The Doctor

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He looked so cute when he was asleep. His dirty blond hair hanging over his hazel eyes. I knew he was hiding something from me, but I wasn't sure I wanted to know. Knowing Zach, he was sure to tell me today. I pulled myself closer to Zach. He was warm, and I was cold.

"Cold?" Zach whispered. I'm telling you, he can read my mind. I shook my head. He pulled another blanked on and wrapped his arms around me tighter. I couldn't take it anymore.

"What are you hiding from me?" I asked. Zach looked straight into my eyes and took a deep breath.

"I can't hid anything from you, can I?" He said. I smiled and shook my head. He took another deep breath, he was like his mom that way. "I was wondering if you wanted to go to the doctor, for you know..." Zach said. Tears stung my eyes. They started falling down. Zach's eyes filled with pain. He wiped the tears away. "Please don't cry. I hate it when you cry."

"Why do you want to take me to the doctor?" I said, more tears running down my face. "Am I weird? Messed up?"

"No, I just don't want you to get hurt in any way." Zach said. I saw that he really wanted me to go. Not because he wanted me away, but because he wanted me to be ok and happy. I took a deep breath.

"Ok. I'll go." I said. "But only if you stay with me the whole time." Zach's eyes lit up with happiness.

"How is that a question? I'm coming no matter what." Zach said. He kissed me. "Thank you." He whispered.

"For what?" I said confused.

"For being flexible." Zach said. "I just want you to be ok." I hugged him tighter. We stayed like that for a long time. Zach put his head on top of mine and hugged me even tighter.

Zach's mom walked in. She sat down on the bed.

"Did you guys talk about it?" Zach's mom, Grace asked. Zach shook his head. She turned her attention to me. "You want to go sweet heart?" She asked. I shook my head yes. She smiled. Worry seemed to have been lifted off her shoulders. "I'll go call and make an appointment." She left the room closing the door behind her softly.

It was happening. I was going to the doctor. My heart started beating faster. Tears I hadn't noticed started falling down my face. Zach whipped them away softly.

"Please don't cry. Nothing bad is going to happen. I'm staying with you the whole time." I didn't say anything, but I put my head on his chest and let myself fall asleep.


She slept soundly on my chest, going of into dream land where she didn't have any problems. Mom walked into the room again.

"Leaving in two hours." She whispered.

"Today!" I shouted whispered. She shook her head.

"Better to get it out of the way, than have her worried her head off for days." Mom said. I shook my head slowly. Mom was right. Elise was already a worried mess.

I untangled myself from her arms and went to get ready. I took a quick shower and got dressed. I went back to Elise's room. She was still asleep. We had to leave in a little over an hour. I shook her awake.

"Time to get ready..." I whispered softly. She still had the clothes on from the other day that we had bought from Walmart. Her hair was filled with tangles. She opened her eyes not wanting to get up. "Do I need to carry you out of bed?" I half joked. She looked at me like she didn't believe me. I picked her up like a little baby and spun her around. She was laughing crazy.

"Zach! Zach! Zach, put me down, Zach!" She screamed. I didn't listen. "Zach!" She screamed. I started feeling dizzy, so I flopped her on her bed. I started tickling her crazy. "ZACH ZACH! STOP ZACH!" She screamed loudly. She was kicking her legs crazy and trying to get away. I stopped and pulled her into a kiss. She stopped moving and wrapped her arms around my head. We stayed that way for a while. She pulled away, out of breath. Her lips were swollen.

"I love you so much." She whispered, out faces only about an inch apart.

"I love you too." I whispered. She got dressed and brushed her hair. She braided it and we went downstairs to eat. Pancakes were on the table. My stomach growled. Sadie was already devouring her pancake. I grabbed a few pancakes and started wolfing them down. Elise started eating her pancake slowly. Elise and I ate in silence. Sadie was talking her head off about pre-school.

"Let's go." Mom said. "I'll drop Sadie off and school and then we'll go to the doctor. Zach, you're missing school right?"

"No duh." I said. Mom insisted on driving, so we all pilled up in her mini van. Sadie in the back. Elise hoped in the middle row, so I sat next to her. I had in the middle seat and she on the left. Mom brought Sadie in her preschool room.

"What if they don't let you come in with me?" Elise blurred out.

"I won't take no for an answer." I said.

"But if they really won't let you at all." Elise insisted. I took her hand in mine.

"Then, I'll take your hand and we'll go to a different doctor another day." I told her.

"Ok." Elise said. Mom came back, and faster than I thought possible we arrived at a doctors office. Elise gulped. I squeezed her hand. We went into the waiting room, and well waited.


Zach seemed almost as tense as I was. A nurse called my name. Zach, Grace and I stood up.

"Only one guest." The nurse said.

"I'll wait here." Grace said. "But if anything needs to be signed, you two come to me." Grace said eyeing Zach and I.

"We will Mom." Zach said. We walked into a small white room. The nurse gave me a check up. She weighed me, took my hight and all that fun stuff.

"So, what brings you to the doctor today?" The nurse said. I gulped. I couldn't get my mouth to move. Thank goodness Zach started talking.

He explained how sometimes it seemed like I became a different person. A person that is always hurting people. He told her how my eyes always turned a icy color, not their normal brown. The nurse didn't say anything, but took a few notes down.

"The doctor will be in shortly." She said. I was kinda wanting her to say a comment about it, but I guess not. We waited. And waited.

30 minutes later the doctor walked in. Zach didn't look to happy.

"How is your day going?" The doctor said.

"Long." Zach said. I couldn't agree more. The doctor took no notice of what Zach just said.

"My name is Dr. Smith." He said. "what brings you in the office today?" Zach explained everything that he had told the nurse. The doctors face turned a little pale. I gulped. Zach was still holding my hand. I squeezed it.

"And who are you to Miss Elise Willow?" The doctor asked.

"Her wonderful boyfriend." Zach said with a smirk. I almost rolled my eyes.

"And Miss Willow approves of you being here?" Dr. Smith asked me.

"Sir," I said "I wouldn't be in this room if he wasn't. So yes, I approve." I said. Dr. Smith rolled his eyes. Some polite doctor. He made me do a few things and took some tests.

"Well Miss Willow." He said. "I don't have the best of news for you." I gulped. Zach's squeezed the living lights out of my hand. I think I squeezed his even tighter. The doctor told us to sit.

"You have something quite, interesting. You are one of the two people currently on this earth that have it." The doctor said carefully. One other person is going through the same thing. One. "It's almost like having a split personality. It's like another person uses your body for a moment. They usually have control from 1-4 hours. How often this may happen? I'm not sure. Not much research in on this subject."

"Can it be healed?" Zach said, choosing his words carefully.

"Young man, as I said not much research has been done into this subject, but. But, according to the other young lady a few things help. She said that taking many naps helps. Being friendly to all, so you don't want to hurt anyone. And usually being around a loved one." Doctor Smith asked.

"How does that help?" I blurred out. The doctor's face had a pleasant look on it.

"Think about it Elise. Have you ever hurt Mr. Zach? Have you hurt his mother? If you hadn't, it means you love them that much and you don't want them to leave you. If you have, do you really love them?" And with that the doctor stood up and left the room.

The second that door closed I pressed my lips to Zach's. My arms wrapped around his neck. I let go of the kiss. Zach was out of breath and I was deeply breathing.

"I love you." I said. With those words Zach pulled me into another kiss.

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