January 3, 2016

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A/n: No I will not post daily. However, here is a lil something from yesterday.


I love the stars.

I mean, who doesn't?

Years of film and books makes this a tad cliché, but I still love them.

Most fanfictions describe them like diamonds, but I don't think that's what they look like.

Can you picture a curtain pulled taut? Pricked with tiny holes?

And through these holes we see a glimpse of heavenly light.

No no no, scratch that, let's just go with "They look like diamonds."

From my spot, I can lie on my back and see a sliver of sky.

It's ten-thirty and I should be sleeping, but instead, I'm listening to soundtracks and watching the stars.

One time, I actually saw a shooting star.

this is so terribly cliché.

But I did see it. Just for a second, a little streak made it's mark in the sky before fading forever. And I witnessed it.


Now, all I can see are the scattered gems in the distance, on a background of deep grey-blue.


Absolutely lovely.

I lie flat on my back with my comfy headphones and snuggled under exactly six blankets, since our space heater was not working.

Is it weird that you can think about someone or something as many times as you like, and they have no idea?

I find it a bit strange.

But it is nice, to have little private scenarios run through my head.

I like to think about the faces I've seen, who I've met.

I imagine where I'd go.

The latest is me travelling to another country.

I love to think out all the details, all the aspects and events.

I think I'd go to Great Britain.

I love to hear the voices, the new stuff, and all the fascinating details of a different environment.

But this is why I only imagine them.

Because I could never actually work up the courage to even try to leave Washington, my home state, let alone America.

Another fantasy is being a mermaid.

Wow, I really am a little girl.

But I would love to feel the power of the ocean, to have the wonderful freshness of being deep underwater. All by myself, in a peacefully quiet calm.

The allure of everlasting freedom, unshackled from boring things like shoes and toast and umbrellas.

To be unconfined by silly things like breathing.

Yet another favorite is the trees.

Do you know, a forest without all the underbrush would be so nice.

Just sweet clover under my feet, trunks stretching far above me in a soft canopy of safety.

To lie on my back and breathe in the calming scent of wood, the wind whispering gently through the trees.


That's enough for today.

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