The Trip

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Elise was bounceing around in the seat. We were in the car driving to the airport. Our suitcases were in the back and each of us had a backpack of things to do on the plane. Sadie and Mom were with us. We finally reached the airport. Mom drove us to the front. Elise and I took our bags and said our goodbyes.

"Bring me some Roman plum juice." Sadie told me.

"I'll try." I told her. Mom was going over a list of who knows what with Elise. I walked over to them with Sadie.

"... and remember to make sure I get a phone call from Zach too. He'll just not want to call." Mom told Elise.

"Mom, I'll call. I'll call." I told her. "We'll be fine."

"Ok." Mom said. She hugged me tight. "Be careful." She picked up Sadie in her arms. I took Elise by the hand and we went to wait in the lines of doom.


After waiting in those doom lines, we had to go through security. Oh the joys. I've been flying once before, about six years ago. Elise had never been on a plane. I don't like flying. All the rumbling, and swaying. Ugh not for me. Elise on the other hand had never been on a plane and was jumping for joy at the thought of getting on one. Me on the other hand? Why not a boat? It will take forever, but still.

After asking about 50 people for help we finally found our plane. It was already being loaded. Elise and I swung our backpacks on and got our tickets out. We boarded the plane and sat down.


I couldn't stop moving. I was so excited!!!! When the plan started moving, Zach started squeezing the life out of the arms rests. I took one of his hands and kissed it.

"It's going to be ok." I told him. He seemed to relax a little. During lift off Zach squeezed the living lights out of me hand, I didn't really mind though. Once the plane got steady in the air Zach and I started drawing little doodles.

Only on the ride to Rome and I learned that my boyfriend is an artist. I, can not draw a straight line.

The plane ride was coming to an end. It was such a wonderful ride.


The ride was terrible. TERRIBLE.


The plane was really steady, and I didn't even feel the difference of being from on the ground than in air.


There were so many bumps on the ride! I couldn't stand up straight!!


The food the people brought us was great! There are so many drink to choose from!


I hate the food cart now. A lady spilled juice on me. Twice! I'm running out of t-shirts!


I loved the ride! We should travel more!!!


How about moving to Rome?


Authors Note Here!

Thank you to iheartcellos for making the new cover!!!!

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