Chapter 9

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During the entire ride to the Yonomori shrine, Nanami remained unusually silent. As she she on the floor of the magical cart carrying the group, she stared intently at Sakura as the gears in her mind turned.

"Ugh, how can I make her care? How can I make her care?!"

"Nanami, there is smoke pouring out of your ears." Atomu joked as he sat down beside the goddess. "What are you thinking about?"

Nanami scowled at the boy and didn't answer. Following her eyes, he realized she who was staring at and let out a sigh.

"Nanami, I'm deeply touched by your concern for my sister, but you're wasting your efforts. You're trying to accomplish a task even my father couldn't achieve."

"I don't understand. How can she just not care anymore?" the goddess said.

"Hardship does things to people. It drives them to the limits of what they can stand and then pushes them even further. For some, going numb and hiding from the pain is easier than facing it head on."

"I guess that's true, but I just can't understand how she can be happy like that."

"She never said she was happy. She just isn't in pain anymore."

For a moment, Nanami grew silent once again.

"Atomu, I want to help your sister. I want to help her prove wrong everyone who cast her aside and left her to die. I just don't know how..." she sighed.

"You giving her the opportunity to improve is enough. Now all you can do is wait and pray that she'll come to her senses and accept your invitation."

"I heard that, Atomu."  Sakura growled from where she sat at the front of the cart.

Atomu immediately flinched, causing Nanami to chuckle.

"Even though she can't fight, Sakura's still pretty intimidating huh?"

"You have no idea. Once when I was really little, she had a headache and threatened to eat me if I made one more peep. I wound up not talking for almost three months after that."

Nanami laughed loudly. "Seriously?"

"Yep, although she felt back afterwards. As a way of apologizing, she took me for a walk through the woods and showed me some natural survival skills she had learned while living on her own. Unfortunately for her, that meant I kept begging father to let me go camping so I could use what I had learned, and guess who was forced to chaperone me?"

More giggles escaped Nanami's throat. "She really cares about you, huh?"

"She does, but she doesn't like to show it. She believes showing any sign of affection towards anyone or anything means you're weak and will lead to heartache.-"

"Gee, who does that remind me of?" Nanami thought, briefly glancing at Tomoe.

"-However, those people are actually the biggest softies, so they just say that to protect themselves. In reality, they desperately want to feel safe and loved but are just too scared to open up..."

Atomu's voice broke off when he was suddenly blanketed in a large shadow. Looking up, he found Sakura looming over him, her jade eyes glaring daggers at him.

"Atomu, if you say one more thing, I will actually eat you this time." she growled menacingly.

Tomoe gave Sakura a disapproving scowl. "A familiar does not threaten the life of its master-"

"Shut up, Tomoe! I didn't ask for your input!"

Eyes narrowing, Tomoe stepped between Sakura and Atomu.

"Fine, I'll play your game. Given that Atomu is Nanami's guest, that puts him under my care and protection. If you harm a hair on his head, I will be obliged to defend him. Unless you wish to be thrown out of this cart and left behind, I suggest you sit back down and learn to control your temper." he hissed in a low voice.

For a moment, the two foxes stood glaring at each other, deep growls resonating from their throats. Worried, Mizuki shifted into his snake form and slithered over to Nanami so he could protect her if a fight broke out. However, after a few more minutes, Sakura huffed angrily and stormed back to the corner where she had been sitting. With a sigh, Tomoe turned to the two demigods behind him and gave them both a stern look.

"I advise you find a new topic to discuss as to not agitate her further." he said curtly.

Nanami frowned. "We didn't mean to offend her-"

"Well, you did, and although I do not approve of her threatening you, I am not blind to your errors in this situation. Find a new topic. Now." he grunted before spinning on his heels and heading back to his own corner of the magical cart as well.

"It would seem short tempers are a characteristic shared by many foxes." Atomu mumbled. Glancing at his sister, he felt a pang of guilt in his stomach. Although she appeared fine to anyone else, the young god could tell his adopted sibling was rather upset due to the slightest droop of her ears and shoulders as well as the tenseness of her muscles. "Hey Nanami, give me one second."

Rising to his feet, Atomu crept over to his sister's side.

"What do you want?" she snapped, not looking at him.

"Sakura, are you really that upset?"

"I'm fine."

"No, you're not."

"Well, maybe I just don't appreciate you spilling my life story to your new crush!"

"What?! Sakura, Nanami is just a friend-"

"Oh please, don't lie to me. I may not be the smartest yokai, but I have instinct and a little common sense. I've seen the way you look at her; you've known her less than a week and she has already stolen your heart."

Atomu's cheeks turned the color of the fox woman's hair. "T-That's not true."

"Really? Say that while looking me in the eyes."

Atomu squirmed uncomfortably under his sister's gaze. "You're purposely getting us off topic so you don't have to answer my question-"

"-and you're purposely steering us back on track to avoid mine." Sakura answered.

Atomu looked down. "You answer me first."

With a loud sigh, Sakura glared warily at Tomoe and Mizuki. "If either of you listen to this, I'll kill you in your sleep."

"I'd like to see you try." Mizuki sneered, earning a scowl from Nanami.

"Mizuki, Tomoe, you both are to tune out Sakura and Atomu's conversation." she ordered them.

Unable to refuse the order due to the goddess' Sacred Word Binding, the fox and the snake turned their backs on the siblings and distracted themselves. Smiling, Nanami gave Sakura a wink and a thumbs up, signaling she was safe to start.

Pulling her brother close, Sakura whispered softly in his ear, "I don't appreciate you spilling my story to people we barely know not only for the sake of my personal pride but for your safety as well. The more people that know I can't protect you, the more likely word will get out to our enemies and they'll attack you without hesitation."

"I'm strong, Sakura; I can protect myself."

"But that doesn't mean we should be careless. Atomu, you're the only family I have left and Father's dying wish was for me to keep you safe. If I lose you, I'll bring disgrace to him as well as be left alone. I can't be alone, Atomu, not again."

Hearing the slight tremble in his sister's voice, Atomu looked down at her and saw her eyes were brimming with tears.

"Hey, don't cry. I'm not going to leave you; not now, not ever. Kurama is sending a message to his father requesting back up for us, and we have Tomoe and Mizuki to protect us. Nothing is going to happen to me, to either of us." He said softly as he pulled her to his chest and began to rub soothing circles on her back.

"You better be right." Sakura whimpered.

Smiling sympathetically, Atomu placed forehead against hers, a gesture Sakura had shown him many times. Among foxes, it had several meanings, the context of which all depended on the setting. In this particular situation, it was a sign of trust as well as brotherly affection. In response, Sakura let out a soft purr and wrapped her fluffy, scarlet tail lovingly around her sibling. The stress plaguing her body seemed to melt away, replaced by bliss.

"I'll still eat you if you tell any more embarrassing stories about me." she said, breaking the silence.

Atomu chuckled warmly. "I don't think I'll taste very good but okay."

"We're here!" Mizuki suddenly stated as the cart landed lightly in front of the shrine's main entrance. After climbing out first, Mizuki and Tomoe held out their hands and helped the remaining passengers down. As she stepped down, Sakura felt a chill run down her spine. A low growl escaped her throat, her eyes scanning the surrounding forest for danger.

Nanami frowned. "Is something wrong, Sakura?"

"There's something watching us from nearby. I can sense it."

"That's impossible. I erected barriers around the shrine that keep everyone out except those I bring with me." Mizuki stated.

Tomoe scoffed and rolled his eyes. "The lazy little fox probably just heard a bird or squirrel. Mistaking such a creature for a threat is to be expected when she has no experience."

"Tomoe, that was mean! Apologize to Sakura right now!" Nanami exclaimed.

"Sorry." Tomoe mumbled halfheartedly as he folded his arms across his chest. In truth, he was quite annoyed with Sakura at the moment. Nanami had gone through a great amount of effort to try and understand the redhead's pain yet the vixen still had the audacity to turn his master down when she was a chance to prove herself and become a better yokai! It really irritated him. No, irritated wasn't a strong enough word. This ticked him off!

"Even if it is unlikely, we should have someone stand guard outside just to be safe." Atomu stated.

"I volunteer Tomoe!" Mizuki said excitedly, earning a death glare from his fellow familiar.

"Good idea, Mizuki. Tomoe, could you keep watch out here for us?" Nanami asked.

Tomoe was a tad hurt by being asked to perform such a meager task, but he was more upset because he wanted to stay by Nanami's side and keep an eye on her.

"Can't Mizuki or Sakura do it?" He asked.

A smirk appeared on Sakura's face. "Last I checked, I was 'inexperienced' so I don't think that's a good idea."

"Yeah, and you don't know your way around this place like I do, Tomoe, so you're the only one eligible for this position." Mizuki teased.

Tomoe growled angrily at the two, but before he could respond, Nanami stepped in.

"Tomoe, I know you're not happy about this but you truly are our best option at the moment. Please stay out here and keep watch." she cooed.

Tomoe glanced down at Nanami, his purple eyes locking with her brown ones, and he felt himself begin to soften. Even if she was no longer his lover, the girl still had a hold of him and his heart strings, which drove him crazy.

"Fine. You better be quick though. You have school in the morning and you are not lying about being sick again." he grunted, turning his back to her.

Nanami smiled happily, completely unphased by Tomoe's attitude. "Thank you, Tomoe. Mizuki, lead the way."

"Have fun, Tomoe." Mizuki sang snarkily as he guided the others throne the shrine's front doors and closed them with a thud, leaving Tomoe by himself in the night.


Hearing the door to the room slide open, Hiromi raised her head and glared up at her visitors.

"What do you want? Have you come here to interrogate me? I won't tell you anything." she spat.

A growl escaped Sakura throat but a wave of her brother's hand silenced her.

"I'm not here to fight with you, Hiromi. I just wanted to talk." Atomu stated as he sat across from the bluenette.

"Well, I don't want to talk and no matter what you do, you can't make me." She stated in reply.

Again, Sakura snarled at the cocky yokai and tried to lunge at her, but Mizuki hastily grabbed her arms and held her back.

"You're right, I can't make you talk; however, it might be in your best interest to tell me what you know."

Hiromi's eyes narrowed. "What are you talking about?"

"Why are you hear Hiromi? Why aren't you with you brother? And don't lie to me. I'll be able to tell if you do." Atomu stated calmly.

Hiromi was momentarily taken aback by his question.

"W-Why do you care? I tried to kill you and that little rat you call your sister!" she spat, although the hostility now seemed forced.

"What did you just call me? I'll rip you to shreds, little bird!" Sakura snarled.

"Ooo, a fox pup. I'm so scared." Hiromi mumbled sarcastically.

"That's it! You're dead!" Sakura roared, squirming in Mizuki's grasp, but the snake kept a firm hold on her.

Atomu sighed and turned to Nanami. "Do you think you three could wait outside? She is close to opening up, but I think she keeps stopping herself because there are too many of us here."

Nanami frowned. "Are you sure it's okay for us to leave you two alone? What if she tries to abduct you again?"

"Where can she take me, Nanami? Tomoe is outside and Mizuki has got a barrier around this place. I'll be fine. Please, just take Mizuki and Sakura and wait out in the hall." Atomu said with a smile.

Nanami sighed and reluctantly stood up. Sakura thrashed about in Mizuki's arms as he followed after his master and dragged the vixen out of the room along with him. As soon as they were alone, Atomu looked Hiromi in the eyes and repeated his question.

"Why are you here, Hiromi? Why are you here and not with your brother? I promise not to share with anyone a single word breathed in this room."

Hiromi glanced up at Atomu, then hastily back down at her hands, blinking rapidly as tears started to well up in her eyes.

"As if you really care. All you want is information on my brother so you can defeat him and avenge your father's death. I'm not stupid." she spat, wiping her eyes with the sleeve of her kimono. However, as she did so, her sleeve slid down, revealing several scars on her arm.

"Did Hirito give you those?" Atomu asked.

Hiromi scowled at him and hastily covered her arm again. "That's none of your business."

"Are there others? Did he attack you?"

"I said that's none of your business!"

"Hiromi, if he hurt you then-"

"Then what? What will you do? Your own father, a feared and respected god, fell at my brother's hands! A mere demigod like yourself doesn't stand a chance against him." Hiromi hissed.

"That may be true, but that doesn't mean I won't try. I have to avenge my father and the servants that died serving alongside him." Atomu said firmly.

"How noble and extremely stupid of you." the peacock grumbled and rolled her eyes. "Well, don't expect my help. Unlike you, I value my life and desire to live it to the full so I will not be providing you with any information for your little escapade."

Atomu sighed. "I see. You're certain there's nothing you want to tell me?"


"Very well. Is there anything I can get you to make you more comfortable?"

Hiromi raised a surprised and somewhat suspicious eyebrow. "Pardon?"

"I asked if I could get you anything to make you more comfortable. Just because you're my prisoner doesn't mean I need to treat you like an animal."

Hiromi scoffed at him, rolling her eyes once more. However, Atomu could practically see the gears turning in her head as she pondered his offer.

"Well, a hot meal and something to drink would be nice. I won't eat any meat though; I find it to be disgusting. A pillow and some blankets would be greatly appreciated as well since this shrine becomes quite cold during the night hours. Oh, a bath and a clean kimono also sound wonderful, but that's probably asking too much, isn't it?"

"I'll see what I can do. Don't go anywhere." Atomu said, a small smile tugging at his lips as he slid open the door.

"Like I could." Hiromi huffed, crossing her arms.

The demigod chuckled as he exited the room and entered the hallway to find Nanami sitting behind Sakura and weaving her red hair into a braid as the vixen pouted. A few feet away, Mizuki was wrapping bandages around a couple of scratches he had received from the less than cheerful fox.

"Hey Mizuki, does this shrine have a portable wash basin or something like that? And do you know where I can find any spare clothes, pillows or blankets?" Atomu asked.

Mizuki's brow furrowed in confusion. "Why do you ask?"

"Hiromi was hoping she could use them. She would like a hot meal too, preferably vegetarian."

"What does she think this is, a hotel? She's our enemy, not our guest." Sakura grumbled.

"True, but Dad taught us that a little kindness and hospitality can turn even the worst of enemies into the greatest of allies, did he not?" Atomu stated, but his sister just rolled her eyes and turned her back to him.

"I'm not waiting on that freeloader." she huffed, crossing her arms.

Atomu sighed and turned to Nanami. "Will you help me?"

"Of course. I can start making the meal if you and Mizuki handle the blankets, clothes, and the wash bin." she replied, earning a grateful smile from the demigod.

"If you three all leave then who is going to be watching Hiromi?" Sakura asked, already knowing the answer.

"Well, you're the only other person here since Tomoe is stuck outside, so I guess that means you're the lucky victim-I mean, familiar." Mizuki practically sang, sneering at Sakura and ignoring the growl reverberating from her throat.

"Mizuki, quit taunting her or I'll call Tomoe in and have you stand guard outside instead." Nanami threatened.

"Ugh, fine. You're no fun, Nanami-chan." Mizuki sighed, rising from his spot on the floor and turning to Atomu. "I'll get the wash bin since it's pretty heavy. I'll take Nanami to the kitchen since it's down the same hallway."

"I'll get the clothes and blankets then. Where are they?"

"They are in Lady Yonomori's old room. Just continue down this hall, turn left, and walk down that hallway until you come upon another hall to your right. When you get there, turn right and Lady Yonomori's room should be the first room on the hall's right side. Can you remember that?"

"Down this hallway, turn left, continue till the next hallway, turn right, first room on the right side. Thank you, Mizuki." Atomu repeated confidently before hurrying off down her hallway. As he disappeared, a shiver shot up Sakura's spine.

"Something doesn't feel right..."


Sure enough, as he turned down the last hallway, Atomu came upon the room Mizuki had mentioned. Sitting on the edge of the bed was a pile of neatly folded blankets and resting in a basket next to a plain, humble dresser was a basket of fresh kimonos waiting to be put away. Grabbing what he needed, the demigod turned to leave when he was suddenly knocked back by a mighty force. He landed on his back with a mighty thud, but when he scrambled to his feet and looked around, the room looked completely empty except for himself. Suddenly, something cold and scaly wrapped around his neck, strangling him. Atomu immediately started clawing at whatever invisible noose was wrapped around his neck, but no matter what he did, it would not loosen.

"So you're the one Hirito is so worried about? Pathetic." a woman's voice cooed icily. She sounded so close that Atomu could have sworn she was standing behind him, but when he looked over his shoulder, nothing was there.

"W-Who are you?" he managed to gasp.

A chilling laugh echoed throughout the room.

"I am the last being you will ever speak to, young godling, for tonight is the night you join your father in the grave. Hirito is sure to double my payment for your head along with that deadweight pigeon who calls herself his sister."

Clenching his jaw, Atomu tried to focus on summoning forth several stalagmites in hopes of striking his attacker, but the lack of oxygen was starting to make his head spin. In one last, desperate attempt to free himself, he reached out to grab whatever was within arm's reach and snatched up a hand mirror off of the dresser. Using the handle of the mirror, he hit whatever was wrapped around his throat repeatedly, but its grip didn't loosen. Another cruel laugh greeted his ears.

"Foolish little god, you really think that will help you? You are quite an unimpressive little god indeed." the voice sneered.

As the feeling in his hands went numb, Atomu dropped the mirror on the floor, shattering it. However, as he stared down at the shattered glass, something caught his eye. In the reflective surface of the shards, he could see a lavender-haired woman hanging upside-down on the ceiling above him. Curling out from underneath her kimono was a long, scaly, blue-green tail that was currently wrapped around his neck. However, when he looked up at the ceiling, he saw nothing.

"She must be a yokai who can turn herself invisible. However, her powers can't hide her reflection!" he realized as he glanced back and forth between the mirror and the ceiling. Unfortunately, the woman was far out of reach for Atomu to strike her with his fists and he didn't have enough strength to use his powers to fight her off. He was stuck, unable to even yell for help as the beastly beauty's tail coiled tighter and tighter around his neck.

"This is bad. If I don't do something soon, I'm as good as dead."

Immediately, Atomu's redheaded sister came to his mind.

"Will she hear me if I call out to her? I have to try; it's my only hope."

"Sakura, help me..." he whimpered softly before everything went black.

((Sorry this took so long you guys!!! I've been super busy this year with school, extra-curricular stuff, SAT prep classes and more. However, now that I'm on winter break and confined to my bed due to having an ear infection, sinus infection, and strep throat all at once [yay me], I'm going to try and do some more updates. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas, and whatever you do, PLEASE STAY HEALTHY!!!))

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