One Look

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I smiled coldly. He crumbled to my feet, scratches on his face leaking in blood.

"Next time don't ask for a fight." I said coldly and almost with a laugh.

"I didn't know." He coughed up. I kicked him in the stomach with my red heals.

"Next time don't judge a book by its cover." I said, my voice colder than ice.

"Yes." He said. Tears of pain threatening to come out of his eyes. "Won't happen again."

"And you better not tell anyone." I said turning away. "Because I can get a lot colder." His eyes grew and the tears streamed down his face.

"No, no one will know." He said quickly. "I won't tell a living sole." I started walking away. My red heels clanking loudly on the indoor parking lot floor. I pulled my short blood red dress lower. I left Jack on the floor bleeding.

My ice eyes turning back to their normal brown. Reality hit me. I fell to the floor. What had I done? Jack. Oh great. I hurt another boy from my school, this time one that thought I couldn't play soccer. I was getting mad for small things. Things that hadn't bothered me before. I felt strong warm arms wrap around my waist. I looked up and almost smiled. Almost. My amazing, and annoying boyfriend was staring down at me, but he didn't know what I had done yet.


Elise looked up at me. I saw her eyes filled with tears. It had happened. Again. This was the third time this month.

"It happened again, didn't it?" I asked. Elise shook her head sadly.

"I did it again." She said, tears falling down her face. "I'm a monster." I put my finger to her lips before she could say anymore.

"You're not a monster." I told her. "And it's not you that's acting." Elise looked at the floor.

"Then who is?" She asked softly and sadly. I didn't have any answer for that question. I decided to change the subject.

"Who got hurt?" I asked, running my hands through her straight blond hair.

"Jack." She said sadly. Jake. Jake was my best friend since 5th grade. I tried to hide my alarm. He knew what was going on with Elise. I just hoped he wasn't going to be mad at her.

"You can wait in the car. I'll take care of Jack." I said softly. She didn't say anything, but allowed me to lead her to my car. She climbed in the front seat. She flopped her heals off and pulled her knees to her face. I kissed the top of her head. "We can go to Walmart and get you some jeans and a t-shirt when I come back." I said. I looked at those red heels she hated so much. "And a pair of gym shoes. I hate those heels." I said. Elise chucked a bit, but didn't lift her head from her knees. I kissed the top of her head again and closed the door.

I soon found Jack. His face was a little recked up. A few scratches on his arms too, but not as bad as I thought he would be.

"You ok?" I asked.

"Yeah. More shaken up then hurt." Jack said. "I didn't know that girl could make so much pain."

We walked over to Jack's car. He hoped in the driver's seat and started the car.

"I still think you guys should go ask for help with her." Jack said and he pulled on some black sunglasses.

"I don't know." I said.

"Man, think of her before you." Jack said and with that he drove down the road leaving me in the dust. I walked over to my car. Elise didn't have her head in her knees anymore, but her knees were still on the seat. I hoped in the driver's seat. I took her hand and squeezed it.

"Feel better?" I asked. She smiled falsely at me. I knew she wanted to have me believe her, but I just knew her too well to fall for it.

"A little." She said. "Jack... Umm is he ok." She asked softly and sadly.

"He's fine. Doesn't blame you. He said he was more shocked than hurt." I said. She shook her head. "Now let's get you some clothes." Elise smiled, for real this time.

We found Elise a ruffled white shirt, some ripped jeans, and grey gym shoes.

The whole ride home Elise held my hand tight and didn't let go, even when she fell asleep. We pulled up in my drive way. I didn't want to wake her up, so I carried her up to her room. I pulled her favorite fuzzy blanket on her, never letting go of her hand that she still held.

I guess I should explain why Elise lives with me. Her parents both died in a car crash about a year ago. Her other relatives refused to take care of her. She was only 15. I had been her boyfriend since 8th grade and she didn't really want to bother us, but my mom insisted she moved in with us. My dad also died in a car crash two years ago and after my little sister was born. Elise had lived with us since, and I couldn't be happier. My little sister, Sadie, who was two years old simply adored Elise.

I laid down next to Elise. Seconds later my mom came in. She started to talk, but I put my finger to my lips and pointed at Elise. Mom waved for me to follow her. I didn't want to leave Elise, but I did. I kissed her hand gently as my hand slipped from her small one. I closed the door softy behind me and went into the living room after my mom.

"It happened again?" Mom asked me. My eyes lit up in surprise.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"She's always holding your hand tightly and sleeping after it happens." Mom said. I realized it was true.

"Yeah it happened again." I said.

"To who?" Mom asked. I gulped. I didn't really want to tell her.

"Jack." I said. Moms eyes grew large. "He's ok. He said he was more shocked than hurt."

"I'll call his mom and tell her we're sorry." Mom said. She turned around and started walking to the kitchen.

"Mom, do you think we should go to the doctor?" I blurted out. Mom turned around slowly and took a deep breath.

"Elise said she doesn't want to." Mom said careful.

"But it's getting worse," I said not wanting to believe what I just said. "I don't want her to get in trouble or get hurt." Mom took another deep breath.

"Zach, I do think we shouldn't have gone to the doctor from the beginning, but you need to talk to Elise and ask her." Mom said.

"I'll talk to her." I promised.

"Ok." Mom said. I walked up stairs to Elise's room. I kissed her softly. Her eyes fluttered open. Her soft brown eyes looking happily at me. She kissed me softly. I wrapped my arms around her and she laid on my chest.

"I love you." I said. "So much."

"I think I love you more." Elise whispered.

"I don't-" I started. Elise interrupted me by pressing her lips to mine. I smirked. "I think I like being interrupted this way."

"It's a good way to shut you up." Elise said.

"Do I talk too much?" I asked.

"Nah." She said pressing her lips to mine again. No way I was asking her about the doctor today. I'll ask her tomorrow. I fell asleep with Elise in my arms.

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