten a cold from the rain three days ago. It was mostly gone now, but not it was only a sore throat.

"T-Thank you... Sebastian..."

Sebastian didn't mind caring for two people, (y/n) and the Lord, but at least (y/n) wasn't needy like the Young Master. "Take it easy today, the manor needs you in top shape tomorrow."

The soup with biscuits smelled too wonderful that she digged in right away. "I'll make sure to stay in bed! If... I get this much food!"

"Don't forget to sleep. If you need anything call me, but if I'm busy Mey-Rin will care too your needs."

(y/n) nodded with a delightful smile while drinking her Jasmin tea before Sebastian gently closed the door. (y/n) was still a living and breathing creature, so it was only natural for her to fall ill.

He paced his way towards the kitchen as Finney was helping Mey-Rin with the dishes. Sebastian quietly stocked behind them. "Mey-Rin-"

"GHA!" Mey-Rin jumped and turned around to face Sebastian. "S-Sebastain! I-I didn't know you were there!"

Sebastian mentally sighed to himself. "Can you later after finsh cleaning the dishes tend to the laundry? (y/n) is sick and doesn't have much will to work."

"Y-Yes sir!"

"Why didn't you let me cook the soup?" Baldory asked, mixed with curiosity and aggressive.

"You? I wouldn't dream of it. (y/n) needs to feel well, not worse. I suggest you stick with following the recipe and not just experience with ingredients."

Baldory jumped and got back to work. "Alright... you caught me."

The bell rang to signal the master needed him at his office. Sebastian sighed once more before grabbing the tray full of food, coffee cake with some rosemary tea.

Strangely, he felt a draft come from the crack of (y/n)'s room. He would have to check it later. When Sebastian came into the office Ceil had one leg crossed over the other, even leaning back to show the signs he was the lord of this manor.

"What did you bring this time?" Ceil asked rather bored.

"Coffee cake with rosemary tea. I will try to keep it light since the meeting at the queen was a huge feast."

"It's good enough."

Sebastian set the tray down on the table as Ceil began to dig into it, but stopped when he picked up the fork. "When will (y/n) be in full health?"

"I suppose in two days if she stays in bed. May I ask why?"

"I want you two too head over to Germany. I've heard about a cup made of gold inside of the richest manor in Germany. Not only will it help (y/n), but I need information on the military. The Queen fears their technology is far more advanced and could cause not only a threat, but start a war."

"What happens if I find anything worth the value that Germany is making?"

"Destroy their weapons and make sure to don't leave any traces behind. The Queen is counting on me, her loyal guard dog, but Lizzy is expecting me at one of her... tea parties."

Sebastian chuckled under his breath. "I see. The master does care about his mistress happiness."

Ceil blushed, the faintest color of a dying rose. "Shut it! Just tend to the gardens and make sure (y/n) is well before then. I want her too not only explore the world, but embrace her strength."

His depth ocean colored eye narrowed in a past of broken pieces. One that would make a soul delicious for any demons liking. "If that prince of her is keeping her safe then I'll let her go on task with you. Show her the true strength and way to become a Phantomhive servant!"

Sebastian's cat slit eye sparkled with a thirst for blood, one the devil would have been proud to see. "Yes, my Lord."


(y/n) stared up at Malach who was perched at the window to her room. It was giving out a draft of cool spring air, with honey and mixed scent of cut grass.

"(y/n)," Malach's honey rich voice felt like silk when he spoke, "are you not feeling well? Why are you in bed? Being a servant you would have to work non-stop."

She ignored that comment and sat up the best she could. "I'm sick. I caught the cold a few days ago. Sebastian wants me to rest until I'm better."

Malach scoffed. "That butler. He doesn't have a soul so he wouldn't know how it feels to become sick. Rest as much as you need. Also, I found the location of the next cup."

"You did?" Her voice rose high with joy.

"It's in Germany, north of Germany where the richest manor lies."

"Why would it be in a manor? The last time we got the first cup it was in a crypt, a place where you would least expect to find anything valuable."

"It's said this manor is heavy guarded. Guards' day and night, they never seem to sleep, they say from the people who work there. It's even rumored where assassins gather there because of the lord of the mansion. Anyone with power will rule over the tiniest ant in the world."

A pull of worry tugged at her soul. "Are you sure this is safe? If it's heavily guarded won't it be hard to get in?"

"Yes, but I have a plan-"

The door opened up to the handsome devil himself. His raven hair was rumpled at the sides due to him working two jobs at the same time. Malach glare settled the ice between them.

Light and darkness should never mix.

"Prince." Sebastian bowed, the tail of his coat flying up behind him.

Malach gave him an icy smile to even the icy tension between them. "Demon. I suppose you're here for something?"

"Indeed I am. I was going to check her health, but it seems you've already done it."

"Sebastian." (y/n) said, her voice weary from the lack of water. "Did you need something?"

"Yes. But I would like to speak with Malach, alone."

Malach's shoulders tensed up from even thinking about being alone with a demon, even if it was tamed to eat souls. Malach didn't say anything and turned around to exit out of the room. Sebastian climbed out with him, the heels of his boots shining in the morning light.

He closed the window to make sure she wasn't hearing. "I know you're the prince, but I would like to know when you would visit (y/n). You're not a welcomed guest under my Lord's manor. The next time this happens I am allowed to fight you."

Malach smirked and leaned against the manor wall. "I don't want to cause trouble, so how do I get the Lords permission? Must I meet him in person?"

"No," Sebastian spoke out suddenly. "You'll not be meeting with my Lord face to face. I don't know if you sense this, but you're not welcomed near (y/n)."

The smirk on his face turned into an ugly sneer. "You can't order me around. I'm a prince of heaven, even the Lord of the manor isn't close my rank of status. I should be the one giving out orders, it's only right considering I'm a prince."

"Prince or not," Sebastian stated unmannerly, "I will not let the safety of my Lord be in the hands of someone who couldn't fight with us during the first run in."

Air blew around them as Malach's green eyes hardened into a dark green, one who only get to see if they adventure into the deepest parts of the forest. He stood up and laughed softly like bells in the distance.

"If you think I'm dangerous, even unreliable, then (y/n) grow weary of you. Knowing her for the two years together, you would think butler and maid would have grown at least a way of talking with each other."

A memory flashed across Sebastian's vision. (y/n) falling over as the dishes crashed around her, cutting almost every part of her skin. He shook off the vision and gave him a bored look. "If you decide to come with us into the manor you'll will not come near a hair of her. My orders are strict, enough for blood to pour around me without my sins counting up to the thousands I've slaughter."

Malach stared at him, trying to understand him. "Do you hold feelings for her?"

Sebastian stiffed at the legs. The question was so sudden he wasn't ready to answer for the two seconds passing. "Pardon? Butler and maid can't love each other. They simply don't have the time to even talk to each other, much less help each other. One has the job of a man while the other the job of a woman, they don't mix at all."

The grandfather clock inside rung for twelve o'clock. At this rate he'll need to finish this up and teach the Young Master Latin. A butler is never late for his duties.

Malach unfurled his wings as they spread out, like an eagle ready to take off. It was pure as the purest dandelion in a field of yellow ones, the special one with a destiny who's about to unravel. They flapped once before the grass stirred softly.

"I'll be off. Tell (y/n) my goodbye."

He took off into the rays of the sun, disappearing into the nearby clouds closest towards the sun. When Sebastian turned back he saw a tiny ear close to the window, pressed up hard against the cold tie.

A spark of amusement lit inside him as he opened up the window, making (y/n) jump. "I see you're not resting in bed as I've requested."

Heat rose inside her cheeks as she climbed back into bed. "Sorry. I just wanted to know what you were talking about. I was only to make out a few words."

"Good, because it's unladylike to hear the secrets man keep."

She rolled her eyes and rested her head back on the pillow. "When are going to come back? I plan on taking a bath soon."

"Around fourteen o'clock. Now, rest or I'll make sure to nail you to the bed."

He closed the door behind him with a soft tap. (y/n) stared at the door, wondering what Sebastian was getting mad about. She wasn't able to hear anything he said because he spoke so quietly, but the curiosity bit at her soul.  

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