Rome ~ Day One

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After getting a taxi and getting to our hotel all I could think about was sleep, sleep, and more sleep. It was 3:00 PM in Rome, but it must have been later at home, because I was exhausted. I flopped on the bed the second I saw it. I closed my eyes, they weren't getting open any time soon. I felt a dip in the bed as Elise laid down too. I pulled her closer to me and wrapped my arms around her. She kissed me softly before I drifted into the sleep world.


I knew Zach hated the plane ride. I don't think he'll ever like flying. I on the other hand, loved it. Zach passed out the second his head touched the pillow, boy was he tired. He looked so cute when he sleeps. His face is relaxed and he looks happy. He's one of those people who smile when they sleep. He looks like a tiny puppy.

I'm comparing my boyfriend to a puppy. Maybe I need to go to the doctor again.

Zach's arms were still tangled around me, and it didn't look like I was going anywhere any time soon. So I did the best thing in the world. Sleep.

I woke up a few hours later. I, still tangled in Zach's arms and he still asleep. I shifted myself around. Zach's arms tightened around me.

"You going to sit there looking cute or are you going to kiss me." Zach said, his eyes still closed. I chuckled softly, before pressing my lips to his.

"Well that's a good way to start the day." Zach said a few minutes later.

"It's 5:47 PM." I said. "The days almost done." Zach jumped up.

"Well we wasted a good half day sleeping. Let's get dressed and get pizza. I want to try the original pizza." Zach said licking his lips. I rolled my eyes, but got ready. I decided to put my hair in a bun. I started on my hair, but two firm arms wrapped around my waist. I kissed Zach's cheek.

"Are you done already?" I asked.

"Yup!" Zach said.

"Let me pull a different shirt on and we can go." I said. I slipped on a blue tank top and grabbed my phone and purse.

"Alright let's go." I said. Zach's hand slipped into mine.

"Let's get some pizza." Zach said. We walked outside for a few minutes and found a small Italian pizzeria.

We sat down and ate "real pizza" as Zach called it. We paid for the pizza and then started walking back to the hotel.

"Ice cream!" I said pointing at a nearby ice cream shop.

"Strawberry?" Zach asked. I smiled.

"You know me too well." I said. We got ice cream. Me strawberry and he chocolate.

"I love you." I whispered as we walked back to the hotel.

"I love you more." Zach said.

"I love you most." I said.

"I love you mostest." Zach said. 

"That's not a word." I pointed out.

"It is now, because I always have to win this." Zach said.

"No you-"

Zach's lips slammed agents mine. Yeah, he can win every time.

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