IF I HAVE TO, I'LL LAUGH TOO (horrible, I know. I just wanted it to rhyme...)

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...I was tagged...

...by VioletInk101 ... I blame you for this...

So, thirteen facts... again.

Do they have to be different? Why, of course they do. No one wants to read the same information twice!

So... here goes:

1) I have a musical.ly account on which I do lip syncing (duh). I'm pretty proud of most of the stuff I put on there, so if you guys would follow me there, I'd appreciate it. My musername is, as always, deducetheworld.

2) I really, really want to get into cosplaying. If I ever did it, though, I'd want to do it right. Not just anything will do for me.

3) I hate makeup. Well, day-to-day makeup. I absolutely adore costume makeup. Anytime I try to do my own regular makeup, it looks stupid, so I go without. But I love doing costume makeup!

4) I am a fearful person. With my friends, I can face them and overcome them. But by myself, I think too much about it and start to get overwhelmed. I tend to freeze up.

5) I LOVE Soul Eater. My favourite characters are Death the Kid, Soul, Crona and Professor Stein. I want to cosplay ALLLLLL OF THESE. (Stein will be a fun one.)

6) I'm going to cut my hair in a style similar to Keith's (from Voltron Legendary Defender). I have to get it cut anyway because the ends are very hard to brush. That's because the ends have the remnants of the last time I dyed it. I'd like to dye it black again, but that probably won't happen.

7) I have nine different keyboards on my phone: English (UK; that's why all my stuff autocorrects to the UK spelling), Emoji, Russian, Japanese - Kana, French, Arabic, Japanese - Romaji, Korean (Standard), and Korean (10-key). Out of all those languages, I only speak two: English and Emoji. 😉

8) I'm a wallflower. If I'm at a party, wedding, or any other occasion where the guests are mainly people I don't know, I'll be standing in a corner by myself. Probably eating a slice of cake (that is, if I'm brave enough to go over to the food table).

9) I hate people watching me. If I'm performing, that's different. I push myself back and take on a new character. I get less stage fright that way. But if I'm going up in front of a group to get anything, walking up to throw away my trash at lunch, or even going down the hallway in class, I feel people's eyes on me. Even when no one is paying any attention to me. I feel like people are judging me and it drives me insane. I wouldn't make it through school if not for my friends.

10) I have dirty blonde hair, naturally. I've dyed it fully black; auburn, pale blonde, and dark brown in streaks; and plain old dark brown. I liked it black and I'd love to go back. Next time, I'll get it done professionally. The first time, I box-dyed it. It took a lot of colour correcting to fix it.

11) I am going to disobey the "don't reply to comments rule." I just love comments too much!

12) My mom thinks my pseudonym, Cherry (short for Cherlock) Maraschino Holmes, sounds like a stripper/drag queen name. I think she's crazy. Either way, I'm not changing it.

13) My first name is Lillias (pronounced lily-us). I've been called everything from lie-lee-us to Lilith. I don't understand why no one can pronounce it upon seeing it. It's like Lillian with an "s" instead of an "n", it's really not that difficult.

Aaaannnd that's it for now. I'm sure I'll be tagged again, at which point you'll learn more about me.

But for now, time for me to drag down some POOR UNFORTUNATE SOULS~ (Sorry. Couldn't help it)


Have fun, you guys! *evil laughter*

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