Chapter 10

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"What's taking him so long? He should've been back already." Sakura mumbled to herself as leaned against the wall opposite to the door of Hiromi's room. As she glanced down the hallway for the billionth time, she bit her lip and stood to her full height. "Something must have happened."

"Oh, quit being so paranoid, Sakura; it hasn't been that long. He probably just got lost on his way back. This is a big shrine, after all." Mizuki remarked as he dragged the heavy tub towards Hiromi's room.

"If he's lost then someone needs to go look for him! What if something attacked him?"

"Don't be silly, Sakura. Nothing could've gotten in here to attack Atomu. While I will never tell him so to his face, Tomoe is a good, strong, and faithful familiar and I trust him. Plus there are protective barriers around this shrine. He's fine, I promise."

"I still have a bad feeling in my gut. I'm going to go look for him. Watch the peacock till I get back." the vixen stated before taking off down the hallway.

"Wait, what?! Sakura, come back! I still have to get the water for the tub! Sakura! You don't even know where you're going!" Mizuki called after her but by then the redhead had already disappeared around the corner. With a loud sigh, he dropped the wooden wash basin only to have it fall on his toes, crushing them. Cursing loudly, the familiar hopped about on one foot, squeezing his toes as they throbbed painfully.

"It's official now. I HATE kitsunes!" he thought to himself.

Meanwhile, as she ran down the hall, Sakura lifted her nose and took a deep breath, searching for a whiff of her brother's scent. When she found it, she hastily followed it down the shrine's maze of hallways till she came to a closed sliding door. Grabbing the handle, she tried to yank it open but was surprised when it didn't budge. Her heart rate immediately sped up as her stomach twisted into a series of complicated knots.

"Atomu?" She called, her voice quivering slightly. When she received no reply, she began banging frantically on the door frame. "Atomu?! Answer me!"

Again, no reply came. Panicking now, Sakura extended her claws and sliced the door to ribbons, racing into the room. Laying on the floor was her brother's body, his eyes closed and his tongue poking out of his slightly agape mouth.

"Atomu!" the vixen shrieked in horror, speeding to her brother's side and dropping down beside him. Placing an ear against his chest, she cried tears of relief when she heard the faint beating of his heart. Sitting back up, she immediately noticed the shattered mirror on the floor along with the dark purple bruises dotting her brother's neck.

"What happened here? Who did this to you?" she whispered softly, gingerly tracing the bruises with her finger. As she pulled her brother's unconscious body into her lap and held him close, a frightening thought crossed her mind.

"What if the person who did this is still in the shrine? What if he or she goes after the others?! That means Nanami, Tomoe, and Mizuki are in danger!"

"We have to get out of here." she said. Draping her brother's body over her back, she started to run out of the room when some invisible force grabbed her arm and yanked her back, throwing her across the room. As she flew through the air, Sakura spun around so she would land on her stomach and not crush Atomu before hitting the ground with a sickening her smack. As her abdomen stung, she slid her brother off of her and stood over him, her ears flat against her head and eyes narrowed as she bared her fangs as menacingly as she could. Even if she wasn't that strong, she had to fake the part for her brother's sake.

"Who's there?!" she barked, hoping she sounded intimidating. However, as a chilling chuckle echoed throughout the room, her confidence immediately vanished without a trance.

"The Mountain God's Lapdog. I have to say, I'm surprised to see you here. I thought Atomu would've abandoned a liability like you the minute you two escaped the shrine." it hissed.

Sakura's hands clenched into fists as her face scrunched up angrily. "How dare you! Who are you?!"

"I am the one who has been sent to kill the Lord Daichi's heir and return his god mark to his faithful familiar, Hirito."

"Liar! I'm not stupid! Hirito would never send a hired hand to collect the god mark for him and risk being betrayed."

"Yes, that is true, but Hirito was very careful when selecting a mercenary to send. Unlike most, I have no interest in power or status; such things blind people and wind up getting them killed. I merely focus on surviving and obtaining whatever I need to live. Unless it is crucial to my survival, I have no need to become a god."

Sakura growled angrily. "If you want to kill Atomu, you'll have to go through me first."

"You say that like it'll actually be a challenge."

The vixen angrily ground her teeth and began sniffing at the air, hoping to catch a whiff of the imposter scent.

"Trying to sniff me out, are you? Good ahead; try it. It won't help someone as inexperienced as you." the voice sneered.

Her eyes sparkling with determination, Sakura continued to sniff at the air in the room.

"I can definitely pick up a foreign scent but it's all over the place! I can't locate her like this."

"Getting frustrated?" cooed the voice.

"This would be a whole lot easier if you would stop hiding like a coward and just show yourself. Where the heck are you?"

"Where am I? Why am I right here!"

"Quit playing games with me! Where are you?!"

"Right in front of you."

Before Sakura could react, something grabbed her by her throat and hoisted her off the ground. Unable to breathe, the redhead thrashed about, clawing at the air around her, hoping to scratch or claw the being holding her, but falling to hit anything.

"Look at you squirm! You really are quite pitiful. Don't worry, I'll put you and your brother out of your misery quite quickly. Just close your eyes and it'll all be over soon."

Grunting, Sakura clawed at whatever was around her neck, hoping to rip it off but to no avail. Whatever was wrapped around her throat was quite strong; in fact it almost felt alive. As she started to grow dizzy, the vixen glanced at her brother's fallen form.

"Atomu, I'm sorry. I've failed you and Dad. Forgive me."

Suddenly, the deafening crack of a thousand wooden boards breaking into splinters shattered the death-like silence as the wall behind Sakura seemed to explode, leaving behind a gaping hole. Standing in the middle of the new door was none other than Tomoe, his lips set in a deep scowl.

"I thought I smelled an intruder. If you would be so kind as to put the Chihuahua down and leave without causing any more trouble I might consider letting you live."

The voice hissed uneasily and dropped Sakura, who eagerly gulped down large breaths of air.

"You think I'm scared of you, fox? You're sorely mistaken. I'll kill you, the rat, and the demigod without breaking a sweat! You're the one who should be afraid!" it growled, but there was a slight fearful quiver to its tone.

"If you're so certain that I am of no threat to you then why are you hiding like a coward?" Tomoe sneered.

As the two yokai continued to hurl insults at one another, Sakura shakily raised herself up onto her hands and knees and grabbed her brother. Slinging his arms and legs around her, she wrapped one arm around him and held him to her chest while using her other three limbs to crawl towards the hole. Unfortunately, the mercenary noticed her attempting to escape.

"Going somewhere? But I'm not done with you yet." it purred. Suddenly, a chair from across the room flew through the air, crashing into the wall only inches from Sakura's head.

"Sakura, stay down and lay on top of Atomu so you can shield him with your body." Tomoe instructed firmly as he shot a ball of fox fire in the direction from which the chair had come only for it to return to his palm.

Sakura's eyes narrowed as she glared up at the other fox but she hastily laid down on top of her brother. Although she didn't feel like cooperating with Nanami's head familiar after he compared her to a small, yappy dog, she valued her brother's life more than her pride at that moment. After all, she could just get him back later, assuming they survived this.

Sniffing at the air, Tomoe began to scan to room for any signs of the yokai assassin.

"I can tell you purposely placed your scent all over the room to prevent me from pinpointing your exact location. Not bad but I'm not impressed either. I've already managed to locate you so why don't you come out and fight me. Only cowards hide in the shadows instead of facing their opponents head on." he commented, juggling the orb of kitsubeni with his fingers.

"Why you-You're bluffing!" the imposter screeched.

"Am I?"

"Grr, you stupid fox! I'm going to kill you!"

"I'd like to see you try."

As a mighty battle cry ripped through the air, a portion of the ceiling rippled like water as a she-beast appeared and shot towards Tomoe, claws outstretched and fangs bared. Her long, scaly tail lashed out like a whip, barely missing Tomoe's head as he ducked to avoid her attack.

"So you're a chameleon yokai. How surprising. I thought all of you were extinct by now." he purred, seemingly unphased by the fact that his head had nearly been knocked clean off of his shoulders.

"Those of us that remain have learned to adapt in order to survive. Now die, filthy mutt!" the chameleon shrieked, swinging her tail at him again.

Jumping backwards to avoid being hit, Tomoe leaned back as the woman leaped over him, her nails grazing his cheek as she flew threw the air. Landing in a crouch behind him, she swiped his legs out from underneath him and then tried to ram her tail through his chest, but he hastily rolled out of the way. Grabbing her by her tail, Tomoe spun her around in the air and then threw against the wall.

"Tomoe, what's going on in here?" Nanami said as she and Mizuki entered the room. Mizuki's already pale skin turned white when he saw the state of his former master's bedroom.

"Tomoe...what have you done?! You've completely destroyed Lady Yonomori's room! How could you?!"

"Mizuki, the tidiness of a dead kami's bedroom is the least of my worries right now. Take Nanami, Atomu, and Sakura and get them out of here!" Tomoe exclaimed as the chameleon staggered back to her feet and charged at Nanami. Seeing the intruder, Mizuki grabbed his master and pulled her to his chest, sheltering her with his body as the assassin leaped over their heads and went racing down the hallway.

"Tomoe, who was that? Where's she going?" Nanami asked, her voice shaking faintly.

"I don't know but she seemed intent on killing Lord Daichi's heirs." Tomoe replied.

"She's an assassin sent by Hirito to kill his sister and Atomu. My guess is she's heading to Hiromi's room to murder her." Sakura stated as she slowly got up.

"Tomoe, go stop her! I don't want Hiromi to die!" Nanami cried.

"You are my first concern, not that pheasant. I need to get you to safety-"

"Mizuki will take care of me. Right now you need to go and save Hiromi! That's an order, Tomoe!" Nanami stated, using her Sacred Word Binding to ensure her familiar's obedience.

Tomoe clenched his jaw angrily as his body began to move on its own and carry him out of the room.

"Mizuki, you better take care of Nanami and keep her safe or else!" he threatened before disappearing down the hallway.

"Like you have to tell me." Mizuki grumbled before turning to Nanami, who had hurried to Sakura's side. "Lady Nanami, we must go at once!"

"Sakura, can you walk?" Nanami asked the vixen, staring at her with eyes full of concern.

"I...I think so. Please take care of Atomu; I'll be fine." Sakura replied as she took a step forward. Immediately, a wave of pain shot from her stomach to the rest of her body, causing her to fall to her knees with a grunt as she held her abdomen. "Ugh, I'm definitely gonna have a bruise there tomorrow."

"Mizuki, take Atomu and get to the cart. Sakura and I will be right behind you." Nanami told her second familiar as she draped Sakura's arm over her shoulders.

Frowning deeply but remaining silent, Mizuki obediently scooped the unconscious demigod into his arms and took off with him through the hole in the wall and into the open air. Grunting, Nanami helped Sakura hobble out of the house and towards the front entrance where her magical cart was waiting for them. Unfortunately, as they walked, a loud explosion ripped through the night, and they looked up just in time to see Tomoe leaping out of the house and into the air with Hiromi clinging to his back and the chameleon hot in pursuit. The yokai wrapped her tail around Hiromi's ankle and yanked her and the fox out of the air, sending them crashing to the ground and creating a small crater in the earth. Nanami shrieked in horror and she and Sakura ran to her familiar's side as he lay groaning in the dirt.

"Idiot...what are you doing?...Get out of here." Tomoe whispered in a raspy voice.

"No, not without you!"

"Nanami, there's no time. Just go."


"What a sweet, sentimental moment. It's giving me a stomach ache." the chameleon growled. Reaching into the folds of her kimono, she produced a long samurai sword that glinted in the moonlight. The leather handle was stained with so much blood it was impossible to tell its original color. Tomoe tried to sit up, but a sharp pain in his back forced him to lay back down again.

"It would seem your mighty familiar can no longer fight, goddess. How unfortunate for you. Since you both have seen my face, you and he must die as well. Don't worry about your shrine; I'll burn it to the ground after I leave here." the chameleon sneered as she raised her blade high into the air and prepared to strike.

As she gazed at her face in the blade's reflection, Sakura saw her life flash before her eyes. As she recalled everything she had ever gone through, a feeling of regret bubbled up inside her. She regretted not taking lessons from Lord Daichi's tutors. She regretted not bettering herself and instead choosing to childishly isolate her and run away from her problems. However, what she regretted most of all was not being able to protect Atomu, her only sibling, her beloved little brother.

"I...I don't want to die like this. I don't want this to be my story. I won't die with this as my legacy!"

Raising up her hand, Sakura focused all her energy into her palm and screamed as loud as she could, "KITSUBENI!"

Immediately, plumes of hot pink fire shot from the vixen's hand, hitting the chameleon head on. Bloodcurdling shrieks escaped her throat as her clothes burst into flames, followed by her hair. Dropping to the ground and rolling about, she tried to put out the flames but they refused to extinguish and instead set the surrounding grass ablaze. Sakura's eyes widened in fright as the wild flames raced towards them as well. However, just as the fire reached the edge of the crater she was yanked into the air by the back of her kimono and set down on the cool wood floor of Nanami's magical flying cart. Looking behind her, she saw Mizuki holding onto her collar with one hand and Nanami's with the other. Laying in a heap behind him was Atomu.

Grabbing Hiromi, Tomoe leaped into the cart with a heavy thud before it flew high into the sky overhead. Setting the girls down, Mizuki walked to the edge of the cart and gazed down at his former master's home as the kitsubeni hungrily bit into it. Due to the barrier around the shrine, the flames couldn't go any further than the late Lady Yonomori's property, but everything inside was as good as gone.

"Lady Yonomori's old home......YOU FILTHY, FLEA-BITTEN FOX! LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE! YOU DESTROYED THE ONLY THING I HAD LEFT FROM LADY YONOMORI! HOW COULD YOU?! I HOPE YOU ROT IN HELL FOR THIS, YOU MANGY WELP!" Mizuki screamed as he spun around to face Sakura, hot tears spilling down his cheeks. When he tried to attack the vixen, however, Nanami hastily stepped in the way.

"Nanami, move. I need to make her pay for taking away my last remaining memory of Lady Yonomori." Mizuki hissed, his eyes narrowed and clouded with bloodlust.

"No, Mizuki! I won't let you! Sakura saved my life, as well as Tomoe's! She wasn't trying to burn down Lady Yonomori's shrine! Please Mizuki, think about this first. Is this really how Lady Yonomori's would've wanted you to act?" Nanami protested, her eyes sparkling with determination but also a hint of fear.

Gritting his teeth, Mizuki glassed at Sakura over Nanami's shoulder as the air in the cart seemed to turn ice cold.

"I hate you." he growled angrily. Walking to the edge of the cart, he summoned a giant snake and leaped upon its back before flying off into the night.

"Mizuki, wait! Where are you going?! Come back!" Nanami cried.

"Let him be, Nanami. He needs to grieve. I'm sure he'll be back by morning." Tomoe stated as he leaned against the side of the carriage.

"I hope so."

Sakura hung her head shamefully, overcome by guilt. Wishing to distract herself, she crawled to her brother's side to check on him. However, as she looked down at him, she noticed that something was off. Raising her fingers to his nose, her heart stopped when she didn't sense any air brushing against her fingertips.

"Nanami...Nanami, he isn't breathing! He isn't breathing!" she cried, gripping her brother's shoulder and shaking him roughly. "Atomu, wake up! Please, wake up! Don't leave me! Atomu!"

Frowning, Nanami and Tomoe hastily joined her at the demigod's side. Pressing his ear to the boy's chest, Tomoe listened for a heartbeat.

"He is still alive but his heart rate is growing slower by the second. He will be dead before we make it back home." he stated gravely.

"Is there anything you can do to save him?!" Sakura pleaded.

Tomoe shook his head. "I'm sorry. The best I can do is make him comfortable so he passes peaceful."

Tears in her eyes, Sakura buried her face into her brother's chest and sobbed loudly. "No! Atomu, you can't leave me! Please don't leave me! I need you! You're all I have left! Come back, brother, come back!"

Unable to stand the sight before her, Nanami turned away and closed her eyes, clasping her hands together.

"Ookuninushi, Mikage, heck even Otohiko, if anyone is listening, please send help. Don't let this boy die!" she prayed.

Suddenly, a gentle breeze blew through the cart and a lone, glowing butterfly flew inside, carrying a bottle. It gingerly set the bottle in Nanami's lap before heading back into the night and disappearing. Snatching up the bottle, Nanami realized it was full of the healing peach pills created by Mamorinogami. Attached to the bottle was a note written in elegant handwritten:

Use these wisely, Nanami. I paid a pretty penny to get them.


"Mikage...thank you." Nanami whispered and hastily dumped some of the pills into her hand before turning back to Atomu.

"What are those?" Sakura asked when she saw the pills.

"These are peach pills from the Peach God. They have healing properties and will hopefully save your brother' life." Nanami exclaimed as she forced Atomu's mouth open and dumped the pills in her hand inside. Silence settled over the carriage as everyone waited, their eyes fixed on Atomu's still chest. After what felt like an eternity, it started to rise and fall and soft snores escaped the demigod's lips.

"Atomu..." Sakura cried tears of relief as she hugged her brother tight, listening to his strengthening heartbeat and cuddling against his skin as it started to become warm with life again. Setting him down gently, she turned to Nanami and threw her arms around her. "Thank you, Lady Nanami. I am forever in your debt."

"Don't think anything of it. I'm glad I was able to help." Nanami smiled.

Sakura remained quiet for a moment and on glance at her face told Nanami she was deep in thought.

" your earlier offer still on the table?"

Nanami felt her heart leap with excitement. "Yes!"

"It is. Why do you ask?" she cooed, trying to keep her cool but failing as a broad smile spread across her face.

"I'll take it. I need to get stronger so I can make sure my brother never again ventures so close to death's door." Sakura stated firmly, her eyes fixed on her younger sibling.

"Good, Starting tomorrow, Tomoe is going to train you to be the best familiar your brother could ask for!"

Tomoe's head immediately shot up and he glared daggers at Nanami. "I'm going to what?"

"You heard me. You are in charge of training Sakura and turning her into a great familiar like you."

"I do not recall ever agreeing to such a deal."

"Well I'm the goddess and I order you to do it so quit arguing." Nanami stated firmly.

Sighing in annoyance, Tomoe shifted his gaze to Sakura. "You better get some sleep tonight then. We begin your lessons at six o'clock sharp."

Sakura scowled at the fox and walked up to him. "Find, but before we start, I have some advice for you."

In the blink of an eye, Sakura slapped Tomoe as hard as she could, causing Nanami to yelp in surprise.

"Don't call me a Chihuahua EVER again!" the vixen growled before returning to her brother's side and falling asleep beside him. Tomoe's eyebrow twitched angrily as he held his throbbing cheek in one hand and recited a string of foul curses inside his head. A large bead of sweat ran down the side of Nanami's face.

"Maybe this wasn't such a good idea..."

Meanwhile, Hiromi stared blankly at the wall in front of her as she sat in a corner of the carriage. Her heartbeat still thundered in her ears as she recalled the events of the past hour in vivid detail.

"He tried to kill me..." she muttered to herself, shocked and extremely frightened. "Brother tried to kill me..."

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